HAP :: Volume #5 Volume 5

#1009: Trying

Four Great Institutes Headmaster, the Three Great Empires great people, you have a look at me, I have a look at you, somewhat is slightly awkward. 四大学院院长,三大帝国的大人物们,你看看我,我看看你,微微有些尴尬。 This Dark Institute influence these years to fierce that despise, after a Northern Dipper Seven Stars Valley service starts to collect the investigation limitedly, the understanding really. This dark Second Path dares to see right in front of one their wants to come is not a common role, however holds up 18 this names never to appear in their information, they knows nothing about this visitor. 对这暗黑学院的势力这些年都轻视的厉害,直至北斗七星谷一役后才开始搜集调查,了解实在有限的很。这个暗黑二路敢来面见他们这些人的想来不会是个寻常角色,然而擎十八这个名字却从未出现在他们的情报之中,对这位访客他们一无所知。 That sees.” Southern Heaven Headmaster Zhou Xiao said, perhaps he is the guide who slow Headmaster needs.” “那就见见吧。”南天院长周晓说道,“或许他正好就是徐院长需要的向导。” After others expressed the agreement, solemn Two Extremes Institute Headmaster Tang Mu with transmitting orders soldier, ran to shout the person immediately speedily. 其他人纷纷表示了同意后,堂堂双极学院院长唐穆立即跟个传令小兵似的,一溜烟跑去喊人了。 Before long, Tang Mu then led to come personally, was the position is leaning on the late in life old person of walking stick unexpectedly, followed in Tang Mu behind, to move sluggishly toward here. 不一会,唐穆便领了个人过来,竟然是位拄着拐棍的迟暮老人,跟在唐穆身后,慢吞吞地朝着这边挪来。 Seven people look again mutually. 七人再次互看。 Such distance, this instant time, they have then used oneself perceive method respectively this old man careful perceive. Usually the powerhouse will have responded to other cultivator perceive, but this old man as if no to detect. In Tang Mu lifts the hand hinted one after here next, the old man tries hard straight the body, seems like calms down, later continues to walk toward here. 这样的距离,这刹那的时间,他们便已经各用自己的感知手段将这位老者仔细感知了一遍。通常强者都会对其他修者感知有所反应,可这位老者似乎全无察觉。在唐穆抬手朝这边示意了一下后,老者努力直了直身子,似乎是定了定神,随后继续朝着这边走来。 Finally, he arrived in front of seven people. Seven people are staring at him together, no one first has actually opened the mouth. 终于,他来到了七人面前。七人一起盯着他,却谁也没有先开口。 Holds up 18 below.” Therefore old man driving opens the mouth, in report given name. “在下擎十八。”于是老者主动开口,报上名号。 Cannot think that some lifetime also opportunities witnessed the Four Great Headmaster elegant demeanor unexpectedly, does not know that was which four?” The old men then said. “想不到有生之年竟然还有机会目睹四大院长的风采,不知是哪四位?”老者接着说道。 Four Great Headmaster reputation remoteness, but must say that sees their main body that is not really many, place the dark disciple in bitter cold was so. But if at present said that must distinguish that is also the clear matter, depending on the clothing may. But since the opposite party directly asked that Four Great Headmaster has not taken the rack. 四大院长声名远扬,但要说见过他们本尊的那委实不多,地处苦寒之地的暗黑门人就更是如此了。可眼下若说要分辨那也不过是一目了然的事,凭服饰既可。但对方既然直接问了,四大院长也没有拿架子。 Northern Dipper Xu Mai.” Xu Mai first making noise, introduced itself. 北斗徐迈。”徐迈第一个出声,介绍了自己。 Southern Heaven Zhou Xiao.” Southern Heaven Institute Zhou Xiao follows. 南天周晓。”南天学院周晓跟上。 Black Tortoise Pull Constellation.” 玄武牵宿。” Lacking Transcendence Hai Yue lives.” 缺越海月生。” Four Great Institutes Headmaster this introduced itself one by one, was really the rare scene. To this on own initiative dark old man, four people could be said as to fully the respect. 四大学院院长这样逐一介绍自己,实属难得一见的场景。对这位主动到访的暗黑老者,四人可说是给足了尊重。 Greeting on first meeting, fortunate meeting.” The old men are saying. “久仰,幸会。”老者说着。 Does not know that old zhang (3.33 m) this comes to this intent.” Xu Mai asked. “不知老丈此来此意。”徐迈问道。 „, Is tries.” The old men said. “哦,就是来试一试。”老者道。 What tries?” Xu Mai then asked. “试什么?”徐迈接着问。 Tries, can deliver you dead.” “试一试,能不能送你们去死。” This saying falls, everyone is startled. Stood on the somewhat difficult late in life old person to erupt suddenly in the wind and snow like giant beast fierce Soul Power, brought in his First Path, was raised a big somersault in Tang Mu of his body side directly. The walking stick in old man hand exuded the dark red ray, such as the spider web was rapidly densely covered in the snow surface. Tang Mu tumbles whirls to dodge, is very distressed. 这话一落,所有人都是一惊。在风雪中站立都有些艰难的迟暮老人身上忽然爆发出了有如巨兽般的狰狞魄之力,将他一路引来,就在他身侧的唐穆直接被掀了个大跟头。老者手中的拐杖泛起了暗红的光芒,如蛛网般在雪面上急速密布开去。唐穆连滚带爬地急行闪避,好不狼狈。 Evildoer secure dares!” Yann Ming drank one severely. But reviews Four Great Headmaster, at this time is still calm, has plunged their during this attack turbulently, they also looked at the eye unexpectedly mutually, unexpectedly also look at each other in dismay one time. “贼子安敢!”严鸣厉喝了一声。可是反观四大院长,此时依旧气定神闲,在这攻击已经汹涌扑向他们的当口,他们居然还互相看了眼,居然还面面相觑了一次。 Then sees Hai Yue to live slightly stamps the foot, in front of four people the snow surface turns suddenly, together with above crawls a dark red Soul Power erecting. 然后就见海月生略一顿脚,四人面前雪面突然翻起,连同上面爬走着的暗红魄之力一起竖了起来。 Xu Mai is the gearing has not moved, is only vision one revolution, in the eye has Infusion's Soul to puncture, on the snow curtain that raises up had then melted a cave entrance. 徐迈更是连动都没动,只是目光一转,眼中已有冲之魄刺出,竖起的雪帘上便已化开了一个洞口。 Afterward a fist of Pull Constellation then put from this hole, the mortal form pressure seems like not intense, but in the bang had then been displaying the old man of attack suddenly, all offensive then stop suddenly in this time. 随后牵宿的一拳便从这洞中穿了出去,魄压看起来并不强烈,但是眨眼便已轰中了正施展着攻击的老者,一切攻势便在此时戛然而止。 Southern Heaven Institute Zhou Xiao last take action, is actually not the fight, but raised up along with the snow curtain that together dark red Soul Power took down one section, in the palm winding agglomerate, then congealed Soul Power its package. 南天学院周晓最后一个出手,却已经不是战斗,而是将那随雪帘一起竖起了的暗红魄之力取下了一截,在掌心缠绕成团,而后又凝起一股魄之力将其包裹了起来。 A wave of attack not as everyone expected, had then been reduced and solved in this in a flash with ease. Nearby three people from starting surprised this towering attack, in an instant has become admires the Four Great Headmaster method. Let alone this is Four Great Headmaster collaborates, such scene, if not such border will fear that is the life is rare. The old men who suddenly three people will come to assassinate gave to forget, freely is tasting the Four Great Headmaster scene jointly. 一波出乎所有人意料的攻击,在这转瞬间便已被轻松化解。一旁三人从开始惊讶这突兀的攻击,转眼已成佩服四大院长的手段。更何况这还是四大院长联手,这样的场面,若非这样的际会怕是一生都难得一见。一时间三人将前来行刺的老者都给遗忘了,不住地回味着四大院长联手的场面。 Seemingly reduces and solves with ease, the offensive that but can cause to see the Green Peak big imperial princes who oversized world calls out in alarm is not simple. Because is only these four people, the scene becomes so relaxed free, if this attack goes toward Three Great Empires three...... 看似轻松化解,可是能引得见过大世面的青峰大皇子都惊叫的攻势绝不简单。只因为是这四个人,场面才变得如此轻松自如,这攻击若是朝着三大帝国的三位去的…… Three people as if think simultaneously this topic, looked at the eye after subconsciously mutually, does not dare to continue to get down. 三人似乎同时想到了这一题,下意识地互相看了眼后,不敢继续想下去了。 Tang Mu, is nearly collapsed to the ground by him who dark red Soul Power pursued not to mention at this time, does not have First Courtyard the long demeanor. Looks in front snow surface close dark red, some little time stops the palpitation. 唐穆就更别提了,险些被暗红魄之力追到的他此时瘫坐在地,毫无一院之长的风度。只是看着面前雪面上近在咫尺的暗红,好一会才止住心悸。 Corrosion, destruction.” Zhou Xiao looked at carefully in the palm to be said by that group dark red Soul Power that he fetters at this time, and in the book has recorded some dark methods are completely in line, it seems like is really the dark person without doubt.” “侵蚀,破坏。”周晓这时端详着自己掌心中已被他束缚的那团暗红魄之力说道,“和书里记载过的一些暗黑手段完全相符,看来确是暗黑的人无疑。” Then, he wielded starting, probably brushes off the dust that does not stick carefully, the hand that rolled Soul Power to fling into the snow surface. 说完,他挥了下手,像是掸去不小心粘到的尘土,将手中那团魄之力甩入了雪面。 Why your excellency this is.” Xu Mai looked that asked to the old man. “阁下这又是为何。”徐迈看向老者问道。 After a Pull Constellation fist bang , the old man then became trembling old person of that in the wind and snow, he even needs both hands to hold his walking stick, supports has not been getting down but actually. Hears Xu Mai this to ask, he shows the contemptuous smile: This also with asking?” 牵宿一拳轰中后,老者便又成了那个在风雪中颤颤巍巍的老人,他甚至需要双手抱着他的拐棍,才支撑着没有倒下去。听到徐迈这一问,他露出轻蔑的笑容:“这还用问?” Xu Mai is silent. 徐迈沉默。 Dark Institute and killing between area inside the Great Wall Institute truly cannot ask, but places millennium later today, area inside the Great Wall Institute gets the absolute winning side. Dark Institute can go on living is not very then easy. However at present this old man actually by does not die the continuous way and Four Great Institutes is hostile, in the strength in the disparate situation hence, he has been maintaining as before the millennium ago Dark Institute histrionics. 暗黑学院与关内学院之间的打杀确实不需问,只是放在千年之后的今天,关内学院早已占据绝对的上风。暗黑学院能活下去便已经十分不易。然而眼前这老者却还是以不死不休的方式与四大学院敌对,在实力已经悬殊至此的情况下,他依旧保持着千年前的暗黑学院作派。 It seems like not possible to obtain any information from your here us.” Xu Mai said. “看来从你这里我们也不可能得到任何情报。”徐迈说道。 Perhaps you can use some methods, method that some we excel.” The old men ridiculed said. “或许你们可以用一些手段,一些我们更擅长的手段。”老者不无讥讽地说道。 The investigation thought that controls the state of mind. In Essence's Soul master control Ability many this kind of methods. Just like the old man said, this kind of method is always the dark lineage/vein excels. But area inside the Great Wall Institute to pose as honestly, always to oppose to be in the majority to the method of this playing with will of the people, the final development direction to strengthen itself, or treats and cures sick and wounded is the lord. The kind of method that the old men said that they not necessarily not, but the environment, this aspect has to touch occasionally also stops after getting a smattering, no resolute development and evolution, from have not resulted in no restriction of any kind Dark Institute compare. Looks at present the old man secure appearance, perhaps the people know meeting disciple of this method only before the opposite party to keep the laughingstock, cannot withstand uses greatly. 探查思想,控制心绪。精之魄主控的异能中不乏这一类的手段。但是正如老者所说,这一类的手段从来都是暗黑一脉更加擅长。而关内学院以正派自居,对这种玩弄人心的手段向来以反对居多,最终的发展方向都以强化自身,又或是救治伤患方面为主。老者所说的这类手段,他们未必就不会,但是大环境如此,这方面偶有触及也是浅尝辄止,没有什么大刀阔斧的开发和进化,和百无禁忌的暗黑学院自是没得比。看眼下老者有恃无恐的模样,众人都知这种手段在对方面前恐怕只会徒留笑柄,不堪大用。 On Soul Power has the clue?” Hai Yue lives to ask to Zhou Xiao. 魄之力上有线索吗?”海月生问向周晓 A little.” Zhou Xiao smiles to say. “有点。”周晓笑笑说道。
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