HAP :: Volume #5 Volume 5

#1046: Discrete investigation

This Yandang closes a series of big formulations that supposes, mainly stems from the writing skill of Four Great institute, but must have the participation of three big empires. Perhaps they are less than the Four Great institute in the ability of hypothesis system, may compared with the Four Great institute have to experience a lot to the detail assurance that in the mountain pass defends this function. After all the competition between countries often needs to face the attack and defense of this kind of mountain pass. 這雁蕩關所設下的一系列大制定,主要出自四大學院的手筆,但少不了三大帝國的參與。他們在設定製的能力上或許不及四大學院,可對關隘防衛這種功能的細節性把握上卻比四大學院有經驗得多了。畢竟國與國之間的競爭時常需要面對這類關隘的攻防。 Was lucky their participation, Yandang mountain pass custom-made guarded also conceives to be stronger than the Four Great institute. Having custom-made of mountain pass consistently will maintain the connection with their large units, losing contact is a caution. The news that just the two countries troops each one sent anxiously is the interrupt of this connection. 多虧了他們的參與,雁蕩關隘定製的警戒性比四大學院設想得還要強一些。關隘的定製會始終與他們的大部隊保持關聯,失聯本身就已是一種警示。剛剛兩國人馬各自急送來的訊息便是這關聯的中斷。 Yandang closes certainly is any condition! 雁蕩關一定是出什麼狀況! Crown Prince and vermilion Xie almost went out synchronously off-balance, the cold wind that raids suddenly has not made their looks have the slight change, they walk toward the center director account of Four Great institute fast. Their after death, has then gathered two teams of own health quietly, has not spoken a few words, but fast tags along after respectively after two people. 僚王和朱協幾乎是同步走出了帳外,猛然襲來的寒風未讓他們的神色有絲毫變動,兩人快速朝著四大學院的中樞指揮帳走去。兩人的身後,悄無聲息地便已聚起了兩隊親衛,沒有多說一句話,只是快速分別尾隨在二人身後。 ...... …… ...... …… The center direction account of Four Great institute. Different has Crown Prince and vermilion Xie two people that side three big empires treats in the account, Fourth Courtyard only has chief slow Mai of Northern Dipper institute throughout in the account. But other three institute chief each one busy in private, making slow Mai be clear about their so-called joint punitive expedition eventually some classes in the surface. Especially after Sichuan had such accident, then what course to follow, had not discussed suddenly result, everyone then even more bustles about respectively. 四大學院的中樞指揮帳。不同於三大帝國那邊有僚王和朱協兩個人待在帳中,四院這邊就只有北斗學院的院長徐邁一人始終在帳中。而其他三院院長各自私下的忙碌,讓徐邁清楚他們這次所謂的聯合討伐終究還是有些流於表面。尤其在界川發生了這樣的變故後,接下來何去何從,一時間也沒商量出個結果,大家便愈發地各自忙碌起來。 Until this time...... 直至此時…… slow Mai just received the news that the disciple sends, chief Zhou Xiao of Southern Heaven institute the half step has then stepped in recording, Chair Lacking Transcendence Hai Yue lives to follow, only then Chair Black Tortoise pulled to sleep slightly slowly several points. 徐邁剛剛收到門人送來的訊息,南天學院的院長周曉便已經快步邁入帳中,缺越院長海月生緊隨其後,只有玄武院長牽宿來得稍慢了幾分。 Has the concrete news?” When pulls sleeps to the account, Southern Heaven Chair Zhou Xiao is asking. “有具體訊息嗎?”牽宿進到帳內時,南天院長周曉正在發問。 Temporarily did not have.” slow Mai shakes the head. “暫時還沒有。”徐邁搖頭。 „Does interlacing manpower inspect?” Hai Yue unfamiliar road. “組織點人手上去檢視一下?”海月生道。 Can be the opposite party splits up our snares?” Zhou Xiaodao. “會不會是對方分化我們的圈套?”周曉道。 After Sichuan accident, various institutes sent the manpower to study, then distributed the manpower to go to search for the dark Fourth Path troops who escaped from Sichuan respectively. The place of length and breadth bitter cold, Sichuan is be so continuous, the manpower of these distributions have dispersed what situation they unable to estimate at present accurately. After Qing Shiba visits, Zhou Xiao additionally appointed a squad elite to trace his information, at present does not have the news to feed. After hearing needs to distribute the manpower, Zhou Xiaoli thought of the differentiation. 界川變故後,各學院都派了人手去研究,而後又各分派了人手去四下搜尋有沒有從界川逃出的暗黑四路人馬。苦寒之地廣袤,界川又是如此綿延,這些分派的人手已經分散到了何種地步他們眼下都無法準確估量。在擎十八到訪後,周曉又加派出了一小隊精英去追蹤他的資訊,眼下也沒有訊息傳回。聽到又需要分派人手後,周曉立時想到了分化。 Black Tortoise that just recorded pulled hears this saying brow that slept also to wrinkle under. Must say the differentiation, their Black Tortoise institute except everyone outside matter of doing, there are to send out one team of main forces to trace the Divine Tortoise Seal whereabouts, seemed also being dispersed the strength. 剛入帳的玄武牽宿的聽到這話眉頭也微皺了下。要說分化,他們玄武學院除去大家都在做的事以外,也有派出一隊主力去追查神武印的下落,似乎也正在被分散著力量。 Has to guard.” She approved of an idea of next week's dawn immediately. “不得不防。”她立即贊同了一下週曉的想法。 Can't concentrate the manpower together toward the Yandang pass?” Hai Yue unfamiliar road. “總不能集中人手一起往雁蕩關吧?”海月生道。 „The disciple who disperses also needs to support momentarily.” Zhou Xiaodao. “分散出去的門人也隨時需要支援。”周曉道。 Goes to a person.” slow Maihu said. “去一個人吧。”徐邁忽道。 A person? Other three association president Wen Sheng stare. 一個人?其他三位會長聞聲都是一愣。 Can make Yandang close does not have the sound like this on the strength of losing contact, how many people goes to calculate enough?” slow Mai said. “能讓雁蕩關這樣毫無聲息就失聯的實力,去多少人算夠?”徐邁說道。 Therefore might as well goes to a resourceful steady disciple, searching the actual situation is good.” Zhou Xiao is nodding, understood the intention of slow Mai like this arrangement instantaneously. “所以不妨就去個機敏穩重的門人,探個虛實就好。”周曉點著頭,瞬間明白了徐邁這樣安排的用意。 Chair slow said like this, some people have elected at heart?” Pulls night/lodge to ask. “徐院長這樣說,心裡是不是已經有人選了?”牽宿問道。 Called Jin Qi.” slow Mai is telling, finally voice side drop, has not waited for the personal maidservant to spread the words to go, off-balance then has the sound of response. “叫一下靳齊。”徐邁吩咐著,結果話音方落,還未等身邊人傳出話去,帳外便已經有了回應的聲音。 In.” Day Quan Fengshou disciple Jin Qi has walked into the account, probably prepared for some time to resemble. “在呢。”天權峰首徒靳齊已經走入帳中,像是準備多時似的。 slow Mai smiles, has not said anything to Jin Qi, but went to other three chiefs the vision of questionnaire. 徐邁笑了笑,沒有對靳齊多說什麼,只是把徵詢的目光投向了其他三位院長。 Good candidate.” Zhou Xiao takes the lead the nod approval. “好人選。”周曉率先點頭贊同。 The disciple of Jin Qi this rank, three big chiefs have certainly recognized and had certain social dealings. At present although day Quan Fengshou disciple, but has in fact actually shouldered the heavy responsibility of Northern Dipper phecda peak. This punitive expedition, the logistics supply in Northern Dipper aspect is then being handled by Jin Qi. Then, the Four Great institute did not have to act for a long time like this massively. Compares systematic that three big empire scheduling get up, they somewhat show one's ignorance. Comparatively speaking, most is systematic, making the chiefs who in other three institutes only then the Northern Dipper institute Jin Qi manages envy, was deeper to the decorative leather harness uneven ability understanding. Now saw the person who slow Maixiang sends out is he, Zhou Xiao first agreed. Hai Yue lived and pulls night/lodge to follow then also to praise slow Mai choice. 靳齊這級別的門人,三大院長當然是認得並打過一定交道的。目前雖然還是天權峰首徒,但實際上卻已擔負起了北斗天璣峰的重任。這趟討伐,北斗方面的後勤補給便是由靳齊在打理的。說起來,四大學院許久沒有過這樣大規模的行動了。相比起三大帝國排程起來的井然有序,他們都有些露怯。相較之下,只有北斗學院這邊靳齊主理的最是井井有條,讓其他三院的院長都羨慕不已,也對靳齊的能力認識更深了一層。現在看到徐邁想派出的人是他,周曉第一個表示認同。海月生和牽宿跟著便也誇讚起了徐邁的選擇。 Time to do it, student this.” Jin Qi said immediately. “事不宜遲,學生這就去了。”靳齊隨即道。 Is careful much, preserving oneself is the first important matter.” slow Mai is exhorting, in the eye revealed to worry eventually. “多多當心,保全自己是第一要務。”徐邁囑咐著,眼裡終究還是流露出了擔憂。 I understand.” Jin Qi is smiling, salutes after four chiefs, turns around then toward off-balance to go. This just raised the thick curtain cage, the form actually blocked together just in time before him. “我明白。”靳齊笑著,朝四位院長施了一禮後,轉身便朝帳外去。這剛掀起厚厚的簾籠,一道身影卻正巧阻在了他面前。 Big imperial prince.” Jin Qi greeted one to the opposite party, without said anything, after the strict cry lets in recording, then the selfish geography. “大皇子。”靳齊向對方招呼了一聲,沒有多說什麼,將嚴鳴讓入帳中後,便自顧自地理去了。 „Can four chiefs, know?” The strict cry manner of leaving is hurried, comes to rush to ask. “四位院長,應當已經知道了吧?”嚴鳴行色匆忙,進來就趕忙問道。 Not only knows, Chair slow has sent day of Quan Shoutu to nose personally.” Zhou Xiao said. “不僅知道,徐院長已經派了天權首徒去親自查探了。”周曉說道。 „?” The strict cry returned, he recognized certainly just with is Jin Qi who he hit puts in an appearance, actually without thinking of this was the arrangement in Fourth Courtyard aspect. The form that at this time Jin Qi departed had kept off in off-balance. “哦?”嚴鳴不由地回了下頭,他當然認得剛和他打一照面的就是靳齊,卻沒想到這就是四院方面的安排。只是這時靳齊離去的身影早已被擋在帳外了。 Only Brother Jin Qi?” Yan Mingdao. He is not the Northern Dipper disciple, but is also glad to use fellow apprentice to the character of Jin Qi such disciple rank but actually such name, appears intimate. “就只靳齊師兄一人嗎?”嚴鳴道。他不是北斗門人,不過對靳齊這樣首徒級別的人物倒也樂意使用“師兄”這樣的稱謂,顯得親近一些。 „Does big imperial prince feel why not proper?” slow Maidao. “大皇子覺得有何不妥嗎?”徐邁道。 Can make Yandang close breathless losing contact, the oncoming force of opposite party feared that is big.” Yan Mingdao. “能讓雁蕩關毫無聲息的失聯,對方的來勢怕是不小。”嚴鳴道。 Because of this, we equal cannot go to the person rashly, first search an actual situation to well.” slow Maidao. “正因為如此,我們才合計著不能貿然去人,先探個虛實為好。”徐邁道。 Yan Ming nods, approved this idea, when is preparing to say anything, directs the curtain cage of tent entrance to be raised again, is actually Crown Prince and vermilion Xie plays. Then, this punitive expedition, represented the giant of biggest seven influence is being all assembled. As for mainland institute that other response summons come, has acted is takes orders from the conduct the auxiliary role, but also cannot enter the resolution central area. 嚴鳴點了點頭,認同了這個想法,正準備說點什麼時,指揮帳門的簾籠再被掀起,卻是僚王和朱協一起到了。如此一來,本次討伐,代表著最大七股勢力的巨頭算是聚齊了。至於其他響應號召而來的大陸學院,一直充當的都是聽命行事的輔助角色,還進不了決議的核心圈。 Understood fast after the arrangement that the Four Great institute makes currently, Crown Prince and vermilion Xie also approved together, then listens to vermilion Xiedao: We wait for nosing of Jin Qishou disciple here, whether should also be ready, in any event, this Yandang closes us always to seize.” 快速瞭解到四大學院目前做出的安排後,僚王和朱協也一同表示了認可,而後便聽朱協道:“我們在此等候靳齊首徒的查探,是否也應該做好準備,無論如何,這雁蕩關我們總是要奪回來的。”
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