HAP :: Volume #5 Volume 5

#1003: Means

super divine armament had not been looked in the Lu Ping eye very importantly, but also knows that this cherishes the treasure, without the situation of arriving at a casual anyone opens the mouth casually giving. Understanding, this is a quite important standard. Understanding person Lu Ping may, person that but does not know completely have no reason to give. 超品神兵路平眼里没有被看得十分重要,但也知道这是稀罕宝贝,没到随便什么人一张口就随便给的地步。认识,这是相当重要的一个标准。认识的人路平有可能会给,但是不认识的人那就完全没有理由会给了。 Jin Wan Nian hears such reason, smiles slightly: Grandfather called Jin Wan Nian, had the weight/quantity in this speech, now did you know?” 金万年听到这样的理由,微微笑了笑:“爷爷叫金万年,在这一片说话非常有分量,现在你认识了吗?” Knew, does not give.” Lu Ping is brief and to the point. “知道了,不给。”路平言简意赅。 This. You wait a minute in side, a grandfather also a little issue must consult you.” Jin Wan Nian is saying like this, the vision fell returned to Battalion Constellation. “这样啊。那你在旁稍候,爷爷一会还有点问题要请教你。”金万年这样说着,目光又重新落回到了营宿身上。 This?” Feigns death Wu Gou that sets out, the body holds to some bloodstains, but seems like and no obstructs greatly. After looking at Jin Wan Nian this conduct is very stunned. “就这样?”装死起身的无诟,身上粘着些血迹,但是看上去并无什么大碍。在看过金万年这一番行事后却很是愕然。 „Were you blind? If the baby were really good to cope with me naturally unable like this.” Jin Wan Nian scolded. “你瞎了吗?那娃娃如果真的好对付我当然就不会这样了。”金万年骂道。 How can that?” Lu Ping cannot bear ask. “那会怎样?”路平忍不住问道。 Naturally was taken by two sound hibernation of insects, that also with saying.” Fell down does not have six li (0.5 km) of both arms to say cheerfully. “当然就被两记音蛰拿下了呀,那还用说。”倒在地上已经没了双臂的六里乐呵呵地说道。 Hehe, was laughed.” On the face of Jin Wan Nian revealed several points of shame unexpectedly. “呵呵,见笑了。”金万年的老脸上竟然露出了几分惭愧。 You are actually honest!” Su Tang feeling. “你们倒是诚实啊!”苏唐感慨。 Dares to do has not dared to say?” Six inside lanes. “敢做还不敢说吗?”六里道。 Where dares to do, but thinks.” Wu Gou said. “哪里敢做了,只是想了想而已。”无诟道。 Can want not to dare to say?” Six li (0.5 km) immediately correct. “敢想还不敢说吗?”六里立即纠正。 Shut up!” Jin Wan Nian shouted, grandfather did not attach great importance to face-saving?” “都闭嘴!”金万年喝道,“爷爷不要面子的吗?” Dark First Path noisy, hearing the Black Tortoise Institute people dumbfounded, only suspected that these people ruined by freezing in the place of too long brain bitter cold. Surrounding that but in the noise, they places has actually reduced again. 暗黑一路这边吵吵闹闹,听得玄武学院众人目瞪口呆,只怀疑这些人是不是在苦寒之地太久脑子都冻坏了。可就在吵吵闹闹中,他们身处的包围却已再度缩小。 The Black Tortoise Institute casualties are serious, can fight the strength on only Battalion Constellation one. Attended to the dark First Path remnants to be stress-free by his strength. But the support of Jin Wan Nian belt/bring arrives, made Black Tortoise Institute fall into the difficult position. Although Battalion Constellation strength of the war, but wants to protect so many people is very difficult to be complete simultaneously. Sees the opposite party to approach, he looks to Lu Ping. 玄武学院伤亡惨重,能战之力就只营宿一个。原本以他的实力料理暗黑一路的残兵毫无压力。可金万年带的支援一到,又让玄武学院陷入了艰难的境地。营宿虽有一战之力,可想同时护下这么多人就很难周全了。看到对方逼近,他不由地看向路平 „Does dark demon, everybody has the right to punish, how could Lu Ping you look on as the Northern Dipper disciple?” Battalion Constellation called out loudly. Can shout that by his status this aiming at requesting reinforcements words, obviously his judgment to the present is not quite optimistic. “暗黑魔头,人人得而诛之,路平你身为北斗门人岂能坐视?”营宿高声叫道。以他的身份能喊出这等意在求援的话,可见他对眼下局面的判断相当不乐观。 Words are many!” “话多!” Was saying that hits hits the aspect, Dark Institute is less inferior than with Lu Ping. The Battalion Constellation words leave, Lu Ping listened still to ponder over, Jin Wan Nian has moved the seat of honor. A hand blade cuts, like the thunder and lightning, does not see the senile swiftly and violently. 在说打就打方面,暗黑学院路平比都毫不逊色。营宿话出,路平听了还在琢磨,金万年已经动上手了。一记手刀切出,迅猛如雷电,丝毫不见老态。 Dodges? 闪避? This is optimal dealing that Battalion Constellation thinks of subconsciously, but then realized immediately he cannot dodge, such will only expose his behind Black Tortoise disciple under the attack of Jin Wan Nian. The opposite party this strikes is compels him to guard. 这是营宿下意识想到的最优应对,但是马上便意识到他不能闪,那样只会将他身后的玄武门人暴露在金万年的攻击之下。对方这一击就是逼他必须要防。 Despicable!” Such method Battalion Constellation despises very much, the attack to Jin Wan Nian as Black Tortoise Seven Constellations he does not have to fear. Suddenly a right foot forward bow step, Soul Power along with stopping over to proliferate, the institute and surrounding area place , the thick snow raises in abundance, just like the world to hang upside down, this snow no longer drops from the clouds, but flew to the sky from the place. “卑鄙!”这样的手段营宿很是不齿,对金万年的攻击身为玄武七宿的他也是没在怕的。猛然右脚向前一个弓步,魄之力随落脚扩散开去,所及方圆之地,厚厚的积雪纷纷扬起,犹如天地倒悬,这雪不再是从天而降,而是从地向天空飞了去。 Everywhere is suddenly pale, in surrounding area everyone's form by the snowflake of this Bowo collection covering. Only has Jin Wan Nian of black clothes and his records black Soul Power that the hand blade cuts in the snowflake as before conspicuous. The form taking advantage of the shield of snowflake, welcomed toward Jin Wan Nian at a quicker speed together. 一时间满目苍白,方圆内所有人的身影都被这波密集的雪花给掩盖住了。唯有黑衣的金万年和他那记手刀斩出的黑色魄之力在雪花中依旧显眼。一道身影借着雪花的掩护,以更快的速度直朝金万年迎了去。 The Jin Wan Nian figure racing, plundered several bodies toward side. Immediately several stuffy snort/hum transmit, Battalion Constellation cannot hit Jin Wan Nian, has actually continued to run out taking advantage of the shield of snowflake, suddenly has then struck down the dark First Path three people. 金万年身形急转,朝旁掠开了数个身位。随即几声闷哼传来,营宿一击不中金万年,却已继续借着雪花的掩护冲出,眨眼间便已击倒了暗黑一路三人。 The Jin Wan Nian facial expression becomes exceptionally dignified. 金万年的神情变得异常凝重。 The long time in Dark Institute of place of bitter cold, area inside the Great Wall cultivator does not know their depths. However instead excessively same, their understanding the area inside the Great Wall Institute condition is extremely also limited. Even if their people will arrive at the area inside the Great Wall wanderer once for a while, brings back to some stories, but such as Battalion Constellation this Four Great Institutes top cultivator actually cannot contact casually. Only knew these people is present age most well-known cultivator. 久在苦寒之地的暗黑学院,关内修者不知他们的深浅。但是反过同样,他们对关内学院状况的了解也极其有限。哪怕他们的人时不时会到关内闯荡,带回一些见闻,但是如营宿这种四大学院的顶尖修者却不是可以随便接触到的。只知这些人便是当世最知名的修者了。 At this time hands over the seat of honor, gathers the apparent opposite party not to have unearned reputation, even above the anticipation of Jin Wan Nian. The difficulty of place of bitter cold, is to make their practice fall behind the area inside the Great Wall eventually. Beforehand confrontation, the accident that if not for two big super divine armament come up in great numbers and from all sides perhaps, Xu Chuan one line has given the ingredients six li (0.5 km) them. These Black Tortoise Institute have not experienced the dark method, can only occupy eventually for a while first, in the hard strength both sides have the remarkable disparity. 此时交上手,一合便知对方绝不是浪得虚名,甚至远在金万年的预期之上。苦寒之地的艰难,终究是让他们的修炼远落后于关内。之前的交锋,若不是有两大超品神兵横生出的变故,许川一行恐怕早已经将六里他们给料理了。那些玄武学院没见识过的暗黑手段,终究只能占得一时之先,硬实力上双方是有显著差距的。 Jin Wan Nian realized this point, first step six li (0.5 km) and Wu Gou one step has the clear understanding with Black Tortoise Institute has had the confrontation early. 金万年意识到了这一点,先一步与玄武学院有过交锋的六里和无诟更是早一步就有清醒认识。 old man works as the dessert, do not inflate.” Six li (0.5 km) shout. “老头当点心,别膨胀。”六里喊道。 Wu Gou that can still fight one step plundered side Jin Wan Nian, must fight side-by-side with him. 尚能一战的无诟一步掠到金万年身旁,要与他并肩作战。 „Can these also use?” Jin Wan Nian hints was still standing upright the blood air column, inquired Wu Gou with Dark Institute secret technique Negative Sound. “那些还能用吗?”金万年示意了一下犹自挺立着的血气柱,用暗黑学院的秘术阴音询问无诟 Not too energy.” Wu Gou is very regrettable, similarly answered with Negative Sound. “不太能。”无诟很是遗憾,同样用阴音作答。 The blood air column had present such condition after the strengthening of Divine Tortoise Seal. But when just, ten thousand tube and Divine Tortoise Seal two big super divine armament massacred hand in hand, sweeping may, not only Black Tortoise Institute and troops of dark First Path both sides, these blood air column goals were huge, ten thousand tubes snapped will not intend to evade. Even attack Ability with this blood air column common origin of the same clan, after may be displayed by two big super divine armament, still had the different changes. The strafe in the past, the blood air column seemed like the appearance to have no change, but did their Wu Gou to be actually clear that these blood air columns have been damaged. Probably because of the relations of everyone common origin of the same clan, making their appearances obtain maintained, but inside actually has not been that a matter, did not have previously such terrifying function again. 血气柱都是经过神武印的强化才有了现在这样的状态。可就在刚刚,万化筒和神武印两大超品神兵携手乱杀,扫荡的可不只是玄武学院与暗黑一路双方的人马,这些个血气柱目标巨大,万化筒乱射时又不会有意避过。即便攻击的异能与这血气柱同宗同源,可经两大超品神兵发挥后却也有了不一样的变化。扫射过去,血气柱看起来模样没什么改变,可是搞出它们的无诟却清楚这些血气柱已经遭到了破坏。大概只是因为大家同宗同源的关系,让它们的外貌得到了保持,但内里其实早已经不是那么回事,再无先前那样恐怖的作用了。 This troubled.” Jin Wan Nian mumbled. “这就麻烦了。”金万年嘟囔道。 Can escape?” Wu Gou said. “要不要逃?”无诟说。 Is a good way.” Jin Wan Nian said. “不失为一个好办法。”金万年说。 To only then on this person!” Wu Gou said. “对方可就这一个人啊!”无诟说。 But we had died six.” Jin Wan Nian said. “但我们已经死了六个。”金万年说。 Exchanges several words times in two people here hiding, in the crowded snowflake Battalion Constellation figure moves again, dark First Path has been struck down six people by him. Everyone is passive, strikes to be killed violently. The strengths of these people are obviously huge with the Battalion Constellation disparity, supposed that the blood air column can also play the role, they are also the population advantages. Now but this aspect, the manpower of this grade of strength basically can ignore. 就在两人这里隐蔽交流几句话的功夫,密集的雪花中营宿身形再动,暗黑一路至今已被他击倒六人。所有人都毫无抵抗,一击毙命。这些人的实力明显与营宿差距巨大,假定血气柱还能发挥作用,那他们还算是人数优势。可是现在这个局面,这等实力的人手就基本可以忽略不计了。 The snowflake also scattered at this time gradually, the scene restored clearly some. Battalion Constellation returned to his previous position, blocked between Jin Wan Nian and Black Tortoise these injured disciples. 雪花也在这时渐渐飘散,场面恢复了一些清晰。营宿回到了他先前的位置,拦在了金万年玄武那些受伤的门人之间。 Wu Gou drew back backward., wants to cover in Jin Wan Nian behind step Where thinks that Jin Wan Nian also made the same action with him unexpectedly, two people shoulders bumped in one, looked at each other speechless. 无诟向后退了步,想将自己掩在金万年的身后。哪想金万年竟也和他做出了一样的举动,两人肩膀碰在了一起,相视无言。 This is an opponent who is worth my earnest point.” Jin Wan Nian jumps suddenly such. “这是一个值得我认真一点的对手。”金万年忽然蹦出这么一句。 I leap to you.” Wu Gou makes way toward side. “我给您腾地。”无诟朝旁让开。 Jin Wan Nian posed the stance immediately, instantaneously, in the fields all blood air columns had the change, they proliferated the blood fog, the snowflake that the courage vigor such as just now Battalion Constellation shook expunged all round extravagantly. 金万年立即拉开了架势,瞬间,场间所有血气柱有了变化,它们扩散成了团团血雾,血气如方才营宿震起的雪花般铺张开去。 However the snowflake cannot offend somebody, this courage vigor stuck behind might Black Tortoise disciple to ask for advice. Suddenly everyone flustered the body, active cannot move, is doing everything possible to start to arrange the defense. 然而雪花不会伤人,这血气粘身后的威力玄武门人可是领教过了。一时间所有人都慌了身,能动的已经不能动的,都在想尽办法开始布置防御。 Wu Gou was actually clear that this is only blusters, the blood fog that these spread, will not have anything to kill again. He steals a glance looks to six li (0.5 km) of ground. This fellow is not obviously keen, does not know that this fight of blood kill mixed are only the flowered flower trellises, but also in that excited is anticipating. 无诟却清楚这只是虚张声势,这些扩散开的血雾,根本不会再有什么杀伤。他偷眼看向地上的六里。这家伙显然没有那么敏锐,并不知这斗血杂杀已经只是花花架子,还在那一脸兴奋地期待着。 What a pity the result such as he will not hope, blood fog of this proliferation...... 可惜结果不会如他所愿,这扩散的血雾…… About!” “合!” Jin Wan Nian sudden drinks severely, flutters to fill the air, resembling to the blood fog that everyone embezzles, suddenly the collection charges into same Jin Wan Nian mouth! 金万年突然一声厉喝,飘荡弥漫,似要将所有人吞没的血雾,突然汇集冲向同一点-金万年的嘴! A depth shouted, the blood fog of collection is tumbling, flowed from the Jin Wan Nian mouth all. 一口深呼,汇集的血雾翻滚着,尽数从金万年口中流入。 Then he exhales long, two red smoke spray from his nostril, the Jin Wan Nian exposed flesh outside has turned scarlet, with is his completely white must be red, probably injects the blood, starts to become popular all at once from the root upwardly. 而后他又长出了一口气,两道红烟从他的鼻孔中喷射而出,金万年裸露在外的肌肤已变成赤红,跟着便是他那尽白的须红,像是注入血液般,开始从根部向上窜红。 This move? How I cannot.” Wu Gou muttered. “还有这招呢?我怎么不会。”无诟喃喃道。 Six li (0.5 km) of ground have not expected to have such change obviously, but he has not actually revealed the strange facial expression to this style, is only very surprised. 地上的六里显然也没料到有这样的变化,可他对这招式却没有流露出陌生的神情,只是非常惊讶。 Needs to achieve this?” He said. “需要做到这一步吗?”他说道。 ! 呼! Jin Wan Nian exhales the one breath, he shouted attracts, blowout was the blood red gas. He stares to front Battalion Constellation, the eye also has become scarlet. 金万年又呼出一口气,他一呼一吸间,喷出的都是血红的气体。他瞪向前方的营宿,眼睛也已变得赤红。 How possibly to escape.” He said, escaped the millenniums, was enough.” “怎么可能逃。”他说道,“逃了千年,足够了。” Then, rushes! 说完,冲上!
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