The rightfist of Han Debiaoshineseye-catchingblack light, poundson the front door, spreads a dull thumping sound, the front dooris entirely still.韩德彪的右拳亮起一阵夺目的黑光,砸在大门上面,传出一声闷响,大门纹丝不动。Both hands of Han Debiaoplaceon the front door, makes an effortto push, the complexionrisesred, the front doorrocksslowly.韩德彪的双手放在大门上,用力一推,脸色涨得通红,大门缓缓晃动。Hiswhole faceis shocking, hehas practicedtrue spirit, the physical strengthis very powerful, unexpectedlycannot open a leaf of front door, is the specialmaterial qualityrefinement? Said the specialban.
他满脸震惊,要知道,他已经修炼成真灵,气力特别强大,居然推不开一扇大门,难道是特殊材质炼制而成?还是说有特殊禁制。Both hands of Han Changmingalsoplaceon the front door韩长鸣的双手也放在大门上面Inthischaptercontentrenewal...
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