HDC :: Volume #2 Azure Sun (青阳)

#262: Imperial edict to

In the following several days, Zhang Yu starts to do leaves the preparation of Azure Sun. But is most important, before is leaves Azure Sun, collects many source energy as far as possible. 在接下来几天中,张御开始着手做一些离开青阳的准备。而其中最重要的,就是离开青阳之前尽可能搜集到更多的源能 At present only by the situation that he knows, in various era ruins and different God country have existence of source energy somewhat. 只以目前他所知道的情形来看,诸纪元遗迹异神国度中多多少少都有源能的存在。 Around Azure Sun Superior Continent had different God country that hid much actually, abatement some have turned to Azure Sun, the other parts have also been in a state of hostility with Azure Sun. 青阳上洲周围实际就有不少隐藏起来的异神国度,除却一些早已投靠青阳的,余下还有一部分一直与青阳处于敌对状态。 For example Frost Continent has much with different god divine country that it is on good terms, builds material majority that secret box needs to provide by these divine country, now these divine country as before also many existences, but even if these places do not have source energy to exist, he will prepare thoroughly extermination. 比如霜洲就有不少与之交好的异神神国,打造密匣所需的材料大部分就是由这些神国提供的,现在这些神国依旧还有不少存在着,而这些地方即便没有源能存在,他准备在任上彻底将之剿灭。 Except in addition, a place he decided that looks. 除此外,还有一个地方他决定去看一看。 Comes these broken flagstones after Fang Yuzhong that place, he has looked earnestly, these flagstone each are incomplete, being hard exegesis has the real meaning, but these things should have the origin without doubt. 方谕中那处得来那些残破石板之后,他就认真看过了,这些石板可谓每一块都不完整,难以释读出真正的意思,不过这些东西无疑都是应该有来历的。 Fang Yuzhong does not remember where these flagstones must come, but well in one is Manufacturing Institution Wu bestows. 方谕中是不记得这些石板到底是从哪里得来的了,但好在其中有一块是乌制院赠送的。 Therefore is he will be knowing after the interrogation from now on, Manufacturing Institution Wu they when expanding branch scale, had no intention to discover ruins situated in seabed, where this flagstone must come, even they still unearthed a antiquity different God incomplete skeleton there initially. 故是他在经过审问过后得知,乌制院他们在扩大分院规模时,无意在发现了一个位于海底的遗迹,这石板就是从哪里得来的,甚至当初他们还在那里挖掘出了一具远古异神的残缺尸骸。 He had once carefully looked, these flagstones are almost with stemming from a source, then must come from here. 他曾仔细看过,这几块石板几乎都是同出于一源,那么说不定都从此处得来的。 His foster father gave his flagstone from before, above each flagstone had a complete writing, but each writing should represent a some strength. 从之前他养父交给他的那块石板的来看,每一块石板之上都有一个完整的文字,而每一个文字应该都代表着某一种力量。 However he is cultivator, the different god strength he does not care nowadays, he regards as important instead is behind flagstone that piece of ruins. 不过他现如今是一名修道人,异神的力量他并不如何在意,他看重的反而是石板背后的那片遗迹 Can be born this grade of flagstone place, that may have existence of source energy. 能诞生出这等石板的地方,那或许会有源能的存在。 Therefore he after is preparing slightly, left Guang State on escaping light, comes in the Eastern Sea direction, uses the little while merely, then before arriving at the Gui State sea cliff . 于是他在稍作准备之后,就遁光离开了光州,一路往东海方向过来,仅仅用时半刻,便即来到了归州海崖之前。 Originally he is prepares to ride sea boat to that place, but thinks that these creation are not quite sturdy, oneself currently has Star Corresponding Square Heaven Hut, that does not need to take this grade of boat ship again. 本来他是准备乘海舟去往那处的,不过想想这些造物似是不太牢靠,自己现在既有了“应星方天庐”,那就不必再去乘坐这等舟船了。 He takes out Square Heaven Hut from star bag, beginning this thing when three chi (0.33 m) length, but among heart force one revolution, then the change is zhang (3.33 m) permits Laigao, among slightly rouses instantly, four corner/horn hanging down hill shape felt tent. 他从星袋之中将方天庐取出,这东西初时不过三尺长短,可心力一转之间,霎时便变化为一座丈许来高、中间略鼓,四角低垂的山形庐帐。 After this thing puts, does not fall to the ground, but is floating in midair, whatever but outside the sea breeze blows, actually does not see any rocks. 这东西放出来之后,并不落地,而是飘悬在半空之中,但任凭外面海风吹来,却不见任何晃动。 Zhang Yu nodded, he jumps, entered in Square Heaven Hut, in the account only has the space of three zhang (3.33 m) length and breadth, but is actually to him spacious. 张御点了点头,他腾身而起,进入了方天庐之中,账内只有三丈长宽的空间,但对于他一个人来说其实已然非常宽敞了。 In the felt tent was empty, but he after refining, acquired various types toward in the thing and ornaments, as he comes, spirit calming incense burner sent out continuously the delicate fragrance. 庐帐之内本来是空无一物的,不过他在祭炼之后,往里面添置了各种用物和摆设,随着他进来,宁神香炉散发出了缕缕清香。 He arrives among the felt tents directly, took out Water Repelling Bead from star bag, hangs, in hung there bead bag, in a twinkling a bright light blooms. 他直接来到庐帐中间,从星袋之中取出了辟水珠,挂在了垂在那里的珠袋之中,霎时间一阵明光绽放出来。 Then he sits well above soft couch, the thought moves, Square Heaven Hut then from sinks toward the sea water. 而后他在软榻之上坐定下来,意念一动,方天庐便自往海水之中沉入进去。 This felt tent may along with his thought the line, be able to go any he to have the accurate concept place that to this world during, and has, therefore was he after transmitting a consciousness, has not gone again multibarreled, went to sit well directly at the same time to soft couch above, put out one volume of dao writing to turn to look. 这庐帐可随他意念而行,能去到此世之中任何一处他有确切概念并且真实存在的地方,故是他在传递出了一个意识之后,就没有再去多管,直接去到一边软榻之上坐定下来,拿出一卷道书翻览起来。 Had Water Repelling Bead, Square Heaven Hut sped along the least bit is not slow in the sea, fluttered several no respectively with the day, this made him actually quite satisfied. 有了避水珠,方天庐在海中飞驰起来半点都不慢,与天中飘飞几无任何分别,这令他倒是较为满意。 After half of the day, the felt tent arrived around Heavenly Secrets Institution that island, here distance ruins obviously are not far. 只是半天之后,庐帐就到达了天机院那座海岛附近,此处距离废墟显已是不远。 Arrived here, he then received dao writing, gently waves a sleeve, the surrounding felt tent imitates, if melts one group, revealed outside scene. 到了这里,他便把道书收了起来,轻轻一挥袖,周围的庐帐仿若融化开来一团,露出了外面的景象。 He controls the felt tent saying that direction to fly toward Manufacturing Institution Wu, quick saw ruins that a big piece has in the seabed, the surroundings everywhere are the toppling stone column stone wall, smooth liberal, maintains complete giant stone platform as before. 他驾驭庐帐往乌制院所言那处方向飞去,很快就见到了一大片存在于海底的废墟,周围到处都是倾颓的石柱石墙,还有平整阔大,依旧保持完好的巨大石台。 The specific age of this stretch of ruins he is hard to distinguish, but can look, all constructions are exceptionally huge, this is not one case, but is so, associate Manufacturing Institution Wu once unearthed the antiquity god skeleton again here, he believes, here perhaps is an ancient city that consecrates antiquity different God. 这片废墟的具体的年代他难以判别,但是可以看得出来,所有的建筑都是异常巨大,这并非一例,而是所有都是如此,再联想乌制院曾在这里挖掘出远古神明的尸骸,他认为,这里或许是一座供奉远古异神的古代城市。 That antiquity different God possibly survived in this, but these stone platform permits are the sacrificial altars that are used to offer sacrifices. 那个远古异神原先可能在此生存,而那些石台许就是用来献祭的祭台。 If so, then found source energy possibly was bigger. 若真是这样,那么找到源能的可能就更大了。 He controls Square Heaven Hut, using the little while time to loaf in the sky of this stretch of ruins, unsurprising/nothing unexpected happens found several targets actually, had a giant statue in the four directions of ruins, but three were the breakage collapses. 他驾驭方天庐,用了半刻时间在这片废墟的上空游荡了一圈,倒是不出意外找到了几个目标,在废墟的四个方向上都有一座巨大的雕像,不过其中三座都是破裂倒塌了。 Only relatively complete, but also lost half head and less than half side body, but he felt the intense heat flow from above. 唯有一座相对完好,可是也失去了半个头颅和小半边身躯,不过他却是从上面感到了强烈的热流。 But this does not come from the statue, but originates something in statue body. 但这也并非来自雕像本身,而是来源于雕像身躯内的某件东西。 He after detecting, comes out from the felt tent, Heart Light easily separates the surrounding sea water, before arriving at that roughly to have the hundred zhang (333 m) to come the high statue . 他在察觉到之后,就自庐帐之中出来,心光轻易分开周围的海水,来到了那约莫有百丈来高的雕像之前。 Is looking a moment later, his vision note, the head of that statue rocks slightly, then presented a long crack, as the crack expands, a spindle-shaped gem from inside flew, flutters to his front. 在看有片刻之后,他目光一注,那石像的头颅微微晃动起来,而后出现了一条长长的裂纹,随着裂纹扩大,一枚梭形宝石从里面飞了出来,飘至他的面前。 At this time, this gem moved suddenly, then suddenly opened like an eye, and revealed a snake pupil, it after several moved, very malicious looked to Zhang Yu, and deep sounds in broken bits mixed with the colorful fuzzy light color to well up the continuously to him. 只是这个时候,这枚宝石忽然一动,而后如眼睛一般忽的睁了开来,并露出了一只蛇瞳,它在动了几动之后,十分恶意的看向了张御,并且有一缕缕深沉细碎的声音夹杂着五颜六色的模糊光色向他涌来。 Zhang Yu indifferent looks at these changes, put out a hand, pressing firmly between the fingers, in a twinkling, all sound hue light will vanish do not see. 张御淡然看着这些变化,伸手出去,一把将之捏住,霎时间,所有的声色音光一齐消失不见。 Meanwhile, a turbulent heat flow floods into to him, but in his eyes also presented electricity glow in broken bits, whole body Heart Light is also moves fast to rock. 与此同时,一股汹涌的热流向他涌入过来,而他的眼眸之中也随之出现了一片细碎的电芒,浑身的心光也是飘忽晃动起来。 As the heat flow was absorbed by him unceasingly, gradually weakens, and finally, he as if heard one to wail, then thorough two did not have the sound. 随着热流被他不断吸纳,也是逐渐减弱下来,到了最后,他似乎听到了一股哀嚎,接下来便彻底两没了动静。 He spreads out the palm, calculates the magnificent gem had changed into pile of iron grey dead small dust, then turns the wrist, whatever these fall in the sea water. 他摊开手掌,原本还算华丽的宝石已然化为了一堆灰白色的细末灰土,便一翻腕,任由这些落去海水之中。 He did not determine that this thing is whether related with that antiquity different God, so long as can seek for source energy, but the origin was how immaterial. 他不确定这东西是否与那远古异神有关,但只要能找寻到源能,但来历如何就无关紧要了。 He left this place, returns to the felt tent , the expanded range sought, quick then also had the harvest, found one pile offered sacrifices with antiques, in him source energy absorb, these things also changed into one pile of disintegrating slags similarly. 他离开了此间,回到庐帐之中,又扩大范围找寻了一下,很快便又有了收获,找到了一堆献祭用的古物,在他把源能吸摄一空,这些东西也是同样化为了一堆碎渣。 But except in addition, again no harvest. 但除此外,就再没任何收获了。 As for that antiquity different God skeleton location, he had also looked, there only had one to be polished smooth huge trapezoid stone cave, inside has been empty. 至于那个远古异神尸骸原本所在的地方,他也是去看过了,那里只剩下下了一个被打磨光滑的巨大的梯形石穴,里面早已是空无一物。 After the confirmation has no valuable thing again, his then without looking back left here, and returns toward the continent. 在确认再没有什么有价值的东西后,他便头也不回离开了这里,并往洲中回返。 In the following date and time, he inquires everywhere ruins, the boundary that search possible source energy to have, so continues to have ten days later, on this day, he flying in the day, suddenly ray passing through the sky, in his heart is having the feeling, immediately decides motionless, along with, even if were covered into by that ray. 在接下来的时日之中,他四处探询遗迹,搜寻可能源能存在的地界,在这般持续有十来天之后,这一日,他正在天中飞遁,忽然一道光芒经空而来,他心中有感,当即立定不动,随即便被那股光芒笼罩入内。 As familiar pulling out leaves induced, he discovered that oneself appeared in other day that tea garden again, he raised the head, sees that young daoist to stand in not far away. 随着熟悉的抽离之感生出,他发现自己再次出现在了上回那座茶园之中,他一抬头,见那少年道人正站在不远处。 That young daoist puts out one volume of edict talisman, said to him: Profound Corrector Zhang, goes forward to meet the edict.” 少年道人拿出一卷符诏,对他言道:“张玄正,上前接谕吧。” Zhang Yu both hands gather immediately, the line has one to bow with hands clasped, later goes forward several steps, said: Zhang Yu meets the edict.” 张御当即双手一合,行有一揖,随后上前几步,道:“张御接谕。” young daoist opens edict talisman, said: Azure Sun Profound Mansion Profound Corrector Zhang Yu , no matter what on puts down a rebellion to eliminate the trouble, executes the great say/way, caresses decides the continent territory, the merit raises praise-worthy, therefore gives Profound Court Patrolling Protector now ‚’ a duty, holding multiple posts Azure Sun Profound Corrector, Year 377 of the Grand Profound Calendar in December 3 rd.” 少年道人打开符诏,道:“青阳玄府玄正张御,于任上平乱除患,正法宏道,抚定洲域,功堪嘉扬,故今授‘玄廷巡护’一职,兼领青阳玄正,大玄历三百七十七年十二月初三。” After reading, as soon as he about edict talisman, proceeded to hand over. 念完之后,他一合符诏,往前一递。 Zhang Yu lifts the body, goes forward two steps, edict talisman receives in the hand, under the heart ponders saying: Profound Court Patrolling Protector......” 张御一抬身,上前两步,将符诏接入手中,心下不由忖道:“玄廷巡护么……” Profound Court Patrolling Protector is actually somewhat similar to Meng Huanzhen's office of Walker, but it differs from Walker in that it doesn't only have the power to report, Patrolling Protector actually has the authority to supervise and correct. 玄廷巡护实际上孟嬛真所任行走有些相似,不过不同于行走只有呈报之权,巡护却是有监察正过的权力的 Although this duty is unable such as Profound Corrector to transfer cultivator from the local area like that. But because actually has the Profound Court envoy status, said from the position, instead was higher than half step Profound Corrector. 此职虽无法如玄正那般从当地调用修士。但却因为有着玄廷使者的身份,从职位上说,反而比玄正高了半阶。 However a holding multiple posts Azure Sun Profound Corrector duty, actually some not as he expected. 不过兼领青阳玄正一职,倒是有些出乎他预料。 If were he went to outer layer, how also to give dual attention to Azure Sun? 如是他去了外层,又如何兼顾青阳 young daoist saw the doubts, said with a smile: Profound Corrector Zhang doubts not, Profound Court considered that the Azure Sun situation is unique, the position of Profound Corrector works as by your holding multiple posts, I and others will send the right person, if all goes well, you remove this duty is not late at the appointed time again.” 少年道人似是看出了的疑惑,笑道:“张玄正莫疑,玄廷考虑到青阳情形独特,玄正之位当还是由你兼领,我等自会派遣合适之人前往,若是一切顺利,届时你再卸去此职不迟。” Zhang Yu then understood what is heard, Azure Sun Profound Mansion is different from elsewhere Profound Mansion, various factions just now unites, the custom also re-established not the multi- date and time, but in this situation, cultivator prestige in reality is more important than the position. 张御这下听明白了,青阳玄府与别处玄府不同,诸派方才合一,规矩也重新确立了没多时日,而这个情况下,修士个人威望实际上比职位更为重要。 Profound Court should be for fear that new Profound Corrector is hard to suppress these cultivator, therefore is lets him temporarily holding multiple posts this position, middle is good a transition. 玄廷应该是唯恐新任玄正难以压住这些修士,故是让他暂时兼领此位,当中好有一个过渡。 young daoist smiles, said: Imperial edict has sent, what does Profound Corrector Zhang have to ask?” 少年道人笑了一笑,道:“诏谕已发,张玄正还有什么要问么?” Under the Zhang Yu heart thinks, asks: May I ask envoy how to go to the outer layer?” 张御心下一思,问道:“敢问使者,御当如何去往外层?” young daoist said with a smile: Needs Heaven Travelling Sundial to outer layer, Azure Sun Superior Continent does not have, Profound Corrector Zhang may wait in Azure Sun patiently, the date and time one , the meeting person comes to meet to welcome you at the appointed time.” 少年道人笑道:“去往外层需用行天晷,青阳上洲是没有的,张玄正可在青阳耐心等候,时日一至,届时自会人前来接迎你。” Zhang Yu said: Also can consult envoy again, when Yu goes is there anything in particular to pay attention to?” 张御道:“还要再请教使者,御此回前往,可有什么需要注意之处么?” young daoist, said: „ Profound Corrector Zhang, you this time toward outer layer, may try to contribute to some meritorious military service, this has in you after all is the advantage. 少年道人唔了一声,道:“张玄正,你此回往外层,可设法多立一些战功,这于你终归有是好处的。 Must know , if no merit, in the future regardless of your cultivation base how, not possibly goes to hold an office to Profound Court, is not so able with fellow daoists discuss the dao , unable to expound own truth, I said, Profound Corrector Zhang does understand? ” 需知若无功绩,未来无论你修为如何,也无可能去到玄廷之中任职,如此也就无法与诸位道友论道,亦无法阐明自身道理,我如此说,张玄正可是明白么?” Zhang Yu slightly makes the thinking, unconsciously nods, 张御略作思索,不觉点头, young daoist sees him to be again unquestioned, then bowed, that person form fades, then surroundings all shatter comes immediately, the surroundings ray also dissipates not to have the trace, only a Zhang Yu person stands in the midair, the robe sleeve waves with the wind. 少年道人见他再无疑问,便打一个稽首,其人身影一虚,而后周围一切便就破散开来,周围光芒也是一齐消散无踪,唯余张御一人立在半空之中,袍袖随风舞动不已。 ...... …… ...... ……
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