GANS :: Volume #4 太阳法则

#539: Principle weapon ( 1 )

Setting sun afterglow. 夕阳余晖。 Rumble rumble rumble...... 隆隆隆隆隆隆…… In No. 2 Sky fortress core place the source of energy installs the full power to start, low and deep resonating buzz the whining noise transmits from the under foot metal platform, regarding energy scholars that has the slightest sensation strength, in abundance from the respective condition restoration. 当二号天空堡垒内部核心处的能量之源装置全功率启动,低沉的共振嗡鸣声自脚下金属平台传来,对于能量具有最细微感知力的学者们,纷纷从各自状态恢复。 Relo also put down in the hand Astronomical Telescope, the income to Space Ring, the dignified color looks after gradually gloomy horizon one, if there is an induction looked to the High Tower main hall entrance of Sky fortress. 雷洛也放下了手中天文望远镜,将之收入到空间戒指,凝重之色看向渐渐灰暗的天边一眼后,若有感应的看向了天空堡垒的高塔一层大殿门口。 Evolution Profound Truth Antonio with several military headquarters generals, grasps the scroll, in abundance stern-faced color walked. 进化奥义安东尼奥与几位军部将军,手持卷轴,纷纷一脸凝重之色的走了出来。 Below is tonight rotating days off list, prepares for the list and goes to battle with the list.” “下面是今夜的轮休名单、备战名单和出战名单。” The so-called rotating days off list, refers to the personnel who in the space fortress platform renovate. 所谓轮休名单,是指在空间堡垒平台上整修的人员。 Prepares for the list, then revolves around space fortress Protector. 备战名单,则是围绕空间堡垒周围的守护者 As for going to battle with list, was risk factor highest combatants. 至于出战名单,则是危险度最高的一线战斗人员了。 But Antonio takes the grand Imperial Scholar Committee spiritual leader, list that reads out, without doubt is conducts the design task programming to here scholars. 安东尼奥作为格兰皇家院士委员会的精神领袖,所宣读的名单,无疑是对这里的学者们进行任务规划。 Dark seal Corleone, King of War Vladić Nightmare devourer Has a nightmare quiet, Blood mosquito empress Shirley Lachsz, Altar communicator Windsor, Rainbow Fish thunder Peng's eyes Dewey, SunPower Relo, Straw curse master Boyle Vyse, Fears the scale of alligator......” “【暗黑封印者】柯里昂,【战争之王弗拉迪克【噩梦吞噬者】幽魇,【血蚊皇后】雪莉拉克丝,【祭坛沟通者】温莎,【彩虹鱼】碧娜,【雷鹏之眼】杜威,【太阳能源】雷洛,【稻草诅咒师】博拉维斯,【恐鳄之鳞】比格……” The Antonio sound fast, hands over to echo with military headquarters that tall and strong marshal voice. 安东尼奥声音飞快,与军部那名魁梧元帅声音交相呼应。 In addition Antonio, this time direct participate in a fight Imperial Academician, set out 11. 加上安东尼奥自己,此次直接参与一线战斗的皇家院士,共出动了十一位。 Can send out so to endure compared with the Legend lifeform even dominates Academician above Legend lifeform, in place of many duchy duchy, besides Sealand Duchy, only had Grand Duchy. 能够一口气出动如此多堪比传奇生物甚至凌驾传奇生物之上的院士,公国之地诸多公国中,除了西兰公国外,也就只有格兰公国了。 Then is state-run follows Balda duchy, only then the strength of causing the downfall of the nation, can achieve reluctantly. 便是国立紧随其后的巴尔达公国,也只有倾国之力,才能勉强做到。 Then receives the Transcendent Scholar list of duchy salary. 接下来便是领取公国俸禄的超凡学者名单。 But Relo in the grand Imperial Scholar Committee registration given name is SunPower, So-called Strength of Sun, but after is the fission level radiates the weapon reality explodes is successful, incorrectly relaying an erroneous message given name, because spreads widely, therefore became the Relo alternate name. 雷洛格兰皇家院士委员会的注册名讳乃是【太阳能源】,所谓的太阳之力,不过是裂变级辐射武器实爆成功后,以讹传讹的名讳,因为流传广泛,所以又成了雷洛的别称。 In these Academician. 这些院士之中。 Dark seal Corleone, King of War Vladić, Nightmare devourer Has a nightmare quiet, Blood mosquito empress, Altar communicator The Shirley Lachsz five people, Relo calculates that has more or less contacted, understood slightly. 【暗黑封印者】柯里昂,【战争之王弗拉迪克,【噩梦吞噬者】幽魇,【血蚊皇后】,【祭坛沟通者】雪莉拉克丝五人,雷洛都算或多或少有所接触,稍稍了解了一些。 Especially Altar communicator Windsor, along with Antonio goes out from the main hall, after the vision sees Relo, but then natural however walked, must complete the task with Relo together, according to the agreement receives the appearance of Relo asylum. 尤其是【祭坛沟通者】温莎,随安东尼奥从大殿走出,目光看到雷洛后,便自然而然走了过来,显然是要与雷洛一起完成任务,按照约定受到雷洛庇护的样子。 Several other Academician. 其他几名院士 Rainbow Fish thunder Peng's eyes The Dewey two people are established grand Academician. 彩虹鱼】碧娜,【雷鹏之眼】杜威两人均为老牌格兰院士 Two people are located in south bountiful duchy year to year, because is not outstanding in the Imperial Scholar Committee position and research area, therefore with Altar communicator, 【The heart of ghost shark Waiting for Evolution Profound Truth area research Academician is the same, is very low-key, with Relo merely is because an ultra body native of Singapore and dark plundering survival system idea dissemination, has had the short putting in an appearance human relations. 只是两人常年位于富饶的公国南方,又因为在皇家院士委员会所处地位和研究领域并不出众,因此与【祭坛沟通者】、【鬼鲛之心】等等进化奥义领域研究院士一样,十分低调,和雷洛仅仅是因为超体星人和黑暗掠夺生存体系理念传播,有过短暂的照面交际而已。 ****** Gentle middle-aged female scholar, Rainbow Fish As if detected that Relo spying on secret in secret, smiles gently, making one bathe in fresh air. ******的文质彬彬中年女学者,【彩虹鱼】碧娜似乎察觉到雷洛暗中的暗中窥探,温婉笑了一笑,让人如沐春风。 Comparatively speaking, another side thunder Peng's eyes Dewey fills the wild unblock eyes coldly the glance, after Relo four items of looking at each other, the Relo apology smiled, put aside the vision. 相较之下,另一边的【雷鹏之眼】杜威充满狂暴的疏通双眼则冷冷一瞥,与雷洛四目对视后,雷洛歉意一笑,移开了目光。 You may not annoy this bird man.” “你可千万别惹这鸟人。” Altar communicator After Windsor arrives at the Relo side, said with a smile low and deep: We like calling his bird man in secret, in the past Balda duchy Barbaric king The rise, ridiculed that his speed is inferior to own mount, finally this old fogy with Barbaric king Pursued escaped for a month, almost crossed 78 Balda duchy, since then also had bird man's name.” 【祭坛沟通者】温莎来到雷洛身边后,低沉笑道:“我们私下里都喜欢叫他鸟人,当年巴尔达公国【野蛮之王】崛起,嘲笑他速度不如自己的坐骑,结果这个老家伙就和【野蛮之王】一追一逃了一个月,几乎把巴尔达公国横穿了七八遍,从此也就有了鸟人的称呼。” Relo said with a smile: „The Master deeds, I also heard, if as expected, 【The eye of thunder Master should be Grand Duchy speed rapidness. But by its unequalled speed, this war wants to be not excessively free, besides that several, he should also be safest.” 雷洛笑道:“大师的事迹,我也有所听闻,不出意外的话,【雷霆之眼】大师应该是格兰公国速度最快者了。而凭借其无与伦比速度,此次大战只要不过分招摇,除了那几位外,他也应该是最安全的了。” Hehe.” “呵呵。” Windsor shakes the head. 温莎摇了摇头。 „The strength of principle, the strength of essence, without breaking through to that level, under the invincible might deterrent where has what security is not unsafe.” “法则之力,本质之力,只要没有突破到那个层次,神威威慑下哪有什么安全不安全。” The word finishes, she looks at Relo, said slowly: I because of your excellency, apply to your majesty today on own initiative and 【The heart of ghost shark Traded taking turns on duty, hopes that your excellency do not forget to agree.” 言毕,她看着雷洛,缓缓道:“我可是因为阁下,今天才向陛下主动申请与【鬼鲛之心】换的轮值,希望阁下不要忘记约定。” This is natural!” “这是当然!” A prudent color, receives Relo that strength of in addition main body True Body holds, probes the character: About radiates the weapon large investment the fission level to the matter of war, how discussed?” 一副慎重之色,受到本体真身之力加持的雷洛,试探性道:“关于将裂变级辐射武器大规模投入到战争的事,商议如何了?” Shrugging. 耸了耸肩。 Windsor said: These military headquarters aristocrats did not agree, because of their families also in Saint Grandburg, their foundations in Grand Duchy, once lost these, they will not have a thing in the world. These military headquarters generals did not agree, he thought scholars is coveting life and fearing death, evades the war death, radiates the pollution of weapon unable to threaten us, but will make the ordinary soldier die......” 温莎道:“那些军部贵族们不同意,因为他们的家眷还在圣格兰堡,他们的根基都在格兰公国,一旦失去了这些,他们将一无所有。还有那些军部将军们也不同意,他觉得学者们是在贪生怕死,逃避战争死亡,辐射武器的污染不会威胁到我们,但却会让普通士兵死去……” Relo hears word, shakes the head. 雷洛闻言,不禁摇了摇头。 By radiation weapon of last night investment war, the ordinary soldier of this participation war, only feared over 20 soldiers, started the inevitable heavy radiation pollution death countdown, but over time, over 50 soldiers because in the next 1-2 years various illness died, remaining 30 in various radiation illness suffer, followed the life. 以昨夜投入战争的辐射武器,此次参与战争的普通士兵,只怕20以上的士兵,都进入到了无可避免的重度辐射污染死亡倒计时,而随着时间流逝,50以上的士兵将在未来一两年内因为各种病症死去,剩下的30则会在各种辐射病症折磨中,伴随一生。 Perhaps, only 1 is less than the higher soldier can avoid this disaster. 也许,仅有一不到的高等士兵能够避免此次灾难。 The use principle weapon consequence, is all lifeform within no difference destruction range, including weapon user! 使用法则武器的后果,便是无差别毁灭范围内的所有生物,包括武器使用者自己! Your majesty resolution?” “那陛下的决议呢?” Relo asked. 雷洛问道。 „Under did not have to decide, after all now the war situation is not clear, the military headquarters generals were confident, feel your excellency really extremely in saying things just to frighten people. Right, another makes your majesty not dare easily to use to radiate the weapon reason is these temple apostles, their wants to see Grand Duchy to degenerate into the radiation spent clay actually the appearance.” “还没有下决定,毕竟现在战争形势还不算明朗,军部将帅们信心满满,都觉得阁下所述实在太过于危言耸听了。哦,对了,另一个让陛下不敢轻易动用辐射武器的原因则是那些神殿使徒们,他们一个个的倒是十分想看到格兰公国沦为辐射废土的样子。” The brow slightly wrinkle, Relo nods, pondered the moment. 眉头微皱,雷洛点了点头,沉思了片刻。 Dusk the setting sun falls gradually. 黄昏夕阳渐渐落下。 As the list comes to an end more and more, Relo then looked that to another two Imperial Academician that joins a war said: Straw curse master Boyle Vyse, Fears the scale of alligator Incurs Academician regarding these two especially, what material do you have?” 随着名单越来越接近尾声,雷洛这才看向了加入一线战争的另外两位皇家院士道:“【稻草诅咒师】博拉维斯,【恐鳄之鳞】比格,对于这两位特招院士,你有什么资料吗?” One is under the black robe the gloomy old man, one is the arbitrary warrior of a cut above the rest, but in the eye is reappearing the sadness and hatred of not covering up. 一个是黑袍下阴森老者,一个是高人一等的蛮横斗士,只是眼中浮现着不加掩饰的悲伤和仇恨。 Both makings are entirely different. 两者气质截然不同。 As for so-called incurs Academician especially, then as a result of the demon invasion, took to the duchy greatest loss a while ago, even after connecting the buckle several Imperial Academician, to supplement, in the undetermined member who in Imperial Scholar Committee consistent vote joined. 至于所谓的特招院士,则是由于前段时间魔物入侵,带给公国莫大损失,甚至接连折损了几位皇家院士后,为了补充,才在皇家院士委员会一致表决情况下加入的待定成员。 Windsor also as the Relo vision, looked to two people. 温莎也不由随着雷洛目光,看向了两人。 Straw curse master Boyle Vyse's details I am not quite clear, only knows him by Shadow The member of recommendation, is very mystical, but is not difficult to see from the title, this should be a fearful curse master. As for Fears the scale of alligator I understands some actually slightly, hehe, this is Queen ant Disciple, yes Queen ant The member of recommendation, joins the war today, is he requested on own initiative.” “【稻草诅咒师】博拉维斯的底细我不太清楚,只知道他是由【影子】推荐的成员,十分神秘,但从称号上不难看出,这应该是一位可怕的诅咒师。至于【恐鳄之鳞】比格,我倒是稍稍了解一些,呵呵,这乃是【蚁王】的弟子,也是【蚁王】推荐的成员,今天加入战争,也是他主动请求。” Originally is this.” “原来是这样。” Relo muttered looking pensive. 雷洛若有所思喃喃道。 According to Relo knows, undetermined Academician of new promote, enough eight people , after does not know this war, but can also remaining many. 雷洛所知,新晋的待定院士,足足有八人之多,也不知此次战争后,还能剩下多少。 Sky is gradually dark. 天空渐渐黑暗下来。 Rumble rumble rumble...... 隆隆隆隆隆隆…… With the source of energy the full power starts, Sky fortress energy cover even more congealing reality, gradually reaches the peak. 伴随着全功率启动的能量之源,天空堡垒能量罩愈发凝实,逐渐达到巅峰。 The Balloon Airship group that the surrounding close neighbor protects also turned on the searchlight in abundance, appearance that the horizon that the bunch of dazzling light beam shoots towards demon cloud thick fog fill, the war is ready to be set off. 周围紧邻保护的气球飞艇群也纷纷开启了探照灯,一束束刺目光柱射向魔云浓雾弥漫的天边,大战一触即发的样子。 squeak squeak squeak squeak...... 吱吱吱吱…… The strange squeal, is continuously getting more and more stormy, can see that indistinctly the horizon flashes the shadow that passes. 诡异的尖叫声此起彼伏,越来越密集,影影绰绰能够看到天边一闪即逝的黑影。 Roar! 吼! The list read finish, is towing fierce Demon Beast mount along with elite Sky Knight Regiment, leapt, but on rode is conducting the back, after brandishing the wing shot up to the sky, in the Antonio list goes to a fight scholars, flew in abundance. 名单读毕,伴随着一名名精锐天空骑士团牵引着狰狞魔兽坐骑,一跃而上骑乘在背上,挥舞翅膀冲天而起后,安东尼奥名单中前往一线战斗的学者们,也纷纷飞了起来。 About thousand people of elite regiments, more than hundred people, have powerful scholar that opens the True Body energy, the Grand Duchy core elite is. 近千人的精锐军团,其中百余人,都是拥有开启真身能量的强大学者,格兰公国核心精锐所在。
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