HAP :: Volume #5 Volume 5

#1004: Without this necessity

Dark Institute escapes the place of bitter cold to have the millenniums, in millennium such time length, Jin Wan Nian such old man is also later generation in the later generation. 暗黑学院逃亡苦寒之地已有千年,在千年这样的时间长度中,金万年这样的老者也不过是个后辈中的后辈。 Millenniums ago war all sorts of process hand down, had gradually blurred, but the place of bitter cold difficult has the personal experience. This continues the millenniums the difficulties has not changed, will cause this difficult reason also never to forget. 千年前大战的种种经过口口相传,已经逐渐模糊了,但是苦寒之地的艰辛却有切身的体会。这持续千年的艰辛未曾变过,造成这份艰辛的原因也永远不会被遗忘。 Four Great Institutes then lets they so difficult chief criminal. This hatred does not need instilling into specially, daily difficult is whipping them every time every people. In Jin Wan Nian once submerged with several little friends when he was young together pass through, was detected after the status, was chased down like the target of universal detestation. Little friend all falling life, only then he returns by luck. Such experience, making him be head the hate of area inside the Great Wall cultivator influence remembers with eternal gratitude to Four Great Institutes. 四大学院便是让他们如此艰辛的罪魁祸首。这份仇恨无需特意的灌输,日常的艰难每时每刻都在鞭挞着他们每一人。金万年在年轻时曾同几个小伙伴一起潜入过关内,被察觉身份后如过街老鼠般被追杀。小伙伴悉数陨命,只有他侥幸逃回。这样的经历,让他对四大学院为首的关内修者势力的怨恨更加刻骨铭心。 Escaped the millenniums. 逃了千年。 This matter is not he alone can achieve. This is the tears of blood that their person inherits to accumulate from generation to generation. Millennium ago have been unable to put things clearly rights and wrongs to their. But this Four Great Institutes has actually led the numerous to chase down outside the passes. Escapes? Where can also toward escape again? 这种事可不是他一个人可以做到的。这是他们一代又一代人传承累积下来的血泪。千年前的是非曲直到他们这早已说不清道不明了。可是这次四大学院却已率众追杀到了关外。逃?还能再往哪逃? Has not divided what old and young high and low with the later generation, does not seem like what proper Jin Wan Nian, at this moment rushes is duty-bound not to turn back. The courage vigor that the whole body exudes, lets his as if one sharp knife of sheath, toward the Battalion Constellation detachment. 和后辈一起也没分什么长幼尊卑,看起来不什么正经的金万年,这一刻冲上得义无反顾。周身泛起的血气,让他本人仿佛一把出鞘的快刀,直朝营宿劈去。 Hide! 躲! The subconsciousness in is this thought in the Battalion Constellation brain flashing through. Even if his also has other Black Tortoise disciples behind, even if knows that this strikes him to keep off, however his experience, his consciousness, completely has not actually given him the options in these aspects, given, only then a plan, hides. 下意识在营宿脑中闪过的便是这个念头。即便他的身后还有其他玄武门人,即便知道这一击他必须要去挡,但是他的经验,他的意识,却全然没有给他这些方面的选项,给出的只有一个方案,就只是躲。 Battalion Constellation lifts the step immediately, figure plunders toward left anxiously. The Black Tortoise disciple was disregarded by him unexpectedly like this exposes in Jin Wan Nian like the sharp knife form under. 营宿随即抬步,身形向左急掠。身后的玄武门人竟就这样被他不管不顾地暴露在金万年如快刀般的身影下。 „!” “呵!” Jin Wan Nian cold snort/hum. 金万年冷哼了一声。 In order to reach the goal resorts to all means that even ignores the life and death of companion, this has become accustomed to their Dark Institute. But area inside the Great Wall Institute that poses as justly, always doesn't despise this behavior? May arrive at this forced time, isn't the made choice also same? 为达目的不择手段,甚至不顾同伴的生死,这对他们暗黑学院而言早就习以为常。但以正义自居的关内学院,不是向来不齿这种行为吗?可到了这种迫不得已的时候,做出的选择还不是一样? In the Jin Wan Nian heart despises, take action is actually relentless, truncates conveniently, the courage vigor cuts together toward most the previous row of Black Tortoise disciple head. But in the left side of body, scalding hot actually raids fast, along with one that six shouted loudly old man, Jin Wan Nian without hesitation, figure in wiped toward right anxiously. Truncated also to transfer the potential toward this to strike to the attacks of Black Tortoise disciple to truncate. 金万年心中鄙夷,出手却毫不留情,随手一削,一道血气直朝最前一排的玄武门人头颅斩去。但在身体的左侧,一股灼热却快速袭来,伴随着六里高呼的一声“老头”,金万年不假思索,身形早在向右急抹。原本削向玄武众门人的攻击也转势朝着这一击削来。 Bang! 轰! When the Jin Wan Nian line of sight returns, first pleasant is the flame of arousing. In the place of this bitter cold, the thing that the fire most receives the Dark Institute affection. But at present, the fire grasps in the hand of Battalion Constellation, is winding to raid toward him. The before speed of Battalion Constellation whole person compares him, rose suddenly unexpectedly several times. After enabling him of large scale make way Jin Wan Nian attack to be able, sends first to counter-attack to the place. 金万年视线转回时,首先入眼的便是撩人的火焰。在这苦寒之地,火是最受暗黑学院喜爱的东西。可是眼下,火掌握在营宿的手中,正蜿蜒着朝他袭来。营宿整个人的速度相比起他之前竟暴涨了数倍。让原本大幅度闪开金万年攻击的他偏可以又后发先至地反击回来。 Is good because of being the fire, in Battalion Constellation revealed that the offensive the instance, the temperature makes Jin Wan Nian detect, otherwise this fast and cunning strikes, waits to hear six li (0.5 km) calling out in alarm to hide how behind again, regardless of is also without enough time. 好在是火,在营宿亮出攻势的瞬间,温度就让金万年有所察觉,否则这快速又刁钻的一击,等听到身后六里的惊呼再去躲那无论如何也是来不及的。 to become string the flame raids, Jin Wan Nian wields the courage vigor to welcome. But was this once the courage vigor that divine armament of Black Tortoise disciple discarded, is actually bumping into this flame was defeated and dispersed instantaneously. 成串的火焰袭来,金万年挥出血气迎上。可就是这一度将玄武门人的神兵都报废的血气,却在碰到这火焰的瞬间就溃散开了。 Jin Wan Nian stares, but responded immediately. 金万年微愣,但马上反应过来。 Is divine armament. 神兵 Solemn Black Tortoise Seven Constellations, how could also to have powerful divine armament while convenient? Flame that suddenly the speed of improvement, this fever disperses the courage vigor, is strengthening that because this divine armament brings. Revealed that divine armament Battalion Constellation, shows is his strongest strength. 堂堂玄武七宿,又岂能没件趁手的强悍神兵?突然提升的速度,还有这烧散血气的火焰,都是因为这神兵带来的强化。亮出神兵营宿,展现出的才是他的最强实力。 Jin Wan Nian was delapidated immediately, the whole body is still exuding the courage vigor seemed like has become unnecessary. 金万年顿时颓了下来,周身犹自泛着的血气看起来已成了多余。 This is a disparity, enormous disparity. 这又是一项差距,极大的差距。 Even survival commodity extremely deficient Dark Institute, can only only happen by happy circumstance to divine armament. Even the Jin Wan Nian this dark First Path leader, has not suited his divine armament on hand. He uses to melt the blood big law to have the fighting blood that Divine Tortoise Seal has strengthened to kill to swallow this mixed, is continue the damage that the body causes every single minute, he does not hesitate to receive in exchange for the strength by this, wants to give it all with this Black Tortoise Institute top great person. 连生存物资都极度匮乏的暗黑学院,对神兵只能可遇不可求。即便是金万年这位暗黑一路的领袖,手头也没有适合他的神兵。他用化血大法将这有过神武印强化的斗血杂杀吞下,对身体造成的损伤每分每秒都在持续,他不惜以此换取战力,想与这玄武学院的顶尖大人物放手一搏。 Finally? 结果呢? Others revealed divine armament light, the flame that divine armament ignites has certain restraint to the courage vigor that this fight of blood kill mixed, Jin Wan Nian has written off with the promotion that the life trades instantaneously. His giving it all in front of Black Tortoise Seven Constellations this area inside the Great Wall top cultivator so pitiful laughable. 人家轻飘飘地亮出了神兵,神兵燃起的火焰恰好对这斗血杂杀的血气有一定的克制,金万年用命换来的提升瞬间已被抹杀。他的放手一搏在玄武七宿这位关内顶尖的修者面前是如此的可悲可笑。 He dangled both hands, sent the becoming popular all at once also interest is waning on silk to stop, left behind -and-a-half red half white strange hair colors. He has turned head, looked at the eye six li (0.5 km), looked at Wu Gou, looked at eye dark First Path everyone, revealed a helpless forced smile. The flame in Battalion Constellation hand has not actually stopped, forwards as before, punctures toward the chest of Jin Wan Nian. 他垂下了双手,发丝上的窜红也意兴阑珊地止住,留下了一头半红半白的怪异发色。他回过头,看了眼六里,看了眼无诟,看了眼暗黑一路的所有人,露出了一个无奈的苦笑。营宿手中的火焰却没有停下,依旧向前,朝着金万年的胸膛刺去。 The flame passes through. 火焰穿过。 The Jin Wan Nian whole person burns, he is motionless, but then resembles to break to break down instantaneously generally, became one group of burned black dust. 金万年整个人都燃烧起来,他一动不动,但是瞬间便似散了架一般地垮下,成了一团焦黑的尘土。 Battalion Constellation figure continues, has moved to Jin Wan Nian behind, received the flame that pierces Jin Wan Nian , to continue to walk toward the dark First Path person. 营宿身形不止,已经移至金万年的身后,接过了刺穿金万年的火焰,继续朝着暗黑一路的人走来。 Walks quickly.” Six li (0.5 km) have not revealed any sad look, but turns head to say toward Wu Gou. “快走。”六里没有流露什么悲切的神色,只是扭头朝无诟说道。 Then quickly, where can walk.” Wu Gou forced smile. He is saying like this, but turns the head actually to approach other humanity: Runs, walking one is one.” “那么快,哪里走得掉。”无诟苦笑。他这样说着,可是转头却又向其他人道:“都跑,走一个算一个。” Do not want to walk!” Battalion Constellation coldly is saying, the hand carries that skewer of flame to clash immediately toward Wu Gou. “一个都别想走!”营宿冷冷说着,手拎着那串火焰立即朝着无诟冲来。 Why first is I?” Wu Gou complained the sentence, subconscious also wants to resist. On available divine armament Battalion Constellation strength surpasses him too to be really many, to the resistance that he puts out a hand looked that did not look, strikes must link his resistance and person burns down together completely. However the gust of wind wipes together suddenly in this time, Battalion Constellation that powerful to letting Jin Wan Nian loses directly fights the flame of intent, because this wind obtains, as unexpectedly the wind direction swings. “为什么先是我?”无诟抱怨了句,下意识还想抵抗一下。可用上神兵营宿实力超他实在太多,对他伸手的抵抗连看也不看,一击就要连他的抵抗和人一起焚烧殆尽。但是一道疾风忽在此时抹来,营宿那强大到让金万年直接丧失战意的火焰因为这风得到来,竟然随着风向摇摆起来。 Lu Ping, by above speed in Battalion Constellation horizontally before his offensive. 路平,以更在营宿之上的速度横在了他的攻势之前。 The flame stopped, stops before the Lu Ping body a two chi (0.33 m) distance. Battalion Constellation looks at Lu Ping: What do you mean?” 火焰止住,停在了路平身前不过两尺的距离。营宿看着路平:“什么意思?” Ok.” Lu Ping said. “算了吧。”路平说。 Ok? You know that what you are saying?” Battalion Constellation said. “算了?你知道你在说什么吗?”营宿说。 „The Seven Stars Valley snare, actually relates not in a big way with them.” Lu Ping said. 七星谷的圈套,其实跟他们关系不大。”路平说。 Dark demon, everybody has the right to punish!” Battalion Constellation enhanced the volume. Previously he shouted this saying, once was thinks that Lu Ping helped to come. He has not thought he shouted quickly once again this saying, but this time, unexpectedly is because Lu Ping obstructs him, blocked between him and Dark Institute. “暗黑魔头,人人得而诛之!”营宿提高了音量。先前他喊这话,一度是想路平施以援手来着。他怎么也没想到这么快他就又一次喊出这话,而这一次,竟然是因为路平阻挠他,拦在了他与暗黑学院之间。 I thought that does not have this necessity.” Lu Ping said. “我觉得没这个必要。”路平说。 „Did you feel?? You......” Battalion Constellation want to say that subconsciously you are anything, but has words on the tip of the tongue stops. “你觉得??你……”营宿下意识就想说你算什么东西,但是话到嘴边生生止住。 What thing? 什么东西? Lu Ping at this time left hand Divine Tortoise Seal, right hand Wanhua tube. Let alone he strength is unusual, even if ordinary cultivator, in the hand is copying these two super divine armament, no one dares to treat lightly. 路平此时左手神武印,右手万华筒。别说他本身就已实力超凡,哪怕是个普通修者,手里抄着这两件超品神兵,也没有人敢等闲视之。 „Can you with the world be an enemy?” Battalion Constellation looks at Lu Ping, said one word at a time. “你是要与天下为敌吗?”营宿看着路平,一字一顿地说道。 Is so serious?” Lu Ping hesitates. “有这么严重?”路平踌躇起来。 Feared?” Six li (0.5 km) of ground look the appearance that he hesitates said. “怕了?”地上的六里看着他踌躇的模样说道。 That does not have.” Lu Ping said, feels troublesome, for you...... I and you are not very ripe.” “那倒也没有。”路平说,“就是觉得麻烦,为了你们……我和你们又不是很熟。” Has a good way.” Was protected by Lu Ping after behind Wu Gou speaks. “有个好办法的。”被路平护在身后的无诟说话了。 What means?” Lu Ping then looks at him. “什么办法?”路平回头看他。 Kills off them.” Wu Gou looks with clenched jaws to Black Tortoise Institute everyone. “杀光他们。”无诟咬牙切齿地看向玄武学院所有人。 Lu Ping looks like following his vision, all Black Tortoise disciples, including Battalion Constellation, flustered at heart suddenly. 路平顺着他的目光看来,所有玄武门人,包括营宿在内,心里忽就慌了起来。
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