HPATST :: Volume #18

#1704: Frail

The gate of death opened, the cold wind of above curtain by gate was blown high. 死亡之门开启,上面的帷帐被门内的阴风高高地吹起。 There is the place of other shore, was the world of deads, the domain of god of death. 那里是彼岸之地,是亡者们的世界,死亡之神的领域。 In a miserable green ray, Ivan saw that an ancient temple constructs apparition. 在一片惨绿色的光芒中,艾文看到一座古老的神庙建筑虚影 apparition flashes passes, quick was covered up by the innumerable black muscas, dementor(s), ghost, skeleton and Inferius, in addition, the evil god(s) divine creative force of many shape terrifying gushes out from the gate, they all are the dark armies who Herpo the Foul creates. 虚影一闪即逝,很快就被无数黑蝇、摄魂怪幽灵、骷髅、阴尸所遮掩,此外,还有很多形状恐怖的邪神造物从门内涌出,它们全都是卑鄙的海尔波所创造的黑暗大军。 The monsters are whooshing, flushed from the gate of death. 怪物们嘶吼着,从死亡之门内部冲了出来。 It seems like especially scary, soul-stirring! 看上去格外的骇人,惊心动魄! But did not have, when they cause the injury to the world, was twined rapidly by out of the door omnipresent evil god(s) antenna, the rapid flying ash annihilation, changes into the black smog dissipation. 但还没有等到它们对世界造成伤害,就迅速被门外无所不在的邪神触角缠绕住,迅速飞灰湮灭,化为黑色的烟雾消散。 Also really...... 还真是…… Ivan does not know that should say anything, looking from the current situation, Herpo the Foul and its army give for nothing completely. 艾文不知道该说些什么,从目前的情况看,卑鄙的海尔波和它的大军完全就是白给。 They do not swallow the evil god(s) opponent! 它们根本不是吞噬邪神的对手! Do not say the resistance, struggles continually cannot achieve, is completely the nourishment. 不要说对抗,连挣扎都做不到,完全就是养料啊。 Normal, the gate of death was opened absolutely is the dark magic event of disaster level. 正常而言,死亡之门被打开绝对是灾难级的黑魔法事件。 The disaster level degree even surpasses Voldemort to return, after all everyone knows that the Voldemort major activity range in Britain, many countries returns regarding Voldemort also has the attitude of wait and see, even takes pleasure in others' misfortunes, is glad to see that British magic circle strength was attacked. 灾难级别程度甚至超过伏地魔归来,毕竟大家都知道伏地魔主要活动范围在英国,有很多国家对于伏地魔归来还持观望态度,甚至幸灾乐祸,乐于见到英国魔法界力量受到打击。 This point from the Order of the Phoenix in the British activity feedback, then can see. 这一点从凤凰社在英国本土外的活动情况反馈上,便能够看出。 However the gate of death opened, is completely different, this was can affect the fearful dark magic event of the whole world. 但是死亡之门开启,却完全不同,这是能够波及到整个世界的可怕黑魔法事件。 After this door, is world that Herpo the Foul creates, was the world of dead, the gate of death opens, means that the real world and dead world link, Herpo the Foul and deads can return to the real world, they will bring the death and destruction. 扇门之后是卑鄙海尔波所创造的世界,是亡者的世界,死亡之门开启,意味着现实世界和亡者世界联通了,卑鄙的海尔波和亡者们能够回到现实世界,它们将带来死亡和毁灭。 All live people are their enemies! 所有活人都是它们的敌人! Naturally, what here said is the normal condition, is their opponents , if the wizard's words. 当然,这里说的是正常情况,也就是它们的对手如果是巫师的话。 But the actual situation is, these monsters just ran out of the gate of death, becomes nourishment that swallows evil god(s) to restore the strength. 可实际情况是,这些怪物刚刚冲出死亡之门,就成为吞噬邪神恢复力量的养料。 Ivan dares saying that by flesh, magic power and strength that seal the god of swallowing in the past thousand years swallows, this while time are not many at present, Herpo the Foul this fellow, is in history most dangerous dark wizard(s), can not need to deliver again! 艾文敢说,被封印的吞噬之神近千年来吞噬的血肉、魔力和力量,都没有眼前这一会儿功夫多,卑鄙的海尔波这家伙,还是有史以来最危险的黑巫师呢,能不能不用再送了! As the teammate in same standpoint, the Ivan heart is quite tired, really cannot help up. 作为同一立场上的队友,艾文心好累,真的扶不起。 His is saving the strength, prepares to project strongly strikes. 他这面正在积攒力量,准备射出最强一击。 Even if other aspect, you are unable to resist to swallow evil god(s), that ties down it is also good. 另一面,你哪怕无法对抗吞噬邪神,那缠住它也行啊。 Even if cannot entangle or is really unmatchable, do not swallow the evil god(s) transportation strength! 哪怕缠不住或者实在无法对抗,也不要给吞噬邪神输送力量啊! Really, do not deliver again! 真的、真的、真的,不要再送了! Continues again, this weaponry has no way to hit. 再继续下去,这仗根本没法打。 Swallows the evil god(s) magic power domain to swallow, swallowed are more, it is then more powerful, Herpo the Foul delivers, is only a while time, its form and strength became compare were strong before one time also much, apparition gradually congealing reality. 吞噬邪神魔力领域就是吞噬,吞噬的越多,它便越强大,卑鄙的海尔波这么送下去,只是一会儿功夫,它的身影和力量就变得比之前强大了一倍还多,虚影渐渐凝实。 Even if with the aid of Gryffindor the help of Philosopher's Stone, Ivan condenses the rapidness that the control magic power does not have it to grow. 哪怕借助格兰芬多魔法石的帮助,艾文凝聚控制的魔力都没有它增长的快。 He suspected very much, continues again, whether his attack can cause the destructive injury to evil god statue. 他很怀疑,再继续下去,他的攻击能否对邪神雕像造成毁灭性的伤害。 No, can break through swallows the defense of evil god(s) not to say. 不,能不能突破吞噬邪神的防御都不好说。 At this moment, Herpo the Foul has completely lost with the ability of body of fight swallowing, it was scared, is only left over a thought that that returned to the gate of death, then gate of closure death. 此时此刻,卑鄙的海尔波已经完全丧失和吞噬之身战斗的能力,它被吓破了胆子,只剩下一个念头,那就是逃回到死亡之门内部,然后将死亡之门关闭。 As the matter stands, it can with swallowing evil god(s) isolates, escapes a life. 这样一来,它就能和吞噬邪神隔绝开来,逃过一命。 Perhaps otherwise, it must be really swallowed by the opposite party, dies here, even if it has Horcrux is not good. 不然,它恐怕要真的被对方吞噬,死在这里,哪怕它有魂器也不行。 Horcrux in the magic principle is to the division of soul, preserves the soul fragment with dark magic alone in a close space, not by the influence of time, space and myriad things strength, so long as preserves the soul fragment in Horcrux not to extinguish, can obtain the eternal life. 魂器在魔法原理上是对灵魂的分割,用黑魔法将灵魂碎片单独保存在一个封闭的空间内,不受时间、空间和万物之力的影响,只要保存在魂器中的灵魂碎片不灭,就可以获得永生。 Said accurately, can not come under the influence of time passing, can not be destroyed by the external force. 或者更准确的说,是可以不受到时间流逝的影响,也可以不被外力毁灭。 Under the function of Horcrux, the main soul does not extinguish. 魂器的作用下,主魂是不灭的。 Had not said that will not be swallowed! 可没有说不会被吞噬啊! The main soul was swallowed, but also is left over Horcrux to be useful? The possibility that recovers again is minimal, even if recovers again, that was also another existed, has not become evil god(s) beforehand Herpo. 主魂都被吞噬了,还剩下一个魂器有什么用?再次复苏的可能性微乎其微,哪怕是再次复苏,那也是另外一个存在了,一个还没有成为邪神之前的海尔波 In that case, its all plans with all efforts, all commits to flames, this simply compared with direct death also uncomfortable. 那样一来,它的所有谋划和所有努力,全都付之一炬,这简直比直接死亡还更令人难受。 As for resistance, without opportunity. 至于反抗,跟没有机会。 As the last ancient master and creator of Horcrux magic, no one compared with Herpo the Foul will understand that evil god(s) this ancient evil creature, it will transform evil god(s) finally, benefits from him for a long time the research to evil god(s). 作为最后一个古代术士和魂器魔法的创造者,没有人会比卑鄙的海尔波更加了解邪神这种古老的邪恶生物,它之所以最终将自己改造成邪神,也得益于他长久以来对邪神的研究。 More many of research, more many of understanding, it then even more clearly knows the evil god(s) fearful place. 研究的越多,了解的越多,它便愈发清楚地知道邪神的可怕之处。 At the beginning of these ancient dark monsters in the universe is born then has existed, they come from void, is unable to defeat! 这些古老的黑暗怪物在宇宙诞生之初便已经存在,它们来自于虚空,是无法战胜的! It now this condition, is only one transformation that copy evil god(s) has. 它现在这种状态,也只是仿造邪神存在的一种改造。 With the aid of dark magic, it made himself live evil god(s) part of abilities, became more powerful. 借助黑魔法,它使自己活得了邪神的一部分能力,变得更加强大。 Very bold idea, it succeeded, will really transform to become evil god(s), its domain was the death, all mortal biggest enemies, but was not the true evil god(s) opponent, in front of true evil god(s), the so-called death and eternal life was not worth mentioning. 很大胆的想法,它成功了,真的将自己改造成为邪神,它领域是死亡,所有凡人最大的敌人,但根本就不是真正邪神的对手,在真正的邪神面前,所谓的死亡和永生根本不值一提。 In front of true evil god(s), Herpo the Foul was suppressed completely. 在真正的邪神面前,卑鄙的海尔波被完全压制。 Not only in strength level, but in existence domain, it now to evil god(s) resistivity even might as well mortal wizard(s), because its strength and evil god(s) are the common origin, but stems from a lower level, was swallowed and absorbed easily. 不仅仅是在力量层面,而是在存在的领域,它现在对邪神的抵抗力甚至还不如凡人巫师,因为它的力量和邪神是同源的,但又出于更低的层面,非常容易被吞噬和吸收。 So, swallows evil god(s) to tell Voldemort to turn into the evil god(s) method, not necessarily settled any good intention. 如此看来,吞噬邪神告诉伏地魔变成邪神的方法,也未必安了什么好心。 Seemingly becomes powerful, but is easier to be controlled by evil god(s), even regards the nourishment to swallow directly. 看似变得强大,但是却更容易被邪神们控制,甚至直接当成养料吞噬掉。 Perhaps this are why evil god statue and dark witch have also wanted to open the gate of death reason, in the gate have Herpo the Foul left behind to turn into the evil god(s) method, but gate inside Herpo is also swallows evil god(s) to watch for a long time nourishment. 这也是为什么邪神雕像黑女巫一直想要开启死亡之门的原因,门内或许有卑鄙的海尔波留下的变成邪神的方法,但门里面的海尔波也是吞噬邪神窥伺已久的养料。 So long as swallowed Herpo, swallows evil god(s) to control these homologous the strengths to obtain a powerful body in the real world, when the time comes, but also who will be its opponent, arrival of its main body can prevent no one. 只要吞噬了海尔波,吞噬邪神就能够控制这些同源的力量在现实世界获得一具强大的身体,到时候,还会有谁是它的对手,它本体的降临将没有人能够阻止。 Even if swallowed Herpo to be defeated had not related, did not have Voldemort in! 哪怕吞噬了海尔波失败了也没有关系,不是还有伏地魔在呢! Probably raises pigs to be the same, has the ready-made pig eats that is best, but if no, that raises one well. 就好像养猪一样,有现成的猪吃那是最好的了,但如果没有,那重新养一头也不错。 At this time, no matter Voldemort or Ivan have not realized this point. 此时,不管是伏地魔还是艾文都没有意识到这一点。 However Ivan also noticed unusual, in swallowing in the resistance of evil god(s), the Herpo surface was too rather crisp...... 不过艾文也注意到了反常,在和吞噬邪神的对抗中,海尔波的表面未免太脆了些…… :.: :。: Joins the bookmark, easy reading 『加入书签,方便阅读』
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