只来了三个。Butthesethree are actually Northern Dipper Institutesevenpeakscholar, thismay the mighty forcebe recently fearful.
但这三个却是北斗学院的七峰院士,这可比来了千军万马还要可怕。Nie Ranghad been pounded the bottombyRuan Qingzhu, Yu Jiaftershot a look atonebyheralsoimmediatelyhas made the gesture of defense, the restlesslookwithstood/topto look atonetoward the iceberg of Sichuansubconsciously.聂让已经被阮青竹砸进了地底,余祭在被她瞥了一眼后也立即做出了防御的姿态,不安的眼神下意识地朝界川的冰山顶上看了一眼。Thiswas caughtbyRuan Qingzhu, shealsopaid attention to the icebergto withstand/top the Lin Baiyingformimmediately. Thisgrade of reputationgreat personoutside, Ruan Qingzhurecognizes, immediatelydisregardsgoalYu Ji that had formerly locked.
这一眼被阮青竹捕捉到了,她立即也注意了冰山顶上林柏英的身影。这等声名在外的大人物,阮青竹一眼认出,立即无视了先前锁定的目标余祭。„Captures the ringleader first.”Ruan Qingzhuwas saying, figurelikeelectricity, turns into the azurelightto speed awayto gotoward the icy peaktogether. Whowantsjustto plunderseveralmeter/rice, thinks that the surroundingscenein a flash, Ruan Qingzhuhalts, the angry glarelookstoHuo Ying.
“擒贼先擒王。”阮青竹说着,身形如电,化成一道青光朝着冰峰疾驰而去。谁想刚掠出数米,就觉周围景象一晃,阮青竹止步,怒目看向霍英。„scholaris slightly slow.”Huo Yinggrew the tone. ThisregionalreadyinhislockAbility„Moving Labyrinth”undercovering, justRuan Qingzhuthenalsoreturned to the home positionby this Abilityinfluence. But the Ruan Qingzhuwhat kind ofstrength, Huo Yingforcefullybrings back toherwith„Moving Labyrinth”maynot be an easymatter.
“院士稍慢。”霍英长出了口气。这一片区域都已在他的定制异能“移动迷宫”的笼罩下,刚刚阮青竹便也是受他这异能影响回到了原位。可是阮青竹何等实力,霍英用“移动迷宫”将她强行带回可也不是件容易的事。„Had the wordsto sayquickly.”Ruan Qingzhushouted.
“有话快说。”阮青竹喝道。„Firstattended tothisantecedent? ThatSichuanIfeelsomewhatstrangely, should better notto rushrashly.”Huo Yingsaid.
“还是先把这眼前事料理了吧?那个界川我感觉有些古怪,最好不要贸然去闯。”霍英说道。„Has the strangeness? Whatstrangenesshas?”Ruan Qingzhusaid that whilelookstoward the icy peak. Shejust nowfightsintentto erupt, does not needperceive to see that with the naked eyeherstrategic placewhogoes, Lin Baiying that but the icy peakwithstand/toplooks likedoes not worry, does not dodgedoes not evade, standsthereas before, appearance that watching changes quietly.
“有古怪?有什么古怪?”阮青竹一边说一边朝冰峰看去。她方才战意爆发,不需感知用肉眼都可看出她要冲谁去,可冰峰顶上的林柏英看来却不着急,不闪不避,依旧站在那里,一副静观其变的模样。„MyperceivetothisSichuanicy peakinseemed to be that Soul Poweris flowing, is very likelysomeGreat Lock.”Huo Yingsaid.
“我感知到这界川冰峰之中似有魄之力在流淌,很有可能是某种大定制。”霍英说道。„......”Voicejustfell, Lu Pingfirstlongsuddenly.
“哦……”话音刚落,路平这边先长长恍然了一声。„What does little rascalyouknow?”Ruan Qingzhulookstowardhim.
“小鬼你知道什么?”阮青竹朝他看去。„IFirst PathfromSichuancame out, have driven outseveralicebergs, trulyalsoheardinthisicebergas ifto have the Soul Powersound.”Lu Pingsaid.
“我从界川内一路出来,轰开了数座冰山,确实也听到这冰山内似乎有魄之力的声音。”路平说道。„Drives outseveralicebergs?”Ruan Qingzhuwas saying, has lookedonewithChen JiuandHuo Ying.
“轰开数座冰山?”阮青竹说着,不由地跟陈久、霍英对望了一眼。„Yes.”Lu Pingsaid.
“是啊。”路平说。„Youhelphimtake a lookfirst, Igoto seizeto ask the questionthat sidethat.”Ruan Qingzhuwas saying, turns the body to towardYu Jiflush away. In the Yu Jiheartdoes not know that what to dohas ponderedmany. ThreeNorthern Dippersevenpeakscholar, heponderedto hit unable to run away, the Family Lordthat sidelooked likedoes not have the ability of aidfor a while, saw with own eyes that Ruan Qingzhuhecameon the strategic place, hetowardsideplundered, to catch a youngsterhurriedlyto come to seewhether to be the hostage.
His moves, Ruan Qingzhuhaltsimmediately, in the Yu Jiheartis just happy, actuallysaw that Ruan Qingzhusneeredwas saying the sentence: „Stupid!”
他这一动,阮青竹立即止步,余祭心中正喜,却看到阮青竹冷笑着说了句:“愚蠢!”Voicesidedrop, Yu Jithenthinks that the bodywas blurredbyall, oneselfas ifplace oneselfin a vastness of piece of Soul Power. Howeverquick, allthenreturned tonormal, hejustplunderedthatstephad not been trodbyanyhindrance. At presentheappears is actually not the youngster who hewantsto seizeto be the hostage, butisRuan Qingzhucoldlyis looking athisboth eyes.
语音方落,余祭便觉身遭一切都模糊起来,自己仿佛置身于一片魄之力的汪洋之中。不过很快,一切便已恢复正常,他刚刚掠出的那一步也未受任何阻碍踏下了。只是他眼前出现的却不是他想要去捉做人质的少年,而是阮青竹冷冷望着他的双眼。Thisflickered the issue that Yu Jicould not give a thought to hitis not victorious, the life instinctmadehisSoul Powerigniteinstantaneously, a palmliftedmuststriketo the lower jaw of Ruan Qingzhu.
这一瞬余祭也顾不上打不打得过的问题了,求生本能让他的魄之力瞬间燃起,一掌抬起就要击向阮青竹的下颚。Ruan Qingzhudoes not dodgedoes not evadedoes not lift the hand, is the headfaces forwardto extendon the contrary.阮青竹不闪不避也不抬手,反倒是头朝前一伸。Bang! Ka!
砰!咔!In a dull thumping sound, mixes with the sound of skeletondisruption, Ruan Qingzhuis having a specific useto make the weaponunexpectedly, knockeddirectlyin the forehead of Yu Ji.
The mightandheavy blows that thisstrikesdo not haveanythingto distinguish. Yu Jihas not thought obviously allsolemnNorthern Dipper InstituteAlkaid PeakAlkaidscholarwill put forththis kind ofmove of malletunexpectedly. Inhiseyesdid not believecompletely, strikesactuallyweakto hangto the leftpalm of Ruan Qingzhulower jaw, softlyfellwith the personto the ground.
这一击的威力和一记重拳也没什么区别。余祭显然全没想到堂堂北斗学院瑶光峰的瑶光院士竟然会使出这样一招头槌。他眼中满是不信,击向阮青竹下颚的左掌却已无力地垂了下去,跟着人也软倒在地。„Youasked.”Ruan Qingzhutointerrogatinginformationmatterhave little interest, takes a stepfromdropping downafteronYu Jibridges overlifts a foot, thenkicked the eyelid of Huo YingandunderYu JiChen Jiu.
“你们问吧。”阮青竹对盘问信息这种事没多大兴趣,举步从倒下和余祭身上跨过后抬起一脚,便把余祭踢到了霍英和陈久的眼皮底下。„Won't die?”Chen Jiusquattinglower part of the body, inspects the Yu Jicondition.
“不会已经死了吧?”陈久蹲下身,去查验余祭的状况。„Ishowed mercy.”Ruan Qingzhusaid.
“我手下留情了。”阮青竹说道。„Not? Yourfrom the startuselesshand.”Chen Jiubit by bit, according to the Yu Jiforehead, after Soul Powerhas infiltratedinspectedonenext, waves the arms aboutis an slap and slap in the face.
A resounding, the Yu Jipersonalsoimmediately the awakingrevolutions, the bodyoneverywantsto shoot, finallyactuallydiscovered that cannot move.
一声脆响,余祭的人也马上醒转,身子一挺就想弹起,结果却发现丝毫动弹不得。„Youwant dead noware impossible. Wasyousays? Mustsuffersomehardships, makingmetakesomeeffortsto digfromyourhead?”Chen Jiuwas saying, put out a handto refer totapping the temples of twoYu Ji, Soul Powerdrilled into hisbraintogetherimmediately, resembled to hisbrainhollowing outreallygeneral. Just nowspentYu Ji that was madwith every effortcannot moveto be knockedtwobyChen Jiulike this, the bodycannot help buthas hitto trembleunexpectedly.
“你现在就是想死也不可能。是你自己说呢?还是要吃些苦头,让我费些力气从你脑袋里挖?”陈久说着,伸手指轻敲了两下余祭的太阳穴,一道魄之力顿时钻入他脑中,真似要将他脑子给挖空一般。方才费尽力气都动弹不得的余祭被陈久这样敲了两下,身子竟不由自主地打了个哆嗦。Helooks atChen Jiu, fromhisfacereallycould not seejustice that the Northern Dipperdisciplemustsymbolizeslightly. But actuallylooks likehimhas seenin the easterndayfirmhellthesecoolgovernment officials, a bloodthirstyandcruelty of face.
他看着陈久,从他脸上实在看不出丝毫北斗门人应当象征的正义。倒更像他在东都天牢地狱见过的那些酷吏,一脸的嗜血与残忍。„What do youwantto know?”Yu Jicalmed down, opens the mouthto say.
“你们想知道什么?”余祭定了定神,开口说道。„Isaid that threeseniors, haven't manypeople, attended tofirst?”Mo Lincannot bear the receptaclesay. Nie RangandYu Jiwere takeninstantaneously, butsurrounding of enemystill, losesthesetwochieftainslooks likehas not madethemproduceanythingto vacillate. ButNorthern Dipper Institutethesethreeas ifhave not seentheirexistences, can thisstartto interrogateunexpectedly?
“我说三位前辈,还有很多人,不先料理一下吗?”莫林忍不住插口说道。聂让、余祭瞬间被拿下了,可敌人的包围尚在,失去这两个头目看来并没有让他们产生什么动摇。可是北斗学院这三位仿佛是没有看到他们的存在,竟然这就要开始盘问了吗?„Wasn'twent?”Lu Pingsaid.
“不是已经去了吗?”路平道。„?”Mo Linis startled, takes a broad viewto lookagain, formerlyalsointheirbodiesRuan Qingzhuat this timeunexpectedlyalready about dozensmeters, becomes the azurelighttogether, in all directionsisherform, suddenlydoes not know that thishasseveralpeople.
“啊?”莫林一怔,再放眼看去,先前还就在他们身遭的阮青竹此时竟已数十米开外,又成青光一道,四面八方都是她的身影,一时间都不知道这到底是有几人。„Whatsituation is this?” A Mo Linfaceis amazed, immediatelysawHuo Yinglooks concentrated, the visionhas pursued the Ruan Qingzhuazureform, the momentis not leaving, thisresponded that isHuo Yingis displayinghislock, making the movement of Ruan Qingzhu the efficiency, haskilling.
“什么情况啊这是?”莫林一脸惊诧,随即看到身旁的霍英神情专注,目光更是一直追着阮青竹的青色身影,片刻不离,这才反应过来是霍英在发挥着他的定制,让阮青竹的移动变得更加效率,更加有杀伤。Bloodunceasingdancing in the airandfalling, turn intoone after another tender and beautifulsafflowerinthisworld of ice and snow. Thesechieftainswere routed the subordinates who does not change countenanceto feelfinallyfeared. Thisdoes not oppose the enemy, thiscompletelyis the unilateralslaughter, can theirpeoplemanybe what kind of? Can theyfromlaunch the attackto make the match unable to attend to one thing without losing track of another thingin all directionscanbe what kind of? At this timetheirreallyfeelingistheyfalls into the tight encirclement, wastheyby a Ruan Qingzhupersonsurrounding.
鲜血不断的飞舞、落下,在这片冰天雪地中化成一朵又一朵娇艳的红花。这些头目被击溃都毫不动容的部下们终于感觉到恐惧了。这根本不是对敌,这完全都是单方面的屠杀,他们人多又能怎样?他们可以从四面八方发起攻击让对手顾此失彼又能怎样?此时他们真实的感受是他们身陷重围,是他们被阮青竹一个人给包围了。„Draws back!”
“退!”Does not know where came a sound, has invadedeach of them'smind. Allpeoplesubconsciouslycomplied withthisinstruction, startedto go all outto the Sichuandirectionto retreat.
不知从哪里来了个声音,侵入了他们每个人的脑海。所有人都下意识地遵从起了这一指示,开始拼命向界川方向退去。„scholardo not pursue.” After Huo Yinghas called the sound, stoppedto the dispatch of Moving Labyrinth, sat the ground.
“院士不要追了。”霍英唤了声后,停下了对移动迷宫的调度,一屁股坐到了地上。„Is Senior Brotherall right?”Lu Pingaskedhurriedly.
“师兄没事吧?”路平急忙问道。„Do the thoughtsworry aboutothers? Hissituationmaybe much bettercompared withyou.”Chen Jiusaid.
“还有心思操心别人?他的情况可比你好多了。”陈久说道。„Is Lu Pingwhat kind of?”Mo Linhearssoundaskedhurriedly.
“路平怎样?”莫林闻声急忙问道。„Yousaid that in the iceberg of Sichuanhaslock, Icompletelyhave believednow. Thereforewe must make clearinthisicebergto hideanymechanism/organization, thisis we want to know.”Chen Jiuwas saying, staredto stare atYu Ji.
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