GLCR :: Volume #5

#449: Dealing

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Secret Keepers headquarters. 守密人总部。 Above islands. 岛屿之上。 Clark Carter is making the final report: „The failure of this action, I am willing to shoulder all responsibility!” 克拉克・卡特做着最后的报告:“这次行动的失败,我愿意承担一切责任!” Oh...... that Loka strength, is everyone has not thought that human is impossible to grasp that degree the dark strength......” “唉……那个罗卡的实力,是所有人都没有想到的,人类不可能掌握那种程度的黑暗力量……” Legendary female investigator Silina sighed a sound said: Or to that degree, is impossible to maintain the human historically the shape...... he in our, probably also only then Hopskin can compare with him.” 传奇女调查员希灵娜叹息一声道:“或者说,到了那种程度,已经不可能维持人类的形态了……他在我们的历史上,大概也只有霍普斯金能够与他相比。” Hopskin! 霍普斯金 Mentioned this name, in the conference room is one static. 一提到这个名字,就连会议室中都是一静。 It, is representing some taboo. 它本身,就代表着某个禁忌。 All in view of the action of Lost Order, slows down temporarily...... luckily, the idea of this Order is not extreme, although also propaganda end, but believes that will have Lost God to arrive at the revelation, saves them......, but we know, the prediction of end real!” “所有针对失落教团的行动,都暂时放缓……幸好,这个教团的理念并不偏激,虽然也宣传末日,但更相信会有失落之神降临天启,拯救他们……而我们都知道,末日的预言是真的!” Silina heavy say/way: Is getting more and more short from the time of group star homing, some Order will become crazy...... us to prevent them even more.” 希灵娜沉重道:“距离群星归位的时间越来越短,一些教团会变得越发疯狂……我们必须阻止它们。” But...... should the true end, what to do?” “但是……真正的末日,该怎么办呢?” Old age legend investigator both hands hold the head. 一名老年传奇调查员双手抱头。 He in young, has encircled Ghoul, has explored the dreamland, with heathen bloody battle many, is an iron man, but now, actually exposes the rich fear and despair: „The strength of human, is extremely indeed tiny, after we grasp the great power, maintains the human nature reluctantly, how to cope with these antique rulers very?” 他在年轻的时候,围剿过食尸鬼,探索过梦境,与异教徒血战多场,是一名铁汉,但现在,却展露出浓郁的害怕与绝望情绪:“人类的力量,的确太过渺小,我们连掌握强大力量后维持人性都十分勉强,怎么对付那些太古支配者们?” So long as goes on living, hopeful...... we have explained the dead sea copy clerk, is very clear, not?” “只要活下去,就有希望……我们解读过死海文书,已经很清楚了,不是么?” Clark Carter replied loudly: If these Great One, were really surpassed above them by one existence seal, that exists certainly is the true creator, is the patron god of human......, if It, certainly will still revive, these terrors existence again seals......” 克拉克・卡特大声回答:“如果那些伟大者,真的是被一位超出祂们之上的存在封印,那位存在一定是真正的造物主,也是人类的守护神……如果祂还在的话,一定会苏醒过来,将那些恐怖的存在再次封印……” Dead sea copy clerks are talking during sleep of insane person, and our explanations possibly have the error...... no one to understand that language truly, all guessed! Guess!” The old age investigator gets angry exclaims: And perhaps...... has the flash of regaining consciousness in these evilly, the people of our entire star died...... I to suggest certainly, immediately started fire seed and ark plan!” “死海文书本来就是疯人的呓语,并且我们的解读可能有着谬误……没有人能真正看懂那种文字,一切都是猜测!猜测!”老年调查员怒吼道:“并且……或许在那些邪恶存在苏醒的一刹那,我们整个星球的人都死绝了……我建议,立即启动‘火种’、‘方舟’计划!” In view of the end, Secret Keepers has certainly also prepared. 针对末日,守密人当然也有所准备。 The biggest two plans, are fire seed and ark. 最大的两个方案,就是‘火种’与‘方舟’。 Fire seed plan, toward some dreamlands and toward different world, that terrifying world immigrant who for example the discovery blood cures. ‘火种’方案,是往梦境、往一些异世界,比如发现血疗的那个恐怖世界移民。 Although these world are also very fearful, has massive disasters, but can always under the survival some seeds. 虽然那些世界同样很可怕,存在着大量灾祸,但总能存活下一些种子。 As for ark plan, some chaos science and technology that then knows using Secret Keepers, build the spaceship, marches to the universe, flees this star, and attempts to rebuild one's homeland on other planets. 至于‘方舟’计划,则是利用守密人掌握的一些混沌科技,打造飞船,向宇宙进军,逃离这颗星球,并尝试在其它行星上重建家园。 This naturally, we have been preparing, the special details, are under the charge to many doctors......” “这个当然,我们早就在做准备了,具体情况,由阿芒多博士负责……” Silina just at this point, under foot suddenly in a flash. 希灵娜刚刚说到这里,脚下突然一晃。 No! 不! It is not she loses the center of gravity, but is the entire conference room is swaying. 不是她失去重心,而是整个会议室都在摇晃。 Huge secret fort is shivering, many investigator surprise run the fortress, looks at the land to crack, the sea water is turbulent. 巨大的秘堡在颤动,诸多调查员诧异地跑出堡垒,望着大地开裂,海水汹涌。 All, with that in the dreamland saw initially very similar. 一切的一切,跟当初梦境中见到的那一幕十分相似。 Stated differently, it happened in the real world! 不同的是,它发生在现实世界! Is impossible!” “不可能!” Clark Carter is looking at this: That did exist to regain consciousness? The end also has more than one year of time obviously!” 克拉克・卡特望着这一幕:“难道那位存在要苏醒了?明明末日还有一年多的时间!” Quick...... reinforces the seal!” “快……加固封印!” Silina is shouting. 希灵娜大喊着。 In fact, Secret Keepers discovered this islands, the driving moving headquarters come, as prison guard and attendant. 实际上,守密人只是发现了这座岛屿,主动搬迁总部过来,作为狱卒与看管者而已。 Regarding the seal, is the antique ruler of deep sleep, no means. 不论是对于封印,还是沉睡的太古支配者,都没有一点办法。 So-called reinforcement seal, but tried to find out for a long time cautiously, the means of reinforcement islands experimenting, as for can affect the genuine seal, that is the least bit grasps does not have. 所谓的加固封印,只是长期小心翼翼地摸索,试验出来的一点加固岛屿的办法,至于能不能影响到真正的封印,那是半点把握都没有。 Crash-bang! 哗啦! The islands crack, the sea water is turbulent. 岛屿开裂,海水汹涌。 Moreover, all investigators, as if saw a spiritual tsunami, middle is a mountain huge shadow, similarly comes in waves. 不仅如此,所有调查员,都似乎看到了一片精神上的海啸,当中是一片高山般的巨大黑影,同样滚滚而来。 Clark Carter is covering the forehead, has to swallow secret medicine, stands up reluctantly. 克拉克・卡特捂着额头,不得不吞服了一枚秘药,才勉强站起。 At this time, but can also stand the investigator, is the legendary ranks! 这时候,还能站着的调查员,都是传奇级别! Luckily, that shadow has not walked into the reality from the fantasy, the earthquake and sea water are also dissipating slowly. 幸好,那一道黑影没有从幻想走入现实,就连地震与海水也在缓缓消散。 „It is not the seal relieves, but is that existed to turn under the body...... this in Secret Keepers historical also has the record...... but approached along with the date of group star homing, Its movement even more was inevitably frequent......” “并不是封印解除,而是那一位存在翻了下身体……这在守密人的历史上也有记载……但伴随着群星归位的日期临近,祂的动作必然越发频繁……” The Silina complexion is very unattractive: Was the issue of time consideration relocation headquarters......” 希灵娜的脸色很不好看:“是时候考虑搬迁总部的问题了……” Here...... is doomed to be destroyed, are our missions, doomed to be defeated similarly?” “这里……注定要被毁灭,我们的使命,同样注定失败么?” Clark Carter is muttering, the facial expression is very complex. 克拉克・卡特喃喃着,神情十分复杂。 ...... …… Phillip City. 菲利普市 Stemming from certain obvious reasons, here has become the Lost God Order supreme headquarters. 出于某些心照不宣的缘故,这里已经成为了失落之神教团的大本营。 Teacher receives a letter, said that he will be quiet some time, is the influence of previous war......” “导师来信,说他会沉寂一段时间,难道是上次战争的影响……” Smith grasps the letter, asked heavyheartedly. 史密斯手持信件,忧心忡忡地问道。 Although the previous time, Loka gives full play of power and strength, has not received what injury, but he knows, matter is not that simple. 虽然上一次,罗卡大发神威,也没受到什么伤势,但他知道,事情不是那么简单。 Each time the use incantation technique, is to own corrosion and pollution. 每次使用咒术,都是对自身的侵蚀与污染。 The ordinary incantation is this, casting a spell is so. 普通咒语是这样,禁咒更是如此。 This time Mr. Loka, the condition perhaps is not very good. 此时的罗卡先生,状态恐怕不是很好。 „, Perhaps the teacher is don't worry accepting Lost God blesses......” Vivian smile comfort, at once also sighs: We insufficiently...... great Lost God...... have not given us diligently the revelation, but the end approaches quickly.” “不用担心,或许导师阁下正在接受失落之神的庇佑……”薇薇安微笑安慰,旋即又是叹息:“我们还不够努力……伟大的失落之神……还未给予我们天启,而末日就快临近。” God promised us, will redeem few people.” “神应许我们,会救赎一部分人。” Miki very god stick said/tunnel: Our these base and low mortals can do, only had the effort.” 米奇很神棍地道:“我们这些卑微凡人所能做的,也唯有努力而已了。” Worked as the day of group star homing, the immemorial rulers will arrive in world, ruled all......” “当群星归位之日,太古支配者将降临世间,统治一切……” Smith muttered the prediction that this most Order are familiar, suddenly said: Perhaps...... Lost God, is in them one, but held the good intentions...... to work as the day of group star homing to human, It will return with them together.” 史密斯喃喃着这一句大多数教团都耳熟能详的预言,突然道:“或许……失落之神,也是祂们中的一位,但对人类抱有善意……当群星归位之日,祂将与祂们一同归来。” Miki and Vivian simultaneously eye one bright: Really...... this has the possibility very much.” 米奇与薇薇安同时眼睛一亮:“确实……这很有可能。” In their mind, promised that gives the revelation and redemption Lost God, inevitably with these antique rulers situated in same level, and even higher. 在他们心目中,许诺给予天启与救赎的失落之神,必然与那些太古支配者位于同一级别,甚至更高。 But the guess of Smith, has the possibility to be close to the truth extremely! 史密斯的猜测,极有可能已经接近真相! After all, the antique ruler, can cope with the antique ruler! 毕竟,只有太古支配者,才能对付太古支配者! End is near, depends upon the teacher, we do not need to worry that trouble temporarily from investigator, was the time...... migrates the family member friend, does to deal with the preparation of disaster......” “末日将近,依靠导师,我们暂时不用担心来自调查员方面的麻烦,是时候……将家人朋友迁移,做应对灾难的准备了……” Vivian deeply inspires, suggests. 薇薇安深吸口气,建议道。
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