Chen Jiustaresis staringYu Ji, afterheasked the question, breath, heartbeat and blood pressureYu Ji, even some subtle changes of skinporewere not the least bit offbyhimget a panoramic view. WhenYu Jibewildereddid have doubtsduplicatesone„inicebergto have the mechanism/organization?” When on the Chen Jiufaceflashes through the extremelydisappointedlook.陈久直勾勾地瞪着余祭,在他问完问题后,余祭的呼吸、心跳、血压,甚至皮肤毛孔的一些细微变化都被他丝毫不差得尽收眼底。当余祭一脸茫然疑惑地重复了一句“冰山里有机关?”时,陈久脸上闪过极度失望的神色。„How?”Ruan Qingzhudoes not look atYu Ji, butlooks atChen Jiu.
“如何?”阮青竹不看余祭,只是看陈久。„Is very regrettable, hedoes not knowprobably.”Chen Jiusaid.
“很遗憾,他大概是不知道的。”陈久说。„HeisLin FamilyFour Great.”Mo Linsaidin the casual comment.
“他可是林家的四大家将。”莫林在旁插话道。„Regarding thisIalso can only express deep regrets.”Chen Jiusaid.
“对此我也只能深表遗憾。”陈久说。Yu Jiis silent, the innermost feelingsactuallyandare inferior to hissurfaceto be so calm. AsLin FamilyFour Great, in the bloodlines of trueLin Familybesides the body, could not have displayedBlood Inheritance AbilityMirror Traceless that Lin Familywas in sole possession, fourpeoplecould not feel that theyalsohadanythingto distinguishwith the realLin Familyperson. TheyknowrelatedLin Familyall, eventheycompares the trueLin Familyjuniorsto knowatmanymattersare many. Secret camp that for exampleinthisSichuanhidden, theyknow to probablycompared withLin Tianbiaoearly.余祭沉默不语,内心却并不如他面上这么平静。作为林家的四大家将,除了身体里并没有真正林家的血脉,施展不了林家独有的血继异能镜无痕以外,四人都已经感觉不到他们与真的林家人还有什么区别。他们知晓有关林家的一切,甚至在很多事上他们比真正的林家子弟知道得还要多。就比如说这界川之中隐藏的秘密营地,他们就远比林天表知道得要早。Lin Familyis outspokento trusttotheirfourpeople, at leasttheylike thishave thought that is only the present......林家对他们四人是毫无保留信任着的,至少他们是一直这样以为的,只是现在……Butin the icy peak of Sichuanhaslock?
可是界川的冰峰之中藏有定制?Back and forthcrossesdoes not know that manytimeYu Jireturnto hear, sees the appearance of opposite partyseriousdiscussion, thismustnot beinterrogates and tortureshisskill, matter that reallyhas.
在此间来回过不知道多少次的余祭头回听说,看到对方郑重讨论的模样,这应当不是什么拷问他的技巧,就是真实存在的事。ThereforeFamily Lordtotheirtrusts, has the limit?
所以家主对他们的信任,还是存有限度的吗?Thinks ofthis, Yu Jilooked at the eyetoward the icy peak of distant place.
想到这,余祭不由地朝远处的冰峰看了眼。Lin Baiyingstandsinthisas before, althoughis quite farfrom the battlefield, butLu Pingtheirhereevery action and every movementhelooksclearly.林柏英依旧站在这,虽然距离战场颇远,但是路平他们这边的一举一动他都看得清清楚楚。Ruan QingzhuandChen Jiu, arrive atHuo Yingthis , before againfirstdisciple, presentlyscholar , he althoughhas not had the directsocial dealingswiththesethreepeople, is much more exhaustive than Northern Dipper Institutemost peopletotheirunderstanding. Incitesgroup of threeGreat Institutethe day ofSeven Stars Joint Examinationto attackNorthern Dipper, the itselfis his plan, huge of thisplan, does not knock the nextday, thenlobbiedonegroup of peopleto workthatsimply. IsarrangesChen Chuto enterNorthern Dipper Institute, finallysitsto the position of Alioth Peakfirstdisciple, does not know that has consumedmanyyearmanypainstaking care.阮青竹、陈久,再到霍英这位前首徒、现院士,他虽然没同这三个人打过直接交道,对他们的了解却比北斗学院的绝大多数人还要详尽得多。挑唆三大学院在七星会试那天群攻北斗,本就是他一手策划的,这个计划之庞大,绝不只是敲下日子,然后游说一群人干活那么简单。仅仅是安排陈楚进北斗学院,最后坐到玉衡峰首徒的位置,就不知耗费了多少年多少心血。Inthislongprocess, toNorthern Dipper Institute, tootherthreeGreat Institute, heis collecting the informationunceasingly, people who bythorough understandingFour Great Institutes, entirecontinentstronghiswill not be many.
在这漫长的过程中,对北斗学院,对其他三大学院,他不断搜罗着情报,论对四大学院的全面了解,整个大陆会强过他的人都不会很多。Whensaw when Ruan Qingzhu, Chen JiuandHuo Yingcomeone after another, althoughonly thenthreepeople, buthad the fullpreparationregardingroutLin Baiying of one's own side. Four Great Institutesalwayscultivates the symbol of peak, if notso, Lin BaiyingalsowhatXudid instigatethemto fightmutually? Becausecanpose the threattoFour Great Institutes, since Dark Institutebyexpel, only thenthey. Althoughin recent yearsThree Great Empires and blood the potentialare bigfollowingfamilygradually, but a Four Great Institutesover a thousandyears of inheritancealso the situation that is far frombeing ableto be neglected. Even ifFourth Courtyarddamagesin a Northern DipperSeven Stars Valleyserviceseriously, but when theyuniteintogether, stilltakes a broad view at the strength that the worldnobodycanshake.
The Northern Dipper Institutethreescholarlevels, have made his subordinatesfamoustwofamilies/home of leadeliteloses. Buthas the large unit that toFangji, left the Yandangpass/test, this pointLin Baiyingearlyreceived the information, at presentRuan Qingzhu, Chen Jiu and Huo Yingthreepeoplesearchedthis time, the Four Great Instituteslarge military forcehave thought that quickwill kill.北斗学院的三位院士级,已让他的麾下久负盛名的两位家将所领的精锐铩羽而归。而对方集起的大部队,也已经出了雁荡关,这一点林柏英早收到了情报,眼下阮青竹、陈久、霍英三人已经探到了此时,四大学院的大队人马想必很快就会杀到。WhatLin Baiyingis very cleartheyto be goingto greetiswhat kind ofmatch, but this timelookis not chaotic, hisvisionare moreinpaying attentionas beforeisLu Ping.林柏英很清楚他们将要迎接的是怎样的对手,可他此时的神色却丝毫不乱,他的目光更多在留意的依旧是路平。„How?” A soundresoundsinhissidesuddenly, the icy peak of wind and snowoccurring togetherwithstand/top, are impressively many a form, standssideLin Baiying. Lin Baiyingpays attention to the Lu Pingvision, Ruan Qingzhu, Chen JiuandHuo Yingthisgrade of powerhousecanperceiveobtain, theyLin Baiyingwill look once for a while also atonetoward the peakwill be standing erect, butthiswill suddenly present the formtheyactuallycompletelynot to realize.
“如何?”一个声音忽在他身边响起,风雪交集的冰峰顶上,赫然又多出个身影,就站在林柏英身旁。林柏英注意着路平的目光,阮青竹、陈久、霍英这等强者都能感知得到,他们时不时也会朝峰顶矗立着的林柏英瞧一眼,可这突然出现身影他们却全然没有察觉。„It is not good.”Lin Baiyingto the reply of thisquestion is very simple.
“不好。”林柏英对这一声疑问的回答很是简单。„Youearlyshouldremovehim.” The form in wind and snowsaid.
“你早该除掉他。”风雪中的身影说道。„For more than 100 years, thisisonly the successfulexperimentbody.”Lin Baiyingsaid.
“百余年来,这是唯一成功的实验体。”林柏英说道。„Butyoulosttohiscontrol.” The formsaid.
“但你失去了对他的控制。”身影说道。„Itoounderestimatedhim, Ihave not thought ofthis kind ofwhite papersamelittle rascalnatural growthtosuchsituation.”Lin Baiyingsigh.
“我太低估他了,我没想到这样一个白纸一样的小鬼会自然成长到这样的地步。”林柏英叹息。„Now?” The formasked.
“现在呢?”身影问。„Alsoa littleopportunity.”Lin Baiyingwas saying, heputs out a handinto the bosom, after long time, took outminimumsideHe from, handed overto the side.
“还有一点机会。”林柏英说着,他伸手入怀,半晌后从里取出了个极小的方盒,递向了身旁。„Yu Ji?” The formasked.
“余祭的?”身影问。„Yes.”Lin Baiyingnods.
The formlifts the hand, receivedlittlesidebox, doublerefers toslightlyonemaking an effort, onlittlesideboxpresented the crack, wisp of Soul Powerdrills from like the mist and dust, drilledtowardthatform.
The formmoved slightly , the visionlikes the essencetogether, projectswith the fuzziness that in the wind and snowmixfromhim.
身影微微动了下,一道目光有如实质,从他与风雪混合的模糊中射出。„Be careful!”
“当心!”Beyondseveralli (0.5 km), Mo Linyelledonesuddenly. ObservedChen Jiu of Yu Jibodychangestillnot to haveanydetectionclosely, actuallyLu PingafterhearingMo Linthisshouted, even if the bodycould not withstandweakly, actuallysubconsciouslydisplayedSoul Listening, immediatelyheard the Soul Powersound, fromYu Ji, butresembled...... It is not Yu Ji.
数里之外,莫林忽然大叫了一声。密切观察着余祭身体变化的陈久尚没有任何察觉,倒是路平在听到莫林这一声喊后,即使身体虚弱不堪,却还是下意识地施展出了听魄,马上就听到了魄之力的声响,来自余祭,但又好像……不是余祭。Caused heavy lossesloses the strengthYu Ji, likeresurging, suddenlysuch asarrowgenerallybefore the body not farLu Pinghas shot.
本已被重创失去战力的余祭,有如死灰复燃,突然如箭一般朝身前不远的路平射了去。Even ifthere isMo Linin advancethatprompt, mayregardless ofRuan QingzhuorHuo Ying, eveninpaying attention toYu JiChen Jiu, has not been expecting the dangerunexpectedly from half deadYu Ji, evenafterMo Linthisreminder, thisattentionYu JiChen Jiuwas going to the attentionon the contrarydon'toutside, thinks that had any externalattack.
即使有莫林事前那一声提示,可无论阮青竹还是霍英,甚至一直在注意着余祭的陈久,都没料到危险竟是来自于半死的余祭,甚至是在莫林这一声提醒后,本关注着余祭的陈久反倒是把注意力投向了别外,以为是有什么外来的攻击。UntilYu Jijumps outlike the arrow, near at handthreescholarpreventunexpectedly, Lu Pingrealized, howhas a mindto be incapable, can only lookhelplesslyYu Jiboth eyeswere red, grinningwas revealingdensewhitetooth, as if the beast of preydashed togenerally.
直至余祭如箭般窜出,近在咫尺的三位院士竟都阻止不及,路平察觉到了,奈何有心无力,只能眼睁睁地看着余祭双目赤红,咧嘴露着森森白牙,仿佛猛兽一般直扑过来。Along with the Wind!且随风行!Is goodbecause ofalsoMo Lin, althoughis the strengthis weakest, actually earliest realizes one of the change. Does not haveStrength's Soulhimto displaythisAbility, Yu Ji that towardthrowinghits.
砰!Twopeoplelayer on layer/heavilyhitinone, strengthweakMo Linare sprungimmediatelyfar, brunting of Yu Jifinallyslowoneslow, such a time of twinkling, threescholarhave reacted, Yu Jidoes not have the opportunityto continuehisoffensive, suddenlyhas fallen to the ground, diedthoroughly.
两个人重重地撞在了一起,力量薄弱的莫林顿时被弹出好远,余祭的冲势总算缓了一缓,就这么一个瞬息的功夫,三位院士都已经做出反应,余祭没有机会继续他的攻势,眨眼已经倒地,彻底断了气。„What's all this about?”Ruan Qingzhuis amazed, Chen Jiuloweredbodyto get the physical exam of Yu Ji, Huo Yingactuallylooked that tohad been hitMo Lin that flies, simultaneouslylookedalsohasLu Ping, „Mo Lin”urgentlycalled out, butquickheardinthat sidesnow pitto transmit„aiyufed”crying out.
“这是怎么回事?”阮青竹惊诧,陈久已经低身去检查余祭的身体,霍英却是看向了被撞飞的莫林,同时看去的还有路平,一声“莫林”急叫出声,不过很快就听到那边雪坑里传来一声“哎呦喂”的叫唤。Lu Pinglongrelaxed, Huo Ying is actually the lookmoves slightly, corpse of hereChen JiuafterYu Jislightlychecks, the lookis the big change.路平长松了口气,霍英却是神色微动,这边陈久对余祭的尸体略做检查后,神色更是大变。„Biology Imitation System?”Histonefilledhas not believed that simultaneouslyfasttowardfourhas swept. Youngstereach that theseare disturbed with fearhas not escapedhiseye, howeverhehad not found the goal that heneedsinmiddle.
“仿生系?”他的口气充满了不信,同时飞快地朝四下扫了一圈。那些惊恐不安的少年每一个都没有逃过他的眼睛,但是在当中他并没有找到他需要的目标。Difficultto be inadequateisthere?
难不成是那里?Chen Jiuraised the head, looksto the summit of distant placeicy peak, has stoodfor a long timeLin Baiyingthere, actuallydepartedinthis time.陈久抬头,望向远处冰峰之颠,在那里已经站了许久的林柏英,却在此时离去了。
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