GANS :: Volume #4 太阳法则

#542: Principle weapon ( 4 )

The god of apostle Grand Academy of Natural Science initiation scholar Chapter 542 principle weapon strength, pushed to the front unexpectedly, rushed to Relo and Windsor front. 格兰自然科学院启蒙学者第542章法则武器力量之神使徒,竟是一马当先,冲到了雷洛与温莎两人的前面。 A divinity strength that the body winds around, lets it under the thick crazy semblance, had unexpectedly sacredly some. 身体缭绕的一丝神性力量,让其在粗狂的外表下,竟有了一些神圣。 Or pursues the principle oppression that the god of strength brings, dominates in the breadth of spirit dignity of all living things. 或者说,追逐力量之神所带来的法则压迫,凌驾于众生的气魄威严。 Just like a shell, is sending out the sonic boom ripple! 宛如一枚炮弹,散发着音爆波纹! The bald place visited, seeks in dozens meters range to sweep just like the strong winds, lets surrounding Sky Knight Regiment and Adviser scholar has a big shock, hurried avoidance. 光头所过之处,贪图数十米范围内宛如狂风扫过,不禁让周围的天空骑士团学者顾问们大惊失色,匆忙退避。 Hahahaha!” “哈哈哈哈!” The insolent laughter, the god of wild breadth of spirit strength, takes in everything at a glance on his apostle. 张狂笑声,力量之神狂暴气魄,在其使徒身上一览无余。 So frank, actually with overwhelming majorities envoys who are responsible for supporting Grand Duchy big courtyard diameter, after all here is not the native country letter/believes earth, although if the lips are gone , the teeth will be cold , is very difficult to let these surrounding countries influences, the true wholeheartedly invests into this war. 如此直率,倒是与绝大多数负责支援格兰公国的使者们大相庭径,毕竟这里并非故国信土,虽说唇亡齿寒,却也很难让这些周边国家势力,真正全身心投入到这场战争中。 But god of apostle this strength, actually seems like an exception! 但这位力量之神使徒,却似乎是个例外! The concealment under the black robe, communicates Relo of strength of True Body at this moment, is shadow of one group of light dark distortions, if carefully does not observe, almost does not have any aura divulging, incomparable mysticalness. 隐匿于黑袍之下,此刻沟通真身之力的雷洛,则是一团光暗扭曲的黑影,若不仔细观察,几乎没有任何气息泄露,无比的神秘。 This lets the one side Altar communicator Windsor, the eyelid jumps crazily. 这让一旁的【祭坛沟通者】温莎,不禁眼皮狂跳。 Through the special space and time science research, her strength, although is not splendid, because actually communicated many unknown strange lives, fully realized the horror of some specially having, has far exceeded the imagination limit of average person. 通过特殊的时空学术研究,她自身的力量虽然并不出色,但却因为沟通了许多未知的奇异生命,深知其中一些特殊存在的恐怖程度,已经远远超出了普通人的想象极限。 She is unable to understand these things specifically, actually to have what kind of real strength, actually to be what kind of level, but in the Windsor heart, actually conducted to it sorted. 她无法具体了解那些东西,究竟拥有怎样的真实力量,究竟达到了怎样的层次,但在温莎心中,却对其进行了一些排序。 And several unequalled terrifying, even many through consciousness short communication, then can create existence of wound to it, in her heart even it listed as with Radiant Creator with the dangerous terrifying to the high life body. 其中有几个无与伦比恐怖者,甚至不乏通过意识短暂沟通,便能够对其造成创伤的存在,她心中甚至将其列为了与光明造物主同危险恐怖的至高生命体。 Two months ago, by your majesty was ordered secretly, to draw support from the spirit can the strength of altar, the accident/surprise communicate to that hides arbitrary existence in shadow level, unexpectedly is almost with the god of Grand Duchy close strength. 至于两个月前,受到陛下密令,借助于灵能祭坛之力,意外沟通到那个躲在阴影层中的蛮横存在,竟是几乎与格兰公国近在咫尺的力量之神。 According to Windsor to words of its sorting, in its ditch through in many mysterious lifeform, then should enter to the medium level reluctantly. 按照温莎内心对其排序的话,在其沟通过的诸多神秘生物中,则应该勉强进入到中等层次了。 But side Strength of Sun Words. 而身边这位【太阳之力】的话。 Only from the strength in surface, in Windsor suffices through in the middle of many absurd lifeform, is almost not popular existence. 单从表面上的力量来看,在温莎够通过的诸多诡诞生物当中,几乎属于不入流的存在。 After all. 毕竟。 As long as can contact the lifeform of strength of some space and times slightly, at least is also the rare talent imposing tyrannical Legend level, can receive the special summon that Windsor studies. 但凡能够稍稍接触到一些时空之力的生物,至少也是罕见的天赋凛然强横传奇层次,才能够接收到温莎所研究出的特殊召唤。 However. 然而。 Comes from the keen sixth sensation, Windsor actually as if felt an unknown danger from him faintly, that was in her facing certain extremely dangerous lifeform times, response that can present. 来自于敏锐的第六感知中,温莎却似乎隐隐从他身上感受到了一种未知的危险,那是在她面对某些极度危险生物时候,才会出现的反应。 After this also Corleone recommended Relo initially, the reason of her rejection has not been. 这也是当初柯里昂推荐了雷洛以后,她并未拒绝的原因所在。 You how?” “你怎么了?” The Relo sound as if inundates unknowingly. 雷洛的声音仿佛漫不经意。 Both have followed the god of apostle and love god of apostle strength, in tandem spanned the less than half defensive buffer, will soon arrive sounds the signal for battle the frontline. 两者已经追随力量之神使徒与爱情之神使徒,一前一后跨越了小半个防守缓冲区,即将来到吹响战斗号角的前线。 It’s nothing.” “没什么。” Windsor shakes the head, said slowly: Both of us follow to arrive in the frontline in their behind like this, if were seen by the following little fellows, perhaps is not quite good?” 温莎摇了摇头,却又缓缓道:“我们两人这样追随在他们的后面抵达前线,若是被下面的小家伙们看到了,恐怕不太好吧?” Relo hears word, stares at the god of apostle who strength pushes to the front to front, shakes the head slightly, a chuckle. 雷洛闻言,凝望向前面一马当先的力量之神使徒,微微摇头,一声轻笑。 Some rare people are willing to be duchy strive like this, we do not disturb his interest.” “难得有人肯这样为公国出力,我们还是不要打搅了他的兴致。” ...... 呃…… Windsor has not said anything again. 温莎没有再多说什么。 Finally, two people at two gods cause the apostle behind, arrived at the frontline. 终于,两人在两位神使使徒的身后,来到了前线。 In the Balloon Airship deck, is bald is threatening to roar toward an officer. 气球飞艇甲板上,光头正朝着一名士官气势汹汹咆哮着。 Your grand person except for firing these shells, does not have the soft egg of muscle! Follows me to believe the god of great strength, he will give your infinite courage!” “你们格兰人除了发射这些炮弹,难道就都是没有肌肉的软蛋吗!追随我信仰伟大的力量之神吧,他将赋予你们无穷的勇气!” The officers and several defend scholar in the confused hurry, braces oneself to compensate to smile to deal with. 士官和几名守备学者在忙乱中,硬着头皮赔笑应付。 Until Relo and Windsor tread in the deck, looked baldly, the hum/snort roared: These fellows' combat plans cling to tenaciously unexpectedly here, is really one crowd of rice bucket waste!” 直到雷洛和温莎踏到甲板上,光头才看了过来,哼声咆哮道:“这些家伙的作战计划竟然是在这里死守,真是一群饭桶废物!” Relo in the soldiers of many intense alerts focus attention on, looked into the distance to the distant place. 雷洛则在诸多紧张戒备的士兵瞩目中,眺望向了远方。 Demon of flight, the speed without doubt be faster than the ground, the vanguard has almost started fragmentarily encounters with Sky Knight Regiment. 飞行的魔物,速度无疑要比地面快了许多,先锋几乎已经开始零零星星的与天空骑士团交锋。 As for the ground in just like the tidal dense and numerous demon group, the speed wanted slowly, seemed like must have a while time, can battle with these rewiring regiments. 至于地面上宛如潮水般的密密麻麻魔物群,速度则要慢了许多,看起来还要有一会儿时间,才能与那些重装军团交战。 „Before wipes dead out the brilliance.” “只是一抹寂灭前的光辉罢了。” The lifeform in ground, has suffered the radiation pollution, Relo clearly knows that crosses at most again the less than half month, these low organism will change batches of dying, even exterminated, war at this moment, but was ahead of time the painful experience of death. 地面上的生物,已经遭受到了辐射污染,雷洛清楚知道至多再过小半个月,这些低等生物们变将会成批成批的死去,甚至于就此灭绝,此刻的战争,不过是提前了死亡的痛苦经历而已。 What did you say?” “你说什么?” Windsor asked that she seemed like slightly obviously cautious. 温莎问道,她看起来似乎稍显拘谨。 It’s nothing.” “没什么。” Relo shakes the head, looks Sky to this first defensive battleline comprised of twenty Balloon Airship, the magic crystal cannon is ready, many soldiers have been swallowing crazily control the water, controlled weapon that in the hand shivered diligently. 雷洛摇了摇头,看向这附近天空由二十几艘气球飞艇组成的第一道防守阵线,魔晶大炮蓄势待发,不少士兵已经在疯狂吞咽控水,努力控制自己手中颤抖的武器了。 Has spirituality demon to break through the Knight Regiment defense, just like the flying arrow, flew to here, fired into the Balloon Airship deck the unlucky fellow. 已经有灵性魔物冲破了骑士团防御,宛如离弦之箭,飞向了这边,冲向气球飞艇甲板上倒霉的家伙。 Quack quack! Tasty surface lifeform!!” “呱呱呱呱!鲜美的地表生物!!” In invading Grand Duchy demon, relatively rare weird lump crow, arrives on the Balloon Airship that this moment Relo was. 一只在入侵格兰公国魔物中,相对稀有的怪诞瘤鸦,来到了此刻雷洛所在的这艘气球飞艇上。 Is covered with the down the sturdy powerful both legs, the sharp claws as if blade. 长满绒毛的粗壮有力双腿,利爪仿佛刀刃。 It is very unfortunate! 它很不幸! This opens the pair of wings about three meters, the both legs as if camel four limbs sturdy lung lifeform, the sharp claws just contacted protection energy cover of airship, then that stood powerful bald one is grasped on the bow, in the pitiful yell sound tore down the head. 这个张开双翼三米左右,双腿仿佛骆驼四肢般粗壮的肺性生物,利爪才刚刚接触到飞艇的守护能量罩,便被那个站在船头上的威风凛凛光头一把抓了过来,惨叫声中撕下了脑袋。 Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle...... 咕嘟,咕嘟,咕嘟…… He begins unexpectedly supinely, drinks to heart's content the blood of demon, whatever the demon blood sprinkles in own water distinctly, is covered with the chest of black wool. 他竟仰起了头,畅饮起魔物的鲜血,任由魔物鲜血洒在自己菱角分明、长满黑毛的胸口。 So, making Grand Soldier on deck swallow saliva in abundance, constraining in heart also alleviated. 如此一幕,让甲板上的格兰士兵们纷纷咽了一口口水,心中的压抑也缓解了许多。 The demon quantity that the front wells up gradually is actually increasing, has started to have some small demon to cross here defense line, charged into rear area 前方涌来的魔物数量却在逐渐增多,已经开始有小部分魔物越过这边的防线,冲向了更后方 That side!” “那边!” Windsor tried hard to lower oneself sound, with the tonality that only then Relo heard said. 温莎努力压低了自己的声音,用只有雷洛听到的音调说道。 Relo from had detected. 雷洛自是有所察觉。 His vision, slightly crossed that tens of thousands of rare demon ethnic group, fell on silver white metal luster giant blade edge demon, knit the brows slightly. 他的目光,略过了那数以万计的稀有魔物族群,落在了银白金属色泽的巨大刀锋魔物身上,微微皱眉。 New demon? Still is welling up demon from the place bottom world?” “新的魔物?还在从地底世界涌来魔物?” Relo has never received the information of similar demon. 雷洛从未收到过类似魔物的情报。 Its True Body, about seven meters, in the Legend level biological application, are not huge, lower part as if six foot spiders, the upper part is covered with the fierce weird shape of blade edge, is directing side tens of thousands of low demon, moving mountains throws turbulently to here. 它的真身,大约七米左右,在传奇级生物领域中,并不算庞大,下半身仿佛一只六脚蜘蛛,上半身则是长满刀锋的狰狞怪诞形态,正指挥着身边数以万计的低等魔物们,排山倒海的向这边汹涌扑来。 It seems like tonight the opponent should be it, but also there is to discover other fiendish people?” “看来今晚我们的对手应该就是它了,还有没有发现其他魔王?” Temporarily had not discovered.” “暂时还没有发现。” Windsor at this moment, took out a mini altar impressively, only slightly is merely bigger than the crystal ball, drifts in the midair, several are similar to the software fruit jelly lifeform, assumes the translucent light green luster, is having the eye of similar snail, was summoned by her. 此刻的温莎,赫然取出了一个迷你祭坛,仅仅只比水晶球略大一些,飘浮在半空中,有几个类似于软体果冻般的生物,呈半透明的淡绿色泽,长着类似蜗牛的眼睛,被她召唤出来。 This seems like the pet that she raises, the vitality extraordinary appearance 这似乎是她饲养的宠物,生命力非凡的样子 Eats them.” “去吃掉它们。” Windsor refers, is several demon of dissociation near this Balloon Airship, but is extremely really small and weak regarding Relo and other criticism/human language, therefore has not cared. 温莎所指,正是游离在这艘气球飞艇附近的几头魔物,不过对于雷洛等人言实在太过弱小,因此并未在意。 Actually sees this to assume the translucent pale-green strange lifeform, as if glue water froth that pushes from the mobile space, unceasingly inflating, as if there is high elasticity, after the stretch, speed wonderful quick incomparable, plunges demon that several had not detected. 却见这个呈半透明淡绿色的诡异生物,仿佛从移动空间中挤出来的胶水泡泡般,不断膨胀着,仿佛具有高度弹性般,拉伸后速度奇快无比,扑向了那几个仍未察觉的魔物们。 After small moment, these demon then pitiful yells, integrated within the body by this translucent lifeform. 小片刻后,这几个魔物便纷纷一声惨叫,被这个半透明生物融入到了体内。 Un? 嗯? Surprisingly, others can see its endo-abdominal demon unexpectedly clearly instead by the rapid digestion process, a faint trace energy essence is gathering, forms a one by one pill and so on thing, in its translucent body slightly obviously towering. 让人惊异的是,其他人竟能够清楚看到它腹内魔物反被飞速的消化过程,一丝丝能量精华正在聚集起来,形成一一颗颗丸药之类的东西,在它半透明身体里稍显突兀。 Quick, nearby several demon were then swallowed by its one by one. 很快,附近的几只魔物便被它一一吞噬。 What lifeform is this?” “这是什么生物?” Then is Relo, does not reveal wipes surprisedly, looked to the blood cell in Windsor hand. 便是雷洛,也不又露出一抹惊奇,看向了温莎手中的血球。 This seems like a method of collection inferior bloodline mark. 这似乎是一种收集劣等血脉印记的手段。 Hehe, this is I 30 years ago, the powerful lifeform of accidentally communicating, through the boost that the duty contract obtains, collecting these bloodline marks is the duty that I and it achieve.” “呵呵,这是我在三十年前,偶然沟通到的一个强大生物,通过任务契约获得的助力,收集这些血脉印记便是我和它所达成的任务。” Relo nods slowly, said looking pensive: Since plays with the lifeform of strength of bloodline, has to do with them, must be more careful, otherwise very possible is invites trouble.” 雷洛缓缓点了点头,若有所思道:“既然是玩弄血脉之力的生物,和它们打交道的时候,还是要多小心些,否则很可能是惹祸上身。”
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