GCSAT :: Volume #7

#631: Another new student/life

The chapter mistake, this reporting( exempts registration), such as meets the content additive device wrong character order to be chaotic, please withdraw from the reading pattern or reads the pattern to be then normal smoothly. 章节错误,点此举报(免注册),如遇到内容乱码错字顺序乱,请退出阅读模式或畅读模式即可正常。 Just like the fact Chen strength said that although zero stage experiment to technical documents simple duplicate/restores carves, but did not mean that the opportunity on are only few can support 1-2 for treating objects. 事实正如陈力所说的一样,零阶段实验虽然只是对技术文档的简单复刻,但也并不是说机会就少得只能支持1-2治疗对象。 In fact, the laboratory proofing stage is completed, means that this technology had the ability of small-scale production, but still had insufficient in the clinical capacity. 实际上,实验室验证阶段完成,也就意味着这项技术具备了小规模生产的能力,只是在临床产能上仍然有所不足罢了。 Therefore, matter that Yaoyao is worried about has not happened. 所以,瑶瑶担心的事情并没有发生。 She that several lupus erythematosus explosion stroke patients who once ran into the hospital, was included with she same batch of experimental nature treatment lists. 她在医院是曾经遇到的那几个红斑狼疮爆发期患者,被列入了跟她同一批的实验性治疗名单。 - Naturally, this is not absolute fair. Even can say, this is also another privilege. --当然,这并不是绝对的公平。甚至可以说,这是也是另一种特权。 However, the gentleman sees its lives does not endure to see him dead, hears its sound does not endure to eat its meat, this is one type extremely simple, good moral outlook, but is not hypocritical. 但是,君子见其生不忍见其死,闻其声不忍食其肉,这是一种极为朴素的、善良的道德观,而并非伪善。 Therefore, without touching regular bottom line, even if strictest Ye Zhou, is willing to give Yaoyao the help. 所以,在不触及规则底线的情况下,哪怕是最严格的叶舟,也愿意给瑶瑶一些帮助。 After all the growth of person must have certain process, particularly after using BCI transport technology, the knowledge that massive should learn in a subtle way pours into the brain directly, the difficulty that the morality establishes will be bigger. 毕竟人的成长是要有一定的过程的,尤其是在使用了BCI传输技术之后,大量本该在潜移默化中学习的知识直接灌注进大脑里,道德观念建立的难度将会更大。 If guides a dense benefit computer Yaoyao from the beginning, when following has the collapsibility consequence, was who cannot pull back. 如果一开始就把瑶瑶引导成一个密的利益计算机,那么后续发生崩溃性后果时,就是谁也拉不回来了。 Therefore, under the arrangement of zero stage group, the first experimental treatment launches after a month of final preparation period, same raid object completely after screening, suggestion later critically ill patient who and considers Yaoyao. They have not as if prepared to greet the transformation of destiny , many guardians in the process of communication questioned that new therapy is reliable and why this good deed to fall to own head wait/etc. 于是,在零阶段小组的安排下,第一次的实验性治疗在一个月的最后准备期后展开,同批次对象全部都是经过筛选、并且考虑瑶瑶的建议之后的重症患者。他们似乎还没有准备好迎接自己命运的转变,在沟通的过程里也不乏有家长质疑“新疗法到底可不可靠”、“为什么这种好事会落到自己的头上”等等。 Chen strength once was worried about such sound, if passes to Yaoyao ear, will nicely create the attack to her, but is very obvious, frailty that Yaoyao he has not imagined. 陈力一度担心这样的声音如果传到瑶瑶耳朵里,会对她善良造成打击,但很显然,瑶瑶并没有他想象的那么脆弱。 She was one day was still accepting nurse's instruction cheerfully, even did not do her work eagerly. However, this because actually not she really contented with the status quo, because Chen strength gave her to draw a giant cake. 她仍旧是一天乐乐呵呵地接受着护士的指导,甚至也不急于去做她的工作了。不过,她这倒不是因为她就真的安于现状了,而是因为陈力给她画了一个巨大的饼。 After the traditional energy domain BCI transmission project obtains the initial result, aims in the top talent „the BCI knowledge library project will soon start, but the object is thing institute that approval fusion domain expert. 在传统能源领域BCI传输项目获得初期结果之后,针对于高端人材的“BCI知识库”项目即将启动,而对象则是物院那批核聚变领域专家。 Unlike beforehand skill knowledge, this time is going through the BCI transmission is true strangely and is not correlated the mass data, at present only- adopted the laboratory stage object , and stability uses, is Yaoyao. 跟之前的“技能型知识”不同,这一次将要通过BCI设备传输的将是真正的陌生且相互之间不存在关联的海量数据,目前唯—个通过了实验阶段并且稳定使用的对象,就是瑶瑶。 Therefore, she must participate in this project- But the premise must first cure the sickness. 所以,她必须参与这次项目--但前提是要先把病治好。 „Can thing institute in Chengdu, my past words, we have a look at Uncle Ye while convenient?” “物院在蓉城,那我这次过去的话,咱们可以顺便去看看叶叔叔吗?” Uncle Ye not necessarily has the time, but I can help you ask him- Yourself ask that you are also good.” “叶叔叔不一定有时间,不过我可以帮你问问他--或者你自己问问你也行啊。” I may I ask, he very ominous hears this saying, Chen strength cannot help laughing. “我不敢问,他挺凶的听到这话,陈力哑然失笑。 He before you very gentle Uncle Ye is not ominous, he has too many things to need to consider.” “他在你面前已经很温柔了叶叔叔不是凶,他只是有太多事情需要考虑。” You have a look, the AES equipment that now you use is Uncle Ye does, the later treatment also promotes with him, if according to the ancient view, he were your savior.” “你看看,现在你用的AES设备是叶叔叔做出来的,之后的治疗也跟他推动的,要是按古代的说法,他可是你的救命恩人。” Ok, no matter what, you first cured the sickness safely, waited for this time Chengdu to work in the past again well!” At this point, on Chen strength face appears a anxiety. “好了,不管怎么样,你先安心治好病,等这次过去蓉城再好好工作!”说到这里,陈力的脸上浮现出一丝不安。 According to the information that he receives speculated, the total technique manages obviously is the plan increases speed the nuclear fusion project, will otherwise not launch a on the other hand also insufficiently mature BCI project- Especially uses on the top talent. 按照他收到的信息来推测,总技办明显是打算把核聚变项目提速,要不然也不会去启动一个相对来说还不够成熟的BCI项目--尤其是使用在高端人才身上。 Perhaps, something force them to increase speed. Neighboring crisis, there is changes newly? 也许,有些事情迫使他们不得不提速。相邻维的危机,又有新的变化了吗?
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