HPATST :: Volume #17

#1683: Ivan's guessed

Squib? 哑炮吗? Squib of Ravenclaw family? 一个拉文克劳家族的哑炮 This Squib is the descendant of pure Ravenclaw family, but also appears the lineage very pure millenniums ago. 这个哑炮是纯正的拉文克劳家族的后裔,还出现在血统十分纯正的千年之前。 This matter, no matter how wants is very inconceivable. 这种事情,不管怎么想都很不可思议。 Some reliable data showed, since Squib has presented the frequency gradually to increase about several centuries, its primary cause is intermarry between wizard(s) and muggle(s), during fusion of both sides blood relationship, this matter usually will also be treated as the example to read in these pure blood to be supreme related books or magics studies. 有可靠的数据证明,哑炮出现频率是在近几个世纪以来逐渐增多的,其主要原因是巫师麻瓜之间的通婚,双方血缘的融合,这件事情也通常会被当做例子写入到那些“纯血至上”有关的书籍或者魔法研究之中。 In the book collection hall of Black family, Ivan found about such magic book, when he treats as to while away the time has looked. 布莱克家族的藏书馆里面,艾文就找到很多关于这样的魔法书,他当做消遣时看过。 Although in these books wants to explain that such as pure blood wizard(s) is these judgments of being a cut above other people are not worth a red cent, but the data itself will not lie, the Squib appearance frequency is truly related with the blood relationship pure degree of both parents, both parents are wizard(s), moreover lineage is pure, the child is the wizard's possibility is bigger. Infers by this, that age millenniums ago, the direct line descendants of Ravenclaw this wizard(s) family can be Squib unexpectedly, the probability of this matter without doubt and Comet hits Earth to be equally low. 虽然这些书籍里面想要说明的,诸如纯血巫师是高人一等的这些论断一文不值,但是数据本身并不会说谎,哑炮的出现频率确实和父母双方的血缘纯正程度有关,父母双方是巫师,而且血统纯正,孩子是巫师的可能性就越大。以此推断,在千年前那个年代,拉文克劳这种巫师家族的直系后裔居然会是哑炮,这种事情的几率无疑和彗星撞击地球一样低。 Wait, if this Dudley Young Master secure is not Squib Ivan so thinks, that he should not be silent Obscurus?!” “等等,如果这位达利安少爷不是哑炮艾文如此想到,“那他该不会是一个默默然吧?!” With him is compared with Squib, this reason as if can believe and accept. 和他是一个哑炮相比,这个理由似乎更加能够让人相信和接受。 Dudley secure Ravenclaw is not Squib, but is silent Obscurus! 达利安・拉文克劳不是哑炮,而是默默然 He has the magic strength, his magic power was contained, or was parasited by some dark magic strength, making him lose ability. Although the silent Obscurus quantity similarly is also scarce, even wants few many compared with Squib, but considered that Dudley peaceful status, this obviously be Squib is more credible than him. 他不是没有魔法力量,他的魔力只是被遏制了,或者被某种黑暗的魔法力量所寄生,让他失去了施法能力。虽然默默然的数量也同样稀少,甚至比哑炮要少的多,但是考虑到达利安的身份,这显然要比他是一个哑炮要可信。 To get down following this mentality, what does Dudley secure become the silent Obscurus reason can be? 顺着这个思路想下去,达利安成为默默然的原因会是什么? Some people will maltreat him, causing him to lose the control to the magic strength? 难道会是有人虐待他,导致他失去了对魔法力量的控制? Is he received misleading of evil god(s), the innermost feelings is parasited by the dark magic strength? 或者是他受到了邪神的蛊惑,内心被黑暗的魔法力量所寄生? Considered that the gate of death in castle side lake center, there connects the evil god(s) world, Ivan was thinking that the second possibility is very big. 考虑到死亡之门就在城堡旁边湖中心,那里连接着邪神的世界,艾文觉得第二种可能性很大。 At present by clue that found, he made up story initial protectors seals on the brain quickly the evil god(s) in gate and gate death, their left behind seal was very formidable, but with the lapse of time, the strength of seal was getting more and more weak, the evil god(s) spirit seeped from the different space to the real world gradually. 凭借目前找到的线索,他很快就脑补出一个故事最初守护者们封印了死亡之门和门内的邪神,他们留下的封印很强大,但随着时间的推移,封印的力量越来越弱,邪神的精神逐渐从异度空间中渗透到现实世界。 Under some chance coincidence, it has misled young Dudley secure, parasites in his innermost feelings, then draws support from Dudley secure to come to display evil dark magic, and affects wizard(s) of entire Ravenclaw family gradually, making them lose the reason, opened the door of death, has caused the final destruction 在某种机缘巧合之下,它蛊惑了年幼的达利安,寄生在他的内心之中,然后借助达利安来施展邪恶的黑魔法,并逐渐影响到整个拉文克劳家族的巫师,让他们失去理智,打开了死亡之门,导致了最终的毁灭 Why as for can be the destruction, but is not evil god(s) arrives, the big probability keeps the magic in castle to be related with the ancestors of Ravenclaw family. 至于为什么会是毁灭,而不是邪神降临,大概率和拉文克劳家族的祖先留在城堡内的魔法有关。 This castle, when it is perfect, the overall construction structure and internal establishment constituted a formidable protection magic. 这座城堡,当它还是完好无损的时候,整体建筑结构和内部设置构成了一个强大的守护魔法。 Was similar to ghost Marcus said, the final designer has arranged the magic in the castle, took five tall tower and central turret of surrounding „the summit of group star connects as the convergent point, the internal structure of castle also constructed for this magic, to guarantee the magic arts rune integrity, many channels were being limited. 如同鬼魂马库斯所说,最终的设计者在城堡内布置了魔法,以外围的五座高塔和中心塔楼“群星之巅”为汇聚点相连接,城堡的内部结构也是为了这个魔法而建造的,为了保证法术符文的完整性,很多通道被限制着。 Although the light shadow has not demonstrated these, but on stone wall of castle surviving, Ivan had found some traces, is some already ancient magic language that is unable to identify, is drawn up by the gold thread, now can only vaguely see in the past trace, but it truly has existed, these traces are part of magic. 虽然光影并未将这些显示出来,但在城堡残存的石壁上面,艾文还是找到了一些痕迹,是某个已经无法辨认的古代魔文,由金线所绘制,现在只能依稀看到往昔的痕迹了,但它确实存在过,这些痕迹是魔法的一部分。 From this showed, in this castle truly had been arranged powerful magic, is not that type the magic of wielding the wand(s) arrangement, but through the ancient alchemy left behind powerful magic arts, this magic was the Ravenclaw's ancestors or initial protectors left behind, when the gate of death was opened, it by trigger control all these. 由此证明,这座城堡内确实被布置过强大的魔法,不是那种挥动魔杖布置的魔法,而是通过古代炼金术留下的强力法术,这个魔法是拉文克劳的先祖们或者最初的守护者们留下的,在死亡之门被打开时,它被触发控制住了这一切。 Although in this also some Ivan unable to explain matters, how for example this powerful magic operates, initially had anything on gate opened that day, but compared with is confused at first, 虽然这里面还有一些艾文无法解释的事情,比如这个强大的魔法是如何运作的,还有当初在门被打开的那一天发生了什么,但是和最初一头雾水相比, The present matter had the outline gradually. 现在的事情已经渐渐有了轮廓。 Naturally, the above these are Ivan's guessed, but the possibility is very big. 当然,以上这些都是艾文的猜测,但是可能性很大。 This suspicion explained before him, thought that the strange place, for example, why ghost Marcus could not see dark witch in the trace of gate of place lake center death, before Ivan's reminded as if has not noted under the garden these strange statues, the matter about Dudley Young Master secure recalled the very difficulty, during probably was dark has a strength to prevent him to recall to be the same. 这个猜想解释了很多他之前觉得奇怪的地方,比如,为什么鬼魂马库斯看不到黑女巫在湖中心死亡之门处的施法痕迹,在艾文的提醒之前又似乎没有注意到花园下面这些古怪的雕像,还有关于达利安少爷的事情回忆起来非常的困难,就好像冥冥之中有一股力量在阻止他去回想一样。 If these are receive dark magic of Dudley secure to affect, that does not have what well strange. 如果这些都是受到达利安本人的黑魔法所影响,那就没有什么好奇怪的了。 Ivan is pondering, carefully is observing below these stone carvings, is seeking possibly can by the left behind clue. 艾文思考着,仔细地观察着下方那些石雕,在寻找可能会被留下的线索。 Until now, these stone carvings are in this castle only directly with Dudley secure Ravenclaw related thing. 迄今为止,这些石雕是这座城堡内唯一直接和达利安・拉文克劳有关的东西。 Perhaps is he in carves to complete by the evil god(s) parasitic or misleading process, after all loses sanely is a gradual process, is impossible to get it done in one action. 或许是他在被邪神寄生或者蛊惑过程中雕刻完成的,毕竟丧失理智是一个逐渐的过程,不可能一蹴而就。 By the giant dangerous window, Ivan carefully is observing, garden flank these approach banquet hall time statue, mostly is some extremely abstract indescribable things, or is such as beautiful Dusha and so on appears in the monster of legend story, UU reads 透过巨大的悬窗,艾文仔细观察着,花园外侧那些靠近宴会厅这一次的雕像,大多是一些极其抽象难以描述的东西,或者是诸如美杜莎之类出现在神话传说故事的怪物,UU看书 www.uukanshu.com gives him indistinctly a familiar feeling. www.uukanshu.com隐隐约约给他一种熟悉的感觉。 It looks like he in the evil god(s) divine creative force that in the Centaur(s) temple sees, but some different, there is an inexplicable being out of sorts feeling. 就像是他在马人庙宇中见到的邪神造物,但又有很多不同,有一种莫名的违和感。 As approaches castle central turret „the summit of group star, statue being out of sorts feeling starts changes is getting stronger and stronger. 随着靠近城堡中央塔楼“群星之巅”,雕像身上的违和感开始变的越来越强。 They as if become abstract, but this type abstract like does not have the mark to seek at first, but started to have some rule gradually. 它们似乎变得更加地抽象,但是这种抽象并不是像最初那样无迹可寻,而是渐渐开始有了某种规律。 Is any rule, Ivan cannot reach an agreement, but has such a feeling. 到底是什么规律,艾文说不好,但却是有这么一种感觉。 Also, the statue evil god(s) aura became stronger and stronger! 还有,雕像身上邪神的气息变得越来越强了! more to afterward, the Dudley peaceful strength was stronger, he became to oneself control strength weaker, these all in the statue through garden manifested. 越到后来,达利安的力量越强,他对自己的掌控力变得越弱,这些全都通过花园内的雕像体现出来。 These statues are definitely related with evil god(s), is some evil god(s) divine creative force!” Ivan can determine. “这些雕像肯定和邪神有关,是某种邪神造物!”艾文可以确定。 However is not that evil god(s) that he is familiar with, rather 不过不是他所熟悉的那个邪神,而是 Suddenly, as if has induced, his vision rapid across hollowing out in dangerous window and garden innumerable statues, finally falls, in most approaches central turret one already above advanced kind of person statue, that statue itself damages seriously, fierce of decency, however vaguely can see the past appearance under the light shadow of magic. 蓦然间,似乎有所感应,他的目光迅速穿过镂空的悬窗和花园中无数雕像,最终落在最靠近中心塔楼一个已经被推到的类人雕像之上,那座雕像本身破损严重,风化的厉害,但是在魔法的光影下依稀能够看到往日的模样。 It seems from the back, it a little likely is dementor(s)! 从背影看上去,它有点像是摄魂怪 Right, dementor(s), guarding of Azkaban Prison! 没错,摄魂怪,阿兹卡班巫师监狱的看守! The evil god(s) divine creative force that is created by Herpo the Foul, Ivan to them in familiar! 这些由卑鄙的海尔波所创造的邪神造物,艾文对它们在熟悉不过! Even if sees not very clearly from this angle, but he can determine that is dementor(s)! 哪怕从这个角度看去并不十分的清楚,但他可以确定那就是摄魂怪 In other words, presents the evil god(s) aura here, is evil god(s) that Herpo the Foul turns into. 也就是说,出现在这里的邪神气息,是卑鄙的海尔波所化成的邪神 Gate of interior death was the space that Herpo the Foul was at! 死亡之门内部是卑鄙的海尔波所在的空间! Wait, how is this possible?! 等等,这怎么可能?! Please remember this book first round domain name: Wind and cloud novel reading network cell phone version reading website: 请记住本书首发域名:风云小说阅读网手机版阅读网址:
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