GLCR :: Volume #5

#443: Encircling

, Renews the samsara great misfortune main latest chapter most quickly! ,最快更新轮回大劫主最新章节! Wū wū! 呜呜! The steam train is thundering, arrival platform. 蒸汽列车轰鸣着,到达站台。 The Secret Keepers high level and legendary investigator Clark Carter wear the black windproof coat, the dome ceremonial hat, is raising a brown suitcase, goes out of the station slowly. 守密人高层、传奇调查员克拉克・卡特穿着黑色风衣,圆顶礼帽,提着一个棕色的手提箱,缓缓走出车站。 Sir, please.” “大人,请。” The Phillip City Secret Keepers branch has sent out the specialist private car, waited there for some time outside the station. 菲利普市守密人分部早已派出专人专车,在车站外等候多时。 A young investigator sees Clark Carter to walk, a face goes forward to salute hastily excitedly, stems from completely wholeheartedly. 一名年轻的调查员见到克拉克・卡特走出来,连忙一脸激动地上前行礼,完全出自真心实意。 After all, this, but living legend! 毕竟,这一位可是活着的传奇! Un.” “嗯。” Clark Carter expression is solemn, seats in the black sedan that lengthens. 克拉克・卡特表情冷峻,坐进加长的黑色轿车之中。 The engine of sedan is thundering the start, drives into a remote path, stops before a broad cement construction. 轿车的发动机轰鸣着启动,驶入一条偏僻的道路,在一幢宽阔的水泥建筑前停下。 This is the Phillip City Secret Keepers branch. 这是菲利普市守密人分部。 Clark Carter enters the branch, without the rest, requests to hold the conference directly. 克拉克・卡特进入分部,没有休息,直接要求召开会议。 Lots of investigators, enter in the conference room, the expression is dignified. 大量的调查员,进入会议室中,表情凝重。 In, there is an elite in our headquarters, there is an outstanding talent of branch, these joins up time, big actions......” “诸位之中,既有我们总部的精英,也有分部的优秀人才,这一次联合起来,是有一次大行动……” Clark Carter voice is low and deep, hints the following assistant to open the slide. 克拉克・卡特声音低沉,示意后面的助手打开幻灯片。 On the theater curtain, projects immediately a image of young people. 在幕布上,顿时投影出一位年轻人的影像。 Loka......” 罗卡……” Under, Eric as the therapist, is also one of them, saw that muttered one in a low voice. 下方,埃里克作为治疗师,也在其中,见状不由低声喃喃了一句。 Loka...... the Osia City writer, joined the branch afterward, was recommended to enter headquarters training...... to go out in the halfway, is missing mystically......” 罗卡……奥赛市作家,后来加入分部,被推荐进入总部培训……于半途外出,神秘失踪……” Clark Carter introduced: Until recently, our ability checked, he with the headquarters that receive attack, had much to do with, and with new student/life Order Lost Order was related!” 克拉克・卡特介绍道:“直到最近,我们才调查出来,他与总部那次受到的袭击,有很大关系,并且与一个新生的教团-失落教团有关!” Finishing speaking, the investigators were angry: Investigator of degeneration, this is our shames!” 话音刚落,调查员们就愤怒了:“堕落的调查员,这是我们的耻辱!” Must get rid of him!” “必须干掉他!” Cannot make him bring the huge harm to the world!” “不能让他给世界带来巨大的危害!” ...... …… Clark Carter presses the hand, hinting everyone is peaceful, this continues saying: In view of the plan of Loka, is absolutely secret, is taken the lead by me, these time seemingly ordinary, in view of the attack of Lost Order, is the bait...... everyone is careful, this Loka was the extremely dangerous character, Lost Order cannot be passed over, mastered the rich mysterious knowledge, we suspected that mostly stemmed from the taboo library in headquarters......” 克拉克・卡特压了压手,示意大家安静下来,这才继续道:“针对罗卡的计划,是绝对机密,由我领头,这一次看似普通,针对失落教团的打击,则是诱饵……大家要小心,这个罗卡是极度危险的人物,失落教团也不容小看,掌握了丰富的神秘知识,我们怀疑大多出自总部的禁忌图书馆……” A these words exit|to speak, other investigator complexions become uglier. 这句话一出口,其它的调查员脸色变得更加难看起来。 Then...... I explained Lost Order...... they are worshipping named Lost Godexistence for everyone ‚, this had us not to see the related description in the beforehand heathen ancient book, possibly was new existence, was the time that some secret Evil God waistcoat...... it presented might be late, a half year to one year ago, started to act...... its follower to excel at the incantation technique wantonly, and believes that Lost God lost own name, only then passed summons unceasingly, can regain consciousness by it truly...... naturally, Lost Order also publicized the end, thinks that can obtain the revelation redemption......” “接下来……我为大家讲解一下失落教团……他们崇拜着一位名为‘失落之神’的存在,这一位存在我们并未在之前的异教徒典籍中看到相关描述,可能是一位新的存在,也可能是某一位隐秘邪神的马甲……它出现的时间很晚,直到半年到一年之前,才开始大肆动作……它的信徒擅长咒术,并相信失落之神失去了自己的名字,只有通过不断呼唤,才能让它真正苏醒……当然,失落教团也宣扬末日,认为可以得到天启救赎……” We have detected a activity of Lost God believer, then...... will be arranged a large-scale enforcement action by the branch, this is real, but we hide in secret, monitors all......, if Loka appears, begins to arrest him.” “我们已经侦测到了一次失落之神教徒的活动,接下来……将由分部布置一次大规模打击行动,这是真的,而我们隐藏在暗中,监视一切……如果罗卡出现,就动手抓捕他。” Clark Carter is resolute, a fist pounds on the table. 克拉克・卡特语气坚定,一拳砸在桌案上。 ...... …… Urban district, in a villa. 市区,一幢别墅之内。 Here is a famous real estate merchant, is the Phillip City upper class, approaches along with the end, contacted the news about supernatural force gradually. 这里属于一位有名的地产商人,属于菲利普市的上流阶层,伴随着末日临近,也渐渐接触到了一些关于超自然力量的消息。 Miki contacts with him slightly, the opposite party gave money generously, donated this villa achievement Lost Order temporary foothold. 米奇只是略微跟他接触,对方就慷慨解囊,捐赠了这幢别墅作为失落教团的临时据点。 Miki......” “米奇……” Smith also in the villa, looks at Miki to come at this time, on the face appears a happy expression: „Did matter complete?” 史密斯此时也在别墅之内,望着米奇过来,脸上浮现出一丝笑意:“事情都做完了?” Because of blessing of my Lord, I had completed the revenge successfully, starting today, all my, will belong to my Lord!” Miki replied devotionally. “因为吾主的庇佑,我已经成功完成了复仇,从今天开始,我的一切,都将属于吾主!”米奇虔诚地回答。 On him is shouldering a hatred, because believed Lost God, has the strength of revenge. 他身上背负着一份仇恨,正是因为信仰了失落之神,才拥有复仇的力量。 my Lord is benevolent, It foresaw the end, is willing to give us the revelation and redemption.” 吾主是仁慈的,祂预见到了末日,愿意给予我们天启与救赎。” Smith wears the black priest robe: Ceremony has prepared, can call the follower, conducted to summon again......” 史密斯穿着黑色的教士袍:“仪式已经准备好,可以召集信徒,再次进行呼唤了……” After these days fumble, they are not a harvest do not have. 经过这段时间的摸索,他们也不是一点收获都没有。 The ceremony and sacrificial offering that at least, some Lost God possibly like, discovered much. 至少,一些失落之神可能喜欢的仪式与祭品,就发现了不少。 What a pity is, cannot make Lost God regain consciousness, and obtains that most essential God's Name! 可惜的是,一直不能令失落之神苏醒,并且获得那最为关键的神名 Smith somewhat regretted at heart, but transform to immediately firmly. 史密斯心里有些惋惜,但立即就转变为坚定。 Lost Order, in fact besides does not violate some cases, frantic about the religion, is exactly the same as other heathens. 失落教团,实际上除了不犯些大案之外,对宗教的狂热,与其它异教徒如出一辙。 Quick, a ceremony arranges in the villa. 很快,一个仪式就在别墅内布置起来。 The main sacrificial offering is the fresh flower and fruit, because Lost God does not like consecration of flesh. 主要祭品是鲜花与水果,因为失落之神不喜欢血肉的供奉。 The followers wear the black long gown, gathers in together, is praying frantically: Lost God...... you are the Warlock source and lord of All-Heavens samsara! You are the control of Tribulation Power, immortal existence, the King of endless space and time! Please respond to our summons, we implored you, lowered your God's Name, granted us the revelation!” 信徒们穿着黑色长袍,汇聚在一起,狂热地祈祷着:“失落之神啊……您是术士的源头、诸天轮回之主!您是劫力之主宰,不朽之存在,无尽时空的王者!请回应我们的呼唤,我们祈求您,降下您的神名,赐予我们天启!” Outside villa. 别墅之外。 The investigators have traced the nearby. 调查员们已经摸到了附近。 A black clothes investigator feels the ear wheat, said in a low voice: Confirmed the Lost Order accumulation, three giants presented two...... to pray, please instruct!” 一名黑衣调查员摸着耳麦,低声道:“确认失落教团聚集,三巨头出现两位……正在进行祈祷,请指示!” Storm!” “强攻!” Opposite, a callous sound conveys, not slightly hesitant. 对面,一个冷酷的声音传来,没有丝毫犹豫。 Attack!” “进攻!” The investigator stood up, draws out to inscribe the silver rune/symbol writing strange firearms. 调查员站起身,拔出铭刻了银色符文的奇异枪械。 Meanwhile, his companions some made yellow talisman, some use the incantation technique, summoned various different kind lifeform. 与此同时,他的同伴们有的打出了黄色符箓,有的施展咒术,召唤各种异类生物。 These people place, has the strength of senior investigator, grasps a supernatural force. 这些人放在过去,都有资深调查员的实力,掌握一种超自然力量。 Approaches along with the end, various supernatural case frequencies send, Secret Keepers also has to change the attitude, all investigators, provided supernatural force goods at least. 伴随着末日临近,各种超自然案件频发,守密人也不得不改变态度,所有调查员,都起码配备了一件超自然力量物品。 At this time, two bat same monsters, take the lead to dash the glass, crashes in the villa, sends out the grating scream. 此时,两头蝙蝠一样的怪物,率先撞破玻璃,冲进别墅之中,发出刺耳的尖叫。 „The Lost Order follower is listening, you had been surrounded, immediately surrenders, otherwise kills!” 失落教团的信徒听着,你们已经被包围了,立即投降,否则击毙!” The investigators encircle, unceasingly close. 调查员们围成一圈,不断靠近。 Crash-bang! 哗啦! The roof of villa disrupts suddenly, a black big bird runs out, conducting the back is standing Miki and Smith: Is Secret Keepers! We have not committed the murder case, why can be in hot pursuit?” 别墅的屋顶突然碎裂,一只黑色大鸟冲出,背上站着米奇与史密斯:“又是守密人!我们并未制造血案,为什么要紧追不放?” Their interrogations have not responded, the dusk ray of blotting out the sky, has come. 他们的质问没有回应,铺天盖地的黄昏光芒,已经汹涌而来。 Black Jupiter!” “黑太岁!” Smith sighed, proceeded one step, loud summon. 史密斯叹息一声,往前一步,大声呼唤。 All investigators at present one black, as if saw the illusory dreamland, in the dreamland deep place, the pitch black giant flesh lump is wriggling, brings the fearful spiritual impact! 所有调查员眼前一黑,仿佛看到了虚幻的梦境,于梦境深处,一团漆黑的巨大肉块正在蠕动,带来可怕的精神冲击!
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