GANS :: Volume #4 太阳法则

#595: Glorious vestige (Last Part)

Rustle rustle sand...... 沙沙沙沙沙…… Regarding space that the average man is silent, Relo actually already through infrasonic wave, heard rustling sound from far to near, looks like two sandpaper in mutual friction grating. 对于常人寂静无声的空间,雷洛却已经通过次声波,听到了由远及近的沙沙声,就像是两张砂纸在相互摩擦般的刺耳。 Even if Crystal Stone Lamp can only shine to the surrounding more than ten meters distances, but the eyes of Relo, by the darkness, had actually seen that only in the monster that in the gravel walks randomly fast. 即使晶石灯只能照耀到周围十几米的距离,但雷洛的双眼,却已经透过黑暗,看到了那只正在砂砾中快速游走的巨物。 This is a growing up body sandworm. 这是一只成年体沙虫。 The body surface assumes the tan fold flesh, as if the concrete after stirring, as if a worm of enlargement, even scholar, is really still hard to discover a glossary that has the esthetics, describes this ugly lifeform. 体表呈黄褐色的褶皱肌肤,仿佛搅拌后的混凝土,就仿佛一只放大的蠕虫,即使是学者,也实在难以找出一个具有美学的词汇,去形容这种丑陋的生物。 The creeping motion speed of sandworm is not fast, at least compared to Demon Beast of surface. 沙虫的蠕动速度并不算快,至少相对于地表的魔兽而言。 Because like this sandworm. 因为像这只沙虫一样。 Has not submerged enters the sandworm in gravel, is really rarely seen, if sneaks in the gravel, according to the research, its traveling speed at least needs to promote over three times. 没有潜入进入砂砾中的沙虫,实在是不多见,若是在砂砾中潜行,根据研究,它的移动速度至少要提升三倍以上。 Hiss! 嘶! After its through resonance sensation to the Relo footsteps, the huge body wriggles fast to here, the head closed mouth, opened just like a chrysanthemum petal petal, reveals one after another dense and numerous scarlet teeth, corrosive mucilage that as well as between the tooth adhere. 它通过共振感知到雷洛的脚步后,庞大身躯快速向这边蠕动过来,头部原本闭合的嘴巴,宛如菊花般一瓣一瓣张开,露出一圈又一圈密密麻麻的猩红色牙齿,以及牙齿间黏连的一条条腐蚀性粘液。 These mucilage, can help it digest. 这些粘液,能够帮助它消化。 The tooth of sandworm presents cancels the shape, this can help he better swallowing prey, according to the research, it can swallow its mouth volume two times of prey! 沙虫的牙齿呈现倒勾状,这能够帮助他更好的吞咽猎物,根据研究,它能够一口吞下它嘴巴体积两倍的猎物! At the appointed time, after the prey enters its body, the fold flesh will look like the rubber ball to open, why this is the grown body sandworm volume is also at from 45 meters to more than ten meters reason. 届时,猎物进入它的身体后,褶皱肌肤会像皮球般撑开,这也是为什么成年体沙虫体积从四五米到十几米不等的原因所在。 Fierce, ugly. 狰狞,丑陋。 As the sandworm wriggles to the Relo body first five meters distances fast, has been able to see its body surface by the crystal light clearly, the human body stands in its front, is like that frail, tiny and insignificant, even is not the grain ration, can only be improves the taste between -meal snack. 随着沙虫快速蠕动到雷洛身前五米的距离,透过水晶灯光已经能够清晰看到它的体表,人类身体站在它的面前,是那般的脆弱、渺小、微不足道,甚至算不上口粮,只能算是改善口味的零食罢了。 However. 然而。 When the Relo double pupil, belittled to look into the past careless, along with photostar True Body great aura, at this moment even dozens meters deep yellow sand bottom, in this filled with under the subversive domination aura together, just like seeing what frightened and terrifying picture, that was to looking up to of high physical rule the universes the heavenly body operated, a scarlet red heavenly body of flaming combustion, invaded here will by the Star Screen World atmosphere. 雷洛双眸,漫不经心蔑眺望过去,伴随着一丝星体真身的宏大气息,此刻即使是数十米深的黄沙地底,在这一道充满颠覆性的凌驾气息下,宛如看到了什么惊悚、恐怖的画面,那是面对宇宙间天体运行的至高物理规则的仰望,一颗熊熊燃烧的赤红色天体,透过星幕世界大气层入侵到这里的意志。 Sandworm that this only also threatened, impressively stiff in same place. 这只原本还气势汹汹的沙虫,赫然僵硬在了原地。 As if put behind the time, the soul train of thought solidification. 仿佛忘却了时间,灵魂思绪凝固。 This is the 4th Order lifeform through the strength of principle, suppresses regarding the essence of low organism! 这便是四级生物通过法则之力,对于低等生物的本质压制! Bang! 嘭! Next quarter. 下一刻。 Relo wields conveniently, the tiny body easily wields unexpectedly the strong compressed air artillery of air altitude collapse, this is a diameter surpasses five meters air/Qi artillery, bang the sandworm that the Soul Consciousness freeze solidifies, as if the cleaning up trash, pulled out the dark deep place by a Relo palm of the hand conveniently. 雷洛随手一挥,渺小身躯竟轻易挥动出一颗将空气高度塌缩的强压气炮,这是一颗直径超过五米的气炮,“嘭”的一声,灵魂意识冻结凝固的沙虫,仿佛随手清理垃圾般,被雷洛一巴掌抽到了黑暗深处。 With the echo of shake, the sandworm exploded beach blood plasma, as if patted a mosquito. 随着震荡的回音,沙虫炸成了一滩血浆,就仿佛拍死了一只蚊子。 Now. 如今。 Relo under powerful physique support, even if wields conveniently, the terrifying energy intensity that the fist artillery gathers, still easily then exceeded 300 degrees, the area is Transcendent Scholar is hard to be a worthy opponent, the steamroll attack dominating, is not the general low organism can resist. 强大体魄支持下的雷洛,即使只是随手一挥,拳炮所聚集的恐怖能量强度,也轻易便超过了三百度,覆盖面积更是超凡学者们所难以匹敌,凌驾性的碾压攻击,根本不是一般的低等生物所能抵抗。 Has not stayed, he continues toward the front walks. 没有停留,他继续向前方走去。 Quick, he came to this underground vestige end, as if detected that anything, looked down to the gravel of under foot. 很快,他走到了这处地下遗迹尽头,似乎察觉到了什么,低头看向脚下的砂砾。 . 呼。 within the body releases to restrain by force together, strokes the gravel of under foot, revealed a leaf to underground wind wall front door. 体内释放出一道强压,将脚下的砂砾拂开,露出了一扇通往地下的风壁大门。 On the front door etching the exquisite protection was banning, if not the years long time loses the energy power, only feared that had launched the counter-attack to invasion Relo. 大门上蚀刻着精妙的守护禁制,若非年久失去能量动力,只怕早已对入侵的雷洛展开了反击。 Although does not excel at banning in the etching energy, the relations of Profound Truth Scholar family background, the demon ban knowledge is relatively superficial, but regarding present Relo, etching common low ban, is the easy matter. 虽不擅于蚀刻能量禁制,奥义学者出身的关系,魔阵禁制知识相对浅薄,但对于如今的雷洛而言,蚀刻一般的低等禁制,也是手到擒来的事。 However at this moment, does not need Relo obviously through the rune etching knowledge, attempts to open the underground front door slowly. 不过此刻,显然不需要雷洛通过符文蚀刻知识,去尝试慢慢开启地下大门了。 Bang! 轰! As the Relo right foot stamps gently, is centered on Relo the terrifying oscillatory surge that forms, on the under foot etching full rune flagstone, the crack spreads densely and numerously just like the spider web, revealed the following secret room secretly thought. 随着雷洛右脚轻轻一跺,以雷洛为中心形成的恐怖振荡冲击,脚下蚀刻符文的石板上,裂缝宛如蜘蛛网般密密麻麻蔓延开来,露出了下面的密室暗道。 In the channel is very jet black, is lending the aging decayed aura. 通道内无比漆黑,散发着陈年的腐朽气息。 Silent, Relo is raising the crystal lamp , to continue to walk downward. 无声无息,雷洛提着水晶灯,继续向下走去。 The both sides of corridor, draw are carving the strange mural. 走廊的两侧,绘刻着古怪的壁画。 Relo knits the brows slightly, careful observing and emulating, content on the pictorial representation, seemed like once Sealand Duchy and Hengduan Mountains intersection point, named elder brother ethnic group. 雷洛微微皱眉,仔细观摩,绘画作品上的内容,似乎是曾经西兰公国横断山脉交界处,一个名为‘昆奴’的族群。 The contact of grand scholar and this ethnic group are not many, but as once Grand Duchy well-known big scholar, Relo can through the academic study reserve of Grand Academy of Natural Science, understand some classified data of this rare ethnic group. 格兰学者和这个族群的接触并不算多,但作为曾经格兰公国的知名大学者,雷洛还是能够通过格兰自然科学院的高级知识储备,了解到这个稀有族群的一些秘密资料。 And, this ethnic group most unique strength, then cursing to integrate the wall in the drawing trap! 其中,这个族群最具特色的力量,便是将诅咒融入到墙壁的绘画陷阱中! Hee hee hee hee......” “嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻嘻……” Suddenly, in the silent corridor space, spread sharp laughter. 突然,原本寂静的走廊空间内,传出了一阵尖锐的笑声。 Was expected that with Relo is the same. 雷洛预料中的一样。 Before Relo arrives at the third mural , sees only the mural to wriggle impressively slowly, seemed full of the cold and gloomy mysterious strength to cover by one group, this strength is not Spiritual Force, is not the fluctuation on soul, but is the curse chains of one type the myriad things -based causally-related, scholars is still not able to build up the mysterious strength of scientific system. 雷洛走到第三幅壁画前的时候,只见壁画赫然缓缓蠕动起来,似乎被一团充满森冷的神秘力量笼罩,这种力量既不是精神力,也不是灵魂上的波动,而是一种基于万物之间因果联系的诅咒锁链,一只学者们尚无法建立起科学体系的神秘力量。 Relo turned the head slowly, looks to the creeping motion mural. 雷洛缓缓转头,看向了蠕动的壁画。 Sees only hill prairie chart that on the mural outlined, several elder brother melted a grinning fiendishly head/number of people impressively, absurd looked to oneself. 只见壁画上原本勾勒的山丘草原图,几个昆奴赫然融成了一个狞笑的人头,正诡诞的看向自己。 His left eye, staring looks at Relo, but his right eye, then became an vortex, gushed out the innumerable worm from Vortex, is these worms, sent out baby strange laughter! 他的左眼,直勾勾的看着雷洛,而他的右眼,则成了一个漩涡,从旋涡里面涌出了数不清的蠕虫,是这些蠕虫,发出的婴儿般怪笑声! Under examines carefully, these only then thumb size like the worm, is having the abnormal human baby head unexpectedly! 细看下,这些只有拇指大小的如蠕虫,竟是长着畸形的人类婴儿脑袋! Energetic illusion? Energetic worm that the entity has? Is the present of principle, the expression form of causes and effects curse relation?” “精神幻觉?还是实体存在的精神蠕虫?或者是法则之眼下,因果诅咒联系的表达形式?” Relo is staring at the right eye of absurd face. 雷洛凝视着诡诞人脸的右眼。 Although these strange worms are fearful, but is actually not able to approach Relo, around his body, as if transparent glass bulb, these worm impediments meter/rice outside. 这些诡异蠕虫虽然可怕,但却根本无法靠近雷洛,他的身体四周,仿佛有一层透明的玻璃壳,将这些蠕虫阻隔在米许外。 They one is creeping along layer upon layer, with the outflow of time, some start to grow the black wing unexpectedly, tends to some in small devil gradually the shape. 它们一层层爬动着,随着时间的流失,其中一些竟然开始长出黑色的翅膀,渐渐趋向于某种小恶魔的形态。 Also has the ability of evolution?” “还拥有进化的能力?” The curious color, Relo extends the right hand. 好奇之色,雷洛伸出右手。 The terrifying attraction magnetic field, imprisoned a small devil, wanting place carefully to observe at present. 恐怖的引力磁场,禁锢了一只小恶魔,想要将之放在眼前仔细观察。 Under the powerful attraction shackles, the small devil goes all out to struggle, actually does not help matters, when but Relo intaking to at present, suddenly , the little thing turned into wisp of cigarette ash. 强大的引力牢笼下,小恶魔拼命挣扎着,却无济于事,但当雷洛将之摄入到眼前时,突然“噗”的一声,小东西化成了一缕烟灰。 Sees this, Relo appears wipes the disappointed color. 见此,雷洛不禁浮现一抹失望之色。 The True Body strength was too strong. These little things are unable on photostar True Body to survive obviously again, can therefore approach Relo then to unravel. 真身的力量太强了。这些小东西显然无法再星体真身上生存,因此才会一靠近雷洛便灰飞烟灭了。 Shaking the head. 摇了摇头。 Buzz! 嗡! The invisible ripple eruption, in a twinkling, winds around in the thousands of small devils of Relo body surface, vanishes in a puff of smoke in abundance, Relo extends the right hand unexpectedly, on the Vortex right eye of terrifying head/number of people along mural, inserted! 无形的波纹爆发,霎时间,缭绕在雷洛体表的数以千计小恶魔们,纷纷灰飞烟灭,随之雷洛竟伸出右手,沿着壁画上恐怖人头的旋涡右眼,插了进去! Strange feeling. 诡异的感觉。 Its right eye, seems relating another space. 它的右眼,仿佛联系着另外一层空间。 When Relo takes back the right hand again, the mural had returned to normal, but on the right hand of Relo, had/left a skull lid impressively. 雷洛再收回右手的时候,壁画已经恢复了正常,而雷洛的右手上,赫然多出了一枚头骨盖。 After careful resolution, this unexpectedly is a etching full rune human baby skull lid! 仔细分辨后,这竟是一个蚀刻符文的人类婴儿头骨盖! Sacrificial offering......” “祭品……” dí dí dí. 嘀嘀嘀 star nucleus prompt: Discovers the dark essence 0.1 gram! 星核提示:发现黑暗精华0.1克! The astonished color, after careful observing and emulating looks, in the Relo hand published plain books suddenly, can depend upon to swallow dark essence to obtain evolution «mithril Dust»! 惊异之色,仔细观摩一看后,雷洛手中蓦然多出了一本古朴书籍,正是能够依靠吞噬黑暗精华获得进化的《秘银封尘》! Crash-bang. 哗哗啦啦。 As the page opens slowly, the deep place a faint trace silver radiance, wrapped impressively to this baby skull, this baby skull melts at the naked eye obvious speed, gradually swallows by «mithril Dust». 随着书页缓缓翻开,赫然深处了一丝丝银色光华,向这个婴儿头骨包裹过去,这颗婴儿头盖骨则以肉眼可见速度融化起来,渐渐被《秘银封尘》吞噬。 After the moment . 片刻后。 The baby skull has melted thoroughly, vanishes not to see, integrates «mithril Dust», the books also restore again plainly, was received by Relo. 婴儿头骨已经彻底融化,消失不见,融入到《秘银封尘》当中,书籍也再次恢复古朴,被雷洛重新收起。 He continues stand forth. 他继续向前走去。 !! 咔嚓!咔嚓! Relo arrives at the corridor the end, enters to the true underground laboratory. 雷洛来到走廊的尽头,进入到真正的地下实验室。 Does not have the indication, all around shackles mechanism/organization almost produces in the flash, Relo is one of them sleepily. 毫无征兆,四周的牢笼机关几乎是在一瞬间生成,将雷洛困在其中。 ! 噼里啪啦! The light purple thunder thunderclap descends from the top of the head, the energy intensity at least was over 300 degrees, even for general Transcendent Scholar, the foray still is almost so fatal, but regarding this moment Relo, 300 redundancy attacks suddenly, although accidental/surprised, obviously is not fatal. 淡紫色雷霆霹雳从头顶降落,能量强度至少达到了三百度以上,即使对于一般超凡学者而言,如此突然袭击也几乎是致命的,但对于此刻雷洛而言,三百余度突然袭击虽然意外,却显然并不致命。 After the thunder broke through the layer upon layer magnetic field thin film of Relo body surface difficultly, falls on his body. 雷霆艰难突破了雷洛体表的一层层磁场薄膜后,落在他的身上。 , created the average person unexpectedly merely by cigarette butt some appearances of scalding, the skin wound place is braved continuously the light smoke, he knit the brows slightly. “噗”的一声,竟然仅仅只是造成了普通人被烟头些许烫伤的样子,皮肤伤口处冒着缕缕青烟,他微微皱眉。 dí dí dí. 嘀嘀嘀 star nucleus prompt: Discovers the gu spirit iron 308.45 grams. 星核提示:发现蛊灵铁308.45克。 Gu spirit iron?” “蛊灵铁?” After astonished color, will destroy Relo of shackles to stop the movement conveniently, looked that is exuding the crowded pale colored light metal shackles to this. 惊异之色后,正要随手摧毁牢笼的雷洛停下动作,看向这个泛着密集淡白色光点的金属牢笼。 As one of higher magic material the alchemist pursues, gu spirit iron material is quite special, now the production process has been lost, the main reason is to then refine the gu spirit iron, it is said that must the iron essence, put to a named gu spirit endo-abdominal conducts cultivates slowly, and output is extremely limited. 作为炼金师追求的高等魔导材料之一,蛊灵铁这种材料相当特殊,如今制作工艺已经失传,其中最主要的原因便是炼制蛊灵铁,据说必须要将铁精,放入到一种名为蛊灵的腹内进行慢慢培育,且产量极其有限。 The most important thing is! 最重要的是! But over time, gu spirit, as the rise of Profound Truth Scholar, has exterminated in Land of Star Curtain! 而随着时间流逝,蛊灵随着奥义学者们的崛起,早已在星幕之地灭绝! It is said this magic material, the biggest effect is sharp spatial broken fast, is manufacture higher metal puppet War Weapon, and flying boots, cape and demon wing class magic item high-quality material, everything joins, then can greatly reduce the air drag, raises the less than half speed. 据说这种魔导材料,最大功效便是锐空破速,是制造高等金属傀儡战争兵器,以及飞靴、斗篷、魔翼类魔器的优质材料,凡是加入一些,便能够大大降低空气阻力,提升小半的速度。 Now some unexpectedly people the gu spirit FE doping into the middle of this trapped/sleepy bunch shackles, achieved unexpectedly the effect. 如今竟有人将蛊灵铁掺杂入了这个困束牢笼当中,达到了出其不意效果。 Happen to must go to Vladić, believes that there scholars regarding this magic material, should quite be interested! 正好要前往弗拉迪克,相信那里的学者们对于这种魔导材料,应该相当感兴趣! ,...... 咔嚓,咔嚓,咔嚓…… With the Relo right hand food fingertip, appears slowly a black ball. 随着雷洛右手食指尖,缓缓浮现出一颗黑球。 Under this black ball strong attraction, is withstanding the shackles of astonishing strength, starts to twist unexpectedly at the naked eye obvious speed, integrates in the black ball of Relo right food fingertip, changed to one diameter about ten centimeters black and white to alternate with the metal ball. 在这颗黑球强大的引力下,承受着惊人力量的牢笼,竟开始以肉眼可见速度扭曲起来,融入到雷洛右食指尖的黑球中,化作了一颗直径十厘米左右的黑白相间金属球。 Then, only needs through the special gold metallurgy method, removes inside metal impurities, then can gain the gu spirit iron. 接下来,只需要通过特殊的炼金方法,去掉里面的金属杂质,便能够获取到其中的蛊灵铁了。 Maintains composure to receive the material, Relo continues stand forth. 不动声色将材料收起,雷洛继续向前走去。 Had the harvest well, the Relo mood also many, displayed a more intense anticipation to this underground small vestige. 有了收获,雷洛心情也好了不少,对这处地下小遗迹也表现出了更强烈期待。 In underground laboratory empty, only then rows of do not know that the function the wooden frame, probably a evacuated library, has come to the end, Relo saw a lithical test platform, as well as a dry corpse. 地下实验室内空荡荡的,只有一排排不知道功用的木架,像是一个被搬空的图书馆,一直走到尽头,雷洛才看见了一处石质试验台,以及一具干尸。 This should be the form that in the middle of these skeleton memories hates.” “这应该就是那些骸骨记忆当中怨恨的身影吧。” Relo walks toward this dry corpse. 雷洛向这具干尸走去。 If here also has what secret and harvest, wants to come should on his body. 如果这里还有什么秘密和收获,想来应该就在他的身上了。 I was expelled my territory, sank to sleep here in 1000......” “我被逐出自己的领地,又在这里沉眠了一千年……”
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