GDC :: Volume #9 穹霄万古执道主

#2108: The haulage remote fights on the following day the

Daoist Ji Zhuang in has greeted after the people, did not have to pay attention again, although knows that its will certainly plan anything in the back shameful secret, so long as firmly grasped mirror-like lake, short-time in did not need to be worried about anything, when the crux of the situation made, did not need to care about this generation of attitude. 季庄道人在和众人打过招呼之后,就没有再去理会了,尽管知道其等一定会在背后阴私谋划些什么,但只要牢牢掌握住镜湖,短时内就不用担心什么,而等到事机做成,就不用在意此辈态度了。 He sits well above the pedestal, took a Good Fortune Essence fragment with. 他在台座之上坐定,就将一枚造化之精残片取拿了出来。 Must bring in that existence's Divided Spirit, actually cannot do extremely deliberately, therefore this fragment considers to by it seek, but cannot be he delivers, and after putting to the outside, was unable to make Cloth Bearded Heaven discover this thing concrete place. 要将那位存在的分神引来,却也不能做得太过刻意,所以这枚残片当是要由其寻得,而不能是他自己送上门去,且放至外间后,还不能让布须天发现此物具体所在 After calculating one, he throws toward Solitary Void in this Good Fortune Essence fragment, and will push to fall into Contemporary World. 在推算了一阵之后,他就将这枚造化之精残片往虚寂之中一掷,并将之推落入一处现世之中。 Meanwhile, he also opens magic power, beyond the week all people magic power Internal Qi that disseminates pushed aside. 与此同时,他也是将自身法力撑开,将周外诸人散播出来的法力气机排挤了出去。 So makes the sound, although was bigger, but not only may alarm that existence, and can cover up itself, even if the Cloth Bearded Heaven that side knows him to make anything, is unable to know this thing to fall on where. 这般做动静虽大了一些,可既有可能惊动那一位存在,又能遮掩自身,布须天那边就算知晓他在做什么,也无法知晓此物落在何处。 After completing, he then waits for that existence's Divided Spirit to arrive. 做完之后,他便坐等那位存在的分神到来。 After Zhang Yan learns about it plans, had not relaxed the alert, at this moment felt that has magic power to surge to spread, which has not known that was it cannot bear begin. 张衍自知悉其谋划后,就一直不曾放松戒备,此刻感到有法力波荡传出,哪还不知是其忍不住动手了。 So big magic power surges, clearly wants to cover that back true movement by this. 这般大的法力波荡,分明是想以此掩盖去那背后真正动作。 But did not go to open that matter to cover up even if specially, he almost can also infer the means that the opposite party used at this moment, nothing but by the Good Fortune Essence fragment and so on matter inspired that existence Divided Spirit to come, then tries to introduce in mirror-like lake. 可哪怕不去特意揭开那层遮掩,他差不多也能推断出对方此刻所用的办法,无非是以造化之精残片之类的物事引动那一位存在分神前来,而后再设法将之引入镜湖之中。 Ji Zhuang thinks does very ingeniously, but it does not know, in his hand has magical tool that Supreme Nether Ancestral Master leaves behind, to seek for the Good Fortune Essence fragment baseless, perhaps was still very difficult, may under learning about some clues premises, sought for this thing possibly actually considerably increased. 季庄自以为做得十分巧妙,可其并不知道,他手中有一件太冥祖师遗留下来的法器,要想凭空找寻造化之精残片,或许仍是十分困难,可在知悉些许线索的前提下,找寻到此物的可能却是大大增加了。 The Zhang Yan intention moves, then thing of the taking the form of scroll paintings falls gently, later lowers two Great Hand from the zenith sky over, holds about the axis respectively, separation, the having mystical powers light will then show from slowly, extinguishes Solitary Void and various Shisheng completely obviously in before one's eyes. 张衍心意一动,便有一件形似画轴之物飘落下来,随后自天顶上空降下两只大手,各持左右之轴,缓缓将之分开,便有灵光自里透出,将虚寂及诸世生灭尽显于眼前 His vision falls, the attentive calculation, not long, sought that Good Fortune Fragment place in the past, immediately the state of mind attended to falling that place, as magic power surges to invade, consciousness incarnation has revealed the body to come out in this side Contemporary World. 他目光落去,用心推算,过去没有多久,已然是寻到了那造化残片所在,当即神思顾落那处,随着法力波荡侵去,一具意识化身已然在此方现世之中显身出来。 Daoist Ji Zhuang consciousness incarnation is hiding away in this, in the heart suddenly magic power of detect(ed) to having invades, did not immediately shout secretly well. 季庄道人意识化身正隐遁于此,心中忽然察觉到有一股法力侵入进来,顿时暗叫不好。 He to wait for that has Divided Spirit to come in this, later told that person the meaning, therefore kept a difference gateway there, but has not thought, Zhang Yan first step walked in unexpectedly. 他在此本是为等待那位存在分神过来,随后将自己意思告诉其人,所以留了一个出入门户在那里,可怎么也没想到,张衍居然先一步找上门来了。 His said solemnly: „Does Fellow Daoist come this to do really?” 沉声道:“道友来此做甚?” Zhang Yan visits him saying: This Poor Daoist this comes, is to ask Fellow Daoist, why to put in the Good Fortune Essence fragment this side Contemporary World?” 张衍看着他道:“贫道此来,是要问一问道友,何故将造化之精残片置于这方现世之中?” Daoist Ji Zhuang unemotional say/way: This for cultivation, is I the matter, must know is not Cloth Bearded Heaven, Fellow Daoist runs to interrogate for no reason whether extremely unreasonable?” 季庄道人面无表情道:“此不过是为修行而已,乃我自家之事,需知此间可不是布须天,道友无端跑来质问,是否太过不讲道理?” Zhang Yan smiles, does not expose, said: Fellow Daoist does not know, has the Good Fortune Essence fragment here, that will soon exist to bring in that if this fragment were swallowed, only baseless strong its prestige energy, in the future will be nasty, how so This Poor Daoist turn a blind eye.” 张衍笑了一笑,也不点破,道:“道友不会不知,有造化之精残片在此,那用不了多久就会将那位存在引来,这残片若被吞去,只会凭空壮其威能,日后更是难以对付,这般贫道又怎可视而不见。” Daoist Ji Zhuang said: Fellow Daoist was overanxious, I for cultivation, that naturally cannot, no matter what falls to that from this has in the hand.” 季庄道人道:“道友过虑了,我既为了修持,那自然不会任由此落至那位存在手中。” Zhang Yan shakes the head saying: This matter involves Fellow Daoist safety and various has the life or death, a Fellow Daoist person of word, weight/quantity, in addition is insufficient, This Poor Daoist this time, will not make Fellow Daoist continue, but also looks at Fellow Daoist to be able clearly to distinguish the general situation, receive the hand to well.” 张衍摇头道:“此事涉及到诸位同道安危及诸有之存亡,道友一人之言,分量尚且不够,贫道此回既至,自是不会让道友继续下去,还望道友能够明辨大局,就此收手为好。” Daoist Ji Zhuang wrinkled under the eyebrow, cold sound said: I, if not, since, is it possible that Fellow Daoist can begin inadequately with me?” 季庄道人皱了下眉,冷声道:“那我若不从,道友莫非要与我动手不成?” Zhang Yan lightly said: If Fellow Daoist insists on so, that This Poor Daoist could not say that also has to move a method, but Fellow Daoist felt relieved, waiting a minute me then extinguishes your Clone, will not swallow to seize this Good Fortune Fragment, so long as Fellow Daoist gets down no longer does that same matter, that this thing restore in you.” 张衍淡声道:“若是道友执意如此,那贫道说不得也只好动一番手段了,不过道友放心,稍候我便是灭去你这具分身,也不会吞夺这枚造化残片,只要道友下来不再做那相同之事,那自会将此物归还于你。” Daoist Ji Zhuang silent a while, he also saw, now has not relaxed the leeway, only has Zhang Yan this consciousness incarnation disappears to kill, then defense, did not make it enter in full power again, in the heart the idea was certain, he tilted magic power immediately, leaned to press suddenly toward Zhang Yan this consciousness incarnation! 季庄道人沉默一会儿,他也是看出,现在已是没有缓和余地了,唯有将张衍意识化身消杀,然后全力守御此间,不令其再度入内了,心中主意一定,他当即掀动法力,猛然朝着张衍这具意识化身倾压过来! After flickering, in Cloth Bearded Heaven. 一瞬之后,布须天内。 The Zhang Yan vision flashes slightly, in the matter of matter occurrence has just now entered in the mind, but he spreads out the hand, there are many a Good Fortune Essence fragment. 张衍目光微微一闪,方才界内之事发生之事已入脑海之中,而他一摊开手,那里已是多了一枚造化之精残片。 However he is also clear, in the Daoist Ji Zhuang hand should incessantly a fragment, but after eating these owed time, that person will not continue to try this act again. 不过他也清楚,季庄道人手中应该不止一枚残片,只是在吃了这一次亏后,想必其人也不会再继续尝试此举了。 In mirror-like lake, Daoist Ji Zhuang sits well the body above pedestal trembles slightly, he also felt at this time the consciousness incarnation broken powder, the Good Fortune Essence fragment was seized, the look some are not quite immediately attractive. 镜湖之内,季庄道人端坐在台座之上的身躯微微一颤,他这时也是感到了意识化身破散,造化之精残片被夺,神色顿时有些不太好看。 He cares about the matter of fragment actually not, just like Zhang Yan thinks, in this thing his hand is incessantly one, 他倒不是太在意残片之事,正如张衍所想,此物他手中自是不止一枚, He is not clear, what method does Zhang Yan with seek own on? 只是他不明白,张衍到底是用什么手段寻到自己头上的? If here reason has not clarified, then the multi- fragments throws the outside again, perhaps only will also be taken by Zhang Yan. 这里原因要是不曾弄清楚,便是再多残片投到外间,恐怕也只会被张衍取了去。 This road looks like walks does not pass, can only try to find another way again. 这条路看来是走不通了,只能再另想办法了。 He thinks long time, discovered if oneself pure place the outside the fragment, regardless of that may be proposed first by Zhang Yan with what means one step to obstruct. 他思索良久,发现自己如果只是单纯把残片放在外间,那么无论用什么办法都有可能被张衍提先一步阻截下来。 So it seems like, he can only go into action personally. 这般看来,他只能亲自出马了。 He also took a fragment to come out, the intention fell, will change into one for covering up own magical tool in a flash, later melts Clone again, escaped immediately into Solitary Void. 他又是拿了一枚残片出来,心意落去,转瞬之间就将之化为一件用于遮掩自身的法器,随后又再是化出一具分身,便就遁入虚寂之中。 This Good Fortune Fragment melts magical tool not only can cover up Internal Qi for him, and may also change into the fragment at any time, so long as that existence Divided Spirit walks, then he may present as a gift the fragment greatly to the opposite party, expressed the sincerity by this. 造化残片所化法器既能为他遮掩气机,又可随时将之还化为残片,只要那一位存在分神找上门来,那么他大可将残片赠给对方,以此表达自己诚意。 Naturally, here may also be that god Yuan lord first is looks, but this are not related, so long as one step received this fragment Spiritual Will ahead of time, did not fear that this thing loses, at the worst from now on will dispatch Clone and that's the end. 当然,这里也有可能是那位神元之主先是找来,可这没有关系,只要提前一步将这残片收入神意之中,就不怕此物失去,大不了过后再派遣出来一具分身就是了。 So finally, most existed by that following Internal Qi found oneself that side mirror-like lake place, now he does not fear that here exposes, because even if when that most flourishing, wants to capture is not the easy matter, now god Yuan three points, that do not want to achieve this matter. 这般结果,最多只是被那位存在顺着气机找到自己那方镜湖所在而已,现在他并不怕此处暴露出去,因为哪怕在那一位全盛之时,想攻入此间也不是容易之事,现在神元三分,那更是别想做到此事了。 What is most essential, now he is only Clone wanders outside, carries along is only protects oneself magical tool, that Zhang Yan did not have the truth to stop him. 最关键的是,现在他只是分身在外游荡,随身携带只是护身法器而已,那张衍就没有道理来阻拦他了。 Zhang Yan knows Ji Zhuang not to give up, at this moment sees it also to have the movement, is not out of the anticipation, immediately the revolutions looked at the past, actually discovery this chapter of this person went out unexpectedly personally, moreover Internal Qi seemed to be, if did not have, was covered by anything, if did not calculate, very difficult Sense to concrete whereabouts, 张衍知晓季庄不会就此放弃,此刻见其又有动作,也是丝毫不出意料,当即转望过去,却发现这一回此人居然亲自出外,而且气机似有若无,被什么遮挡了,若不推算,很难感应到具体下落, His thoughts revolution, had guessed correctly how the opposite party wanted to do. 他心思一转,已然猜到对方想要如何做了。 He now indeed have no reason to limit that person movement, but this is actually not the issue, because opposite party Clone can go to Solitary Void, his Clone can also go similarly, so long as watches that person in side and that's the end. 他现在的确没有理由去限制其人动作,但这其实不是什么问题,因为对方分身既能去得虚寂之中,他分身同样也能去得,只要在旁看住其人就是了。 However here issue is, once that existence Divided Spirit appears, even he comes up the obstruction, still had nothing any use, because at that time Daoist Ji Zhuang, so long as transmitted a thought that then achieves half of goals, afterward only need wait for the opposite party to look on own initiative and that's the end. 不过这里问题是,一旦那一位存在分神出现,即便他上去阻截,也无有任何用处了,因为那时候季庄道人只要传递一个念头过去,便算是达成一半目的了,事后只需等着对方主动找来就是了。 Zhang Yan smiles pale, although this person is the abacus hits well, but actually still miscalculated a matter. 张衍淡笑一下,此人虽是算盘打得好,可却仍是算错了一件事。 He moves the intention, similarly is also dispatches Clone to run away Solitary Void, at once transports Cloth Bearded Heaven mighty force to enter the body, jacks magic power again repeatedly, in Solitary Void belongs to his magic power to surge one to surge upward immediately. 他把心意一动,同样也是派遣一具分身遁去虚寂,旋即调运布须天伟力入身,再把法力一再抬升,虚寂之中属于他的法力波荡顿时一下高涨起来。 that existence after by god Yuan three points withdrew, primary cause to avoid him with that sword holding daoist point, now he places in Solitary Void, this existing strength has not restored, or before two Divided Spirit have not swallowed seizes, has almost nothing possibly again before him appears. 那一位存在自被神元三分后就撤走了,主要原因就是为了避开他与那位持剑道人的锋芒,现在他身处虚寂之内,这一位存在的实力未曾恢复,或者说在两个分神未曾吞夺回来之前,几乎无有可能再在他面前出现。 Because this, when also understands, if its god Yuan were cut the powder again, even if can still also turn round, that does not know how long after must extend . 因为这位当也是明白,若其神元再被斩散,即便仍是能够还复回来,那也不知要推延到多久之后了。 Daoist Ji Zhuang Main Body after detect(ed) Zhang Yan so acts, immediately understands intention that the latter does this, complexion ugly several points. 季庄道人正身察觉张衍如此施为后,顿时明白后者如此做的用意,脸色不由难看了几分。 He knit the brows to ponder for a long time, wielded the sleeve, periphery restrictive seal will open again, immediately set out to arrive at the high place, is doing obeisance to the pedestal above, moment, the jade mirror appeared at the same time baseless, the inside room shone upon one with the person's shadow of his general appearance. 他皱眉沉思了许久,一挥袖,再度将周围禁制开启,随即起身来到高处,对着台座之上一拜,须臾,一面玉镜凭空浮现,里间映照出来一个与他一般模样的人影。 He bows, said: Fellow Daoist, I meet the difficult position at the present, unavoidablily thank your for your hospitality Fellow Daoist, to seek for that existence's Divided Spirit place again, can only ask Fellow Daoist to calculate one or two.” 他躬身下拜,道:“道友,我而今遇得困境,不得已再次叨扰道友,为找寻到那位存在的分神所在,只能请道友代为推算一二了。” The shadow of that mirror was still motionless, but Daoist Ji Zhuang actually resembled to hear anything, in the facial expression revealed the color of understanding clearly, nodded again and again, finally he bowed with hands clasped again, said: I knew, many thanks Fellow Daoist dispels doubt.” 那镜子之影仍是一动不动,但季庄道人却似听到了什么,神情之中露出了然之色,连连点头,最后他再是一揖,道:“我知晓了,多谢道友解惑。” After Daoist Ji Zhuang raised the head, discovered that form is such as the smog diverged generally, his facial expression concentrates, after this mirror this comes, most that other day obtained Essence Qi had also consumed, remaining some can remain reluctantly Divided Spirit that is used to pin down that existence, wants to call again, only if he can seek that matter, therefore then, he was unable to obtain anything too to help from here temporarily greatly. 季庄道人抬起头来后,发现那身影已是如烟雾一般散去了,他神情微凝,这一次镜中这一位现身之后,上回所得精气也已消耗的大半,剩下些许勉强可以留着用来制压那一位存在分神,下来想要再度唤出,除非他能寻到那物事,所以接下来,他暂时已无法从这里得到什么太大帮助了。 Under his thought revolution, melts Clone, still toward Solitary Void. 他意念一转之下,又是化出一具分身,仍是往虚寂中去。 Because that existence's Divided Spirit, in many live to extinguish in Contemporary World the jump round trip, therefore this calculated also merely is that person went to the boundary, but he can pursue according to this clue, is unable to track down its place, so long as can look for magic power Internal Qi that remains, that only need obtain Good Fortune Fragment to come out at the appointed time, and integrates in Contemporary World, may draw out its consciousness incarnation, but once he sees its, then the goal also achieved, as for Zhang Yan, even if this time can also pursue behind him, that after all is still slow he one step. 因为那位存在的分神在诸多生灭现世之中跳跃来去,所以这回推算出来的也仅仅是其人去过的地界,不过他可以按此线索追去,便是无法追寻到其之所在,只要能找那股残留下来的法力气机,那到时只需取得造化残片出来,并融入现世之内,就可引出其意识化身,而他一旦见得其面,那么目的也就达成了,至于张衍,此回就算还能追在他后面,那终归也是慢他一步的。 ............ ………… ............ …………
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