HDC :: Volume #4 Profound Capital (玄都)

#163: Destroys to fall human world

When Yilukuja is astonished, hurriedly attempts to close this penetrated channel, in order to avoid Yilus and Yiqi divinity strength flees. 伊鲁库加惊愕之余,慌忙试图弥合这个被贯穿出来的通道,以免伊鲁斯伊切神性力量逃离出去。 Here palace builds in using overlapped interdome together, in the middle of this has not played with any special flower to be skillful, this is completely his brothers establishes bit by bit under his influence. 这里宫殿是利用重重叠叠的间穹堆砌在一起的,这当中没有玩弄什么特殊的花巧,这完全是他的兄弟在他的影响之下一点一滴建立起来的。 However interlayer does not coagulate motionless, but is rotating every time. Simply speaking, its like sea water, even if were made a gap by middle, will draw in quickly, like if a cavity were to appear in the sea, the sea water all around would come and fill it in. 不过间层并非凝固不动,而是每时每刻都在转动着。简单来说,其就如海水一般,哪怕被当中被打出一个缺口,也会很快收拢,就像海中多出了一个空洞,四边海水自会过来将之填补掉 But at this time, that azure clothes daoist look flashed, actually relaxed a strength secretly. 而在这时,那青衣道人眼神一闪,却是暗自放松了一点力量。 This is a subtle change, normally both sides in the test of strength, his here are relaxing suddenly, the opposite party can choose to continue to him attacks, but can also make other choices. 这是一个微妙的变化,按说双方正在角力,他这里骤然松弛,对方可以选择继续向他进攻,但也可以做其他选择。 However his fight is experienced, knows that now this divine king and queen are trapped here, these people's thoughts certainly prioritise getting out from here over settling scores with him. 不过他的战斗经验丰富老辣,知道如今这对神王神后被困此间,此辈所想的,一定是先从这里出去,而不是先收拾了他 As the matter stands, will inevitably conflict with the person arriving just now. 这样一来,必然会和此刻到来的那一位起得冲突 Naturally, just like he just said that the different god thinking pattern was not he completely understood that even if these people did did not help choice of both sides, he still had confidence suppresses again, why not did that try? 当然,正如他方才所言,异神的思考方式不是他完全理解的,可即便此辈做了不利于双方的选择,他也有把握再度压制,那又何不一试呢? The deity men and women were detecting that reduced with the strength that oneself resisted, simultaneously saw the gap in the front, meaning that really has not continued to insist. 神人男女在察觉到了与自己对抗的力量减少,同时又看到了缺口就在前方,果然没有继续坚持下去的意思。 As divinity strength strengthens, they also had the sane ponder of oneself, continued to fight with all might to kill an immaterial person, finally also possibly by the Yilukuja trapped/sleepy hindrance, when went out from here, these people can actually then tidy up. 随着神性力量增强,他们也是有了自己的理智思考,继续拼杀下去只是杀了一个无关紧要的人,最后还可能被伊鲁库加困阻,而等到从这里出去,这些人却能回头收拾。 How here chooses, they are naturally clear. Therefore is the two people one changes to two rays, rush over to the main gate where Zhang Yu is stood. 这里怎么选择,他们自然清楚的。故是两个人都一下化作两道光芒,朝着张御所站在的正门所在冲了过来 Azure clothes daoist has turned around, crosses the hands behind the back to wait and see. 青衣道人转过身,负手观望。 At this moment Yilukuja subconsciously raises a hand, but the vision flashes later, actually was also slightly slow a closes golden palace movement. 伊鲁库加此刻下意识抬了一下手,可随后目光一闪,却也是稍稍缓了一下合闭金宫的动作。 Zhang Yu stands before the palace gate has not moved, he looks up two people who flushed, body clear light leaps, ray like billowing sea water to/clashes from him behind wells up on, its rushing tide is ordinary, bang, knocks the two rushing over onto the floor in one move! 张御立在殿门之前未动,他抬头看了一眼冲来的两人,身上清光一腾,光芒如滔天海水一般自他背后冲涌而上,其奔行浪潮一般,轰隆一声,就将冲来二人一举拍在了坚实的地壁之上 golden palace vibrated again rocked. 金宫再次震动了晃动了一下。 The daoist eyelid jumps, he sees very clearly, this is not divine ability changes, but pins down by own Heart Light purely. 道人眼皮一跳,他看得十分清楚,这根本就不是什么神通变化,而是纯粹以自身的心光去制压。 He has fought with this two different god directly, knows that mystical strength is not weak, although he just still held the ample force, but when suppressing two people at the same time he naturally also used a method. 他与这两个异神正面交过手,知道神异力量一点也不弱,尽管他方才仍是保有余力,但同时压住两人,那自也是用了一手段的 But this time collides, does not have the least bit flower to be skillful, Zhang Yu restrains by force completely two people during the front impact, in fighting, this grade of resistance way without doubt is always most intense to the impulse of person, is easier to make in the person heart have the vibration. 这一次碰撞,却是没有半点花巧,张御完全是在正面碰撞之中将两人强压下来,在历来斗战之中,这等对抗方式给人的冲击力无疑最为强烈,也更易让人心中产生震动。 Yilukuja saw this scene, was stunned. Immediately he sees, that deity man and woman are firmly suppressed there, let alone revolts, even the least bit struggles cannot achieve, because before two people , to knocked over. Looking at it it seems that the two are crawling before Zhang Yu and paying homage to him. 伊鲁库加看到了这一幕,也是惊怔了一下。随即他看到,那对神人男女被死死压在了那里,别说反抗,连半点挣扎都是做不到,由于二人还是前冲之中被拍倒的看去两个人就像匍匐在张御面前膜拜其人一般 In his heart had not a wonderful feeling immediately, here incessantly is to dreading of Zhang Yu, overwhelming majorities are go to Yilus and Yiqi. 他心中顿时生出了一股不妙之感,这里不止是对张御的忌惮,绝大多数是对着伊鲁斯伊切去的。 Because he is very clear, divinity strength that from beginning to end, this two lowers is also only own part, even if this part is trapped or eliminated, this two, even if has been unwilling, the final output possibly is still the choice draws back, because this damage remains within the degree that they can accept. 因为他很清楚,自始自终,这两位降下的神性力量也只是自身的一部分罢了,就算这一部分被困住或者被消杀,这两位就算有所不甘,最后结果可能也是选择退回去,因为这点损失正好能卡在他们的心理接受程度上 But as former rulers of the world, these two absolutely cannot endure this kind of shame, is impossible to accept. 可是作为曾经的世界主宰,这两位是绝然是忍受不了这等羞辱的,也不可能接受。 divine king Yilus divinity has to conquer with the King and other royal crowns, divine queen Yiqi divinity lies in multiplication and mother of myriad clans and other lawful rights, these divinities are without exception incredibly lofty, did not allow that others offend. 神王伊鲁斯神性有征服和王者等冠冕,神后伊切神性在于繁衍和万族之母等权柄,这些神性无不是高高再上,绝不容许他人冒犯。 But now their dignity has practically been smashed to pieces by this strike, if they can accept, then causes certainly the decline of divinity. 而现在两者的尊严几乎都这一击给砸了一个粉碎,若是他们能就此接受下来,那么必定导致神性的衰退。 If they did not investigate, although will therefore not suffer a defeat and flee, may involvement in world desalinate inevitably from this separates, that might be in the future really does not come back. 他们若是不追究,虽然不会因此而败亡,可与世间的牵连势必就会由此淡化割裂,那往后就有可能是真的回不来了。 The Yilukuja fear fulfilled quickly, powerful mystical strength covered him to be able instantly all regions of sensation, had the elusive singing sound to resound, can see that indistinctly heaven-reaching great tree phantom appeared on the scene, above had innumerable exquisite spirituality creature to dance in the air in the encirclement. 伊鲁库加的恐惧很快应验了,一股强大的神异力量霎时笼罩住了他所能感知的一切地域,同时有空灵的歌声响起,隐隐约约可以看到一株通天大树虚影出现了在场中,上面有无数优美的灵性生灵在环绕飞舞。 But under big tree phantom, the form of a man and a woman appeared, they are young are delicate and pretty, the man wears magnificently, and has the dignified armor, one hand holds an axe, one hand holds a lance ; 而在大树虚影之下,一男一女的身影浮现了出来,他们都是年轻俊美,男子身着华丽且颇具威严的盔甲,一手持斧,一手持矛; The females wear garland, is dresses a gorgeous mail-armor and helmet, in the hand has a shield, half the height of a person and covered in complicated decorative patterns, another hand also takes a lance. 女子头戴花冠,亦是穿戴一身华美甲胄,手中持有一面半人高的花纹繁复的盾牌,另一只手也是拿着一杆长矛。 But the image of this moment these two, is can be Yiparr Divine Clan divine king and divine queen, because the overwhelming majority of the two's divinity strength has gathered within the bodies they have manifested. 而此刻这两人的形象,才是算得上是伊帕尔神族神王和神后,因为他们所显现的身躯之中聚集了二人绝大部分的神性力量 They originally should have been awakened after the previous Great Extermination, but regarding severe elimination of clansman, making high and low no one be willing from making this matter. 他们本该在前次大寂灭之后就被唤醒归来,但是对于族人的严苛剥夺,使得上下没有一个人愿意从做此事。 Yilukuja this time awakens them, in reality had achieved the condition, reason that without returns immediately, but does not have enough sacrificial offering, needs to consume their oneself strength to make this matter, and this strength world could not have insisted how long must return, that insisted again lowered is little significance. 伊鲁库加这一次将他们唤醒,实际上已经达成了条件,之所以没有立刻归来,只是没有足够的祭品,需要耗费他们自己的力量来做此事,并且这力量还世间还坚持不了多久就要返回,那再坚持降下就没有太大意义了。 But now they to satisfy and maintain own divinity, then has to cross to deliver the strength. 可是现在他们为了满足和维护自身的神性,则是不得不将力量渡送下来。 Zhang Yu has not gone to prevent all these, his goal in coming is to solve the threat that exists here, if the opposite party hides in spirit's void land, that is solved is also very troublesome, since its oneself wants, that was it would be the best. 张御并没有去阻止这一切,他此来目的也是为了解决这里存在的威胁,若是对方躲在神虚之地,那解决起来也是非常麻烦,既然其自己愿意下来,那是最好不过了。 That young man with golden lance one finger/refers, said at this time forward with deep veneration: With the name of Yilus, blasphemed the person of throne, will certainly pay the price!” 年轻男子这时拿金矛向前一指,肃然道:“以伊鲁斯之名,亵渎王座之人,必将付出代价!” The young female also said seriously: With the name of Yiqi, Yiparr will certainly rule the world!” 年轻女子也是严肃道:“以伊切之名,伊帕尔必将主宰世界!” Yilukuja's look changes, this is divine decree takes an oath, once these words are spoken then one must act in accordance with them, completely without room for compromise, if unable to achieve, then the price is divinity strength that this part arrives at dissipates forever. 伊鲁库加神色一变,这是神谕宣誓,一旦说出这番话,那么必须去照着去做,绝然没有妥协余地的,若是无法做到,那么代价就是这部分降临下来的神性力量永远消散。 Advantage that but another institute can gain, that is takes an oath two people able to stay in world for a long time, pledged to be heavier, the time of stay was longer. 但另一个所能获得的好处,那便是宣誓二人能够长久停留在世界之中,誓言越重,停留的时间越长。 In his opinion, if this newly arrived Celestial Xia God is struck down then next it'll be his turn, he lifts sword-lance, again secret closes golden palace. 在他看来,要是新到来的这位天夏神明被击倒,那么下来就轮到自己了,他一抬剑矛,再度暗暗合闭金宫 The Zhang Yu vision tranquil looks at front, he does not care about what the deity man and woman are saying, sees these two strength to enter at this moment changes into the solid body, he will not be polite, a thought revolution, a sword light departs instantly, like a thunderbolt, in in Chang glittered suddenly, immediately thunder common echo air-splitting. 张御目光平静看着前方,他不在乎那对神人男女两人说什么,此刻见这两人力量已入化为实躯,他自不会再客气,意念一转,一道剑光霎时飞出,如霹雳一般,于场中骤然闪烁了一下,随即雷霆一般的破空回声。 But at this time, in the divine queen Yiqi hand on that half-a-person's-height shield presented a fissure immediately, but quick desalinates. 而这个时候,神后伊切手中那面半人高的盾牌上顿时出现了一道裂痕,但是很快又淡化下去。 Zhang Yu glances, just now his control the sword the place of cutting is two people of neck, but the final breakage appeared above this shield, his in the heart immediately understood, this was defend divine item. So long as oneself attacks two people, regardless of falls on there, then definitely meets this thing to withstand. 张御投去一眼,方才他御剑所斩之处乃是二人颈脖,但最后的破损却是出现在了这面盾牌之上,他心中立时明了,这是一件守御神器。只要自己攻击二人,不论落在那里,则必然会此物来承受。 Perhaps incessantly is flying sword, other attacks can also be so. 或许不止是飞剑,其他攻击也会是如此。 But he during attack, that side divine king Yilus also holds up the lance, feeling of the incomparable danger on the scene spreads. 而他在攻击的同时,那边神王伊鲁斯也是将长矛举起,一股无比危险之感顿在场中蔓延开来。 Yilukuja heart cannot help but jump, he knows this golden lance, named with the name of the clan, once the preparation throws, must steadfast flies toward the enemy. 伊鲁库加心头不禁跳了一下,他知道这柄以族名来命名的金矛一旦准备投掷,就必会坚定不移的朝敌人飞去。 In his heart rejoiced this time aimed at Zhang Yu to go, if coming to him, even if overlapped interlayer to be able enough to block throwing of this golden lance temporarily, but regardless of then he arrived there, will place during this golden lance pursued. 他心中不由庆幸这一次是对准了张御去的,若是对着他而来,纵然重叠间层能暂时够挡住这根金矛的投掷,可接下来不论他去到那里,都会身处在这金矛追击之中。 When he so thinks, sees in the field golden light to flash, that golden lance had actually let go to throw by Yilus. 而在他如此想时,就见场中金光一闪,那金矛却已是被伊鲁斯脱手投掷了出去。 Zhang Yu stands there tranquilly has not moved, that lance after entering his body surrounding that clear light, actually seems to sink into deep and heavy water, the momentum becomes more and more slow, more and more is slow, although also in rigid deep place ahead, but that and other rates of progression can definitely ignore. 张御平静站在那里未动,那长矛在进入了他身躯外围那一层清光之后,却像是陷入了深沉重水之中,势头变得越来越慢,越来越是缓顿,虽然还在执着的往前深处去,可那等前进速度完全可以忽略不计。 Zhang Yu after previous six seal and Heart Light Seal spirit essence fills again, Heart Light is the unprecedented power, at this moment does not go to mystery divine ability, by the Heart Light resistance, then kept off this divine item in the outside directly. 张御在上一次六印及心光之印再得神元填补之后,心光已然是前所未有的强盛,此刻根本不去往玄异神通,直接以心光抵御,便将这柄神器挡在了外间。 He has not gone to manage this golden lance, lifts the hand, is snapping fingers to two people! 他没去管这金矛,抬起手来,对着两人就是一弹指! That azure clothes daoist seeing that facial expression one cold, forms a mudra, the whole body appears dao talismans, calls Myriad Transformations Profound Principles Picture side, but simultaneously stretched out another hand to protect the young child behind. 那青衣道人见状神情一凛,拿一个法诀,周身浮现出一枚枚道箓,又将万化玄机图唤来身边,而同时伸出另一只手将小童护到了身后。 next moment, an incomparably bright and dazzling ray on the scene explodes to flash, entire golden palace rocks fiercely, might that tilts breaks in surrounding those layers of interlayer, for a while does not know many interlayer in this place shatter. 下一刻,一道无比明耀的光芒在场中爆闪出来,整个金宫为之剧烈晃动起来,那掀动起来的威能冲入周围那一重重间层之中,一时不知道多少间层此间破散 When the ray slightly draws back, obviously on that half-a-person's-height shield presented cracks, but actually closes during at this moment slowly, clearly even Sun and Moon Shine Again cannot break through this divine item's defence. 待光芒略退,可见那一面半人高的盾牌上面出现了一条条裂纹,可此刻却是缓缓弥合之中,显然连日月重光都没能攻破这面神器的守御 Zhang Yu actually does not care, because of his true killing move not here, Song of Cicadas Sword or Sun and Moon Shine Again technique to delay the time, he lifted the hand at this time, floating nearby Kongwu Tribulation Bead has shone again. 张御却不在意,因为他的真正杀招并不在此,无论是蝉鸣剑还是日月重光之术都只是为了拖延时间罢了,这时他把手一抬,一直飘悬在一旁的空勿劫珠”再次亮了起来。 This precious pearl gathers the potential such for a long time, when may also start again, if other time, perhaps opposite these two can also hide, may under the pressing of golden palace interlayer, two people foothold also in this a domain, probably not elsewhere radically, happen to gives this bead to display the might leeway. 这枚宝珠蓄势这么许久,也当可再度发动了,要是别的时候,对面这两人说不定还能躲藏,可在金宫间层的制压之下,两人落足之地也就在这一方界域,根本去不得别处,正好给予此珠发挥威能的余地。 At this moment under his heart force urges, tribulation bead shoots suddenly forward, just like a blazing sun falling into the human world, one group of bright lights along the old road that just now opens, is leaning to press loudly toward both sides different god! 此刻他心力一催之下,劫珠骤然向前射去,恰若炽阳坠落人间,一团明光就沿着方才开辟出来的旧路,朝着两面异神所在轰然倾压过去! ...... …… ...... ……
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