GDC :: Volume #9 穹霄万古执道主

#2251: Always solution say/way not empty crosses

That Spirit of Good Fortune melts daoist this to use the method, standing causes to think that during and the others fell into was exhausted. 造化之灵所化道人这一施展出手段,立使相觉等人陷入了困顿之中。 Unusual brightness that these and innumerable Contemporary World bloom together, same is the implication has Spirit of Good Fortune mighty force, now that Spirit of Good Fortune melts the daoist itself to swallow to seize their mighty force, in addition this grade of ray photo comes, if they cannot contain promptly, that will be certainly getting more and more abundant, until embezzles them. 那些与无数现世一同绽放出来的宝光,也一样是蕴含有造化之灵伟力的,现在那造化之灵所化道人本就是在吞夺他们伟力,再加上这等光芒照来,若是他们不能及时遏制,那一定会越来越盛,直至将他们吞没。 But actually before one's eyes most dangerous is not this matter, but is Hongdu daoist attitude at this moment. 实际上眼前最危险的不是这件事,而是闳都道人此刻的态度。 Thinks that the Spiritual Will biography said: Fellow Daoists, must calm down Hongdu Fellow Daoist, cannot make his ignores various have by Spirit of Good Fortune is tilted.” 相觉起神意传言道:“诸位道友,一定要劝住闳都道友,绝不可让他放任诸有被造化之灵倾覆。” Wei Ming responded: Hongdu isn't Fellow Daoist the extent that?” 微明回应道:“闳都道友不至于如此吧?” Thinks saying: Made a mistake, Hongdu Fellow Daoist works is always satisfactory, but is, so long as can achieve the goal to be then good, if he thought that destroys various to have strength that can weaken Spirit of Good Fortune, will then do mostly.” 相觉道:“错了,闳都道友做事向来顺心而为,只要能达成目的便好,若是他觉得毁去诸有可以削弱造化之灵的实力,那么多半是会去做的。” As soon as the people listen, is the complexion changes. 众人一听,都是脸色微变。 Ji Zhuang sees Wei Ming and becomes aware permanently is intent moves, is said: Several Fellow Daoist, I think that cannot urge!” After stopping by calling out several people, his said solemnly: Hongdu Fellow Daoist, although is draws in me and others together here, but others had not regarded as the boost me, will not pay attention to me completely and others, perhaps this matter more will instead urge to be worse.” 季庄微明和恒悟都是意动,却是出言道:“几位道友,我以为不可去劝!”叫住几人后,他沉声道:“闳都道友虽是拉上我等一同在此,可并没有把我等视作助力,绝然是不会理会我等的,说不定此事反会越劝越糟。” Wei Ming knits the brows: „ Is it possible that looks helplessly various has to crack? 微明皱眉道:“莫非眼睁睁看着诸有崩裂么? Ji Zhuang said: „It is not necessarily able so, with the Hongdu Fellow Daoist temper, how to flinch facing the powerful enemy? And Cloth Bearded Heaven that thinks that does not look various has to tilt? Really worried in excess,” 季庄道:“未必会如此,以闳都道友的性子,面对强敌又岂会退缩?且布须天那一位想必也不会看着诸有倾覆吧?诸位实在担忧过甚了,” Hongdu truly has no thought of flinching at this moment, but this does not stem from saves some various meanings, but is not willing to lose above the Dao Law contest in the opposite party. 闳都此刻确实没有任何退缩的念头,不过这并非出于挽救诸有的意思,而是不愿在道法较量之上输于对方。 In his opinion, oneself sentence the person by dao sound, the person various has to respond by the contract, this struggled to say with the say/way. 在他看来,自己以道音判人,人则以合同诸有来回应,这就是以道争道了。 If not for upfront broken enemy, but with what being opportunistic method, that was the timid enemy refused battle, this was his conscience does not permit. 若不是正面破敌,而是用什么取巧手段,那就是怯敌避战了,这是他本心所不允许的。 Read to here, he in in the heart deduction got up immediately, the intention reduced and solved this Dao Law. 念至此处,他当即于心推演起来,意图将这道法化解了去。 However if he cannot decode promptly, no one prevents, then the final outcome is various tilts, except for Cloth Bearded Heaven, or mirror-like lake this grade of Good Fortune Accumulated Store rich place may not be involved, other boundary can together collapse to extinguish. 不过假若他不能及时破解,又无人阻止的话,那么最终结果就是诸有倾覆,除了布须天,或者镜湖这等造化精蕴浓郁之地有可能不受牵连,其余地界都是会一同崩灭。 That Spirit of Good Fortune melts daoist also to try graphic solution Hongdu dao sound at this moment, but latter's Dao Law also is also very wise 造化之灵所化道人此刻也是在试图解化闳都道音,但后者的道法也同样十分高明 Who first a solution opposite party method, then who will hold certainly the big advantage, particularly two people method is the direct decision result, therefore the either one fail, may directly cause not to draw the disadvantaged again the opportunity. 谁先一步解化对方手段,那么谁就将占有绝大优势,尤其是两人手段都是直接决定胜负的,所以任何一方失机,都可能直接导致下来将再没有扳回劣势的机会。 In Cloth Bearded Heaven, Zhang Yan is waiting and seeing the war at this moment, in the heart is also conducting the Dao Law calculation. 布须天内,张衍此刻正观望战局,心中同样在进行着道法推算。 Two people fighting, naturally can make clear to Dao Law, he as person of the onlooking, stands in another angle at this moment, can actually clearer sees the respective developing law change. 两人斗战,自然会昭示自身道法,他作为一个旁观之人,此刻站在另一个角度,却是能够更清楚的看到各自的演法变化。 However he has not been thinking looks on constantly, Spirit of Good Fortune is the archenemies of all Great Virtue, he must be ready that Hongdu and the others do not beat by some chance. 不过他也没想着一味坐视,造化之灵乃是所有大德之大敌,他自是要做好闳都等人万一不敌的准备。 Among Great Virtue disputes, is the competition of respective Dao Law, as a rule, when your strength occupies is superior, from can an enemy be many , when you use a move of method, the opposite party may be unable to solve is mysterious, that is not then able to talk about the counter-attack, then puts forth the attack, perhaps will also be broken conveniently. 大德之间较量,就是各自道法的比拼,通常而言,若当你实力占优之时,自可以一敌多,因为当你使出一招手段时,对方很可能无法解化其中玄妙,那便也无从谈及反击,便是使出对攻,恐怕也会被随手破去。 When the both sides strength is close, that solution Dao Law needs to concentrate on the enormous mind, if are many at this time a opponent, that deduction solution Huazi will lack the ability to do what one would like. 只是当双方实力相近时,那解化道法则是需要投注极大心神,若此时再多一个对手,那推演解化自是会力不从心。 But he is different, compared with other Fellow Daoist, he has an advantage, that has broken jade when the hand, Dao Law of his solution change/transform opponent, but may also deal with another person using broken jade deduction. 但他不同,比较起其他同道,他有一个优势,那就是有残玉在手,他解化一名对手的道法时,还可利用残玉推演对付另外一人。 But if this grade of method for dealing with one person, that advantage is almost overwhelming, even if when coping with two level close opponents, may still achieve in an unhurried manner. 而这等手段若是用于对付一人,那优势几乎是压倒性的,即便在对付两名层次相近的对手时,也可做到从容不迫。 Therefore he is doing now is solving the matters of two people of Dao Law simultaneously. 故他现在就在做着同时解化二人道法之事。 Spirit of Good Fortune currently with various has Contemporary World to tie up one, if various has the avalanche, wants to open, then must get together to have the possibility all Precious Lotus inevitably. 造化之灵现在将自身与诸有现世绑到了一处,若是诸有崩塌,想要重新开辟,那么势必要将所有宝莲聚合起来才有可能。 So one, must wait till all Great Virtue to return can achieve. 这般一来,就必须等到所有大德归来才能做到。 Then during waiting, he is not only unable to seek for Land of Good Fortune again, other Good Fortune Precious Lotus Internal Qi are also very difficult to seek again, if Hongdu is unable to solve this law, once he solves in this mysterious, that meets the generation its, but for it. 那在等待之中,他不但无法再找寻造化之地,其余造化宝莲气机也很难再寻到,所以若是闳都无法解化此法,他一旦解出此中玄妙,那自会代其而为之。 When is staring in the field, he discovered, because Spirit of Good Fortune mighty force climbs above many Contemporary World, now is nothing less than the depth to the invasions of various world, common Contemporary World, flickers to Spirit Refining cultivator extinguishes, but these attach to Contemporary World on Land of Good Fortune actually exist forever do not extinguish, if were infiltrated by Spirit of Good Fortune mighty force, is actually not the good deed. 正盯着场中时,他又是发现,由于造化之灵伟力攀在诸多现世之上,现下对诸世的侵染不可谓不深,寻常现世倒也罢了,对炼神修士来说就是一瞬即灭,可那些依附在造化之地上的现世却是长存不灭,若是被造化之灵伟力渗透进去,却不是什么好事。 He thought that although mighty force regarding their these Great Virtue unobstructive, may the effect on the good fortune soul actually be big. 他思索了一下,虽一点伟力对于他们这些大德无碍,可对造化性灵的影响却是不小。 That Spirit of Good Fortune goal works as two ; first, to cope with Hongdu and the others, two are to invade all living things, obviously it also has to occupy the meaning of seizing to Dao Law that behind that good fortune soul involves. Presently presents Great Virtue to have no interest in pay attention to this matter, that needed him to stop. 造化之灵的目的当有两层,一是对付闳都等人,二就是侵染众生,显然其对那个造化性灵背后所牵连的道法也同样有占夺之意。现在场中大德都无心来理会此事,那就需得他来阻拦了。 Read to here, he put mighty force, similarly entered to various worlds during, although Spirit of Good Fortune melted daoist not to eliminate, is unable to solve this matter fundamentally, however his mighty force this joined, the crude infiltration of Spirit of Good Fortune mighty force was then being kept reducing and solving, other wanted without the Spirit of Good Fortune Dao Law dissemination, that would have no relations. 念至此处,他将伟力一放,同样是入至诸世之中,虽然造化之灵所化道人不除,就无法从根本上解决此事,但是他的伟力这一加入进来,造化之灵伟力的粗暴渗透便在被不停化解,余下一些只要没有造化之灵道法传播,那就没有关系。 Now although many Contemporary World were inspired, but Cloth Bearded Heaven has him to suppress personally, had not been involved, but other Land of Good Fortune and mirror-like lake under he suppresses one by one is also smoothed gradually. 现在诸多现世虽被引动,可布须天有他亲自镇压,并没有被牵扯进去,而其余造化之地镜湖在他逐一镇压之下也是被渐渐抚平。 Has to curry favor with Spirit of Good Fortune Dao Law cultivator actually, because these mighty force in addition hold, cultivation will be quicker the elevation. 倒是有趋附造化之灵道法修士,因为这些伟力加持,功行会更快向上提升。 However in his eyes this generation is insignificant, if its stood, in Luo Church, your instructions and line teach these, then solves by Developing Church is, when necessity also has beyond faction to consecrate ; If stands in various say/way opposite, that might also as well, Dao Law then came from the battle, will get down will soon have Origin Jade born, some so many opponents will mix Karma also non- are the misdemeanors. 不过在他眼里此辈自是无足轻重,若是其等站在罗教、德教、行教这几家这边,那么靠演教自行解决就是,必要之时还有请派外供奉;要是站在诸道之对面,那也无妨,道法便来自于争斗,下来即将有元玉出世,有这么多对手搅动因果也非是坏事。 In Mountains and Seas Realm, Hong You and Ran Xiushu treated several months in Azure Ocean Sect, this said goodbye. 山海界中,洪佑冉秀书溟沧派待了数月,这才告辞出来。 According to decided the idea, their next station should go to Deep Earth to seek for Primal Clam Sect directly, is only the Tian Kun words, they must toward Huai All Heavens one line. 按照原来定计,他们下一站应该直接去往地渊找寻元蜃门了,只是田坤一席话,他们还需往余淮诸天一行。 Ran Xiushu said: „Does Fellow Daoist prepare to Beyond the Heavens now? Now sect calls Developing Church, available world gate to All Heavens, Ten Thousand Realms, outside the territory leaves the day, conveniently but actually also goes to there.” 冉秀书道:“道友现在就准备去往天外么?如今有一教派名唤演教,可用界门去往诸天万界,域外别天,去得那里倒也方便。” Hong You said: „When I and Azure Ocean Sect Fellow Daoist discuss the dao, heard that once to have dealings with Fellow Daoist of Nine Continents many sect, I wanted first to visit one by one, then went to Excessive Vast Domain to visit to say.” 洪佑道:“我与溟沧派道友论道时,听闻那一位曾与九洲不少宗派的道友有过往来,我欲先逐一拜访,再去余寰访道。” Since must collect to recall the knowledge, that is complete is detailed is naturally better, resembles like that person, sees every people is different, the photo shadow that like this pieces together can be nearly complete. 既然要搜罗忆识,那自然是越是齐全越是详细越好,似那般人物,想必每一人所见皆是不同,这样拼凑起来的照影才能近乎完全。 Ran Xiushu deliberately considered, said: Heard Pure Feather Sect Sect Master Tao Zhenhong to be once on very good terms with that Fellow Daoist might as well came to visit.” 冉秀书寻思了一下,道:“听闻清羽门掌门陶真宏与那一位曾经交情不错,道友不妨上门拜访。” Hong You nodded, after he comes back Mountains and Seas Realm, had once listened to the Wing Sky Continent Pure Feather Sect reputation, and distance is also not far. At this time he remembered the incident, said: Since must go to here, I happen to visit sect on the way.” 洪佑点点头,他回来山海界之后,也曾听过翼空洲清羽门的名头,且距离此间也是不远。这时他想起一事来,道:“既然要去此处,我正好顺路去拜访一家宗门。” Ran Xiushu said: Which sect unknown is?” 冉秀书道:“未知是哪家宗门?” Hong You said solemnly: Vast Source Sect.” 洪佑沉声道:“广源派。” Shen Chong comes Vast Source Sect, he lost to its two times, therefore he wants to go to this faction to visit one or two, goes to that place to ask for advice Dao Law. 沈崇就是出身广源派,他曾两度败于其手,所以他想去此派走访一二,去那处讨教一下道法 Ran Xiushu thinks, said: Now Vast Source Sect Sect Master Heavenly Cave cultivation base, but there is Fellow Daoist Yang severed mortal body is not actually long.” 冉秀书想了一想,道:“现在广源派掌门不过洞天修为,不过有一个杨道友倒是斩去凡身未久。” Hong You said: That is then good, I discussed Dao Law with that Fellow Daoist.” 洪佑道:“那便好,我与那位道友论一论道法。” Even if not Cutting Past and Future cultivator, may want is Mortal Transcendence cultivator, that can demonstrate excellent Dao Law in Spiritual Will similarly, having this is enough. 纵然不是斩得过去未来修士,可只要是凡蜕修士,那同样能在神意之中展示上乘道法,有此已是足够了。 Ran Xiushu looking thoughtful, smiles immediately, in any case his also safe/without matter, but how wants to have a look at the final output, where going to is indifferent, he even looks forward to make some noises to come, simply said: I go together with Fellow Daoist.” 冉秀书若有所思,随即一笑,反正他也无事,只是想看看最后结果如何罢了,去得哪里都是无所谓,他甚至巴不得闹出一些动静来,便道:“那我就与道友同去。” The stream wind continent, this is located in south Northern Heaven Cold Abyss the place, Vast Source Sect , since Nine Continents crosses, is built on this place Mountain Sect / Gate, originally here is shatter desolated continent land, not called, therefore was Mountain Sect / Gate high and low then here with the old name. 溪风洲,此位于北天寒渊南地,广源派九洲渡来之后,就把山门立于此地,本来此处是一破碎的荒芜洲陆,并无称呼,故是山门上下便将此处冠以旧称。 This continent goes toward the west is the place of Jade Feather Pavilion place, but again toward east, then Remote Smoke Sect near open sea, but goes toward the south, then has Heart Butterfly Division big Tribe. 此洲往西去乃是碧羽轩所在之地,而再往东,则是毗邻外海的蓬远派,只是往南方而去,便有一个的心蝶部部族 Although this Monster Division has turned to Nine Continents various sect, and makes the pledge, may after all be Foreign Kind, therefore was heart of Nine Continents various sect to his guarding still had. 妖部虽然早就投靠了九洲诸派,并且立下誓言,可毕竟是异类,故是九洲诸派对其的提防之心仍是有的。 Vast Source Sect in the original intention of this set up Sect, withstand/top in the frontline guards against this Monster Division. 广源派在此立派的初衷,就是顶在最前方防备这妖部的。 However now rises with Nine Continents each Sect, this grade of function vanished gradually, but Vast Source Sect must expand outward, because three all are the Fellow Daoist reasons, therefore only has to continue to south, can definitely conflict with Heart Butterfly Division. 不过现在随着九洲各派崛起,这等作用自是渐渐消失了,但是广源派要向外扩张,因为三面皆是同道的缘故,所以唯有继续向南,就肯定会与心蝶部起得冲突。 In the past because Heart Butterfly Division Monster Ancestor existed, although in deep sleep, therefore has not revealed anything, but with Yang Miaosheng severed mortal body, these for dozens years has actually been snatching away the Heart Butterfly Division boundary unintentionally. 以往因为心蝶部妖祖存在,虽是在沉睡之中,故也没有表露出什么,而随着杨妙笙斩去凡身,这数十年来却是一直在有意无意侵夺心蝶部的地界。 But Hong You and Ran Xiushu visit, is actually makes Vast Source Sect forest Sect Master pleasantly surprised, even if these two do not raise the status, is High Lord first-class, therefore welcomed personally, is hearing two people is visits Elder Yang Miaosheng, first greeted quite, later sent people to go to seek. 洪佑冉秀书到访,却是使得广源派掌门大为惊喜,这两人哪怕不提身份,也是上真一流,于是亲自迎了出来,在听闻两人是来拜访长老杨妙笙的,先是好生招呼,随后派人前去找寻。 Hong You had a feeling at this time suddenly, toward looks somewhere, actually sees one to comb the double girl's hairstyle combed into a bun or coil on sides of the head, wears the young girl of lake duck short Chinese-style jacket skirt to sit above the millenium sways, is only a bored appearance, but he just saw, has Golden Light together from its flood, covered his vision. 洪佑这时忽有所感,往某处望去,却见一个头梳双丫髻,身着湖水绿襦裙的少女坐在千秋之上晃荡,只是一副无聊之极的样子,只是他方才见到,却有一道金光自其身上泛起,将他目光遮挡了去。 The next quarter, his Spiritual Will has the feeling, will then admit, enters inexplicably, then the square that young girl is looking at herself curiously, he hits one to bow, said: But Vast Source Fellow Daoist Yang? This Poor Daoist Hong You, the long time hears the Vast Source reputation, this time visits especially.” 下一刻,他神意有感,便将之接纳了过来,一入莫名,便见方才那少女正好奇望着自己,他打一个稽首,道:“可是广源杨道友么?贫道洪佑,久闻广源名声,此番特来造访。” Yang Miaosheng actually yes well, smelled to him, selected the lip with the index finger, talked to oneself: „Was this rune/symbol law? How seems a little not like......” 杨妙笙却是咦了一声,冲他闻了闻,又用食指点了点下嘴唇,自语道:“这是中了符法么?怎么看起来又有点不像……” ............ ………… ............ …………
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