HDC :: Volume #5 Scarlet Firmament (赤霄)

#139: The firm enemy calls a help

In ringed hall is broken, all people of this place guarding are the skeleton not save, whole room is fluttering piece of scarlet red blood mist, is only fighting between moments, Old Daoist Lin already in everyone exterminate the hall. 环厅之内已是一片残破,所有此间驻守之人都已是尸骨无存,满室飘荡着一片赤红色的血雾,仅是片刻之间的斗战,林老道就已然将厅中所有人剿杀一空。 The ringed hall that he chooses, inside defend strength is in various ringed hall is weakest, happen to conforms to the approach that he starts with the easy and then does the difficult. 他所挑选的这艘环厅,里面的守御力量是诸环厅内最为薄弱的,正好符合他先易后难的做法。 His originally thought enters in this place, because of array strength by the spirituality strength isolation outside, oneself can only use own magical power to tidy up the rival, even if oneself selected spirit-attachment attainment, perhaps must spend a hands and feet, but true fighting gets up, is actually an entirely different story. 本来以为进入此间之内,因为阵力灵性力量隔绝在外,自己只能动用自身法力去收拾敌手,哪怕自己摘取了寄神之功果,恐怕也要费一番手脚,可真正斗战起来,却完全不是这么一回事。 He discovered pleasantly surprised, in the past these can contest back and forth the person of attack with him at all are not his opponent, these people dao technique change now become do not have the secret in his eyes, each move several in launch first, can be induced by him ahead of time inferred, then made proper counterattacked. 他惊喜发现,以往这些能和他来回过招对攻之人现在根本不是他的对手,此辈道法变化在他眼中变得毫无秘密可言,每一招几是在发动之先,就能被他提前感应察知,进而做出了所应有的反制。 He pondered this to be oneself selected attainment incessantly, but should also be before saw these high rank dao technique therefore, suddenly, he was also the confidence increases, felt before , underestimated oneself. 他自忖这应该不止是自己摘取了功果,还应该是之前看到了那些上乘道法之故,一时间,他也是信心大增,感觉之前是过于低估自己了。 When changing mind, that faint trace in the surroundings is also circled the maneuver by vital essence blood and qi that his refining comes out floating, was received in the body by him again little. 在转念之时,那一丝丝被他炼化出来的精元血气也是在周围飘绕回旋,再被他一点点收入了身躯之中。 During suddenly, he induces the raising strange omen, turns around suddenly, then sees a ray to appear in the hall, at once Daoist Wei's Essence Soul appears from inside. 只是忽然间,他感应之中升起异兆,霍然一转身,便见一道光芒出现在大厅之内,旋即卫道人之元神自里浮现出来 His vision looks at fixedly, under the heart is surprised, and happy, without thinking quickly this person directing, this person killed the Xi Prince biggest barrier, must be able, except that troublesome at least can subtract half, what only it dispatches pitifully is only Essence Soul, was hits to extinguish, cannot cause heavy losses to this person. 他目光凝注过去,心下既诧且喜,没想到这么快就把此人给引出来了,此人可是打杀熹王的最大障碍,要能除去,麻烦至少能减去一半,只可惜其派遣来的只是元神,便是打灭了,也不能对此人予以重创。 However are not related, happen to first taking the Essence Soul opportunity of driving killing, tries first under the understanding the method of this person. 不过没关系,正好先借着驱杀的元神的机会,设法先了解下此人的手段。 His aura causes, surroundings scarlet qi mist toward Daoist Wei Essence Soul surrounding in the past, but the hand will put out a hand to grip fiercely, attempts being stranded in this, however Daoist Wei will lean forward, its Essence Soul easily penetrated that scarlet mist unexpectedly, will come toward Old Daoist Lin, latter will sneer, the form in a flash, escaped to instantly same place. 气意一使,周围赤红气雾向着卫道人元神包围过去,而手伸手猛地一攥,试图将之困在此中,然而卫道人向前一倾,其元神居然轻易穿透了那一层赤雾,直往林老道所在而来,后者一声冷笑,身影一晃,霎时遁离了原地。 However he just reappear comes out, actually sees radiance to flash, the form of whole person burst comes immediately. 然而他方才再度现身出来,却见有光华一闪,整个人的身影顿时爆散开来。 The outside Old Daoist Lin main body place, his body shook, opened both eyes, revealed startled the color. 外间林老道正身处,他身躯一震,睁开了双目,不由露出愕然之色。 Bewilderment that this war, he is just now defeated, but he ponders over again, actually somewhat understood, Daoist Wei calculates when to welcoming he can have the law to flee, calculated his escape technique the place of falling, therefore then supposed the arrange/cloth to wait for him in the fierce method there early, finally the flash was hit to extinguish Essence Soul clone. 方才这一战,他失败的莫名其妙,只是他再一琢磨,却是有些明白了,卫道人算准了冲迎过来时他会起法遁避,也算准了他遁法去落之地,所以早便以厉害手段设布在那里等着他,结果一瞬间就被打灭了元神分身 This indicated that opposite party not only dao technique cultivation base above him, the fighting experience also enriches compared with him. 这说明对方不仅道法修为在他之上,斗战经验也同样比他丰富。 Perhaps a possibility, the opposite party understood that very much his divine ability dao art, Rongyou Cult and Hao Clan fought so many years, many things are not the secrets, the opposite party as Xi Prince possible dao technique highest person, understood that these are not strange. 还有一个可能,对方恐怕很是了解他的神通道术,容由教昊族斗了这么多年,许多东西已经不是隐秘了,对方身为熹王身边可能道法最高之人,了解到这些并不奇怪。 He ponders over saying: „There is no big obstructing, gets down I available had not used in the past Demon Dao divine ability with it fight, so easily will not receive its considers as finished.” 他思忖道:“此没有什么大碍,下来我可用以往不曾用过的魔道神通与之交手,这般就不会轻易受其所算了。” Moreover was only the cracking-off Essence Soul clone, now he has the essence and blood vitality that is killing to refine massively comes, did not fear this consuming. 而且只是折去了一具元神分身罢了,如今他拥有着大量杀炼得来的精血元气,根本不怕这点耗损。 He has forms a mudra, in a minute, Essence Soul again is slightly concise, later molds clone in the similar method, when both gather, kills again to ringed hall. 他起法诀一拿,稍事片刻,元神再度凝练出来,随后又以同样手段塑造分身,待两者一合,就再度杀向环厅之中。 Before this time he breaks, drew other day lesson, first caused dropping poisonous technique, if the opposite party induces tracks down him, will then have filthy poison to fall into its body, ceases the opposite party to seek for oneself to fall the position by this. 这一次他冲入进去之前,吸取了上回的教训,先是使了一个堕毒之术,若是对方感应追寻他,那么会有秽毒落入其身躯之中,以此杜绝对方找寻到自己所落位置。 Then he caused one Illusory and Chaotic Profound Principles technique, this technique may further camouflage to induce, so long as the opposite party does not know that the oneself body falls where, will cause what method, then not possible like just now to calculate the would-be his behavior, two people then can fair a war. 而后他又使了一个“幻乱玄机之术,此术可进一步遮蔽感应,只要对方不知自己身落何处,又会使动什么手段,那么自不可能如方才一般算准他所为,两人便可以“公平”一战了。 But this, enters in ringed hall, he then thinks that strong fierce magical power hits toward oneself, in order to breaks, naturally is stirs magical power to hit with it, may feel immediately, opposite party magical power is more profound than oneself, therefore increased a strength to come up again, when just now did this, opposite magical power vanished suddenly without a trace, in his heart one startled, when changed, only thinks that crazy brunted on the body fiercely, simultaneously a ray the same as the one just now flashed through, consciousness immediately one gloomy. 可是这回,一进入环厅之中,他便觉一股强猛法力向着自己撞来,为了能冲入进去,自然是鼓荡法力与之一撞,可马上感觉到,对方法力自己更为高深,于是再是增添了一把力上去,可方才如此做时,对面法力忽然消失得无影无踪,他心中一惊,正待变化,只觉一阵狂猛冲势上得身来,同时一道与方才一般的光芒闪过,意识顿时一黯。 Daoist Lin main body this opens the eye again, he thinks, ravelling just now the opposite party was confused the induction of oneself, making him have the erroneous judgement, with eliminated his incarnation with similar method again other day again, this exceeded him above the fighting experience purely. 林道人正身这处再度睁目,他想了一想,弄明白方才对方是错乱了自己的感应,令他产生了错判,再用与上回相类似的手段将他化身再次杀灭,这纯粹是在斗战经验之上胜过了他。 He thinks that this not necessarily sees is fighting ability of both sides differs too, but after is his not familiar cultivation cultivation base dao skill progresses the sparring way, but the opposite party immerses in this does not know many years, but in fighting misses for one point is bad, the sharp method that in addition the opposite party that does not know the details, therefore so quick being defeated. 他认为这倒未必见得是双方的斗战能力相差太多,而是他不熟悉功行修为道行长进之后的斗法路数,而对方沉浸于此不知多少年月,而斗战中差一分就是差许多,再加上对方那不知底细的犀利手段,所以才如此快的败下阵来。 He sneers several, said: Missed several points, in the past did not know, now has tried several times, quick then can try to catch up......” 他冷笑几声,道:“不过只是差了几分罢了,以往是不知晓,如今试过几次,很快便能迎头赶上……” Quick he remoulded Essence Soul incarnation, sends to battles with it, is this time, cannot insist too for a long time, after several breath, Essence Soul incarnation lost the section to go to involvement immediately. 很快他又重塑了一具元神化身,送去与之交战,可是这一次,也没能坚持太久,数个呼吸之后,元神化身便就失段去了牵连。 There is no at the worst, but magical power compares with me to be profound, getting down to evade its point, raises my strong point......” “没什么大不了的,只是法力较我深湛罢了,下来可避其锋芒,扬我长处……” However then he dispatched Essence Soul clone to go several times, is time after time is actually eliminated, not one time is over ten breaths, this spirit his facial expression is ugly, must know the opposite party also merely is only Essence Soul, illuminates continue like this, how even if killed vital essence blood and qi that refine comes to exhaust cannot take this person. 然而接下来他数次派遣元神分身前往,却是次次被杀灭,每一回都是不超过十息,这灵他神情难看无比,要知对方还仅仅只是一具元神,照这么下去,哪怕杀炼得来的精元血气都是耗尽了也不能拿此人如何。 Except in addition, him discovered one to the oneself extremely disadvantageous matter. With him and Daoist Wei fight, this person as if among the contact through internal qi, induced his main body gradually. 除此外,他发现了一个对自己极为不利的事情。伴随着他与卫道人的交手,此人似乎通过气机之间的接触,渐渐感应到了他正身所在了。 Middle has multiple vague is in sight toward his main body, but before last time clone was eliminated , the picture that sees, Heavenly Eye hangs to withstand/top in Daoist Wei Essence Soul, the pupil light rotation, resembles is searching for following his internal qi is. 当中有多次若有若无的朝他正身所在望来,而最后一次分身被杀灭之前所看到的画面,有一只天目悬在卫道人元神顶上,瞳光转动不已,似是在搜循他的气机所在。 He thought that fights again, once oneself main body exposes during the opposite party induces, if this person chases down directly, even if he may rely on array strength shifting to flee, may not have the time to deal with Xi Prince and others. 他觉得再这么斗下去,一旦自己正身暴露在对方感应之中,要是此人直接追杀过来,纵然他可凭借阵力转挪遁走,可也没功夫去对付熹王和余下之人了。 And he must be worried also continues front enemy, but also Mianlu Metropolitan Area after being in violation, Mianlu now is sit by and not act, who knows that what waits a minute to be how? 且他所要担心的还远不止面前的敌人,还有背后的眠麓城域,眠麓现在是坐视不动,可谁知道稍候什么会是如何? Therefore is he changes mind, actually thought of an idea, the secretly thought: Might as well invite the person of Mianlu to come with me together to deal with this person!” 故是他转念下来,却是想到了一个主意,暗道:“不如邀得眠麓之人来与我一同对付此人!” He wants also to have planning of oneself, in any case before and Mianlu communicated he has not exposed what hostility, at this moment was the friend non- enemy, just can warn of the consequences, invitation fought. 他这么想也有自己的算计,反正之前与眠麓沟通之时他并没有暴露出什么敌意,此刻是友非敌,正可以晓以利害,邀之来战。 If the person of Mianlu agreed that this strikes the enemy with him together, if were killed by this Daoist Wei, that also tempered the Mianlu strength, facilitates him to wait a minute to swallow to seize. 若是眠麓之人同意来此与他一同击敌,若被这卫道人杀死,那也是削弱了眠麓的力量,方便他稍候吞夺。 If besieges Daoist Wei not dead, that falls in great array in any case, so long as killed Daoist Wei, achieved the goal, must take that person essence and blood vitality, then again was when the time comes good these person of together refining. 要是围攻卫道人不死,那反正是落在大阵之内,只要杀死了卫道人,达成了目的,得取了其人精血元气,那么到时候再将这些人一并炼化好了。 After thinking, he spreads a light talisman to come toward Mianlu great array immediately, when as a result of the array qi connection, he sends does not have the hostility, therefore rune/symbol as entered in the hall other day. 思定之后,他当即传出一道光符眠麓大阵这边过来,由于阵气交接,他送来之时也无敌意,故此符如上回般进入了大厅之内。 Zhang Yu introduces this, making it fall above the main hall, a light talisman revolution, as the ray launched, the Old Daoist Lin shape shadow appeared from, he held a say/way ritual to the people, said: Clan Protector Zhu, everyone, Lin has killed before royal boat now, but the royal boat committee is truly difficult, especially before Xi Prince body, has dao cultivator Wei, this person of exceptionally outstanding, I fear am take not, therefore wants to invite Mianlu here person of same belief to attack to kill this person together, this person eliminates, Xi Prince there was easier.” 张御将此引入进来,令其落于大殿之上,光符一转,随着光芒展开,林老道形影自里现出,他对众人执有一个道礼,道:“朱宗护,还有诸位,如今林某已杀至王舟之前,但是王舟委实难破,特别是熹王身前有一名卫道修,此人异常了得,我恐是拿之不下,故是想邀眠麓这里的同道一同攻杀此人,此人一除,熹王那里就容易许多了。” After saying these, he makes one rapidly condition, said: Also looks at you to be quicker makes the decision, although I at present may surround Xi Prince, but Clan Protector Zhu considers to know, Xi Prince still prepared the army, if cannot promptly Xi Prince, except that crosses the several days army to arrive, finally was very difficult to say.” 说了这些之后,他又做出一副急促之态,道:“还望贵方能快些做决定,我眼下虽可困住熹王,但朱宗护当是知晓,熹王尚有一支预备大军在后,若不能及时将熹王除去,过几日大军一到,结果就很是难说了。” Clan Protector Zhu looks solemn, said: Elder Lin, thanked you to inform us, I have learned about, but also please first return, waits a minute us to return to the word to your excellency.” 朱宗护神情肃穆,道:“林长老,谢你来告知我们,我已知悉,还请先回,稍候我们自会给尊驾一个回言。” Old Daoist Lin was holds a say/way ritual again, the form along with actinic. 林老道再是执有一个道礼,身影就随光化了去。 Clan Protector Zhu thinks, reverberation Zhang Yu said: Mr. Tao, this matter......” 朱宗护想了想,回向张御道:“陶先生,此事……” Zhang Yu said: This matter can promise him, I know him to seek me, but I must block him to complete finally refining, he invited me to go, that just may make this matter for the name of support.” 张御道:“此事可以答应他,我知他欲谋我,而我也需阻他完成最后之炼化,既他邀我前往,那正可借以支援之名做得此事。” He must prevent that person to complete last step, that also wants use the array to attack, steps aside from the destruction, but since invited him to go on own initiative, that was actually just right inside and outside gathers attacks. 他本来要阻止其人完成最后一步,那还要以阵相攻,自外破坏,可既然主动邀得他前去,那却是正好内外合攻。 Clan Protector Zhu nodded, said: When that goes by who? That Daoist Wei I am know that this person of cultivator that is side my grand-uncle most receives to trust, it is reported that cultivation base is immeasurably deep, few person can with it being a worthy opponent, moreover in entering must guard against great array, must need dao skill profoundness.” 朱宗护点了点头,又道:“那么当由谁人前往?那卫道人我是知道的,此人是我那叔祖身边最受信任的修道人,据传修为深不可测,少有人能与之匹敌,而且入内还要提防大阵,非需道行深湛者不可。” Zhang Yu looks at one upward, said: Thorough in the array, that is then solved this matter by me.” He did not act before, is avoids high self discovering, gets down handles affairs in great array completely, that unnecessary scruples this matter. 张御往上望有一眼,道:“既是深入阵中,那便由我来解决此事吧。”他之前不出手,是避免“上我”发现,下来完全是在大阵之内行事,那就不必要顾忌此事了。 Clan Protector Zhu said pleasantly surprised: „Does Mr. Tao make a move personally?” He also hesitated, „does Mr. Tao have confidence?” Although he knows that this Mr. Tao strength is extraordinary, only when looks to guard the great array calm apparent clue, but he has not seen him to act after all truly, does not know that this person's strength was in what kind of situation. 朱宗护惊喜道:“陶先生亲自出手么?”他又犹豫了下,“陶先生有把握么?”虽然他知道这位陶先生实力非凡,只看守卫大阵之时的从容便知端倪,可他毕竟没有见过他真正出手,也不知这位实力到底到了何等地步。 And Zhang Yu is the these celestials only candidate who he communicates, but the status is important, if the trip danger is too big, he rather please others go. 并且张御是他沟通的这些天人的不二人选,身份可是重要的,要是此行危险太大,他宁愿请得他人前去。 The Zhang Yu sound of talking is calm: Unobstructive, Clan Protector is then good because and other waiting news.” The sound of talking falls, his body star light flashes, has come toward in the array, simultaneously a message first step sends opposite great array. 张御语声从容道:“无碍,宗护在等等待消息便好。”语声一落,他身上星光一闪,已是往阵中而来,同时一道传讯先一步发去对面大阵 Old Daoist Lin is waiting to reply, at this moment receives the pass on message, knew that the Mianlu agreement matter jointly, the great happiness, goes forth to battle to welcome personally, when sees an enormous and powerful star light path to come, under heart slightly cold, raises the heart of alert secretly, simultaneously opens array gate, high sound said: This, please along with my enters the array.” 林老道正等回音,此刻收到传讯,得知眠麓同意联手之事,不由大喜,亲自出阵来迎,待见一道浩荡星光路来,心下微凛,暗提戒备之心,同时把阵门一开,高声道:“这位,请随我入阵。” ...... …… ...... ……
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