HAP :: Volume #5 Volume 5

#1045: The great people could not sit still

Unmanned street was quiet, after dragon Tao spoke these words, Chu Min has not replied, the peaceful atmosphere makes dragon Tao take the lead to be anxious immediately. The lord of solemn Gorge Peak Region, shrinks the neck unexpectedly somewhat dreadfully toward the teahouse outside 无人的街道本就静悄悄,在龙韬说完这番话后,楚敏也没答腔,安静的氛围顿时让龙韬自己率先不安起来。堂堂峡峰区之主,竟然缩起脖子有些猥琐地朝茶馆外 On the street about swept two. 的街道上左右扫了两眼。 Reviews Chu Min, this/Ben he was calmer. But saw after his appearance, reveals several points of surprised on the contrary: „Does your also really this have this plan?” 反观楚敏,本比他镇定多了。但看到他这副模样后反倒露出几分惊讶:“你还真这有这种计划?” Only then has the sufficient power, has the possibility of change world, I always insist this point.” dragon Tao said. “只有掌握足够的权力,才有改变天下的可能,我始终坚持这一点。”龙韬道。 On this day, these years seem like also calculate that can pass by.” Chu Min said. Hehe.” dragon Tao sneered, „ recent years Three Great Empires is resting and building up strength, the conflict was short, seems like also calculates certainly to pass. But such peace is impossible to continue. Green Peak Empire Lin Family treason “这天下,这些年看起来倒也还算过得去。”楚敏道。“呵呵。”龙韬冷笑了下,“近些年三大帝国都在休养生息,冲突少了许多,看起来当然还算过得去。但这样的和平不可能一直持续下去。青峰帝国林家叛国 , Since internal chaos, has started to increase with the border friction in Dark Arms aspect obviously. If not Lu Ping that matter makes the Dark Arms Protectorate vitality damage severely, possibly was not the border rubs early is so simple. ” ,内部大乱以来,与玄军方面的边境摩擦明显开始增多。若非路平那档子事让玄军护国会元气大伤,可能早不是边境摩擦这么简单了。” That side Prosperous Phoenix?” Chu Min asked. „ Prosperous Phoenix is always experienced and careful, usually can achieve success one way or another laughing, but can profit when has been short of them? Lead that at present receives, the canyon gate island of sea southwest forbade the contact of merchant ship, possibly is their 昌凤那边呢?”楚敏问道。“昌凤向来老谋深算,平时嘻嘻哈哈左右逢源,但能占便宜的时候什么时候少过他们?目前收到的线报,西南海域的峡门岛禁止了商船的往来,可能是他们的 The southern coastal provinces fleet must have the movement. ” dragon Tao said. 南洋舰队要有动作了。”龙韬道。 Your meaning, can Three Great Empires begin the dispute?” Chu Min said. “你的意思,三大帝国就要再起纷争了?”楚敏道。 Perhaps after crusading against Dark Institute, perhaps borrows this punitive expedition, the three parties must reveal the fang. Three Great Empires this sending out person, the weight/quantity may not be low!” dragon Tao is saying. “或许就在讨伐暗黑学院之后,也或许借这次讨伐,三方就已经要露出獠牙。三大帝国这次派出的人,分量可都不低啊!”龙韬说着。 Fellow?” Chu Min asked suddenly. “那家伙呢?”楚敏忽问道。 dragon Tao shakes the head, actually does not know that he does not know, does not want to say. 龙韬摇了摇头,却也不知道他是不知道,还是不想说。 ...... …… ...... …… The place of extremely northern bitter cold. Collapsing inside and outside Sichuan, everywhere is the Four Great Institutes disciple busy forms. cultivator from other continent Institute, many does some logistics auxiliary work at this time. But Three Great Empires that the influence Four Great Institutes summons come 极北苦寒之地。坍塌的界川内外,到处都是四大学院门人忙碌的身影。来自大陆其他学院修者,此时则多是做些后勤辅助的工作。而影响四大学院号召而来的三大帝国 Then every, is freely is more flexible. They will not obey the Four Great Institutes command, at this time the respective conduct, takes orders in the leader who various this time send out completely. The attitude of since however this Three Great Empires First Path having shown actually respectively not one. Because Green Peak Empire the Lin Family incident involves quite deeply with the punitive expedition of this Dark Institute, must be more careful. In addition in the Yandang pass/test is the Green Peak Empire boundary, they have the person to strive really much. But Dark Arms and Prosperous Phoenix both countries, seeming like the response summoned, the participation was a lord. At this time altogether is in their Three Great Empires direction tent/account, Green Peak Empire big imperial prince Yann Ming has not basically treated, has kissed in one is busy preparing. But Dark Arms Empire Crown Prince Gu Qichao and Prosperous Phoenix Central Court long vermilion Xie, is lives in the tent/account, only in listens to the reports of some subordinates once for a while, will display one 人手,则是更加自由灵活一些。他们本就不会听从四大学院的号令,此时各自的行事,完全是听命于各家此番派出的带头人。不过这三大帝国一路以来表现出的态度却各不相一。青峰帝国因为林家一事与此次暗黑学院的讨伐牵涉颇深,明显要更加上心一些。再加上雁荡关以内都是青峰帝国的地界,他们出人出力着实不少。而玄军昌凤两国,看起来就是响应号召,参与为主了。此时共属他们三大帝国的指挥帐内,青峰帝国的大皇子严鸣基本没怎么待过,一直亲在一线忙前忙后。而玄军帝国僚王顾启朝和昌凤中诸院长朱协,则是安居帐中,只在时不时听取一些部下的汇报时,才会表现出一 To crusading against condition care. 些对讨伐状况的关心。 Ok, without calling you do not come again.” Once again after listening to the subordinate reported that Crown Prince lightly told one. “好了,没叫你就不要再来了。”又一次听取了部下汇报后,僚王淡淡地吩咐了一句。 But not vermilion Xie who looks at toward here, made the arrangement toward his subordinate exactly: Is staring at outside, the living person should not be near.” 而一眼都没朝这边瞧的朱协,也恰好朝他的部下做出了安排:“盯着外面,生人勿近。” Yes.” Two sides subordinate each ones accordingly, drew back later. In the tent/account only remains Crown Prince and vermilion Xie two people immediately, in the previous several double-hour, such scene appears repeatedly, two people respectively are maintaining peaceful, treats as the air the opposite party. But this time, Crown Prince showed the smile suddenly “是。”两边的部下各自应声,随后退了出去。帐内随即又只剩僚王和朱协二人,在此前的数个时辰内,这样的场面一再出现,两人都是各自保持着安静,将对方当作空气。而这一次,僚王忽露出了笑容 , Looked to vermilion Xie. The place of extremely northern bitter cold, in the tent/account is actually putting up the bonfire, has small lock that cultivator supposes carefully, making the temperature and humidity in entire tent/account very suitable. After both sides show the smile respectively starts to look at each other, the atmosphere appears ten ,看向了朱协。极北苦寒之地,帐中却是架着篝火,更有修者精心设下的小定制,让整个帐中的温度、湿度都十分适宜。在双方各自露出笑容开始对视后,气氛更是显得十 Minute genialness. 分和煦。 Big imperial prince is very busy, a day has not seen the person.” First has the smile Crown Prince, takes the lead to open the mouth. “大皇子很忙啊,一天都没怎么见人。”先出笑容的僚王,率先开口。 After all is north the place, compares me and others, the big sovereign king must do some Lord.” vermilion Xie said with a smile. “毕竟是北地,相比起我等,大皇王还是要做些主的。”朱协笑道。 In this saying the words, Crown Prince is one hear understands. North is Green Peak takes responsibility, their two side Yuanlai is a guest. A Lord guest, this standpoint one was very distinct. „The matter that big imperial prince must be busy at now are truly many.” Crown Prince sighed immediately. This is also in the words has the words, the surface refers to big imperial prince Yann Ming, actually saying to be Green Peak Empire now the calamity are many. Where thinks vermilion Xieting 这话中话,僚王自是一听就懂。北地是青峰做主,他们两方远来是客。一主一客,这立场一下就很分明了。“大皇子现在要忙的事情确实不少。”僚王随即感叹起来。这同样是话里有话,表面指的是大皇子严鸣,实际在说的却是青峰帝国现在乱子不少。哪想朱协听 Was takes advantage of opportunity unexpectedly to this saying one: Hope hears Qixiang.” Crown Prince hears to roll the eyes. As the Dark Arms Empire high-ranking court official, many great people of Crown Prince to Prosperous Phoenix is not strange. However this vermilion Xie is actually first seeing. vermilion Xie comes Prosperous Phoenix large clan Zhu Family, lives in Prosperous Phoenix Empire Central Court Headmaster such important post, but actually including first three unable to arrange in their Zhu Family clan. Thus it can be seen Zhu Family in the depth of Prosperous Phoenix Empire influence. Their crest of wave, even must cover the Prosperous Phoenix true Imperial Family Li. But, the Prosperous Phoenix aspect actually has not so spread the news that the rulers and ministers have not gathered even. Merit tall Zhenzhu this common instance, is not historically effective to Prosperous Phoenix Empire some. Some people said that this is magnanimous of Li, some people said that is Zhu Family 到这话竟是顺势来了一句:“愿闻其详。”僚王听得是直翻白眼。作为玄军帝国的重臣,僚王昌凤的许多大人物都不陌生。不过这朱协却是第一次见。朱协出身昌凤的大族朱家,身居昌凤帝国中诸院院长这样的要职,但在他们朱家族内却连前三都排不进。由此可见朱家昌凤帝国势力之深。他们的风头,甚至都要盖过昌凤真正的皇族李氏。可即便如此,昌凤方面却从来没有传出过君臣不合的消息。功高震主这等在历史上屡见不鲜的事例,到昌凤帝国这却有些不灵验了。有人说这是李氏的大度,也有人说是朱家 The wisdom, why, the non- player actually does not talk clearly Crown Prince and Zhu Family of Family Lord answer has had many social dealings, the old man looks at a school of gentleness, does not see the rabbit not to scatter the eagle actually the old fox. But this vermilion Xie, only listens to this to hope hears Qixiang, Crown Prince then thought that does not flaunt lets 的智慧,到底为何,非局中人却是说不清答案的僚王朱家家主打过不少交道,那老头看着一派慈祥,实则是个不见兔子绝不撒鹰的老狐狸。而这朱协,只听这句“愿闻其详”,僚王便觉得已经不逞多让了 . „To listen to the view of vermilion Headmaster.” Who makes fun unable? Crown Prince turns the supercilious look, then returned to such a. „My military person, really cannot understand these things.” vermilion Xie following access road/simply said. Prosperous Phoenix strongest strength Central Court wielding, naturally is also a strong strength, said that is a military person, pours also right. But must say that he can hit, “还是想听听朱院长的看法。”打哈哈谁又不会呢?僚王翻完白眼,便回了这么一句。“我一介武夫,实在看不懂这些事情。”朱协跟着便道。昌凤最强战力中诸院的执掌者,自然也是个超强战力,说是个武夫,倒也没错。可要说他只是能打, Crown Prince is 100 does not believe. After listening he said like this, immediately cold snort/hum a sound said: Since is a military person, that said you do not understand.” Yeah, this said how many, isn't Crown Prince how happy? In this tent/account does not have others, definitely was my not, I first gave Crown Prince to apologize.” vermilion Xie is saying, really walks up unexpectedly, must salute the apology to Crown Prince 僚王自是一百个不信。听他这样说后,随即冷哼了一声道:“既然是一介武夫,那说了你也不懂。”“哎,这才说了几句,僚王怎么就不高兴了呢?这帐里也没别人,肯定是我的不是了,我先给僚王赔个礼。”朱协说着,竟真就走上前来,要向僚王施礼道歉 . „It is not necessary.” Crown Prince waves to obstruct, you also said that in the tent/account my two people, have the words to speak frankly!” “大可不必。”僚王挥手阻挠,“你也说了,帐中就我二人,有话就直说吧!” „, My Prosperous Phoenix sea southwest, the southern coastal provinces fleet the canyon gate island built up previously.” vermilion Xie straight talk from a straightforward person is also astonishing, immediately said Prosperous Phoenix at present the current significant dispatch deployment. “哦,我昌凤西南海域,南洋舰队已往峡门岛集结。”朱协快人快语起来也是惊人,马上就说出了昌凤目前正在进行的重大调度部署。 „......” He just spoke of this, the words then had the transition, recently actually heard, the protecting country institute in Dark Arms aspect, probably some issues?” “不过……”他刚说到这,话便有了转折,“最近却听说,玄军方面的护国院,好像是出了一些问题啊?” Had/Left some problems.” The Crown Prince look is invariable, „, but compares to the Green Peak civil strife, is only the small issue.” “是出了一些问题。”僚王神色不变,“但比起青峰的内乱,也只是一点小问题。” Issue, can the key be solved whether big or small, the unsolvable small issue will also become the major problem sooner or later!” vermilion Xie sighs with emotion. “问题不分大小,关键是能不能解决,不能解决的小问题迟早也会成大问题啊!”朱协感慨起来。 In that case, that was not we issue.” Crown Prince continues the calm say/way. “如果那样的话,那也不会是我们一家的问题了。”僚王继续淡定道。 Afterward two people look at each other, as if wants from see anything to the square features. However off-balance this time actually hears two suddenly. 随后两人对视,似乎都想从对方脸上看出些什么。但是帐外此时却忽传来两声。 Report!” “报!” Urgent report!” Two in tandem, from the Dark Arms aspect, from Prosperous Phoenix. The sound comes extremely, after clearly had Crown Prince and vermilion Xie previous arrangement, both sides do not dare again to leave the direction tent/account is too near. May have urgency that has to pass on “急报!”两声一前一后,一声来自玄军方面,一声来自昌凤。声来得极远,显然有了僚王和朱协先前的安排后,两方都不敢再离指挥帐太近。可又有不得不传的紧急 The news, has to make in the tent/account two people know with such way. 消息,只好用这样的方式让帐内二人知晓。 Biography.” “传。” Enters.” “进。” After two people complied with one respectively, immediately has people of both sides to enter in recording one after another fast, is looked that does not look at the opposite party, the direct impact on own Sir side, secret news. 两人各应了一声后,马上就有双方的人相继快速进入帐中,都是看也不看对方,直冲到自家大人身旁,秘传了消息。 Two people look is startled, then looks to the opposite party. 听后的两人神色都是一怔,而后看向对方。 Yandang pass/test?” This time was vermilion Xiexian speaks the probe. “雁荡关?”这次是朱协先出言试探了。 After Crown Prince hear nods, the look becomes incomparably serious. The Yandang pass/test is their return avenues, or is their escape routes. 僚王听后点了点头,神色变得无比郑重。雁荡关是他们的归路,也或者说,是他们的退路。 Temporarily was unable to determine that there exactly had anything.” Now does not hit the riddle time, Crown Prince spoke frankly the message that his here received. “暂时还无法确定那里到底发生了什么。”现在不是打哑谜的时候了,僚王直说了他这里收到的消息。 vermilion Xie nods immediately: Should have the relation that between lock, broke.” 朱协马上点了点头:“本该有的定制间的联系,断了。” That side Institute should also detect.” Crown Prince said. Takes a look.” vermilion Xie sets out. In two secure sits on the kang and exchanges greetings, the great person who a day has not moved, must unable to sit still finally. 学院那边应该也已经察觉到了。”僚王道。“去瞧瞧。”朱协起身。两个安坐帐内,一天都没怎么动的大人物,终于要坐不住了。
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