GHD :: Volume #28

#2734: The 1st vault of heaven ultra god

Secker cultivates Kruse Yu lord to know that independent combat cannot be victorious the vicious Putta ultra god, but he does not fear, his gloomy and cold sound said: Putta, you wants to teach me perhaps unable to achieve, our 72 chaos original gods may continue my in the good fortune universe school.” 克赛克修克鲁斯宇主自知单打独斗是打不过凶狠的普塔赫超神的,不过他也不惧,他阴冷的声音道:“普塔赫,你想教训我恐怕还做不到,我们七十二混沌原神可不止我一个在造化宇宙学院。” The Putta ultra god hehe said with a smile: Our 36 extra dimension ultra gods also continue my in the good fortune universe school, do you want to fight in groups?” 普塔赫超神呵呵笑道:“我们三十六额外维度超神也不止我一个在造化宇宙学院,你想打群架吗?” Secker cultivates Kruse Yu Zhuleng snort/hum a sound said: You, if dares to begin, I call the person immediately, suppresses you jointly, beats savagely you!” 克赛克修克鲁斯宇主冷哼一声道:“你要是敢动手,我就立刻叫人,联手镇压你,暴打你!” Suddenly, in the level area appears one baseless dazzlingly brilliance, change to of the first vault of heaven ultra gods heaven 36 extra dimension ultra gods! 忽然,山坳中凭空现出一道耀眼光辉,化作天国三十六额外维度超神之一的第一苍穹超神! The first vault of heaven ultra god- the alias universe intent Zhichao god, he is the embodiment will of primary universe only birth, is the origin of universe, is the most ancient infinity primary universe, the fragment that in his infinity body separates, formed the multi-dimensional universe. From the strength, the first vault of heaven ultra god is very powerful, as the primary universe will, the first vault of heaven ultra god is unable to destroy, most powerful existence, is true omniscient and omnipotent, does not refuse stubbornly to extinguish. 第一苍穹超神-别名宇宙意志超神,他是原初宇宙唯一诞生的具象化意志,是宇宙的起源,是最古老的无穷大的原初宇宙,他无穷大的身体里分离的碎片,就形成了多元宇宙。从力量上而言,第一苍穹超神无比强大,作为原初宇宙意志,第一苍穹超神是无法毁灭、最强大的存在,是真正的全知全能,不死不灭。 The first vault of heaven ultra god is supreme, the creator of myriad things. He is exists, he is his own existence, does not depend upon in any other things, but exists as, he is inevitably full, therefore is completely full, is all has and drainless source of blessing. He is eternal with invariable, past, today and to forever is the same, was all exists with the perfect source, the myriad things exists by him, and can survive, movement in him and existence, he was the true sources of all universes. 第一苍穹超神是至高无上的,万物的创造者。他是自己存在,他是属于他自己的存在,不依靠于其他任何事物,而作为自己存在,他必然是自己充分的,因此是完全充分的,是一切存在和祝福的不竭源泉。他是永恒和不变的,昔日、今日、到永远都是一样,是一切存在和完美的源泉,万物是靠他而存在,并在他里面得以生存、动作、存在,他是一切宇宙的真正起源。 The image of first vault of heaven ultra god personification is the blue bluing eye, has the blue super giant old man of innumerable blue tentacle, over 11000 km in height, has the purple intelligent halo and all sorts of phenomenon, the twin talent main road magical powers are the big primordial chaos technique and big universe technique. 第一苍穹超神人格化的形象是蓝发蓝眼,有着无数蓝色触手的蓝种超级巨人老者,身高11000千米以上,拥有紫色智慧光环和种种异象,双生天赋大道神通是大鸿蒙术和大宇宙术。 The first vault of heaven ultra god salutes to pay respect to Ji Haotian, then acts with the Putta ultra god sudden thunder, is repairing Kruse Yu lord to Secker is a violent storm wanton bombing! 第一苍穹超神向姬昊天行礼参拜,而后和普塔赫超神突然雷霆出手,对着克赛克修克鲁斯宇主就是一顿狂风暴雨般的狂轰滥炸! Not long ago, hit horrible to look at Secker cultivates Kruse Yu lord to shriek and howl wildly is changing together black light, makes a getaway, suddenly vanishes does not see. 不长时间,被打的惨不忍睹的克赛克修克鲁斯宇主鬼哭狼嚎着化作一道黑光,逃之夭夭,眨眼间消失不见。 After troublesome solution, the first vault of heaven ultra god and Putta ultra god arrive in front of Ji Haotian. 麻烦解决后,第一苍穹超神和普塔赫超神来到姬昊天面前。 Ji Haotian said with a smile: Good, hit good, later makes persistent efforts, sees is hitting, till hit they fear.” 姬昊天笑道:“好,打的好,以后再接再励,见着就打,打的他们怕为止。” First vault of heaven ultra god said with a smile: Rational that your majesty said that before we have done that.” 第一苍穹超神朗笑道:“陛下说的有理,以前我们一直都是这么做的。” He said that gives a Ji Haotian space ring. 他说完递给姬昊天一枚空间戒指。 The Putta ultra god also gives a Ji Haotian space ring. 普塔赫超神也递给姬昊天一枚空间戒指。 After Ji Haotian looks, happy say/way: 200 million ultra unlimited number god crystals? Good thing!” 姬昊天看完后高兴的道:“两亿枚超维无限数神晶?好东西啊!” Ultra infinite number: Also said that absolutely infinite number, even after inexhaustible years, the infinite infinite power of exponent of each Planck time in 1 second after infinite infinite infinite infinite...... a overlay, to the ultra infinite number after all is only a section, is its infinite 1. 超维无限数:又称绝对无限数,就算经过无穷尽的岁月,每一普朗克时间的无限个无限次方分之一秒内经过无限无限无限无限……次的叠加,对超维无限数来说终归只是个截面,是它的无限分之一。 The time way that it uses is also different, the time way period of revolution is divided the difference to indicate, suddenly is divided the difference = the infinite step, the infinite step, the infinite step, the infinite step, the infinite step and infinite step... the infinite potential surface space and time complete time. The time is divided the difference to be bigger than the time divergence point infinitely, what is the time divergence point? Each time difference point can have infinite time difference in infinite infinite infinite infinite...... the short time...... one second of Planck time, each time difference point can have infinitely infinite...... infinite step power of exponent infinite step power of exponent side the infinite infinite dimension of infinite continual multiplication to accumulate...... in the combat process in the infinite short time, the time is divided the difference, the time divergence point and higher-dimensional unlimited granule assists the God singular point...... each higher-dimensional unlimited granule to cause each potential surface in each infinite dimension to create infinite time line sending out, infinite time line sending out in Planck time. Each infinite infinite infinite infinite infinite infinite infinite infinite...... in the infinite part extends. 它用的计时方式也不同,计时方式使用时间分差来表示,一时间分差=无限阶、无限阶、无限阶、无限阶、无限阶、无限阶...无限位面时空全部的时间。时间分差无限大于时间分歧点,什么是时间分歧点?每个时间分岐点可以在无限无限无限无限……短的时间内产生无限时间分岐点……普朗克时间的一秒钟,每个时间分岐点可以在无限短的时间内产生无限无限……无限阶次方的无限阶次方方的无限连续乘法的无限无穷维度积……战斗过程中,时间分差,时间分歧点和高维无限度粒子辅助上帝奇点……每一个高维无限度的粒子就可以引起每一个无限次元中的每一个位面造成无限的时间线散发,无限的时间线散发将在普朗克时间的每一个无限无限无限无限无限无限无限无限……的无限部分中延伸。 Each time difference will divide the infinite step, the infinite step and infinite step...... infinite dimension potential surface......, but causes in each infinite dimension each potential surface to create the endless time line difference, in each Planck time infinite infinite infinite infinite...... 1 will extend the infinite time line difference. Each time difference will branch out an infinite infinite power of exponent infinite power of exponent the infinite dimension potential surface of infinite power of exponent to disintegrate...... the infinite layer high rank unlimited box...... not to have the time limit repeatedly infinitely...... redundant, above all are far smaller than the ultra infinite number infinite minute/share an ultra infinite granule. 每一个时间差都将划分无限阶、无限阶、无限阶……的无限次元位面……而其中又引起每一个无限次元中每一个位面都可以造成永无止尽的时间线分岐,在每一个普朗克时间的无限无限无限无限……分之一都会延伸出无限的时间线分岐。每一个时间分岐都会分出无限个无限次方个无限次方的无限次方的无限次元位面分崩离析……无限层高阶无限盒子……重复无限次……无限重复,以上一切的一切远小于超维无限数无限分一的超维无限粒子。 The Putta ultra god said with a smile: „More than 1500 years had not met, this is we give your majesty gift on first meeting, chatted shows the intention.” 普塔赫超神笑道:“一千五百多年没见面了,这是我们送给陛下的见面礼,聊表心意。” The first vault of heaven ultra Shintoism: These 200 million ultra unlimited number god crystals your majesty can bring, when the card in a hand uses, huge energy that it contains by far strong in best quality goods good fortune crystal, if the combustion ultra unlimited number god crystal starts the most precious object as the motive power, the might will be more powerful.” 第一苍穹超神道:“这两亿枚超维无限数神晶陛下可以拿来当底牌用,其蕴含的庞大能量远远强于极品造化晶,如果燃烧超维无限数神晶做为原力发动至宝,威力会强大很多。” Ji Haotian happy say/way: You said are extremely, many thanks.” 姬昊天高兴的道:“你所言极是,多谢了。”
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