GDC :: Volume #9 穹霄万古执道主

#2104: The dust haze diverges sword light to get up

Xun Huaiying had not just now begun outside, at this time sees Xiyue Mountain cultivators to be separated by sword light by Qingchen Zi, the vision falls downward, has looked for one of them, simultaneously conceives a plan to urge, has sword light together to cut to fall. 荀怀英方才一直在外没有动手,此时见犀月山众修俱已是被清辰子剑光分隔开来,目光往下落去,就已找上了其中一人,同时起意一催,就有一道剑光斩落。 On this cultivator protection magical treasure cannot play anything to affect, was being touched that to flicker by sword light, a wail, then came by the fission, immediately that sword light non-stop slightly, chops toward his Dharma Body place. 这名修士身上护御法宝并未能起到什么作用,在被剑光触及那一瞬,一声哀鸣,便被剖裂开来,随即那剑光丝毫不停,直往他法身所在劈来。 That person also fears greatly, he knows this grade of flying sword fast not to have, if before oneself Dharma Body one such as, generally was cut, the opportunity of then simply again not having recovered, will only be disappeared to seize by following sword light continuously unceasingly, until Essence Qi magic power exhausts to perish, therefore the hurried revolutions moves Source Fruit, evaded this to strike. 其人也是大恐,他知晓这等飞剑迅捷无伦,若是自己法身一如之前一般被斩开,那么根本没有再度复原的机会,只会被后续连绵不断的剑光不断消夺,直至精气法力耗尽而亡,于是急忙转挪根果,避去了这一击。 But actually discovered immediately, oneself magic power Internal Qi unexpectedly for no reason are few many, did not feel that to, he is anxious Spiritual Will to calculate, quick clarifies in this whole story, originally such swordsmanship has mysteriously, he while Sense this sword, actually had been affected by this sword, but each sword appears, will pare his part of vitality Essence Qi. 可随即却是发现,自己法力气机居然无端少去许多,感觉不对之下,他急起神意推算,很快就弄清楚此中原委,原来此等剑法别有玄妙,他在感应得这一剑的同时,实际上就已是被这一剑波及了,而每一剑出现,都会削去他身上一部分生机精气 His facial expression immediately becomes very ugly, if oneself magic power Essence Qi were all cut completely, that also what discussed that the revolutions does move Source Fruit? 他神情顿时变得很是难看,若是自身法力精气俱被斩尽,那又何谈转挪根果 actually Lacking Purity Slaughtering Sword Lineage cultivator can disappear to seize all matters excluding oneself body, when opposes the enemy the peer does not need deliberately to calculate Source Fruit, wields a sword directly, but on is, if Sword Lord cultivation base is high enough, then only needs a sword, may disappear the opponent vitality. 实际上少清杀剑一脉修士能够消夺除己身之外的一切物事,对敌同辈之时根本不用去刻意推算根果,直接挥剑而上便是,而若是剑主修为足够高,那么只需一剑,就可泯灭对手生机。 In this cultivator heart understands, whatever if at this moment Xun Huaiying displays, then oneself get down definitely to have not fresh, therefore calculated in Spiritual Will repeatedly, tries to seek for the law of dealing. 这名修士心中明白,此刻若是任由荀怀英施展,那么自己下来肯定是有死无生,于是在神意之中反复推算,设法找寻应对之法。 But after consuming many Spiritual Will, he actually discovered that except for the choice proactive attack, almost without other paths can choose, therefore clenches teeth, in view of flying sword many magical tool air/Qi that the body carries makes, later presses the magic power total. 可是在耗用了诸多神意之后,他却发现除了选择主动进攻,几乎没有其他道路可以选择,于是一咬牙,将身上所携带的针对飞剑的诸多法器一气打出,随后将自身法力全数压上。 This without doubt is the approach of staking everything on a single throw of the dice, but he has not chosen, because he does not have the means to prevent opposite flying sword to behead, was seized magic power with it in fighting slowly, that might as well uses now, that uncertain also opportunity suppresses the opponent. 这无疑是孤注一掷的作法,但他也没有选择,因为他没有办法阻止对面飞剑斩杀,那么与其在下来斗战中被慢慢削夺法力,那还不如现在用上,那不定还有一丝机会压制住对手。 Xun Huaiying stirs up flying sword, instantly splits up more than hundred sword light, falls in torrents to go toward that person place, magical tool magic power that on the way, these has attacked by surprise was all cut to extinguish, then the free from obstacle, cuts to plunder again directly from the opposite party, only this flickers, that cultivator magic power Essence Qi was all disappeared to seize, as that person last wisp of vitality dissipates, only heard that bang a sound shaking, a void spin hole gives birth baseless, was embezzled all. 荀怀英飞剑一激,霎时分化出来百余道剑光,往其人所在倾泻而去,所过途中,那些攻袭过来的法器法力俱被斩灭,而后一路再无阻碍,直接从对方身上斩掠过去,只这一瞬,那修士法力精气俱被消夺,而随着其人最后一缕生机消逝,只闻轰隆一声震动,一个虚空旋洞凭空生出,将所有一切都被吞没进去。 Xun Huaiying looks under, under Qingchen Zi and Ran Xiushu two people of coordination deter, in his sword divine ability has not used, only with the most common method this person of to behead, but then, only need follow a set pattern, these person of elimination cleanly then good. 荀怀英看着下方,在清辰子冉秀书二人的配合威慑之下,他连剑中神通都没有动用,只用最为寻常的手段就将此人斩杀了,而接下来,只需如法炮制,将这些人一个个清除干净便好。 At that moment a magic power revolution, then a person seeks downward. 当下法力一转,便往下一人寻去。 Xiyue Mountain numerous cultivator because of receiving sword light illuminates, does not see others, but Spiritual Will is actually not able to be cut off, its at this moment is not clearly difficult to feel that one's own side are few person. 犀月山一众修士因受剑光所照,不见旁人,可是彼此间神意却是无法阻隔,其等明此刻不难感觉己方少得一人。 This was separated from them is only the past short moment, person of defeated and dispersed, in the people heart has actually raised a scared feeling, was worried that the opposite party next goal is oneself. 这距离他们被隔开只是过去短短片刻,却就已有一人败亡,众人心中不由升起一股恐慌之感,担心对方下一个目标就是自己。 actually just now these aim at the Array Restriction arrangement of Sword Immortal not to play any role, is to make their fighting spirit suffer setbacks, at this moment also has the person to try to escape, but often wants, thinks that feeling of the danger raids, without doubt was staring by Ran Xiushu, has to give up this reading. 实际上方才那些针对剑仙阵禁布置没有起到任何作用,已是让他们斗志受挫了,此刻也不是没有人试图逃跑,但是每每欲动,就觉一股危险之感袭来,无疑是被冉秀书盯着,不得不又放弃此念。 After Xun Huaiying seeks the second person, the useless many times solved this person, at this time a vision revolution, the stay moment on that Gu cultivator, from passing over gently and swiftly, rushed toward third person of place directly, when found that person, after offering a sacrifice to the sword cut to fall, finally does not have the suspense. 荀怀英寻到第二人后,没用多少时候就是将此人解决了,此时目光一转,在那顾姓修士身上停留片刻,就自掠过,直接往第三人所在奔去,待找到其人,祭剑斩落下来后,结果也是毫无悬念。 High Lord Hu vanishes to same sect Internal Qi in detect(ed), the heart also sinks downward. 葫上真察觉同门气机一个一个消失,心头也是直往下沉。 Originally thinks that may with these sword cultivator socialize by divine ability Dao Law that array and these for several thousand years prepare, where thinks that these arrangement collapse at the first blow radically, the one had only known, might as well in light of this withdrawal, or can also preserve the family property that in several thousand years saves. 本来以为凭借阵法和这数千年来准备的神通道法就可与这些剑修周旋,哪想到这些布置根本不堪一击,早知如此,还不如就此撤走,或还能保住几千年中积攒起来的家底。 He knows that own this was how impossible to exceed the opposite party, at this moment did not seek the win, so long as can escape well then. 他知道自己今次怎么样也不可能胜过对方了,此刻不求取胜,只要能逃脱出去便好。 In his heart changes mind secretly, looked like can only rely on that thing.” 他心中暗暗转念,“看来只能凭借那件东西了。” Lifts, shakes the sleeve, actually sprinkled one group of fog, once for a while obvious tiny colored glaze color light tumbles in continuously. 抬起起来,把袖一抖,却是将一团灰雾洒了出来,时不时可见一缕缕细小的琉璃彩光在里翻滚。 This thing actual there's a long story behind this, that several Sword Immortal still when this world, common Monster(s) invaded in the past from world gate beside, but can pose the threat to these sword cultivator rare, only one time, one crowd of invisible monster straddle zones with its and other confrontation, its body can open one group of strange mist, not only made the person mind stagnate, contained the energy of flying sword, that several Sword Immortal used many strengths that monster ancestor/grandfather to behead. 这东西实际大有来历,当年那几位剑仙仍在此界中时,常有妖魔天地关门之外侵入进来,不过少有能对这些剑修造成威胁的,唯有一次,有一群无形妖物跨界过来与其等交锋,其身躯能张开一团奇异薄雾,不但令人心神顿滞,还有遏制飞剑之能,那几位剑仙用了不少力气才将那妖物祖君斩杀 He remembers profoundly, therefore after occupying this world, assigns/life the person across world gate, and tried to seek for this grade of monster, and succeeded and other monster bodies to pay homage to refine similar mist henceforth. 他对此可谓记忆深刻,所以在占据此界之后,就命人穿过界门,并设法找寻到了这等妖物,并成功从此等妖物身上祭炼出了类似雾气。 This grade of monster is very scarce, therefore the collection is not easy, in his hand is also is many, can only enough use reluctantly, otherwise then achieved the manpower to have early. 只是这等妖物十分稀少,所以搜集不易,他手中也是是多,只能勉强够自己使用,否则早便做到人手皆有了。 This thing offered a sacrifice, is only among the moment, is covers his whole person. 这东西一祭了出来,只是须臾间,就将他整个人都是笼罩进去。 Qingchen Zi sees only below one group of dusky mist to open, sets up a sword light photo, however sees is actually a gloominess, resembled by anything blocking. 清辰子只见下方一团灰蒙蒙的雾气张开,立起剑光一照,然而所见却是一片晦暗,似是被什么物事遮挡了。 Ran Xiushu well, in the surface revealed an interest, he was staring at High Lord Hu, may under that fog blocking, the opposite party in Sense be to become fuzzy one piece unexpectedly, and has the trend of being separated from. 冉秀书咦了一声,面上露出一丝兴趣,他本来是盯着葫上真的,可在那灰雾遮挡之下,对方在感应之中竟是变得模糊一片,并还有从中脱离的趋势。 Xun Huaiying has not gone to manage these, although previously cut sword glow that falls to submerge in that mist, does not see any response, but in his eyes, in the world no matter cannot cut, a sword insufficiently is two swords, two swords insufficiently on three swords, and even thousand sword ten thousand sword! His intention moves, Sword Pill melts innumerable sword light, falls downward, under this such as the tide such as putting on sea shoots, that gray fog group irresistibly, was also seeing with own eyes obviously was worn down to go by a faint trace. 荀怀英没有去管这些,尽管先前斩落下去的剑芒都是没入在了那雾气之中,再也不见任何回应,可在他眼中,世上没有什么物事是不能斩开的,一剑不够便是两剑,两剑不够就三剑,乃至千剑万剑!他心意一动,剑丸顿化无数剑光,往下落去,而在此如潮如海的穿射之下,那灰色雾团显也无法抵抗,眼见着被一丝丝消磨而去。 High Lord Hu hides in the gas spray flees at this time toward the distant place, he discovered that this method no doubt brought to the opponent troubled, but that is all, such as its is not willing to play generally suppresses the function of opponent, if cannot flee promptly, then might confess here. 葫上真此时则是躲在气雾之内朝着远处遁走,他发现这手段固然是给对手带来了一点麻烦,可也仅此而已,并没有如其所愿一般起到压制对手的作用,要是不能及时走脱,那么说不定就要交代在这里了。 Pitifully, this grade of thing to him similarly also influential, was encircled binds, and is unable to move escapes void, otherwise he, so long as gets rid of the Ran Xiushu Extreme Sword deterrent, was not difficult to withdraw. 只是可惜,这等东西对他同样也有影响,在被围裹其中时,并无法挪遁虚空,否则他只要摆脱冉秀书极剑威慑,也就不难脱身了。 But what not as he expected is, this mist is quicker, but is only several breath that in the imagination removes, from was rich one group becomes thin incomparable, after the final level gas spray was ripped, one of the innumerable sword light from him put on, his absent-minded, stands there. 但出乎他意料的是,这雾气比想象中褪去的还要快,不过只是几个呼吸,就从原本浓郁一团变得稀薄无比,而在最后一层气雾被剥去后,无数剑光从他身上一穿而过,他不由一个恍惚,怔怔立在那里。 But at this point, that say/way is cut off he is receives not to see with surrounding Fellow Daoist sword qi, he has transferred the vision slowly, sees only has itself at this moment and that Gu cultivator also stands on the scene, the latter sees him looks like, then bows a ritual, said: High Lord Hu.” 而在此时,那道阻隔他与周围同道剑气似是收去不见,他缓缓把目光转过,见此刻唯有自己与那顾姓修士还立在场中,后者见他看来,便稽首一礼,道:“葫上真。” High Lord Hu stared at that person to look at the long time, was not difficult to guess correctly that person also to stand here reason calmly and steadily, then the sinking sound asked: Why so?” 葫上真盯着其人看了半晌,不难猜出其人还安稳站在此处的原因,便沉声问道:“为何如此?” Gu cultivator catches the eye looks like, in facial expression not slightly ashamed, said: Is it possible that Fellow Daoist Hu forgot, I was not Xiyue Mountain cultivator, but others was pinched by you, this and others was annexed sect by you, Gu has not forgotten to come.” 顾姓修士抬眼看来,神情之中没有丝毫惭愧,道:“葫道友莫非忘了么,我本不是犀月山修士,只是受你等强挟,这才被你等将宗门吞并了去,顾某并未忘记原先出身。” High Lord Hu said: But my Xiyue Mountain waits you is not really thin, your cultivate the dao the thing of using also is my Xiyue Mountain gives you.” 葫上真道:“可我犀月山待你着实不薄,你修道所用之物也皆是我犀月山给予你的。” Gu cultivator shakes the head saying: Therefore I have not hit a person when he is down.” 顾姓修士摇头道:“是故我也未曾落井下石。” High Lord Hu flicks the sleeve, has leaned the face, said: Your this and other repeated people, must appear in bottle-gourd not again some front!” 葫上真一拂袖,把脸侧过,道:“你这等反复之人,莫要再出现在葫某面前!” Gu cultivator looked at him, nods, when he is just about to draw back next, is actually form, added one, these foreign object did not need to raise, was these Sword Immortal all, Fellow Daoist was generous others the indignance, I then must thank, when also thanked this place's master.” After saying, he hits one to bow, retreated by far. 顾姓修士看了看他,点了点头,他正要退下时,却是身影一顿,又加了一句,“那些外物就不用提了,此间本是那些剑仙所有,道友不过是慷他人之慨,我便要谢,也当谢此地主人。”说完之后,他打一个稽首,就远远退去了。 High Lord Hu sneers several, lifts to look at the moment toward Vault of Heaven above, then closed both eyes, a moment later, bang, his entire body collapsed and scattered comes, immediately in the world then the profound holes give birth, will embezzle. 葫上真冷笑几声,抬首往天穹之上望有片刻,便闭上了双目,片刻之后,轰隆一声,他整个身躯崩散开来,随即天地之间便有一个玄洞生出,将之吞没进去。 Qingchen Zi sees enemy entirely Wang, a intention revolution, comes in everywhere sword light income. 清辰子见众敌俱亡,心意一转,将漫天剑光收入进来。 At this time he felt that world gate Internal Spirit fluctuates, looked toward there, sees only brocade clothes daoist to step aside from step world entering, shakes the body to arrive in front of three people immediately, to three people of respectful ritual, said: Has seen three Fellow Daoist below Chishang Sect Lu Gan.” 此时他感觉天地关门一阵灵机波动,就往那里看了过去,只见一名锦衣道人自外步入界内,一个晃身便就来到三人面前,对三人恭敬一礼,道:“在下翅尚宗鹿敢见过三位道友。” Ran Xiushu looked at him, strange say/way: Your excellency just now walked, what also comes back to make?” 冉秀书看了看他,奇道:“尊驾方才既是走了,又回来做什么?” He sees just now clearly, after array breaks open, this person has gone forth to battle to flee, and quick left this place through world gate, is entirely different because of its Internal Qi and Xiyue Mountain cultivator, therefore he has not stopped, never expected that person returned to front of one's own side. 他适才看得清楚,在阵法破开之后,此人就已出阵遁走,并且很快通过一处天地关门离开了此地,因其气机犀月山修士截然不同,所以他也就没有阻拦,没想到其人又回到了己方面前。 Daoist Lu said sincerely: Lu and Xiyue Mountain these cultivator not passers-by, previously here, wants to obtain together the shelter, now comes back, is news that Lu here permits has you to need.” 鹿道人诚恳言道:“鹿某与犀月山那些修士并非一路人,先前在此,也不过是想求得一块栖身之地罢了,现下之所以回来,是鹿某这里许有贵方所需要的消息。” Qingchen Zi said: What does your excellency know?” 清辰子道:“尊驾可是知道些什么?” Daoist Lu said: Lu once listened to Hu Chu to have the word, are you seeking for these to wander about destitute disciple outside? Regarding this Lu can lend a hand one or two.” 鹿道人道:“鹿某曾听葫刍有言,贵方正在找寻那些流落在外的弟子?对此鹿某或能帮衬一二。” Qingchen Zi looked at him, said: „Does your excellency know these disciple whereabouts?” 清辰子看了看他,道:“尊驾知晓那些弟子下落?” Deer High Lord said with a smile: precisely, my disciple passes through many boundary, wanders about destitute disciple outside to have some social dealings with your sect actually, therefore knows its and other whereabouts.” 鹿上真笑道:“正是,我门下弟子走过不少地界,倒是与贵派流落在外的弟子打过一些交道,故是知道其等下落。” Qingchen Zi said solemnly: What does Fellow Daoist Lu want?” 清辰子沉声道:“鹿道友想要什么?” Daoist Lu bows with hands clasped again, said: I and disciple are several hundred years ago steps aside from drift hence, here Internal Spirit is abundant, is the rare treasure trove, whether to allow me and others to be listed some date and time in the your sect boundary.” 鹿道人再是一揖,道:“我与门下弟子是数百年前自外漂泊至此的,这里灵机丰盈,乃是难得宝地,可否容我等在贵派地界暂居些许时日。” ............ ………… ............ …………
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