GDC :: Volume #9 穹霄万古执道主

#2190: The say/way is popular only numerous non- one person

Tang You this time arrives in this domain , because above technique transmitting stone tablet has to inform the demonstration, in this world will have one soon to live the baby who the birth will come out is the person of the world care, will be quite important to Developing Church, if can receive in Developing Church, that sect must be possible to be able in the future rise greatly. 唐由此次到来这片界域之中,乃是因为传法石碑之上有示谕显示,此界之中有一个即将生诞出来的婴孩乃是天地眷顾之人,对演教极为重要,若是能收入演教之中,那教派未来必可得以大兴 Takes him to be able actually now, making this matter is really overkill, if not for Gao Chengtu especially attaches great importance to this baby, to exempt careless mistake, will not dispatch him to come this. 实际以他现在能为,做此事委实是大材小用,若不是高晟图对这婴孩尤为重视,为免出得纰漏,也不会遣他来此。 After coming this, is sees that place of baby birth to be razed to the ground, looks at that to remain Internal Qi, the person of making a move is very possible is the person of old opponent Luo Church. 只是来此之后,才是见得那婴孩落生之地已被夷为平地,看那残留气机,出手之人很可能是老对手罗教之人。 However he ponders, this baby world bell, then so will not be easy to perish in this place, extremely possibly carried off by the person of Luo Church. 不过他细想下来,这婴孩既得天地所钟,那么不会这么容易亡在此地,极可能是被罗教之人带走了。 The flying boat line soon, Tang You discovered that periphery presented the sight of green, obviously had had the wilderness, everywhere sandstorm is also becomes weakly. 飞舟行不多久,唐由发现周围出现了点点绿意,显然已是出了荒漠,漫天风沙也是变得微弱许多。 He took a fast look around downward, although the person of Luo Church conducts some type to cover up, may under his vision, still have the light trace to preserve, can see, these people divided to make three groups here, walked toward different direction respectively, the population had has few much, was hard to judge that which that baby fell on. 他往下扫视了一下,尽管罗教之人进行过某种遮掩,可在他目光之下,却仍是有淡淡痕迹留存下来,可以看见,这些人在这里分作了三路,各往不同方向走去,人数有多有少,难以判断那婴孩到底落在哪一处。 He turns around, has three efficient disciple from the group center points behind, said: This matter gave you to wait, you and others went to one to seek respectively, even if unable to exterminate this class person, constrained them as far as possible, master will dispatch the person to come to help.” 他转身来,从身后一行人中点出三名得力弟子,道:“此事交给你等了,你等各去一处找寻,哪怕无法剿灭这班人,也尽可能将他们拖住,为师自会遣人过来相援。” Three disciple hit one to bow, escapes immediately flying boat, pursues respectively toward different direction. 三个弟子打一个躬身,便就遁出飞舟,各往不同方向追去。 And Chen disciple after flying to escape the half day, sees the person of Luo Church immediately, more than 50 people, after wilderness, did not have the sandstorm disturbance, at this moment is flying to escape in the clouds. 其中一名陈姓弟子在飞遁出去半日后,便就见得罗教之人,大约有五十余人,离了荒原后,没了风沙干扰,此刻都是在云中飞遁。 Although is the opposite party comes in large numbers, he actually does not fear, immediately rushes, secret art takes, during the magic power rotations, the stream of light flame air/Qi has charged into this generation together. 虽是对方人数众多,他却是丝毫不惧,立时冲了上去,同时法诀一拿,法力转动之间,一道道流光焰气已然冲向此辈。 Developing Church of today was different from past Developing Church, was skilled in various divine ability Dao Technique, moreover can various utilize flying boat magical treasure, the strength not be possible to compare previously, this was also he dares to launch the offensive energy place. 今日之演教不同于以往演教了,精通各种神通道术,而且还能御使各种飞舟法宝,战力远不是此前可比,这也是他一个人敢于发动攻势的底气所在 And he had not counted on oneself tidied up these people, this act mainly to tie down this generation, well and other backing to arrive. 且他并未指望自己一人就将这些人收拾了,此举主要是为了缠住此辈,好等后援到来。 As for can injure to that baby, he actually did not worry, results in the world the person of own destiny bell in the body, without was killed by him easily. 至于会否伤到那位婴孩,他却是毫不担心,得天地所钟之人自有气运在身,没有这么容易被他打杀。 Luo Church that clothes Elder with the people line in the same place, he has not paid attention the eye, leads that baby, went into hiding the figure to fly to escape in the low spot, this moment one saw to be pursued, looked at the way is the person of Developing Church . Moreover the strength was not weak. 罗教那位衣长老并没有与众人行在一起,他留了个心眼,独自一人带着那婴孩,隐匿去了身形在低处飞遁,此刻一见被人追来,一看路数就是演教之人,而且战力不弱。 He does not feel immediately wonderfully, Developing Church is impossible only to come one person, behind decides however also has teaches the numerous not, in the heart measures, immediately with secret art, very decisive all teaches the numerous is drops out, no matter, toward underground flees quietly. 他立刻感觉不妙,演教不可能只来一人,后面定然还有更多教众未至,心中权衡下来,当即拿一个法诀,十分果断的将所有教众都是抛下不管,悄悄往地下遁走。 So long as in any case Luo Church disciple pays homage to the resembles of Demon God to be able cultivation to come up, moreover these person and he also not transits the discipling from the relations, therefore its are died is in his opinion is exactly unimportant. 反正罗教弟子只要膜拜魔神之像就能修行上来,而且这些人与他也无师承关系,所以其等是死是活在他看来毫不重要。 Now so long as preserves this Heavenly Saint, then he can become promotes the person of Luo Church. 现在只要保全这天圣,那么他就能成为振兴罗教之人。 Chen disciple was awed by opposite parties, but also is quite careful, after may fight, actually discovered opposite party strength accidental/surprised small and weak, half after merely double-hour, solved this generation all, actually without discovering that baby whereabout, he thinks, if by chance perhaps falls in another two groups, but had asked pending after Luo Church disciple that these severe wounds have not died, knows that carried off by Luo Church Elder, looks around hastily, may arrive until the dim light of night, would have no to find any clue, annoying, must turn back toward flying boat. 陈姓弟子本来慑于对方人数,还较为小心,可交手之后,却发现对方实力意外的弱小,仅仅半个时辰之后,就将此辈尽数解决了,却并没有发现那婴孩下落,他本以为其或许是落在另外两路之中,可待查问过那些重伤未死的罗教弟子后,才知道是被罗教一名长老带走了,连忙又四处搜寻,可直至夜色降临,仍就没有找到任何线索,懊恼之下,只得往飞舟折返。 Actually this matter also non- is that Chen disciple not diligently, the clothes Elder one breath escapes more than thousand li (0.5 km), magic power slightly has bad, this treats to the surface, actually hit in an underground river course, and escapes from this directly to the place bottom. 其实这回之事也非是那陈姓弟子不努力,衣长老一口气遁出千余里,法力略有不济,本待回至地表,却是撞到了一处地下河道之中,并由此直接遁向地底。 He ponders the Heaven never seals off all exits, as cultivator, others are very difficult to calculate that his origin, this underground is the natural hiding place, therefore was hid in this simply. 他自忖天无绝人之路,身为修道人,别人很难推算出他来历,这地下是天然的藏身之所,故是索性在此躲藏了起来。 At this time, the baby was actually makes a tearful scene, 只是这时,那婴孩却是哭闹起来, Although clothes Elder has never taken care of the baby, but was not difficult to know it is the abdomen is hungry. 长老虽从未照顾过婴孩,但不难知晓其是肚腹饿了。 Lest when he also just now escaping line got a cut this young child, therefore is the flood light sweeps, examined carefully, is actually reveals a startled color, to praise sighed: Worthily is Heavenly Saint.” 他还唯恐方才遁行之时把这小儿弄伤了,故是目中泛光一扫,仔细查看了一下,却是露出一丝惊色,赞叹道:“不愧是天圣。” This baby is advantageous, although lives shortly, but is the physique is strong, Origin Energy is full, he suspected that even throwing in the wilderness, will need moisture and small life merely can the survival fortnight. 这婴孩得天独厚,虽生下来没多久,但却是筋骨强健,元气饱满,他怀疑就算将之扔在荒郊野外,仅仅需要一点水气和微小生灵就能存活十天半月。 However he also treats as looking of Luo Church promotion this baby, feared that does to harm its foundation this, therefore thought careful attendance for good, then put out pill from the pocket, after the crumb, the water used binds thick medicine thick liquid to moisten on the finger slowly feeds this baby. 不过他还把这婴孩当做罗教振兴之望,怕如此做有损其根基,所以还是觉得小心照顾为好,便从衣兜内拿出了一枚丹丸,捏碎了之后,用水裹了一层厚厚药浆沾在手指上慢慢喂这婴孩。 This pill efficacy is full, after the baby sucked several, the short hands and feet tread several, turned a body, rested. 丹丸毕竟药力十足,婴孩不过吸吮了几口后,短小手脚蹬动了几下,扭了一下身躯,就睡了过去。 Clothes Elder does not dare to be too long in a stay, he as cultivator, is unlikely to be calculated the whereabouts whereabouts, but in the bosom this baby is not, therefore got down can only avoid as far as possible. 长老不敢在一处停留过久,他自己身为修道人,不太可能被人推算出行踪下落,可是怀抱里这个婴孩可不是,所以下来只能尽量躲避了。 Chen disciple has returned to come to aid above his flying boat at this moment, was saying to Tang You ashamed: Master, disciple is incompetent, made Luo Church Elder carry off.” 陈姓弟子此刻已然回到了前来接应他的飞舟之上,对着唐由惭愧言道:“师父,弟子无能,还是让一名罗教长老将人带走了。” Tang You is nothing reprimands, in the surface quite does not care saying: Might as well matter, that person, so long as cannot leave this world, but where can also run up to goes?” 唐由却是没有任何斥责,面上颇不在意道:“不妨事,其人只要离不开这处天地,还能跑到哪里去?” He looks all around, said to disciple that was coming back: This matter I give you and others to do, if cannot make, I will make main altar send the manpower to come to take over again.” 他环顾一圈,对着先后回来的弟子言道:“此事我就交给你等来做,若是做不成,我自会让总坛再派人手前来接手。” Chen disciple is suppressing sulks, hearing this loudly said: Master felt relieved, to the disciple hundred days time, decided will find.” 陈姓弟子正憋着一股闷气,闻言大声道:“师父放心,给弟子百日时间,定会将人找到。” Tang You beckons with the hand, said: Do not speak fully the words, this time the time is abundant, slowly seeks then well, so long as found the person, all said.” 唐由摆了摆手,道:“不要将话说得太满,此回时间充裕,慢慢找寻便好,只要找到人,一切都是好说。” Actually these matters give disciple to do, he one is saving the gain experience disciple goal, a consideration, is his instinct felt oneself cannot the child of bell have what too deep Karma to involve with this world, because if not for Gao Chengtu told, he actually does not want to come this. 其实这些事交给弟子去做,他一是存着历练弟子的目的,还有一个考量,就是他本能觉得自己不可和这个天地所钟之子有什么太深的因果牵扯,若不是因为高晟图吩咐,他其实并不想来此。 After various disciple he told, raid clothes Elder, found that person whereabouts after the half a year everywhere finally. 弟子得他吩咐后,四处搜捕衣长老,终是在半载之后找到了其人下落。 Clothes Elder is only a person, but these disciple everyone cultivation base are equivalent to him, if he threw that baby, can hide actually, but regarded as this baby early place of hope promotes Luo Church, how also possibly easily to throw actually, once stays behind the trace, immediately is calculated by the person of Developing Church. 长老只是一个人,而这些弟子人人修为与他相当,要是他将那婴孩抛了,倒是可以躲藏起来,可早把这婴孩看成了振兴罗教的希望之所在,又怎么可能轻易抛却,一旦留下痕迹,立刻就被演教之人推算出来。 That person was besieged to perish by several Developing Church disciple, once moved before being killed violently has killed that young child, so as to avoid cheap Developing Church thought that but until cannot find the opportunity finally. 其人是被数名演教弟子围攻而亡的,在毙命之前还曾动过将那小儿打死,免得便宜演教的念头,只是直到最后也没能找到机会。 Above flying boat, Chen disciple led that young child, lifted to Tang You in front, said: Teaches to look, feared that was this young child.” 飞舟之上,陈姓弟子将那小儿带了回来,举到唐由面前,道:“教中要找的,怕就是这小儿了。” Tang You looked, about this young child June, has the 3 or 4-year-old child is so big obviously, the hand and foot non-stop brandishing there, the whole face is angry, the mouth in has not stopped from time to time to shout, you harmed the father, Saint must kill you, killed you.” 唐由看了过去,这小儿明明不过六月左右,已有三四岁孩童那么大了,手足在那里不停挥舞,满脸愤怒,嘴里还在不停停叫嚷着,“你们害阿爷,圣儿要杀了你们,杀了你们。” A Tang You face was faint, waves, hints to bring this child. 唐由一脸淡漠,挥了挥手,示意将这孩童带了下去。 Also was half a month later, the group returned to Developing Church main altar. 又是半个月后,一行人返回了演教总坛 Tang You led in front of this young child Gao Chengtu personally, after Saint since arrived here, from beginning to end did not utter a word, but in the eye full was the hatred. 唐由亲自将这小儿带到了高晟图面前,圣儿自从来到这里之后,自始自终都是一声不吭,只是眼中满是仇恨。 Gao Chengtu after looking, assigned/life people to get down its belt/bring to look after quite. 高晟图在看过之后,就命人将其带了下去好生照拂。 Tang You said: Teacher, this young child is wicked, regards my Developing Church for hatred/enemy Kou, remained, fears the big trouble, what is laughable, he does not hate the personal enemy who kills his parents members of the same family, instead mistakes an enemy for a friend, talks clearly with him also thinks that I intend to deceive him.” 唐由道:“老师,这小儿性恶暴虐,视我演教为仇寇,留了下来,恐成大患,可笑的是,他不去恨杀他父母亲族的仇人,反而认贼作父,与他说清楚还以为我有意诓骗他。” Gao Chengtu shakes the head saying: You go to haggle over what truth with -and-a-half year of young children.” 高晟图摇头道:“你去与一个半岁小儿计较什么道理。” Tang You said with a sneer: „The person of Tianjuan, was not the common young child may compare, said that he may be popular my Developing Church I actually not to believe that according to my meaning, may not teach Dao Law to him completely, so as to avoid will instead harm the My Church numerous in the future.” 唐由冷笑道:“天眷之人,可不是寻常小儿可比,说他可兴我演教我却不信,依我之意,绝然不可给他传授道法,免得未来反害我教众。” Gao Chengtu does not hear the person of opinion, he ponders, said: This young child, when comes to foster by me personally, if his disposition does not change, I will not pass on his Dao Technique, my Developing Church does not lack such a person, then makes his world be a mortal to be then good calmly and steadily.” 高晟图并不是听不得意见之人,他沉思一下,道:“这小儿当由我来亲自抚养,若是他脾性不改,我自不会传他道术,我演教也不缺这么一人,便让他此世安安稳稳做一个凡人便好。” Tang You said: Teacher such being the case said that disciple obeys to make is, but this young child is disciple brings, if he will make to be harmful in the future the matter of my Developing Church, that disciple surely settles him personally.” 唐由道:“老师既然如此说,那弟子遵令就是,只是这小儿是弟子带回来的,若是他将来做出有害我演教之事,那弟子必当亲手了结他。” In Azure Domain Palace, Zhang Yan is calculating in the approach, after thinking deeply, he decides first to transmit the thought that him, and informed him such as He Tong to try to that Great Virtue of 3-layer boundary please. 清寰宫中,张衍正在作法推算,在深思之后,他决定先将那位他传递意念,并告知他如何通三重境的那位大德设法请了回来。 Under this has not chosen the choice, other Great Virtue how he is unable to know, but at least this has not been hostile to the evil thought to transmit in Sense, since gets down must return Great Virtue eventually, that might as well is this person. 这是没有选择之下的选择,其余大德如何他无从知晓,而至少这一位在感应之中没有敌视恶念传来,既然下来终究要归来一位大德,那还不如是此人。 He one seeks taking advantage of the thought in Spiritual Will surviving, did not have the means to find that person tiny bit mighty force, surprising him slightly somewhat. 只是他借着神意之中残存的意念一番寻找下来,却是没办法找到其人一丝一毫的伟力,令他微微有些意外。 This grade of reason, is this mighty force has been equivalent to Supreme Nether Ancestral Master either, therefore is unable the sensation ; Either is that person being robbed strength prevents firmly , there is nothing mighty force outside ; Last, was that person mighty force has vanished, if so, that were this had entered in Everlasting Isolation. 这等原因,要么是这一位伟力已和太冥祖师相当,所以无从感知;要么就是其人被劫力牢牢阻挡,无有一丝伟力在外;最后一个,就是其人伟力早已消失,而若是这般,那就是这位已然入了永寂之中。 This is not possibly big, because Great Virtue has Good Fortune Precious Lotus all in the hand, can protect itself and sustain, who did not say exceeds, but protects oneself should not be difficult, only if suffers many peers to besiege, but if really this grade of situation, in that hand Precious Lotus must unable to preserve. 只是这等可能不大,因为大德无不是有造化宝莲在手,可以护持自身,不说胜过谁人,但是自保应该不难,除非是遭受多位同辈围攻,但真要是这等情况,那手中宝莲必也是保不住了。 May with the aid of this Internal Qi, actually be able to find Precious Lotus, explained that this treasure was still grasped finally in his hands. 可借助这一位的气机,却能找到宝莲,说明此宝最后仍是掌握在其手中。 But union that shatter thought that that person here likely is because suffered tribulation strength lock stopping up, therefore, perhaps in comprehend Good Fortune Essence Great Virtues had that person to exist initially, in this case, that must suppose to receive and instruct, could know initially the concrete situation from its. 而结合那破碎意念来看,其人这里很可能就是因为遭受了劫力锁堵之故,或许当初参悟造化之精诸位大德中就有其人存在,这样的话,那更是要设接引回来,或许能从其口中了解到当初具体情形。 He considered, it seems like currently only has to advance disappears the tribulation strength in Precious Lotus, making this thought form restore perfectly, then said other. 他考虑了一下,看来现在唯有先行化消宝莲之中的劫力,使得这位意念身影恢复完满,而后再言其余了。 ............ ………… ............ …………
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