GLCR :: Volume #5

#454: Half-crazy

, Renews the samsara great misfortune main latest chapter most quickly! ,最快更新轮回大劫主最新章节! „Does your excellency really have the law of immortal?” “阁下真有长生之法?” Jiang Yuhe breathes to be loud. 姜玉河呼吸一下粗重起来。 Eternal life is difficult, the immortal is actually simple, especially regarding you and other insect pigs!” Fang Xian shows a strange smile. “永生艰难,长生倒是简单,尤其对于你等虫豕而言!”方仙露出一个诡异的笑容。 Although the opposite party hold him, must regard birthday present, but can also regard as a protection in disguised form. 对方虽然抓住他,要当成‘寿礼’,但也可以看成一种变相的保护。 He did not mind actually gives some chances conveniently. 他倒是不介意顺手给些机缘。 After all, conveniently this sets the record moth changes and moth changes swordsmanship, by the strength of pollution Evil God, had mixed in the crazy and indescribable strength, is not the good thing. 毕竟,这随手创下的‘飞蛾变’与‘蛾变剑法’,早已被邪神之力污染,掺入了疯狂与不可名状之力,并非什么好东西。 Said again...... I half-crazy...... the idea of lunatic, has one's wish......’ ‘再说……我都已经半疯了……疯子的想法,就是这么随心所欲……’ Fang Xian is laughing, read aloud the incantation general heart law: Insect pig is base and low, myriad suffer, a dynasty pupation, broken cocoon to become E, hovers for nine days......” 方仙大笑着,念诵出咒语一般的心法:“虫豕卑微,万千折磨,一朝化蛹,破茧成蛾,翱翔九天……” These ordinary writing, after passing through his reading aloud, had strength! 这些原本普通的文字,在经过他的‘念诵’之后,就有了‘力量’! Jiang Yuhe, Jiang Tao, Yi Wuji and the others the look becomes blurred, felt that in the mind squeezed in one group of starch, has some inexplicable knowledge. 姜玉河姜淘易无极等人眼神变得迷离,感觉脑海之内被塞入了一团浆糊,又带着些莫名的知识。 An all around forest silence, in the darkness, the shadow is surging, as if had the thing of what terrifying to be attracted. 四周的森林一片寂静,黑暗之中,阴影涌动着,似乎有什么恐怖之物被吸引了过来。 First comes, is one group of profound flame. 首先现身的,是一团幽深的火焰。 After the flame, more than ten fly the pale palm in midair. 在火焰之后,还有十几只飞在半空中的苍白手掌。 With the heavy sound of footsteps, as if cuts off limb the giant monster that with the wild animal by more than ten headman classes splicing becomes, from woods. 伴随着沉重的脚步声,一头仿佛由十几头人类与野兽断肢拼接而成的巨大怪物,从树林中走了出来。 Is the strange spirit fire! Flying palm! Ten corpse mountains!” “是怪异幽灵火!飞手掌!还有十尸山!” Yi Wuji takes the lead to recover, screamed. 易无极率先回过神来,尖叫道。 Spirit fire assembling and parting is variable, can burn the person soul, is very fearful, is the strange type that ordinary martial artist most is not willing to bump into. 幽灵火聚散无常,能灼伤人魂,十分可怕,也是普通武者最不愿意碰到的怪异类型。 The flying palm is a manpower of only flight, not only the strength is greatly infinite, and speed is astonishing, most critically, can take down the palm of victim, making the community increase unceasingly. 飞手掌就是一只只飞行的人手,不仅力大无穷,并且速度惊人,更加关键的是,可以取下受害者的手掌,令群体不断变大。 Final corpse mountain, is Yi Wuji had hacked to death one monster, comprised of the innumerable broken limbs, is most likely in corpse many places, for example the tomb and battlefield appear. 最后的尸山,则是易无极曾经砍死过的一种怪物,由无数残破肢体组成,最有可能在死尸多的地方,比如墓地与战场出现。 This time ten corpse mountains, the representative composes its corpse quantity is not many, even if the average people may hack to death with the blade, burn with the fire. 此时的十尸山,代表组成它的尸体数量不多,哪怕普通人都有可能用刀砍死、用火烧死。 But if gives it constantly to accumulate, turns into hundred corpse mountains, must the Jianghu expert strive, can cut to kill. 但如果给它不断积累,变成‘百尸山’,就非得江湖好手出力,才能斩杀。 Once promotes again upward, turns into thousand corpse mountains and ten thousand Shishan, that absolute plunging the people into disaster, massacres city the extermination, non- immortal cultivation is unable to be a worthy opponent. 一旦再往上晋升,变成‘千尸山’与‘万尸山’,那绝对生灵涂炭,屠城灭门,非修仙者无法匹敌。 These three are the strange, ordinary pedestrian evades it less, has not actually thought that was attracted together. 这三头都是怪异,普通行人避之不及,却没有想到一起被吸引了过来。 Comes well, the moth changes the sword to practice successfully, how also little to result in the blood food?” “来得好,蛾变之剑想要修成,又怎么少得了血食呢?” Before Fang Xian arrives at a guard body, however takes long sword leisurely, pulling a sword was colored, thorn to flying palm. 方仙来到一个护卫身前,施施然取走长剑,挽了一个剑花,刺向飞手掌。 Yi Wuji stares the big eye. 易无极瞪大眼睛。 He cannot imagine, world has such swordsmanship unexpectedly! 他想象不到,世间竟有如此剑法! Ordinary martial artist copes with a flying palm, must pester the half of the day, cautious. 普通武者对付一只飞手掌,都要纠缠半天,小心翼翼。 But Fang Xian is only the optional thorn, strings together the bottle gourd to be the same, penetrates an only flying palm. 方仙只是随意一刺,就串葫芦一样,将一只只飞手掌穿透。 As strange, the vitality of flying palm is quite tenacious, was cut and injured can restore fast, only has true qi and magic power can restrain. 作为怪异,飞手掌的生命力相当顽强,被砍伤都能飞快恢复,唯有真气法力能够克制。 Flying palm that but at this time, that was only strung together, unexpectedly to dying was the same, no longer moves. 但此时,那一只只被串起来的飞手掌,竟然就跟死了一样,不再动弹。 Moreover, originally pale, but the thick palm, one becomes withers, as if lost massive vitalities. 不仅如此,原本苍白但厚实的手掌,一下变得枯萎起来,仿佛失去了大量的生命力。 But long sword in Fang Xian hand, above sword blade, then as if there is bloodlines general trace, is wriggling slowly. 方仙手中的长剑,剑身之上,则是仿佛有着血脉一般的纹路,正在缓缓蠕动。 „The strength of insect pig is weak, must a little at a time mounts up, many a little makes a mickle, can save the strength of enough pupation...... simple, is to take a life......” “虫豕之力微弱,非得聚沙成塔,集腋成裘,才能积蓄足够的化蛹之力……简单而言,就是要杀生……” Fang Xian sighed spookily: Therefore the moth changes the sword, is the sword of taking a life, the sword takes the vitality, is useful to me!” 方仙幽幽一叹:“因此蛾变之剑,也是杀生之剑,剑取生机,为我所用!” This moth changes the sword, there are three types, the first type insect and second type pupation and third type moth!” “此蛾变之剑,又有三式,第一式化虫、第二式化蛹、第三式化蛾!” At this moment, that group of spirit fires threw fiercely, the Fang Xian package, as if must fire one group of ashes him. 就在这时,那一团幽灵火猛地扑了过来,将方仙包裹,似乎要将他烧成一团灰烬。 Fang Xian is unhurriedly, long sword, prevents all flame immediately outside. 方仙不慌不忙,长剑一圈,顿时将所有火焰阻挡在外。 Melts the move of insect, Sword Qi to become trace/strand, drills into move of four limbs hundred bones, derives the vitality! 化虫之招,剑气成丝,钻入中招者四肢百骸,汲取生机! The move of pupation, is the defense, like the great cocoon, the wind and rain is airtight. 化蛹之招,则是防御,有如巨蛹,风雨不透。 Last sword, melts the moth!” “最后一剑,化蛾!” Fang Xian laughs, suddenly wields together the sword light. 方仙哈哈大笑,蓦然又挥出一道剑光。 This sword light is bright, vast infinite, with the former sinister and ruthless cunning swordsmanship is completely two ways, just like broken cocoon to become butterfly, wonderful extraordinary. 这剑光煌煌,浩大无穷,与之前的阴毒刁钻之剑法完全是两个路数,宛若破茧成蝶,美妙非凡。 ! 噗! The sword light cuts to extinguish that group of spirit fires directly, pricks ten corpse within the mountain straightly, cuts open a giant slit, bloody. 剑光直接将那一团幽灵火斩灭,又笔直刺入十尸山之内,割开一道巨大的缝隙,血流如注。 The next flash, the vast sword light, changed into the innumerable sword silk suddenly, drills into the meat mountain, just like attaching the maggot of bone. 下一刹那,原本浩大的剑光,蓦然化为无数剑丝,钻入肉山之中,宛若附骨之蛆。 The huge meat mountain withers fast, suddenly drops down, is fast decayed. 庞大的肉山飞快枯萎,突然倒下,飞快腐朽。 I go , haha......” “我去也,哈哈……” Fang Xian receives the sword to sheathe, turns around to walk. 方仙收剑入鞘,转身就走。 Does not walk good! 不走不行! Even if used a strength, he also felt that fearful crazy, has corroded the limit. 哪怕只是动用了一点力量,他也感觉可怕的疯狂,已经侵蚀到了极限。 Perhaps is the next quarter, he will become will act like a madman. 或许是下一刻,他就会重新变得疯疯癫癫的。 Regarding swallowing Nicholaya, achievement Rank 7 him, crazy is the mainstream! 对于吞噬尼古拉亚,才成就七级的他而言,疯狂才是主流! Sane, is only in the long life, occasional miraculous glow one presently. 理智,只是漫长生命之中,偶尔的灵光一现。 ...... …… The vitality transformation that in the jungle, a Fang Xian tip of the toe point, derives is true qi, on going far away several feet, speed quickly to inconceivable. 密林之中,方仙脚尖一点,汲取来的生机转化为真气,就远去数丈,速度快到不可思议。 Nicholaya has not departed...... It in me, in my mind,...... is hard to avoid in my True Spirit crazily......” 尼古拉亚远未离去……祂就在我心里,在我的脑海里,在我的真灵内……疯狂难以避免……” I can feel that...... also the part did overflow to disperse crazily went out...... to turn into the strangeness of this world?” “我能感觉到……还有一部分疯狂溢散了出去……或许会变成这个世界的怪异?” Found It, killed It, is I in the duty of this world!” “找到祂,杀了祂,就是我在这个世界的任务!” In addition, how these old friends, pour might as well have a look at...... Shushan...... hehe, these Sword Immortal feared that do not have a mortal hatred of me......” “除此之外,那些故人如何,倒不妨也去看看……蜀山……呵呵,那些剑仙怕不是要恨死我了……” „...... This time falls on Xinwu Country luckily not many, immortal cultivation...... I, although can cope with them, but could use many strengths, to me, to this world, is not the good deed......” “幸好……这次是落在辛武国,修仙者不多……我虽然能对付他们,但可能就要动用过多的力量,对我,对这个世界,都不是好事……” Suddenly, the reason in Fang Xian eye pupil dissipates all. 突然间,方仙眼眸里的理智尽数消散。 His planted, pours in the middle of many rotten muddy lands, starts to eat the earth. 他一头栽了下去,倒在诸多腐烂泥地当中,开始吃土。 The Fang Xian facial expression is demented, as if these decayed soils are the incomparable delicacies, is gobbling up in gulps. 方仙的神情癫狂,似乎这些腐臭泥土是无比的美味,大口大口地吞吃着。 He was insane! 他疯了! However, the lord consciousness of Fang Xian has long been used, regards deep sleep a time. 不过,方仙的主意识早已习惯,就当成一次沉睡。 He the deep sleep was so long before, does not miss this meeting. 他之前都沉睡了那么久,也不差这一会。 Un, these falls into the crazy time time, was inevitably shorter than before, but, even if restored the reason, possibly contains crazily. 嗯,这一次陷入疯狂的时间,必然比之前短不少,只不过,哪怕恢复理智,也可能蕴藏着疯狂。 For all that but he to completing task, is very confident. 虽然如此,但他对完成任务,还是很有信心的。 After all, he can induce to existence of Nicholaya, has the general direction. 毕竟,他能感应到尼古拉亚的存在,有着大概的方向。 In addition, is the opposite party is more insane than him! 除此之外,则是对方比他更疯! He can also restore the reason occasionally, Nicholaya is actually the from head to tail lunatic, even if crazy divulging, formed incarnation, also fills crazily. 他还能偶尔恢复理智,尼古拉亚却是彻头彻尾的疯子,哪怕一丝疯狂泄露,形成的化身,也同样充满疯狂。
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