HWBS :: Volume #2

#123: Asura

Underground, a gigantic natural cavern. 地下,一处硕大的天然洞穴。 Cavern because of containing green glimmer crystal mineral lode, but flood obviously light green, has driven out dark at the same time obviously is not dazzling, the feelings of some illusions. 洞穴因富含绿荧水晶矿脉而泛显淡绿,驱除了黑暗的同时却不显耀眼,有些梦幻的感觉。 But in hole **, has one reaches as high as several feet front door, no, accurate, is a giant doorframe, because does not have the door leaf that gathers related. 而在洞**,有着一座高达数丈的大门,不,准确来说,是一副巨大的门框,因为没有关合的门扇。 Gate lithical, the style is obviously plain, above mark mysterious tadpole article, stands erect completely proudly in a cavern middle breakage altar, the year was not evidently short. 门是石质的,样式显古朴,上面纹满神秘蝌蚪文,傲然竖立在洞穴正中间的一破损祭坛上,看样子年头已不短了。 In standing erect great gate is a darkness, is unable by the blackness that the mineral lode fluorescence illuminates, but, actually the going out human form biology one after another slowly, the going down altar of neat arrangement, in the open area the platoon becomes one after another, is similar to the resting machine no longer has the sound, the entire process silent rule, seems the rigid discipline regiment. 竖立的巨门内是一片漆黑,无法被矿脉荧光照亮的漆黑,而从中,却缓缓的走出一个接一个的人形生物,整齐排列的走下祭坛,在空地上排成一列又一列后,便如同歇机般不再有动静,整个过程沉默规律之极,仿佛是纪律严明的军团般。 What is worth mentioning is, these resemble extremely the biology of human, does not have the face, as well as reproductive organ... 值得一提的是,这些似极人类的生物,没有脸,以及生殖器… The cavern is quite peaceful, only then tick-tock tick-tock the weak sound, that is the ground-water flow hovering sound that intrudes arbitrarily. 洞穴好安静,只有滴答滴答的微弱声音,那是擅自闯入的地下水流的游动声。 ... Experienced walk of half quarter, Bai Xi'an flutters with zero number was arriving at this place from halfway cave entrance. 经历半刻钟的行走,白西安跟着零号飘着从半腰处洞口来到了此地。 Why as for is fluttering, walked less than hundred meters only to express on puffing Bai Xi'an he he. 至于为什么是飘着,走路不到百米就喘粗气的白西安只能表示呵呵了。 Before was also the individual technique expert! 好歹,以前也是个体术达人啊! The Bai Xi'an innermost feelings are complex, ahead of time marched into the senior citizen life! 白西安内心复杂,提前步入了老年人生活啊! You needed a wheelchair.” “你需要一副轮椅了。” Zero number tranquil say|way. 零号平静道。 Bai Xi'an: „...” 白西安:“…” Seemingly is a great idea to come, but, who helps him push? 貌似是个好主意来着,可是,谁帮他推? This is...” “这是…” Bai Xi'an sizes up this place at this time, is looking at the human form regiment of below neat arrangement, as well as on their faces likely is the pasta that sticks, asked curiously, his first knowing, under the main hall, had this place unexpectedly. 白西安此时才打量起此地,望着下方整齐排列的人形军团,以及他们脸上像是糊掉的面团,好奇问道,他第一次知晓,在大殿下,竟还有这种地方。 Asura Gate, with Asura.” 修罗门,与修罗。” Zero number said. 零号道。 „...” “…” Bai Xi'an touches the face, zero number said with speaking in vain to be the same, brief makes him unable to understand. 白西安摸了摸脸,零号说了跟白说一样,简略的让他听不懂。 Connects one of the samsara six say|way, Asura front door, innate treasure Asura Gate, but these do not have the face, was the resident in Asura, human form weapon Asura.” “连通轮回六道之一,修罗界的大门,先天至宝修罗门,而这些没有脸的,就是修罗界内的居民,人形兵器修罗了。” At this time, hung to walk a medical robe female, this female with wrapping the wrist|skill of white gloves has been pushing under the eyeglasses, said. 这时,悬道上走来了一医袍女子,该女子用套着白手套的手腕推了下眼镜,说道。 treasure...” 至宝吗…” The Bai Xi'an eye narrows the eyes, he has thought that this is the legend is coming. 白西安眼睛一眯,他一直以为,这都是传说来着的。 treasure, is in Element Treasure is unable to use the rank to be broad, lives with Saint level above existence generally in legend. 至宝,是行宝中无法用级别概括,与圣级之上一般活在传说的存在。 Good afternoon, 7 th.” “下午好,七号。” The females said. 女子说道。 Good afternoon, 2nd.” “下午好,二号。” Bai Xi'an said the female status. 白西安道出女子身份。 „The entire 20 years, have been away from us to trace the annals, discovered after this lost treasure Asura Gate, had 20 years in this place housing...” “整20年了,距离我们追溯史册,发现这遗失的至宝修罗门后,在此地居住已经有20年了…” The medical robe female index dew recalls, is somewhat sigh with emotion, in a flash, 20 years, she was also old... 医袍女子目露追忆,有些感慨,一晃眼,就20年了,她也老了… At this time three people of below Asura has crowded the entire space, had no place to put afterward Asura of foot to start in the Asura Gate place to fold the arhat, saw this to beckon on the 2nd, Asura started to move, takes the square formation as the unit, walked toward a cave entrance, where did not know, but the vacancy that Asura departed, was filled by afterward a group of Asura rapidly. 此时三人下方的修罗已经塞满整个空间,无处可放脚的后来修罗开始在修罗门处叠起了罗汉,二号见此招了招手,修罗开始动弹,以方阵为单位,向一洞口走去,不知去往何方,而修罗离去的空缺,被后来的一批修罗迅速填充。 According to the observation of Bai Xi'an this meeting, discovered that this Asura Gate is goes out of a Asura every second... 白西安这一会的观察,发现这修罗门是每秒走出一个修罗的… „The Yin-Yang Element ultimate deep meaning, comes back to life the technique, needs a link samsara nether world the medium, but Asura Gate, is our trip of institutes must coming back to life stage prop.” 阴阳行的终极奥义,复生术,需要一联通轮回阴司的中介,而修罗门,就是我们此行所必须的复生道具。” At this time, zero number opened the mouth to say. 这时,零号开口道。 Bai Xi'an nod of looking pensive, in other words, comes back to life displaying of technique, needed existence of treasure rank. 白西安若有所思的点了点头,也就是说,复生术的施展,需要至宝级别的存在了。 „Speaking of Asura Gate, how now did Asura enter the step limit the research advancement?” “说到修罗门,现在修罗进阶极限的研究进程如何了?” Zero number asked to 2nd. 零号向二号问道。 Was asked the work, restrains the feeling on the 2nd immediately, holds the eyesocket stern to return saying: Project carried on these many years, Asura still deferred to ten people to fuse the promotion first-order way to promote, had not discovered that the limit was, does not have one soon to reach the limit the sign.” 被问到工作,二号立刻收敛感慨,扶着眼框正色回道:“项目进行这么多年了,修罗仍依照十人融合提升一阶的方式提升着,至今仍没发现极限所在,也无一丝即将到达极限的迹象。” Therefore I guessed that Asura does not have the limit!” “故我猜测,修罗没有极限!” No. 2 serious say|way. 二号严肃道。 However at once thinks on the 2nd that thought this saying is not rigorous, therefore has made up the sentence: Perhaps Asura's limit has, after all the myriad things have own limit to be, but regarding us, when Asura promotes to the limit, perhaps is the tens of thousands of year later matters, the time span is too big, therefore we may sketch to not have the limit for the time being!” 不过旋即二号想了想,觉得这话不严谨,于是补了句:“或许修罗的极限是有的,毕竟万物都有自身的极限所在,但对于我们来说,当修罗提升到极限时,也许已经是成千上万年之后的事了,时间跨度太大,故我们可暂且将之拟定为没有极限!” Interesting!” “有趣!” Zero number came some interest. 零号来了些兴致。 This Asura Gate does not lose the name of treasure, simply is the war weapon, had it, we have not needed to worry the military strength issue, was not only the strength of cannon fodder or high-end in underlying bed...” “这修罗门果真不负至宝之称,简直就是战争兵器,有了它,我们就不用愁兵力问题了,不仅是低层的炮灰还是高端的战力…” In the 2nd eye reveals frantically, said: Must know that a Saint level big Asura is born, only takes one year, only needs 31.56 million primary Asura!” 二号眼中露出狂热,道:“要知道,一位圣级的大修罗诞生,仅需一年,仅需31560000个原生修罗啊!” Must know that the entire world, how many Saint level Elementalist does have? However more than hundred numbers.” “要知道,整个世界,圣级行者有多少?不过百余之数罢了。” Rules the entire world, but time issue!!” “统治整个世界,不过时间问题!!” Even more aphonia words, let Bai Xi'an body maliciously one on the 2nd. 二号越发失音的话,让白西安身躯狠狠一阵。 One year Saint level, was he was insane, was the world is insane... 一年一个圣级,是他疯了,还是世界疯了… Bai Xi'an suddenly remembered to say them who to obtain Asura Gate on the 2nd already 20 years of matter, fell into the long silence. 白西安忽的想起二号说的他们得到修罗门已经20年之久的事,不由陷入了长长的沉默。 Zero number has smiled, in expression first time shows the excited meaning, asked: I only want to know how long needs, can be born to be able with Asura who I fight?” 零号笑了下,语气中头一次透出兴奋之意,问道:“我只想知道,需要多久,才能诞生出能与我一战的修罗?” The frantic expression released on the 2nd, twists the eyebrow to think, said: Estimate, must take the millennium times...” 二号狂热表情一泄,拧眉想了下,道:“估计,得要千年光阴…” Millenniums?” “千年吗?” Zero number is deep, may immediately, actually the smiling face win. 零号深深失望,可随即,却笑容更胜。 How long, invincible, how long? He good to come an incisive fight again... 多久了,无敌,有多久了?他好想再来一场淋漓尽致的战斗啊… However is in 1000, but needs 31.536 billion primary Asura, he can wait, so long as is hopeful, good... 不过是1000年罢了,不过是需要31536000000个原生修罗罢了,他可以等,只要有希望,就好… 7 th, you experience excessively invincibly lonely?” “七号啊,你体验过无敌的寂寞吗?” Zero number suddenly asked to Bai Xi'an. 零号忽的向白西安问道。 Bai Xi'an hears word, he of mood shake shakes the head, invincible this type of thing, if had the honor to receive the class and grade first name also to calculate in Bai Clan Academy in childhood... 白西安闻言,心情震荡的他只是摇摇头,无敌这种东西,如果小时候在白族学堂荣获班级第一之称也算的话… I have decided that I want eternal life!” “我决定了,我要长生!” Zero number said. 零号道。 Strength such as he, even if no achievement, is only the normal life, the life cycle also has been several hundred years, this is the average man wants unable to think that however, this also by far insufficient! 实力如他,就算毫无作为,仅是正常寿命,生命周期也已长达数百年,这是常人想都不敢想的,然而,这还远远不够! He wants live is longer, therefore, he decided that the temporariness said goodbye to the novel that he most loved, spent one month of research related Elemental Art... 他要活的更久些,所以,他决定暂时性告别他最爱的小说,花一个月的时间研究相关行术 Gets down, listens to the prediction of Monarch Chu the entertainment entertainment.” “下去吧,听听楚君的预言来娱乐娱乐。” Zero number restraining happy expression, disregards bends down highly one, sees this to follow on the 2nd rapidly. 零号收敛笑意,无视高度俯身一越而下,二号见此迅速跟上。 Bai Xi'an stands in halfway hangs two people that in looks at to fall to the ground, deep sighed, flew. 白西安站在半腰处悬道上看着落地的二人,深深的一叹,飞了下去。 Above Saint level that the millenniums may not leave, the assistance of treasure Asura Gate, can this in world also some people be able to block them? 千年都不一定能出的圣级之上,还有至宝修罗门的辅助,这世间还有人能挡得住他们吗? Bai Xi'an as if saw the future, by the hell that the innumerable Asura roller compactions cross, the myriad things degenerated into the livestock slave, dares to revolt, regardless of the strength is much strong, Saint level Asura who will be formed the regiment kills by mistreatment... 白西安仿佛看到了未来,被无数修罗碾压过的地狱,万物都沦为了畜奴,胆敢反抗的,无论实力多强,都会被形成军团的圣级修罗虐杀… Situation, in situation that in the common people do not know, has become... 大势,在世人不知的情况下,已有所趋… Steps on the crystal sediment of disruption, Bai Xi'an is falling to the ground, flutters to zero number. 踩着碎裂的水晶渣子,白西安落地,向零号飘去。 No matter what, now can only walk one step to look at one. 不管怎样,现在只能走一步看一步了。 Bai Xi'an looks indifferently zero number ties, looks ceremony carries on, looks at the vast momentum, finally, saw Monarch Chu has opened the eye... 白西安冷眼看着零号布法结阵,看着仪式的进行,看着浩大的声势,最后,看到了楚君睁开了眼睛… Welcome to come back, Monarch Chu!” “欢迎回来,楚君!” Zero number spreads out both hands, said. 零号摊开双手,道。 Resurrected!” “复活了啊!” Monarch Chu has grasped the dark grey palm, sat sets out to sigh the sound, he did not feel the accident, had not felt that the anger or the joy, in that moment of dying, he looked pale. 楚君握了握暗灰色的手掌,坐起身叹了声,他并不感觉到意外,也没感觉到愤怒或欣喜,早在死去的那一刻,他都看淡了。 Monarch Chu does not have first to pay attention to zero number that he resurrects, but looked silently to Bai Xi'an, particularly his arid white hair. 楚君没有第一时间去理会将他复活的零号,而是默默看向了白西安,尤其是他那枯燥的白发。 White hair... 白头发的… Monarch Chu, told me, you predicted finally!” 楚君,告诉我,你最后的预言吧!” Zero number has not beaten around the bush, asked directly. 零号没有拐弯抹角,直接问道。 Monarch Chu hears word, shifts vision to look to zero number. 楚君闻言,才转移目光看向零号。 Prediction... 预言吗… ...... …… Meanwhile, about ten thousand li (0.5km) Bai Chu City. 与此同时,远在万里开外的白楚城 Gang Leader, the important matter is not wonderful!” 帮主,大事不妙啊!” Er Gou'zi crashes in the room in a hurry, has broken the inside happiness of affectionate couple playing with water. 二狗子匆匆冲进屋内,打断了里头鸳鸯戏水之乐。 The binding clothes that several pretty young girls screamed ran away, if in usually, Er Gou'zi will definitely not miss so the beautiful scene, but is actually to look now does not look at one, terrified... 数名靓丽少女尖叫的裹衣逃走,若在平时,二狗子肯定不会错过这般美景的,可现在却是看都不看一眼,惶恐之极…
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