GANS :: Volume #4 太阳法则

#548: Principle weapon ( 10 )

Another side. 另一边。 „......” “啊……” Is only left over must remnantly the evildoer's disguise demon of shape organism, sends out a short sad and shrill pitiful yell. 仅剩下残须状肌体的画皮魔,发出一声短暂的凄厉惨叫。 The blood red root hair organism, twists is vanishing in the crack, impressively is this dark incantation alliance elder who hidden in the dark bird left eye mysterious space, drawing. 血红色根须肌体,扭曲着消失在裂缝中,赫然是这位隐藏在暗雀左眼神秘空间的暗咒联盟长老,将之拖入。 Here. 这边。 Dark green grasps with bare hands in the Relo nape of the neck place. 苍白手掌握在雷洛脖颈处。 The palm place transmits the infinite suction, resembling to use the same technique, drags to entrain it similarly is enthralled in the secret space. 手掌处传来无穷的吸力,似要用相同的手法,将其同样拖拽入神秘空间内。 The livelihood double pupil eye pupil, is staring at front pale palm, facing this strong strange suction, as well as that unknown mysterious space, the Relo instinct struggles. 日月双瞳眼眸,凝视着面前的苍白手掌,面对这强大诡异的吸力,以及那充满未知的神秘空间,雷洛本能挣扎起来。 Moves mountains in all directions the attraction imprisonment, accumulates overlapping in his body, is resisting the fearful suction in crack. 四面八方排山倒海般的引力禁锢,层层叠叠累积在他的身躯上,对抗着裂缝内的可怕吸力。 . 咔嚓,咔嚓。 Affected by this, the strength that both sides will hold, made this jet black crack expand unexpectedly slightly, as if must on the contrary the opposite party the appearance that pulled out from that mysterious unknown space. 受此影响,双方将持的力量,竟然让这条漆黑裂缝稍稍扩张了一些,反倒似乎要将对方从那神秘未知的空间内抽出来的样子。 Meanwhile, behind of this pale arm, appears impressively a fierce old woman. 同时,这条苍白手臂的后面,赫然浮现出一个狰狞的老妪。 The old lady is smiling densely, like hell devil who in the scripture described, on the skinny skeleton head crawled completely the green insect of creeping motion, the illegible several wisps sent dry/does, wears bronze ancient Guan, can see that faintly the innumerable distortion shadow topped the distortion to wail in ancient. 老太婆森森笑着,像极了圣典中描述的地狱魔鬼,皮包骨头般的骷髅脑袋上爬满了蠕动的绿虫,潦草的几缕干发上,戴着一枚青铜古冠,隐隐能够看到数不清的扭曲阴影在古冠上扭曲哀嚎着。 Hissing hissing hissing hissing...... 嘶嘶嘶嘶嘶嘶嘶嘶…… The hoarse laughter, and flows out the viscous liquid with the laughter from the old woman mouth. 沙哑的笑声,并随着笑声从老妪嘴巴里流出粘稠的液体。 Gives up struggling, I will build an entire hell paradise for you here, making you in frightened and suffers, becomes my spirits.” “放弃挣扎吧,我会在这里为你建立一整座地狱乐园,让你在恐惧与折磨中,成为我的器灵。” The dense words, show her excitement. 森森话语,透出她的兴奋。 Her strength, promoted one section impressively! 她的力量,赫然提升了一截! Facing this mysterious terrifying dark incantation Great Elder True Body, even if by Relo of this moment condition, refuses to compromise somewhat is also less unexpectedly, the body not natural distortion leans forward slowly, was being towed to entrain into that mysterious space by it gradually. 面对这位神秘恐怖的暗咒大长老真身,纵使以此刻状态的雷洛,僵持中竟也有些不及,身体不自然的缓缓扭曲前倾着,渐渐被其拖拽入那神秘的空间内。 Once enters, the consequence is inconceivable. 而一旦进入其中,后果难以想象。 After all, grasps this independent space the lifeform, even by the Star Screen World evolution history, were still the extremely rare talent imposing variation. 毕竟,掌握这种独立空间的生物,即使以星幕世界进化史而言,也是极其罕见的天赋凛然变异了。 Moreover in the middle of this kind of lifeform, often because of the unique talent, then lost the other strength of evolution. 而且这类生物当中,往往又因为独特天赋,进而丧失了其他的一些进化之力。 For example wisdom or life intensity wait/etc.. 例如智慧或者生命强度等等。 Only then this dark incantation Great Elder, as well as evildoer's disguise demon parasites so, uses itself to parasite the characteristics evolution of body lifeform, with these talent imposing biofacies unions, its talent nature display to the limit, can have such strength. 只有这位暗咒大长老,以及画皮魔这般的寄生生物,利用自己寄生体生物的特性进化,与这些天赋凛然生物相结合,将其天赋性质发挥至极限,才能够拥有如此的力量。 Also so, is not difficult to understand that this evildoer's disguise demon after sensation to dark bird, was so unexpectedly rude. 如此,也就不难理解这只画皮魔在感知到暗雀后,竟如此失态了。 After all according to Relo knows, even if the anthropology studies space science domain side few scholar , is uses all sorts to have space attribute precious rare magic material, as well as some on fossils, even is similar to dark bird talent imposing Medium Companion so, can display some end slightly Strength of Space. 毕竟据雷洛所知,纵使人类学专攻空间学术领域的极少学者,也无一不是利用种种具备空间属性的珍贵稀有魔导材料,以及一些上古生物遗骸,甚至类似于暗雀这般的天赋凛然媒介伙伴,才能都发挥出一些末微空间之力 Wants this talent as the ordinary science use, is almost the impossible matter. 想要将这种天赋作为普通学术般动用,几乎是不可能的事情。 Dense laughter, terrifying attracting customer interest from the jet black crack of dark bird left eye, transmits continuously. 森森的笑声,恐怖的吸扯力从暗雀左眼的漆黑裂缝中,源源不断传来。 Even the full power resistance of Relo, is still hard to resist this to stand in dark incantation Great Elder of higher Legend lifeform strength level, the head was inhaled in the left eye of dark bird gradually. 即使雷洛的全力抗拒,依然难以抵御这位已经站在高等传奇生物力量层次的暗咒大长老,头部渐渐被吸入到暗雀的左眼中。 . 噗。 His upper part had been towed to entrain thoroughly. 他的上半身已经被彻底拖拽进去。 Is feeling in all directions the entirely different strange survival rule, was resisting Relo of crisis, is actually startled suddenly, strange color looking into the distance to the space of this gloomy nihility. 感受着四面八方截然不同的诡异生存规则,原本正在对抗危机的雷洛,却突然一怔,诡异之色的眺望向这片灰暗虚无的空间。 Without the attraction. 没有引力。 Without the energy. 没有能量。 Even does not have up. 甚至没有光。 Having is only the pure nihility, as if not by attraction ray pollution space. 有得只是纯净的虚无,仿佛没有被引力光线‘污染’过的宇宙空间。 As qualified high-level scholar, even at this moment, he were still maintaining the rationality, this is the place of nihility principle has not a. 作为合格的高等学者,即使此刻,他仍然保持着理性,这是一片连法则都没有触及到的虚无之地。 But in the place of this strange indistinct nihility, all that Relo sees, sees with outside world all entirely different, here not so-called Sky and Earth, do not have the high and low division, all are the float in the midair, that it seems like it is fierce the fearsome old woman in the outside world, at this moment unexpectedly in pale blue line between two points shape, just like structure sketch, towering appearance in crack. 而在这诡异缥缈的虚无之地中,雷洛所看到的一切,也与外面世界所看到的一切截然不同,这里没有所谓的天空大地,没有上下之分,所有一切都是漂浮在半空中的,那个在外面世界看来狰狞可怖的老妪,此刻竟是以淡蓝色的点线形态,宛如结构素描般,突兀的出现在裂缝内。 Not is only she. 不仅仅是她。 Stone that even these drift, by the evildoer's disguise demon and innumerable specimen of stone seal , is the structure sketch condition of line. 甚至于那些飘浮的石块,被石块封印的画皮魔与数不清的标本,也都是点与线的结构素描状态。 But from these so-called stones, Relo can the sensation, unexpectedly be the purest dark essence aura. 而从这些所谓的石块上,雷洛所能感知到的,竟是最纯粹的黑暗精华气息。 This is place of seal! 这是一片封印之地! Welcome to the hell.” “欢迎来到地狱。” According to exciting sound that continuously. 按奈不住的兴奋声音。 When Relo raised the head again looks into the distance, the old woman who this point and line alternately draw, has changed into hundred meters greatness. 雷洛再抬头眺望时,这个点与线交叉绘成的老妪,早已化为百米之巨。 Here, she just like the gods who that creates the world, the right hand that extends slowly, the thumb and index finger on as if are clutching a grape, pressed firmly between the fingers the head of Relo, must drag to entrain into this piece of desolated hell secret realm him from the Vortex mouth. 在这里,她就宛如那创世的神明,缓缓伸出的右手,大拇指与食指就仿佛在揪一颗葡萄,捏住了雷洛的脑袋,要将他从旋涡口拖拽入这片荒芜的地狱秘境 Fills with the desperate aura, just like nightmare that is unable to regain consciousness forever. 充满绝望的气息,宛如永远无法苏醒的噩梦。 Remains in the material world latter half-length, is falling in torrents with the continuous energy, fills to inject this nihility in the space. 残留在物质世界的后半身,正随着源源不断的能量倾泻,灌注入这片虚无的空间中。 Originally leads into this nihility space Relo the strength, is not here suction, but is outside oppression thrust force! 原来将雷洛带入这片虚无空间的力量,并非是这里的吸力,而是外面的压迫推力! Interesting.” “有趣。” Suddenly. 蓦然。 As the Relo ordinary face appears to wipe the strange smile, along with the towering words, is lowering the head the old woman who overlooks to make to pick the grape stance, is startled slightly. 随着雷洛平淡无奇面庞浮现出一抹诡异的笑容,伴随着突兀话语,正低头俯瞰做出摘葡萄姿态的老妪,不禁微微一怔。 But also flickers merely. 但也仅仅只是一瞬罢了。 The expression that the old woman solidifies then changes again fiercely smiles strangely, clutches right hand then fierce effort of grape, under this secretive weird space influence, the Relo body enters the space part, similarly presents the sky-blue ray shape, by drawing noodles attire, even like twisting the towel, disintegrates the light group from within the body unceasingly, was diluted by this space. 老妪凝固的表情便再次化作狰狞怪笑,揪葡萄的右手便猛的一用力,在这诡秘怪诞的空间影响下,雷洛身体进入空间的部分,同样呈现蔚蓝色光线形态,被拉成了面条装,甚至像拧毛巾般,从体内不断瓦解出点点光团,被这片空间稀释。 His face appears to wipe the pain. 他面庞不禁浮现出一抹痛苦。 Hissing the exciting strange laughter, the old woman fierce long-tongue is licking the lip. 嘶嘶的兴奋怪笑声,老妪狰狞长舌舔着嘴唇。 Interesting?” “有趣吗?” After her excitement maintained the short moment, suddenly detects anything. 她的兴奋维持了短暂片刻后,突然又察觉到什么。 This moment Relo body under the subtle space function, has looked like the rubber band to be twisted elongated several times, still had the part to remain outside, had not hauled in this space thoroughly. 此刻雷洛身体在微妙的空间作用下,已经像皮筋般被扭曲拉长了几倍,却仍有部分残留在外面,没有被彻底拉进这个空间。 After the color of short surprise, the old woman was fiercer. 短暂诧异之色后,老妪更加狰狞了。 Except for that several old codgers, like you such tenacious fellow, but also is really rare!” “除了那几个老不死的,像你这么顽强的家伙,还真是少见啊!” By the evildoer's disguise of dark essence imprisonment, is only left over final is remained the consciousness, will fall into momentarily sinks it of dormancy, is staring at still Relo that struggles strongly, together silent sigh. 黑暗精华禁锢的画皮,仅剩下最后的残留意识,随时将会陷入沉眠的它,凝望着仍在竭力挣扎的雷洛,一道无声的叹息。 Strength of Space that this dark incantation elder develops, has arrived at unthinkable that it is unable to understand. 这位暗咒长老所开发的空间之力,已经到达它所无法理解的匪夷所思。 Was twisted the bread twist shape Relo, in the pain is still maintaining the demeanor strongly, is feeling that thing more and more active energy, suddenly, as points out frankly the shell, but the ripple the package, will spread Altar communicator Windsor's inconceivable astonishment and angry. 被拧成麻花状的雷洛,痛苦中依然竭力保持着风度,感受着那个东西越来越活跃的能量,突然,随着一道破壳而出的波纹将之包裹,传出了【祭坛沟通者】温莎不可思议的惊异和恼怒。 What's the matter! You now where! Transmits in the altar? Regardless of this situation regarding you are I, is the quite dangerous rash behavior!” “怎么回事!你现在在哪里!难道是在祭坛传送?这种情况不论对于你还是我,可是相当危险的冒失行为!” I by the dangerous lifeform of grasping the space talent locked, first leads me to leave this.” “我被一个掌握空间天赋的危险生物锁定了,先带我离开这。” Is saying, Relo while looked to the old woman. 一边说着,雷洛一边看向了老妪。 Hides the base and low lifeform in shadow, here this my main body has locked, you cannot run away.” “躲藏在阴影中的卑微生物,这里已经本我的本体锁定,你跑不掉的。” As if a skidding loach, in the old woman shakes in surprised and anger, Relo „”, quilt Altar communicator Windsor by Strength of Space, from the dark bird Vortex left eye of distortion pulled out. 仿佛一只滑溜的泥鳅,在老妪震愕与愤怒中,雷洛“咻”的一声,被【祭坛沟通者】温莎以空间之力,从扭曲的暗雀旋涡左眼抽了出来。 Was then miserable, I lost three higher Fragmented World Stone!” “这下惨了,我足足损失了三颗高等零界石!” Also in distortion that has not transformed from the space sober. 还没从空间转换的扭曲中清醒。 Relo then heard Windsor's grieved complaint, rubbed the forehead, fixes the eyes on looked, at this moment oneself has appeared in a altar. 雷洛便听到了温莎的心痛抱怨,揉了揉额头,定睛一看,此刻自己已经出现在了一座祭坛上。 Hasn't worn the clothes quickly?” “还不快穿上衣服?” Was reminded by Windsor, was just then attracted after the Relo idea to oneself pulls into that strange space and time, unexpectedly including scholar clothing/taking is torn into shreds, rushes to gather the surrounding natural energy, gathered clothes of one set of energy. 被温莎提醒,雷洛这才主意到自己刚刚被吸扯入那个诡异时空后,竟然连身上的学士服被撕碎了,赶忙聚集周围自然能量,汇聚了一套能量之衣。 Naturally, regarding two people levels, the clothes of this type of energy are more is the etiquette nature. 当然,对于两人的层次,这种能量之衣更多是礼仪性质。 Is good does not have other scholar to see distressed one because of the surroundings. 好在周围没有其他学者看到狼狈一幕。 Who opponent is, grasped the space talent unexpectedly, making you so distressed?” “对手是谁,竟然掌握了空间天赋,让你如此狼狈?” Windsor greeted one calmly, said: To save you, my loss was too big, you may probably compensate for my damage!” 温莎若无其事的问候了一句,又道:“为了救你,我的损失太大了,你可要赔偿我的损失!” Bang. 嘭。 Huge demon thing corpse crashes, falls on the nearby by chance, the blood that splashes has the intense corrosion nature, is used to camouflage the War Puppet metal wreckage of altar to corrode a large cave/hole Windsor, reveals the Sky current frigid war. 一具庞大的魔物尸体坠落,恰巧落在附近,溅起的血液具有强烈腐蚀性质,将温莎用来遮蔽祭坛的战争傀儡金属残骸腐蚀出一个大洞,露出天空正在进行的惨烈战争。 Tiny corpse crashes just like the raindrop, Balloon Airship braves the billowing thick smoke to fall. 渺小尸体宛如雨点般坠落,一艘气球飞艇冒着滚滚浓烟滑落。 The livelihood double pupil instinct discovered anything, wipes the pleasant surprise of not covering up. 日月双瞳本能发现了什么,一抹不加掩饰的惊喜。 In that demon cloud Xibao slit, the horizon dark end, in tens of thousands of star light, an average man even unobservable dark-red luminous spot, appeared in the horizon end. 在那魔云稀薄的缝隙,地平线的黑暗尽头,数以万计的星光之中,一颗常人甚至难以察觉的暗红色光点,出现在了地平线的尽头。 That Relo main body True Body! 那正是雷洛的本体真身 It finally broke through the place arc field of vision impediment of Land of Star Curtain, can through the naked eye, conduct observes intuitively. 它终于突破了星幕之地的地弧视野阻隔,能够通过肉眼,进行直观的观察了。 Although compares in these permanent universe unsetting bodies, light that it sends out and hot really insignificant, compares in sufficiently the attraction that affects the heavenly body to revolve, its attraction principle almost can ignore, but regarding perching low life on this heavenly body, without doubt has completed the life evolution journey of being possible some type essentially. 虽然相较于那些恒久的宇宙恒星天体,它所散发的光与热实在微不足道,相较于足以影响天体运转的引力,它的引力法则几乎可以忽略不计,但对于栖息在这颗天体上的低等生命而言,无疑已经完成可某种本质上的生命进化旅程。 In this may under the heavenly body influence, this moment Relo by the situation of its shadow, arrive on this heavenly body, looked to some direction, and in the Windsor puzzled color, stretched out the right arm slowly. 在这可天体影响下,此刻雷洛以其阴影的形势,降临在这颗天体上,看向了某个方向,并在温莎不解之色中,缓缓伸出右臂。 „The technique of siphon.” “虹吸之术。” Beyond more than ten kilometers. 十余千米外。 Is fleeing the dark bird of battlefield region fast, the body shakes suddenly, the left eye of jet black Vortex, looks back inconceivable. 正在快速逃离战场区域的暗雀,身体突然一震,漆黑旋涡的左眼,不可思议向后看去。
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