The hoarsesoundhas the faint traceto wither, as ifSword Energyhas delimitedthatsand and crushed stonegeneralroughness.
沙哑的声音带着丝丝肃杀,就仿佛剑气划过那砂石一般的粗糙。Fiery, impatientcanlistenfrom the expression of opposite party.
火热,迫不及待都可以从对方的语气中听出。„Liquor, has certainly.”Bu Fangwantsto thinkto drink, was such askedbythisperson, is puts downwine glass in handto nodto say.
“酒,当然有。”步方本想酌饮,被此人这么一问,便是放下手中的酒杯点了点头道。Inthatperson of joyfulstepping intoSmall Shop, satbefore the table, the hoarsesoundcontinuedto spread: „ThatBoss, givesmeto comebottle of wine.”
那人欣喜的踏入小店之中,坐在了桌子前,沙哑的声音继续传出:“那老板,给我来一壶酒。”Bu Fang„un” the response, expressionlessly, the visiondiscardingabovethatmenu, has seen onlyonSmall Shopmenuto leaveonemuch.步方“嗯”的回应了一声,面无表情,目光投落在了那菜谱之上,只见小店菜谱上多出了一道。„Ice-heart Jadebottle of wine, 15origin crystalone jar.”
“冰心玉壶酒,十五枚元晶一坛。”15origin crystal, but also is not very really expensive, Bu Fangstares, in the heartalsowantsto open, becausethisIce-heart Jadebottle of wine, althoughis the nice wine, the material that butselectsis not the High Gradematerial, like thatdoes not have the 5th rankspirit beastegglikeEgg Fried RiceandLiquor-pickled Fish, 3rd rankfishwait/etc.spiritual energyingredient.
才十五枚元晶啊,还真不算很昂贵,步方一愣,心中也是想开,因为这冰心玉壶酒虽然是好酒,但是所选用的材料并不是什么高级材料,不像蛋炒饭、酒糟鱼那般有五阶灵兽蛋,三阶鱼肉等等灵气食材。Itsonlyselling pointpreciselythatarduousNine Wine Brewing Techniquewine-makingworking procedure, is actually ordinaryas for the material, the meter/rice that uses is also the superiorspiritual energymeter, butwill not compareEgg Fried Ricespiritual energyPearl RiceHigh Grademany.
它唯一的卖点就是那繁重的九酝酒法的酿酒工序,至于材料其实还算普通,所用的米也是上等的灵气米,但也不会比蛋炒饭的灵气珍珠米高级多少。„Can system, price-marktooadvantageous?”Bu Fangaskingsystemsilently.
“系统,会不会标价太便宜了?”步方默默的问系统。„Systemmarked pricewell attested, the dishspendswill come the comprehensive judgmentaccording toingredient, working procedure, time that Ice-heart Jadebottle of wineforeveryliquor, the pricewill not be after all high, comparesinusingHigh Gradeingredientbrewingfruit wine, as well asinspirit wineordifferencemany, 15origin crystalispinnacle.”Systemearnestandseriousanswered.
“系统标价有根有据,会依菜品所花费的食材、工序、时间等来综合判断,冰心玉壶酒毕竟为凡酒,价格不会太高,相比于用高级食材酿制的果酒,以及灵酒还是差上了不少,十五枚元晶已是极致。”系统认真而严肃的解释道。Bu Fangnods, indicatedto understand.步方点点头,表示明白。„Ice-heart Jadebottle of wine, one jar15origin crystal.”Bu Fangexpressionlesslyis sitting the bamboo hatmaninSmall Shoptothatsaid.
“冰心玉壶酒,一坛十五元晶。”步方面无表情的对着那坐在小店中的斗笠男子说道。„15origin crystal?” The man is also slightlysomewhat seems to be surprised, someone jarliquor15origin crystalexaggeration, whenheseesthatmenu, was silent.
“十五元晶?”那男子似乎也是稍稍有些惊讶,一坛酒十五元晶有些夸张啊,不过当他看到那菜谱的时候,沉默了。For a long time, is the opens the mouth: „Comesone jar, formerlyenteredlane entrance, heardsuddenly the richwinefloats, was attracted, hopes that the Bossliquorcan be joined toitsprice.”
The winedoes not fear the lanedepth, the Bu Fangcorners of the mouthcurls upwardsslightly.
酒香不怕巷子深,步方嘴角微微一翘。„Myliquor, youwill not be disappointed.” The Bu Fangveryself-confidentreply, turned aroundtheninto the kitchen, took outone jarIce-heart Jadebottle of winefrom the cabinet.
“我的酒,你不会失望的。”步方很自信的回答,尔后转身入了厨房,从橱柜中取出了一坛冰心玉壶酒。Thissmalljug is actually not big, compared withordinaryattirewine potalsowantedsmall, Bu Fangto placein front of the bamboo hatmanwine pot, indifferently said: „Yourliquor.”
The bamboo hatmannods, has taken off the mourning bandbamboo hatslowly, has revealed the mysteriousface.
斗笠男子点点头,缓缓的摘下了黑纱斗笠,露出了神秘的面孔。Bu Fangsomewhatis slightly surprisedin the facevalue of opposite party, becauselookedfrom the opposite partyoutline,alwaysfeelssomewhatfamiliar.步方稍稍有些惊讶于对方的颜值,因为从对方的轮廓上看,总感觉有几分熟悉。
Different with the hoarsesound, the opposite partyhas taken off the bamboo hat, unexpectedlyis a handsomehandsome man, the delicate and prettyappearance, the makings of scholarly, eyesprofoundsuch as the starscirculation, the lipnaturallycurls upwards, is leading a evil charm.
和沙哑的声音不同,对方摘下了斗笠,居然是一位翩翩美男子,俊美的容颜,儒雅的气质,眼眸深邃如星辰流转,嘴唇自然微翘,带着一丝邪魅。Right! ThishisandthatLittle SissyXiao Xiaolonghas3-4minute of similarunexpectedly!
没错!这丫的和那小娘炮肖小龙居然有三四分相似!„Why does Bosssolook atme?”Men'schuckle, hoarseasking.
“老板为何这般看我?”男子轻笑,沙哑的问道。„Somewhatlooks familiar, youtake your time.”Bu Fangexpressionlessly, the lightreply, thensatthen, the preparationpours outthinksthatglass of good wines.
The menalsothink little, the throathigh and lowrolledslightly, patted the wine potbouquet.
The richwineinstantaneoussuch as the volcanic eruptionruns out, emergeshisnasal cavity, slides intohisheartspleen, letshiswhole bodydeludedwallowing.
浓郁酒香瞬间如火山喷发般冲出,涌入他的鼻腔,滑入他的心脾,让他整个人如痴如醉的沉迷于其中。Pours intoBu Fang the liquortoceladon warewine glass that inheprepares, the limpidliquorfluidsuch as the remote mountainspringgeneralfresh tastingis thorough, clearincomparable, does not clampslightmuddy.
将酒倒入步方给他准备的青瓷酒杯中,清澈的酒液如深山清泉一般的甘冽透彻,晶莹无比,不夹丝毫的浑浊。„Nice wine!”Menhappy not self-made, shoutedlightly, thencarefulupholdwine glass, drankslowlycompletely.
The liquorfluidenters the throat, makes the maleporebloominstantaneously, the air/Qispitslike the dragon, eyesbursts out the none remaining, unbelievable.
酒液入喉,瞬间让男子毛孔绽放,气吐如龙,眼眸迸发出精光,难以置信。Thatrichwine, thatice and hotfeeling, lethisthoroughwallowingin the good wine.
那浓郁酒香,那冰与火般的感觉,让他彻底的沉迷于美酒之中。„Nice wine! Is exactly right than Imperial PalaceJade Nectar Wine!” The menpraiseonce again, praisenot to stop talking.
“好酒!比皇宫的琼浆玉液酒都不差分毫!”男子再度赞扬,夸不绝口。Enoughfierce! Suffices the alcohol! Suffices the fragrance! Alsocaninspirewithin the bodyTrue Energyto surge, 15origin crystal, above the price in value!
够烈!够醇!够香!还能引动体内真气涌动,十五枚元晶,物超所值!„Haha! Has not thought that canmeetthistype of nice wine, the realityismyluckyAh!theydrinks the fine wineinImperial Palace, IinthisIce-heart Jadepot, completelydo not owe.” The menlaugh saying that oneglass of liquor, has drunkagainbut actually, the throatwas pungent, letshisfairfleshiswells upto wipeto have one's face flushed with drinkred.
“哈哈!没有想到能遇这种好酒,实乃我的幸运啊!他们在皇宫饮琼浆玉液,我则在此品冰心玉壶,完全不亏。”男子大笑道,再倒了一杯酒,一口饮下,喉头辛辣,让他的白皙肌肤都是涌上了一抹酡红。Bu Fangis more refined, hisalcohol capacityis not good, thereforeonlytook a smallcup, thinkslightlydrinkslightly, somewhatis quite satisfied.步方则斯文多了,他的酒量不好,所以只取了一小杯,轻酌轻饮,颇有几分惬意。„Can Boss, have the food that goes well with wine?”Men'soneglass of liquorcompletely, looktothink the good wineBu Fangto saylightly.
“老板,可有下酒菜?”男子一杯酒尽,望向轻酌美酒的步方道。„No.”Bu Fangindifferently said.
“没有。”步方淡淡道。Malesuddenlyappears the littleregrets, butquickthenvanished, immersedin the good wineonce again.
男子顿时浮现出几许遗憾,不过很快便是消失了,再度沉醉在了美酒之中。„Bossalsowill start why doing businesstoday, notGeneralXiao Meng who goes to the cityto look atto triumphal return?”Maleseveralliquorget into the stomach, topicalsoopened, was askingtoBu Fang.
“老板为何今日还会开业,未曾去城中看凯旋的肖蒙将军?”男子几盏酒下肚,话题也开了,对着步方问道。„Does hetriumphal return, whatclosesmy?”Bu Fangtranquilreply.
“他凯旋,关我何事?”步方平静的回答。Malesuddenlywas stagnated, thenHahalaughs, as ifgiving birth for the first time.
男子顿时被一滞,尔后哈哈大笑,似乎十分的开怀。„Bossis a personalitypeople, respectsBossonecup below.” The menlaugh, drinkscompletelyoneglass of liquor.
“老板乃性情中人,在下敬老板一杯。”男子大笑,一口饮尽一杯酒。As beforeBu Fangexpressionlessly, is carefree and contentis thinkingwine glasslightly.步方面无表情,依旧悠然自得的轻酌着酒杯。Somepeopleoncesaid,drinksto dividetwotypesto drink the law, onetypeispuredrinking, liquorbut actuallyentrance , the mellowness of tasteliquor.
有人曾说,喝酒分两种喝法,一种是单纯的喝酒,将酒倒入口中,品味酒的香醇。Anothertypedrinks the law, drinksis not the liquor, is the mood, under the joy, anger, sorrow and happinessdrinks, candrink the differentfeelings, this person of trueunderstandingliquor.
When happydrinks, jumps for joy\; When angerdrinks, does not get angryfrom the prestige\; When sorrowdrinks, worried that the sentimenthas mind filled with\; When happydrinks, the cupsare difficultto stop.
喜时喝酒,欢欣雀跃\;怒时喝酒,不怒自威\;哀时喝酒,愁情满腹\;乐时喝酒,杯盏难停。„Yes, what does hetriumphal returnpass/testthouand others? Howto be again honorable is also inhandcontaminates the executioner of fullblood, is a sharp blade in Ji Changfenghand.”Malesuddenfall in the blues, glasses of rapiddrinking, worried that the sentimentfills with.
“是啊,他凯旋关尔等何事?再怎么光荣也不过是手中沾染满鲜血的刽子手,也不过是姬长风手中的一把利刃。”男子突然情绪低落,一杯杯的飞速喝酒,愁情满怀。Person who thisisonehas the story, Bu Fangis blinking the eye, smallmouthis thinking the good wine, wantsto say.
The menthenalmostdid not speak, the unceasingliquorbut actuallydrank, one jarchildIce-heart Jadebottle of winequickly was but actuallycompletely, but the manalsopeeped the state of intoxication, eyesdimly.
男子接下来几乎不怎么说话,不断的倒酒喝酒,一坛子冰心玉壶酒很快便是倒尽了,而男子也初现醉态,眼眸朦胧不已。one jarIce-heart Jadebottle of wine, thatliquorvigorBu Fangis hardto imagine, the ordinaryliquor, Bu Fangpossiblycandrinkhalfjug, butthisIce-heart Jadebottle of wine, Bu Fangmostthreecups.一坛冰心玉壶酒,那酒劲步方难以想象,普通的酒,步方可能能喝半坛子,但是这冰心玉壶酒,步方最多三杯。Butthismaleone jardrinks upcompletely, peeps the state of intoxication, the alcohol capacityis really astonishing.
可这男子一坛子全部喝完,也只是初现醉态,酒量着实惊人。„Boss, did not have the liquor! Comesone jaragain.” The menknit the browsto say.
“老板,没酒了!再来一坛。”男子皱眉道。„A persononlylimitsone jar.”Bu Fangalsodrank up. liquor, the complexionhas had one's face flushed with drinkslightlyred, lightlysaid the cup
The menpound on the table, has hit the liquorbelchgently, dozensclearorigin crystallie downon the table, „Boss, the origin crystalasktopic, does not givemeto comeone jaragain.”
男子一拍桌子,轻轻打了个酒嗝,数十块晶莹的元晶躺在桌上,“老板,元晶不是问题,再给我来一坛。”„Small Shopcustom, person of one jar.”Bu Fangremains unmoved, returning of expressionlesslysaid.
The menknit the brows, suddenly the one slaptable, long sword of suddenlythathandlewrap upinragscomes out of the sheathoutrageously.
The sound of swordrecitationresounds throughunceasingly, such asdragon-likereverberatesinentireSmall Shop.
The mengrasp the swordsingle-handed, floodcoldintentsword edgeis decidinginBu Fangtip of the noseoneinchplace, Bu Fangevencanfeel the chill in the air that swordtransmitssharp.
男子单手握剑,泛着冷意的剑锋定在步方鼻尖一寸处,步方甚至都能够感受到那剑尖传来的寒意。Lightgoosebumpshas covered the Bu Fang'swhole bodyinstantaneously, howeverhisas beforeexpressionlessly.
淡淡的鸡皮疙瘩瞬间覆盖了步方的全身,然而他依旧面无表情。„Youmayknow that whoIam? Daresnot to provide the liquortome?”Saying with a smile that the menteased.
“你可知道我是谁?敢不给我提供酒?”男子戏谑的笑道。„Who do Imanageyouam? Do youwantto cause trouble?”Bu Fangindifferently said, even ifsword edgealsoremains unmovedtohisonlyoneinch.
The mengazed atBu Fangfor a long time, received the long sword, ragswrap upgot up, wreaks havocSword Energygrace and talentrestraininginSmall Shop, plaindustlessness.
男子注视了步方许久,收起了长剑,破布包裹起来,肆虐在小店中的剑气风华收敛,古朴无尘。„Boss is really a wack, hereis30origin crystal, Ihave been scheduledtomorrow'sIce-heart Jadebottle of wine.” The mensaid with a smile, thenhas taken the bamboo hat, shouldered the long sword, turned aroundto go out.
“老板真是个奇特之人,这里是30枚元晶,我预定了明日的冰心玉壶酒了。”男子笑道,尔后重新带上了斗笠,背负长剑,转身出门。Arrivedentrance, indifferently said: „Bossdoes not knowwhoreallyIam?”
到门口,淡淡道:“老板真不知我是谁?”„Does not know, does not needto know, entersmyshop, is the guest, so long asdoes not cause trouble, Iwelcome.”Bu Fangearnestsaying.
“不知,也不必知,入我店者,皆为客,只要不闹事,我都欢迎。”步方认真的说道。„Haha! Good! MySword Abyss PavilionXiao Yuerecognizedyourthisfriend!” The menhave laughed, formsuddenlytrod the door, vanishedin the autumn chill.
“哈哈哈!好!我剑虚阁肖岳认你这个朋友了!”男子大笑了起来,身影顿时踏出了店门,消失在了秋意之中。Xiao Yue? Surnamed Xiao...... Bu Fanghesitates, buthecurled the lip, mumbled: „Narcissisticfellow, whorecognized you are a friend.”肖岳?姓肖啊……步方沉吟,不过他撇了撇嘴,嘟囔道:“自恋的家伙,谁认你是朋友了。”Butthese wordsmumbled, in the Bu Fang'smindspread the promptsound of systemsuddenly......
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