HWBS :: Volume #2

#117: Returns to the street

After long time, Bai Xiao wants to know, got the answer. 半晌后,白消想要知晓的,都得到了答案。 Does not have the rumor, so long as because replied that is impossible to deceive, to Bai Xiao...... 不存在谎言,因为只要回答,就不可能欺骗,对白消来说…… The value has squeezed, does not need to exist. 价值已经压榨完,没必要存在了。 Bai Xiao looks at three thieves, thinks silently. 白消看着三贼,默默想到。 Considering three clever bad moral characters, conceals and deceives repeatedly, Bai Xiao that as well as in the interrogation process does not lose heart does not plan to keep the person. 鉴于三贼的恶劣品性,以及审问过程中不死心的多次隐瞒、欺骗,白消不打算留人。 Sir, we know said that is......” “大人,我们知道的都说了,是不是……” The full beard man flattered to say. 大胡子汉子谄媚说道。 Looks between the full beard man who the black bastard and respectful designation change keep, Bai Xiao has not been speaking, responds his, is together the sword light. 望着在黑崽子与敬称之间变动不停的大胡子汉子,白消没有说话,回应他的,是一道剑光。 Choke! 呛! Delimits from the dim fan Lanjian sheath, the sword blade has wielded a place illusion...... 从朦胧迷蓝剑鞘划出,剑身挥过之处一片梦幻…… That is Murasame. 那是村雨 The sword has the sword to fall, the ground still paralyzed two who is unable to move to explode projects two blood columns, the full beard man and long face youth bosom is bringing astonished, lost the life. 剑起剑落,地上仍瘫痪无法动弹的两人爆射出两道血柱,大胡子汉子与马脸青年怀带着惊愕,失去了生命。 We did not say, why can also kill us? You do not keep one's word! 我们不是都说了吗,为什么还要杀我们?你不讲信用! They are puzzled, but in consciousness is dim, their awakening suddenly, Bai Xiao, may not say must let off them! 两人不解,可就在意识朦胧之际,他们忽的醒悟,白消,可从没说过要放过他们啊! Finally they are curse, what a pity the breakage of throat, Bai Xiao cannot hear. 最后他们是咒骂的,可惜喉咙的破裂,白消听不见。 Un, why does Bai Xiao know is curses? 嗯,为什么白消知晓是咒骂呢? The reply of Bai Xiao is: This also with guessing? 白消的回答是:这还用猜吗? The sword blade sheathes, a Bai Xiao revolution, Murasame vanishes in the hand, but at the same time, birthmark female suddenly to retreat, does not dare to walk the gate, hits toward the recent warehouse wall place, wants to hit the wall to clash by this. 剑身入鞘,白消手一转,村雨消失在手中,而与此同时,胎记女子暴退,连门都不敢走,直往最近的仓库壁处撞去,想以此撞开墙壁冲出去。 She believes that if can rush to outside, she can crawl get lost by many years touches the ripe terrain to escape a life, but the death of companion, is giving the escaping time that she twinkling loses exactly. 她坚信,若能冲到外面,她就能凭借多年爬滚摸熟的地形逃过一命,而同伴的死,正恰恰给予她瞬息即失的逃跑时间。 What a pity, she thinks is good, the reality often is not this. 可惜,她想的太好,现实往往不是这样子。 Although the birthmark female responded rapidly, immediately fled, if according to the normal condition, Bai Xiao wielded a sword to receive in the time of sword, she can escape, was only regarding Bai Xiao, killed her, does not need to move! 尽管胎记女子反应迅速,在第一时间逃离,若按正常情况,白消挥剑收剑的时间内,她真的能逃得掉,只是对于白消来说,杀她,根本不需要动! Has a type of thing, is called long-range weapon, but, has a type of thing, called the tracing guidance weapon. 有种东西,叫做远程武器,而在其中,有种东西,叫追踪型导航武器。 Holds in the major stockholder Elemental Power in addition, dagger projects rapidly, cracks-up the mudstone wall when the birthmark female, under fierce light face dew wild with joy color, maliciously carries the pit of the stomach place in her, afterward passes through! 在大股行力加持下,刺刀急速射出,咻的一声,就在胎记女子撞碎泥石墙壁,烈光下脸露狂喜之色时,狠狠的扎在她背心窝处,随后贯穿! The strength for the inward flow Elementalist birthmark female, has not had the death of strength of backhand, two thieves who such as predeceases blow out one zhang (3.33 m) high blood column, the difference is only the throat and pit of the stomach...... 实力为未入流的行者的胎记女子,毫无反手之力的死了,如先死的两贼般爆出一丈高的血柱,区别只是喉咙与心窝罢…… Does not know that what Zong dagger flies back from the distant place, vanishes in the Bai Xiao waist, Bai Xiao takes a fast look around around, everywhere does not have an illness to the bloody scene, the well satisfied preparation leaves. 已不知何踪的刺刀从远处飞回,消失在白消腰间,白消扫视一下周围,对血腥满地的场面无一丝不适,心满意足的准备走人。 May afterward, Bai Xiao pat head, did not shout darkly well, he has forgotten anything probably! 可随后,白消一拍头,暗叫不好,他好像忘了什么! Along with the thought rotation, Bai Xiao returned carefully excessively, takes a look eye that was staying in secret young boy. 随着意念转动,白消小心的回了过头,瞅了眼那暗中呆坐着的小男孩。 Right, Bai Xiao forgot at the scene also to have other people's existence, moreover was one less than ten -year-old young boy! 没错,白消忘了现场中还有他人的存在,而且还是一个不满十岁的小男孩! Hopes this bloody scene not to become the trauma to other party. 但愿这血腥的场面没有给他造成心理阴影。 Bai Xiao dark angry own general idea, if early thinks, where will make the scene before the young boy such bloody? 白消暗恼自己的大意,若早想到的话,哪会在小男孩面前把场面弄得这么血腥? How can avoid? 怎么都会避开的吧? Since the matter occurred, the young boy witnessed that this year discipline should not look, regrets already without enough time, Bai Xiao can only think how later should repair this psychological crack. 只是,既然事情已经发生,小男孩已经目睹了这年纪万万不该看的一幕,后悔已经来不及,白消只能想想待会该如何修复这心理裂缝了。 However luckily, the worry of Bai Xiao is unnecessary. 不过幸好,白消的担心是多余的。 The difficult time, difficult life, early will accomplish the strong innermost feelings. 艰难的时代,艰难的生活,会早早的造就坚强的内心。 Along with seeing clearly of Bai Xiao, Bai Xiao relaxed, because young boy complexion, although is pale, although wants to spit, but the facial expression is actually tranquil, this explained that the young boy is all right, had not been scared. 随着白消的看清,白消松了口气,因为小男孩脸色虽是苍白,虽是想吐,可神情却是平静,这就说明了,小男孩没事,没有被吓着。 Excuse me, making you see these.” “不好意思,让你看到了这些。” Bai Xiao walks hastily, the lower part of the body blocks the boy field of vision, has comforted the sentence. 白消连忙走去,顿下身挡住男孩视野,安慰了句。 Brother, good that right that you make, these evil people die!” “大哥哥,你做的对,那些恶人死的好!” Has the shocking picture to block from, young boy slow, shakes the head to indicate is all right at the same time, opening the mouth earnest say|way. 极具冲击性的画面被遮住,小男孩缓了下,摇摇头表示没事的同时,开口认真道。 Bai Xiao stares, this child, is not simple! 白消一愣,这小孩,不简单啊! We walk. “我们走吧。 Although the young boy expressed did not fear, but Bai Xiao covered his eye, brought to let loose to the alley outside warehouse in him. ”尽管小男孩表示不怕,但白消还是捂住他的眼睛,把他带到仓库外的小巷中才放开。 I deliver you to go home, where is your family at?” “我送你回家吧,你家在哪?” At this time the elder brother of young boy, hero was being carried by him. 此时小男孩的哥哥,英雄正被他背着。 I do not know the way......” “我不识路了……” Young boy hears word looked around to look that the worried discovery he could not find the road that went home. 小男孩闻言四处看了看,苦恼的发现他找不到回家的路。 I lead you to return to street on originally first, you recognizes the road there?” “那我先带你回原本的街道上,在那儿你认得路吗?” The Bai Xiao patient say|way, in tople days of Bai Clan life, he understood is patient with most important condition that the child exchange must have. 白消耐心道,在白族生活的这些日子,他明白了同小孩交流需具备的最重要条件耐心。 Un.” “嗯。” The young boy shows the happy smiling face. 小男孩露出开心的笑容。 The children are this, the rapidness of crying, smiles also quick, short, has put behind the kidnapped fear, accepted the elder brother by the severely wounded fact. 小孩就是这样,哭的快,笑的也快,短短一阵,就忘却了被绑架的恐惧,接受了哥哥被重伤的事实。 They leave the alley, Bai Xiao are holding the hand of young boy, a high short personal appearance vanishes gradually. 两人离开小巷,白消牵着小男孩的手,一高一矮的身形渐渐消失。 Then, Bai Xiao not necessarily has the young boy to be old, however looks like, like big ten years old...... 说起来,白消的年龄不一定就有小男孩大,然而看起来,就像大了十岁…… This should say that is obviously old, is precocious? 这该说是显老,还是早熟? ............ ………… After less than half hour, Bai Xiao and the others returned to the avenue place. 小半小时后,白消等人回到了大街处。 I knew, my family here!” “我知道了,我家在这边!” The young boy looks in all directions at a loss, thinks deeply about one diligently, finally is pointing at a direction excited say|way. 小男孩茫然四顾,努力思索一阵,最后指着一方向兴奋道。 That guides, daily.” “那带路吧,天天。” Pays attention to the focal distance as if not to realize to the stream of people at the back of Bai Xiao of bloodstain hero that lowers the head said to Qin Tiantian. 背着一身血迹英雄的白消对人流关注焦距仿佛无所察觉,低头对秦天天道。 Qin Tiantian, is the name of young boy, a very adorable name, making Bai Xiao think studied well is upward daily. 秦天天,是小男孩的名字,很可爱的一个名字,让白消想到了‘好好学习天天向上’。 Should daily elder brother not be will call Qin well? 天天的哥哥该不会是叫秦好好吧? Bai Xiao full is the evil intention is guessing. 白消满是恶意的猜测着。 Qin Tiantian hears Yanbeng da jumps da walks in a direction, Bai Xiao follows. UU reads 秦天天闻言蹦跶蹦跶的往一个方向走去,白消跟上。UU看书 www.uukanshu.com www.uukanshu.com Was short the avenue to the Qin Tiantian family|home distance, probably more than ten minutes, were only in the journey, Bai Xiao saw one slightly felt curious one. 大街到秦天天的家路程就短了,大概十余分钟就到,只是在路途,白消看到了一略感好奇的一幕。 Hey, saw, another killed the pig was invited.” “嘿,看到了吗,又一个杀猪的被请走了。” A passer-by said to the partner in a low voice. 一路人低声对伙伴说道。 Bai Xiao slow footsteps, looked, sees only rich chest wool big fatty nose that a butcher dresses up upwards happily is stepping the step, with the people of several same uniforms, the manner is respectful and prudent. 白消一缓脚步,望了过去,只见一屠夫打扮的浓郁胸毛大胖子鼻子朝天的得意迈着步伐,身前身后跟着数个同一制服的人,态度恭谨。 Bo Yue Bai Xiao is clear, this is the official's costume of Chu Country officers, is equal to the Bai Xiao previous life yamen private. 博阅的白消清楚,这是楚国官兵的公服,相当于白消前世的衙门小卒。 Did this butcher commit a crime? 这屠夫犯事了? Bai Xiao denied immediately, because of the facial expression of officers and butcher not like. 白消立马否认,因为官兵与屠夫的神情不像。 Occurred with the butcher related good deed? 难道是发生了与屠夫有关的好事吗? Bai Xiao guessed, because he hears in the road logical expression, there is one ‚’ character! 白消猜测,因为他听到路人话中,有一个‘又’字! Oh, why I do not kill the livestock?” “唉,为什么我就不是杀畜的呢?” Another passer-by sighs woefully, is that any salvation prediction, did the present to kill the loobies welfare of livestock to rise several times, became fragrant steamed bun everybody snatched......” 另一路人哀叹一声,“都是那个什么救世预言,搞得现在杀畜的粗汉们福利升了好几倍,一个个成了香馍馍人人抢……” Was saying was saying, one group of people regret again and again, if before them, is to kill the livestock, that would be nice! 说着说着,一群人都惋惜连连,要是他们之前是杀畜的,该多好啊! Now changes professions not to be impossible, they only recognized before yesterday, killed the livestock.” “现在转行已经不可能了,他们就只认昨日之前杀畜的。” One group of people sighed with sadness. 一群人悲叹。 Brother, how?” “大哥哥,怎么了?” The suspension of movement of Bai Xiao makes Qin Tiantian that pulls to begin realize that raises head to doubt to ask. 白消的停步让牵着手的秦天天有所察觉,仰头疑问道。 All right.” “没事。” The butchers walked, the passer-by also diverges, Bai Xiao takes back the vision, replied, started once more. 屠夫走了,路人也都散去,白消收回目光,答道,再次起步。 Salvation prediction? 救世预言? Bai Xiao takes down silently. 白消默默记下。 When are not many, Qin Tiantian family|home. 不多时,秦天天的家到了。 That is a very worn-out small short house, as if the wind blows but actually...... Reads also wants to look for the latest chapter? Your OUT, micro letter attention public number: Read the literary or the suduwx beautiful woman superiorly slightly arranges to help you look for the book! 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