HPATST :: Volume #18

#1703: Escaping the god of death

Ivan is spraying the magic power essence, joins among the fights to two evil god(s). 艾文喷射着魔力精华,加入到两个邪神之间的战斗。 Suddenly, in the sky the monster different red and green hand over to echo, the blue magic light beam often flashes before insertion. 一时间,天空中妖异的红色和绿色交相呼应,蓝色的魔法光束不时地闪现插入其中。 The evil god(s) low sound of talking is getting more and more noisy, the frequency is getting quicker and quicker. 邪神的低语声越来越嘈杂,频率越来越快。 Ivan does not pay attention to these sounds as far as possible, he aims at evil god statue to launch the magic power bunch. 艾文尽量不去理会这些声音,他瞄准邪神雕像发射魔力束。 Once so powerful magic power bunch hits evil god statue, has enormously possibly ruins the statue. 如此强大的魔力束一旦击中邪神雕像,有极大可能将雕像毁掉。 Ruins evil god statue to solve to swallow evil god(s) this trouble, but can also destroy Voldemort this Horcrux. 毁掉邪神雕像既可以解决吞噬邪神这个麻烦,还可以摧毁伏地魔这件魂器 This is very rare opportunity, can solve once and for all many troublesome. 这是非常难得的机会,可以一劳永逸的解决很多麻烦。 Ivan thinks, roughly the strategy does not have the mistake, but wants to hit evil god statue with the magic power bunch to be very difficult. 艾文是这么想的,大体策略也没有错误,但想要用魔力束击中邪神雕像很难。 evil god(s) apparition seemingly does not have the entity, in fact was also comprised of innumerable magic power, hindered his attack. 邪神虚影看似没有实体,实际上也是由无数魔力组成,阻碍了他的攻击。 The magic power bunch that it and lasing come collides mutually, swings white radiance, finally dissipates. 它和激射而来的魔力束相互碰撞,荡起白色的光华,最终消散。 Ivan ruined part of evil god(s) apparition, but this apparition quickly restores. 艾文毁掉了一部分邪神虚影,但这块虚影很快就恢复回来。 Do not look that evil god(s) now by angry roaring that he hits again and again, but has not in fact injured and basis, does not ruin evil god statue of core place, this evil god(s) can by swallowing the flesh, soul and magic power as before restores the strength, becomes powerful. 别看邪神现在被他打的怒吼连连,但实际上未伤及根本,不毁掉核心处的邪神雕像,这个邪神依旧可以靠吞噬血肉、灵魂和魔力来恢复力量,重新变得强大。 It has not counter-attacked Ivan, is completely because it must suppress and swallow Herpo the Foul now. 它之所以没有对艾文进行反击,完全是因为它现在要压制和吞噬卑鄙的海尔波 Other aspect, the performance of Herpo the Foul also disappoints Ivan very much. 另一面,卑鄙的海尔波的表现也很让艾文失望。 This fellow could not count on, when Ivan just joined, it can also with swallowing evil god(s) resists, is the Ivan creation opportunity, as Ivan sprays the magic power bunch frequency to increase, when ties down swallowed evil god(s), it actually wants to escape. 这家伙根本指望不上,在艾文刚刚加入时,它还能和吞噬邪神对抗一下,为艾文创造机会,但是随着艾文喷射魔力束频率增加,缠住了吞噬邪神时,它竟然想要逃跑。 Right, escapes! 没错,逃跑! No indication, it retreated suddenly, controls the innumerable black muscas to stop between it and swallows evil god(s), but its main body retreated to the gate of death, as if wanted to seize the chance to return to the gate of death. 没有任何征兆,它突然退却了,控制无数黑蝇阻拦在它和吞噬邪神之间,而它的本体则向死亡之门退却,似乎想要趁机回到死亡之门内部。 Small and weak existence, accepts the arrangement of destiny, our destinies will combine.” Discovered after Herpo the Foul wants to escape, swallowed evil god(s) then not to manage Ivan, the monster different red ray became more powerful, the innumerable root hair raised on evil god statue, making it look like fierce. “弱小的存在,接受命运的安排,我们的命运将合二为一。”发现卑鄙的海尔波想要逃跑之后,吞噬邪神便不在管艾文了,妖异的红色光芒变得更加强盛,无数根须在邪神雕像上升起,让它看上去显得更加的狰狞。 Wraps also extends the innumerable tentacles on evil god statue outer layer apparition, each tentacle terminal is a big mouth that is covered with the fang. 包裹在邪神雕像外层的虚影上也伸出无数触手,每一条触手末端都是一张长满獠牙的大嘴。 They tie down Herpo the Foul to melt evil god(s) apparition stubbornly, keeps swallowing. 它们死死地缠住卑鄙的海尔波所化邪神虚影,不停地吞噬着。 Within seconds, stopping among the black fly in evil god(s) to be swallowed a light. 几秒钟内,阻拦在邪神之间的黑蝇就被吞噬一光。 In behind, swallows evil god(s) that stump ugly body to keep in the pressed. 在后面,吞噬邪神那树桩般丑陋的身躯不停地压上。 Now, it has not defended the meaning of Ivan attack completely. 现在,它完全没有防御艾文攻击的意思。 It is swallowing the Herpo strength crazily, was supplementing by that part that Ivan consumes. 它在疯狂吞噬着海尔波的力量,补充着被艾文消耗掉的那一部分。 Really is with did not have a little!” Looked at escaping the god of death, Ivan was sighing one. “还真是一点儿用也没有啊!”望着逃跑的死亡之神,艾文感叹了一句。 both sides are evil god(s), but the strength and magic domain are far. 双方都是邪神,但是力量和魔法领域相差甚远。 At this time, if Herpo the Foul did not escape, but swallowed the evil god(s) upfront resistance by the gate of internal strength death, perhaps he had the opportunity to take advantage of the weakness to get in ruins evil god statue at one fell swoop. 这个时候,卑鄙的海尔波如果不逃跑,而是凭借死亡之门内部的力量和吞噬邪神正面对抗,他或许就有机会趁虚而入一举毁掉邪神雕像 But now this...... 可现在这样…… Does not know because of the extremely weak reason, the Herpo performance too outwardly strong but inwardly weak. 不知道是不是因为太过虚弱的缘故,海尔波的表现实在太外强中干。 It does not swallow the evil god(s) opponent, even if swallows strength also insufficient main body 1/10000000 that evil god(s) shows now. 它根本不是吞噬邪神的对手,哪怕吞噬邪神现在展现出的力量也不足本体的千万分之一。 This way is not good! 这样下去根本不行! Ivan did not count on that caused heavy losses with Herpo the Foul jointly swallows evil god(s), he was looks to understand, the strength of death Herpo this fellow and it represented gave for nothing completely, is not only unable to injure to swallowing evil god(s), instead became its magic power origin. 艾文不指望和卑鄙的海尔波联手重创吞噬邪神了,他算是看明白了,海尔波这家伙和它所代表的死亡之力完全就是白给,不仅无法伤害到吞噬邪神,反而成为它的魔力来源。 Continues, the final result is very likely swallows evil god(s) to withstand/top his magic attack, strength complete swallowing of gate of Herpo the Foul and death, then arrived at the reality with the aid of this strength, or turned around the Ivan elimination. 继续下去,最终的结果很有可能是吞噬邪神顶着他的魔法攻击,将卑鄙的海尔波和死亡之门的力量完全的吞噬,然后借助这股力量降临到现实,或者转身将艾文消灭。 This is not the result that Ivan hopes, is also far with the matter that in this time point should have. 这可不是艾文所希望的结果,和这个时间点上应该发生的事情也相差甚远。 Continues to attack like this radically uselessly, must condense many magic power, launches one time!” “继续这样攻击根本没用,必须要凝聚更多的魔力,一次性发射出去!” Before swallowing evil god(s) patching, breaks through its defense one time, destroys evil god statue of core place. 在吞噬邪神修补之前,一次性突破它的防御,将核心处的邪神雕像摧毁。 Ivan stops launching the magic power bunch, he must control many magic power. 艾文停止发射魔力束,他要控制更多的魔力 At this time, is almost infinite in his all around magic power, even if he consumed a moment ago much, but still has magic power to well up continuously from the castle, Ravenclaw family more than thousand years magic power that saves is almost the inconceivable degree. 此时,在他四周的魔力几乎是无限的,哪怕他刚才消耗掉不少,但依然有魔力源源不断从城堡下方涌来,拉文克劳家族千余年的积攒下来的魔力几乎达到不可思议的程度。 How the present issue controls them! 现在的问题是如何控制它们! Ivan uses own magic power to control and guide them, just like said before, his magic power in mortal wizard(s) is very powerful, is in front of all around so huge magic power, is still insignificant, he can control magic power that and guide very limitedly. 艾文使用自身的魔力去控制和引导它们,正如之前所说,他的魔力在凡人巫师之中已经算是十分强大,可是在四周如此庞大的魔力面前,依然是沧海一粟,他能够控制和引导的魔力十分的有限。 Insufficiently, but also insufficiently!” “不够,还不够!” The Ivan centralized full power, he erupts Gryffindor Philosopher's Stone magic power full power. 艾文集中全力,他全力爆发格兰芬多魔法石魔力 magic power that comes with all around gathering is completely different, under Philosopher's Stone magic power in he controls. 和四周汇聚而来的魔力完全不同,魔法石魔力是在他掌控之下的。 Also does not know how Gryffindor achieves, magic power in this Philosopher's Stone is almost inexhaustible, but before Ivan, never unretentive use these magic power like the present, because does that his body first will not definitely be able to withstand. 也不知道格兰芬多是怎么做到的,这块魔法石中的魔力几乎是无穷无尽的,但艾文之前从来没有像现在这样毫无保留的使用这些魔力,因为这么做,他的身体肯定会首先承受不住。 But under this condition, Ivan is not clear that what condition he now is. 可目前这种状态下,艾文也不清楚他现在是什么样一种状态。 He as if did not have the body, changed into magic power completely, even if erupted the Philosopher's Stone strength full power, could not feel any pain. 他似乎没有身躯了,完全化为魔力,哪怕全力爆发魔法石的力量,也感受不到任何痛苦。 Without the pain, that Ivan naturally has no scruples, full power eruption. 既然没有痛苦,那艾文自然没有任何顾忌,全力爆发。 He must condense enough powerful magic power, destroys evil god statue at one fell swoop. 他要凝聚足够强大的魔力,一举摧毁邪神雕像 When Ivan gathers the magic power preparation strikes finally, Herpo the Foul under swallowing the oppression of evil god(s) retreats in defeat again and again, it the strength of resistance does not have now, the body and green light shadow circled above the gate of death, was twined by the innumerable tentacles. 艾文汇聚魔力准备最终一击的时候,卑鄙的海尔波在吞噬邪神的压迫下节节败退,它现在一点儿抵抗的力量都没有了,身躯和绿色的光影盘旋在死亡之门上方,被无数触手缠绕。 The tentacle seems like chains, closely twines it, is swallowing its strength crazily. 触手像是一根根锁链,紧紧地将它缠绕住,疯狂地吞噬着它的力量。 This merely is a start, along the Herpo body, the tentacle extended to the gate of death. 这仅仅是一个开始,沿着海尔波的身躯,触手向死亡之门上面延伸。 Gate of outside construction death failed under the oppression of magic power completely changes into the powder directly, was only left over the gate of death to stand and wait for a long time there, Ivan can see there situation now, unsurprisingly, Ravenclaw family's wizard(s) and evil god(s) followers or other dark wizard(s) all died, around the gate of death could not see a person's shadow. 死亡之门外面的建筑在魔力的压迫下完全坍台直接化为粉末,只剩下死亡之门伫立在那里,艾文现在可以看到那里的情况,不出意外,拉文克劳家族的巫师邪神的信徒或者其他黑巫师全都死亡,死亡之门周围根本看不到一个人影。 Ravenclaw family's wizard(s) all died, but their magics did not seem to be defeated. 拉文克劳家族的巫师全都死光了,但他们的魔法似乎并未失败。 The miserable green ray sent out from the gate of place death, seeing that Ivan can be clear about, this door was really opened! 惨绿色的光芒从死亡之门处散发,艾文能够清楚的看到,这扇门真的被打开了! . Nine deity sovereign 。九天神皇
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