AboveImperial CapitalCapitalCity Lordroad.帝都京城主干道之上。Dresses the soldier of armorto clear the way, blocks the people that by the streetwaits and sees, the people that all aroundsurroundsare dense and numerous, are bustling and filled with people, a babel of voices, thatnoisesoundas ifmustthrow offentireImperial Capital.
穿戴着铠甲的士兵开道,挡住街道两旁观望的民众,周遭围观的民众密密麻麻,人头攒动,人声鼎沸,那喧嚣声似乎要将整个帝都都是掀翻。Ten thousandnumerousfocus attention on, curiousandanticipationis looking atcity gate.
万众都是瞩目,好奇和期待的望着城门口。Autumn windbone-chilling cold, the Roll upwithered leafwhistleswhirlwindto crosson the Imperial Capitalmain road, enters the cityto comefrom the firstteam of troops, the atmosphere in Imperial Capitalthenfloodsoneto wither, all around the peopleare the complete silence, several hundredflagsdark redlikeblood, just like the bloodshedraises waves, flap flapflies upwards.
秋风凛冽,卷起的枯叶在帝都主干道上打着呼哨飚过,从第一队人马入城而来,帝都中的气氛便是充斥着一股肃杀,周遭民众都是鸦雀无声,数百面大旗殷红如血,犹如血海扬波,猎猎飞扬。Puts on the armysonorousgoodstep of iron armor, treadsto have the metalsound of witheringgradually, reverberatesinImperial Capital.
穿着铁甲的军队铿锵行步,一步一步踏下都是带着肃杀的金属声响,回荡在帝都之中。Insoldiers, whatleadisonerideson a bloodbrownalonecorner/hornstronghorsebackis leading the middle-aged man of helmet, the sharplook, the bladetruncatesface, to an allpersonprestigenear the feeling of world.
This person of exactlyClear Wind Empirefirstexpert, goes on a punitive expedition against the bloodrobegreat general who Secttriumphal returnsto turn over, Xiao Meng.
The troopsare long and narrow, in the teamescorted the prison van that sixfinesteelwere building, on the prison vanmoistenscompletely the bright redbloodstain, irritated the noseshoots up to the skybloody, the one whowas drawing the prison vanwasgrandiosehugespirit beast, every stepfell, wascauses the groundto tremble.
The criminal in prison vanis hanging downhead, the auradispirited, howevertheirstatusin the area north of the Great Wallareprominentsufficientlyshocking, because oftheirexactlyarea north of the Great WallDevil Sect, Mourning Souls HallsixbigPalace Master, eachisto havesixth gradeBattle-Emperorfearfulcultivation base.
Everyone oncekept aloof, boldvault of heaven, butactuallyreducesfor the captivenow.
The wheel the soundresounds through on the Imperial Capitalazureflagstonehas groundunceasingly, peopleafterexperiencinginitialdreariness, theneruptedshockingcheering.
车轮在帝都的青石板上碾过的声响不断响彻,民众在经历了最初的沉寂之后,便是爆发了震天的欢呼。Theyalwaysrespond with the biggestenthusiasmregardingserviceman who triumphal returningto turn over, won a battledefinitelyis the bestresult, the national strengthis powerful, the peoplewill also feelproud, thispreciselyso-calledfamily/homecountrysense of pride.
The blood and ironarmyis invariablefacing the cheeringfacial color of people, the rigid discipline, the systematicvanguard, objectiverefers , is just palatialImperial Palace.
Before Imperial Palace, the Heavenly Profound Gatesquare, does not know when has arranged the stage, the colored flaginsertedinall around, fluttersalong with the autumn wind.皇宫之前,天玄门广场,不知何时已经布置起了高台,彩旗插在四周,伴随着秋风而飘扬。
The palaceguardneatorderedarrangement, enclosesHeavenly Profound Gatearound, guarantees the orderon the scene.
宫廷侍卫整齐有序的排列,将天玄门四周围起,保证在场的秩序。„WelcomedGreat General Xiaoto triumphal returnto turn over to!”
The armyjustenteredHeavenly Profound Gate, a court eunuchsharpvoice of thenresounds through the entirecityalong withTrue Energy, almosteverycornercanhear, inImperial Capitaleruptedcheeringonce again.
军队刚入天玄门,一位太监尖锐的声音伴随着真气便是响彻全城,几乎每个角落都是能够听到,帝都之中再度爆发出了一阵的欢呼。Above the stage, wearsimperial robe, standing that the old man of hairblack and whiteinteractionsmiles, the temperatevisionfalls , on the army that triumphal returnedto turn over, repeatedly nodding.
高台之上,一位身穿龙袍,头发黑白相间的老者微笑的站立,温和的目光落在了凯旋而归的军队上,不住的点头。Inold person'sbodysidenot far away, wearscrown princeJi Chengan of boa robeto be easeandvertical, the right is notmartial-lookingking YuJi ChengyuandThird Imperial PrinceJi Chengxueof outstanding ability.
在老人的身侧不远处,身穿蟒袍的太子姬成安悠然而立,右侧不远便是英武俊逸的宇王姬成宇和三皇子姬成雪。By the stagecivil and militaryhundredofficerscup one hand in the other across the chestto stand, under the stage, Xiao FamilyvariousZhongjoyfulraising the headtohope,looks at the triumphal returningarmyto returngradually, is hardto suppress the joyous feelings.
高台两侧的文武百官拱手而立,高台下方,肖家诸众欣喜的翘首以盼,望着凯旋军队缓步归来,难以抑制喜悦之情。Xiao Mengtakes off the helmet, the steppingstagestep by step, stoodbefore the dignifiedemperor, kneed down, holds the fist in the other hand saying: „Feudal official, shameSaintlife, does not extinguishMourning Souls Hallten thousandinZhong, the kill[ed]Mourning Souls Hallthird gradeBattle Maniacaboveexpert more than several hundredpeople, captures alivesixbigPalace Master, triumphal returnsto turn over.”肖蒙摘下头盔,一步步的踏上高台,站在了威严的皇帝面前,单膝跪地,抱拳而道:“臣,不辱圣命,灭丧魂殿过万于众,斩杀丧魂殿三品战狂以上强者数百余人,活捉六大殿主,凯旋而归。”„Good! Good! Good! LovesministerGuowei the column of myClear Windtowncountry, hasyou, mylandscapewithout cause for grief!”
“好!好!好!爱卿果为我清风镇国之柱,有你,朕的江山无忧了!”EmperorJi Changfenglaughs, is liberal withpraise.
皇帝姬长风大笑起来,不吝夸奖。Quick, someceremonies are systematiccarries on, allpeopleare scrupulous about every detail, complete the respectivework.
很快,一些仪式便是井然有序的进行,所有人都是一丝不苟,完成各自的工作。„Gave a welcoming dinner the ceremonyto end, numeroushundredofficerstepbigGrand Palace, had the glee feast.” The court eunuchsharpvoice of resoundsonce again, resounds through the entirecity.
……Today the eye of Bu Fangopen sleepy eye, heawakesis quite early, mainlybytwocourt eunuchthroats that resoundsbewilderedlyawakening by noise.步方睁开了惺忪的眼睛,今天他醒的比较早,主要是被莫名其妙响起的两声太监嗓给吵醒。Had a yawn, Bu Fanghas washed, thenarrived at the kitchen, hehas practiced a nextdailyculinary artstrainingfirst, keptonelyingfrom the dish of practicesends to entrancebig black dog.
打了个哈欠,步方洗漱完毕,便是来到了厨房,他先练习了一下每日的厨艺训练,从练习的菜品中留出一份给趴在门口的大黑狗送去。Hisexpressionlesslylooks that paid no attention tohimis onlybig black dog that the resentment the china bowlwas keeping eating, in the hearthasbi the feeling of dog, hewaitedthisbig black dogalsoreallywithtreatingSir is the same.
他面无表情的看着理都不理他只是怼着瓷碗吃个不停的大黑狗,心中有种哔了狗的感觉,他待这大黑狗还真跟对待大爷一样。Opened the door, Bu Fanghas extendedto stretch, thenpulled a chairto sitin the entrance, was waiting forguest'sarrival.
A double-hourpassed by...... InSmall Shopcoldlyis clear, does not have a guest, thisseveraldays of Small Shopwas somewhat inconceivableregardingfiery / popular.
一个时辰过去了……小店之中冷冷清清,没有一位客人,这对于火爆了几天的小店而言有些不可思议。TodaysomeunusualAh?whyguests? Usuallyinselected the Fatty Jinfattyarmed forces to finish eatingcuisinesthis timeto prepareto pay a bill.
今日有些反常啊?为何一位客人都没有?平日里这个时间点金胖子的胖子军应该都已经吃完了美食准备付账了。Moreover, little loliOuyang Xiaoyidoes not haveto go to worktodayon time, do thisservice person and dinersimultaneouslydoto be missingare?
而且,小萝莉欧阳小艺今天也没有准时来上班,这服务员和食客同时搞失踪还是咋地?Bu Fangsilenta while, finallyset out the kitchen, herememberedXiaoyito havewithhimsuddenlyprobablyhad saidtoday seems thatsimilarwhattriumphal returningreturns to the city, thereforesheasks for leavetoday.步方沉默了一会儿,最终起身去了厨房,他忽然想起小艺好像有和他说过今天似乎是那肖什么的凯旋回城,所以她今日请假。
But why does the dinerdisappear? Thisis a Bu Fangcarepoint.
可是食客为什么都不见了?这才是步方关心的一点。Person who is actually inImperial Capital that comesBu Fang little storeto eat mealhas the status, todayXiao Mengtriumphal returnsto turn over, emperorHis Majestygiving a banquetbigGrand Palace, invited the entireImperial Capitalfamouspowerful official, Fatty Jinand the otherswereenter the palaceto feast, naturallywill not come toBu Fanghereto eat meal.
其实来步方小店吃饭的都是帝都中有身份的人,今日肖蒙凯旋而归,皇帝陛下设宴大雄殿,邀请了全帝都有名的权贵,金胖子等人都是进宫赴宴去了,自然都不会来步方这里吃饭了。Pinched the finger, Bu Fanghas pulled open the systemspecially-madeenvironment simulationcabinet, -and-a-half person of highjugswill take out, placedin the kitchencenter.
捏了捏手指,步方拉开了系统特制的环境模拟橱柜,将其中一个半人高的坛子从中取出,摆放在了厨房中央。„Threedaymayto becomewine, fromentering the cabinetdate, to the presentjust, thisIce-heart Jadebottle of wine ’ shouldbe also good on the 3rd ‚.”Bu Fangrememberssuddenly, hehas also made the one jarchildliquor, is the plantook outin the evening, thisdaytimenobody, thatjusthas a look atthisbarin any case.
“三日可成酒,从入橱柜日算起,到现在刚好三日,这‘冰心玉壶酒’应该也好了吧。”步方忽然想起,他还酿了一坛子酒,本来是打算晚上取出的,反正这个白天没人,那就刚好看看这酒吧。Takes outthreeyoung winejugs of systempreparation, 11placedinfront, has completedthese, he was planned that opened the altar/jarto filter the liquor.
将系统准备的三个小酒坛子取出,11摆放在了面前,做好了这些,他便是打算开坛滤酒。Openedbouquet of sealingonhalfperson of highwine pot, is onlyinstant, gushes out, veryhas the wine of impulsetheninstantaneouslyto gush out, heads on.
打开了封盖在半人高酒坛上的布盖子,只是刹那,一股喷薄而出,十分具备冲击力的酒香便是瞬间涌出,扑面而来。Bu Fangwas smokedbythisliquorair/Qi, whole bodyslightlysomewhatsways, on the faceappearedhas wipedto have one's face flushed with drinkred.步方被这酒气一熏,整个人都是微微有些摇晃,脸上浮现了一抹酡红。„Liquordoes not irritate the nosespicy, was not vexed...... in the Bu Fangheartto have the evaluationfiercely”, slightlyonehappy.
“酒香浓而不刺鼻,烈而不糟心……”步方心中有了评定,微微一喜。Takes out a systempreparationwith the bamboo tubemakingscooping upbucket, Bu Fangenters the wine pot, has scooped uphalfbamboo tubeliquor, the bamboo tubeis deep green, the bambooinner wallis bringing the lightmeatyellow, thatliquorfluidsuch as the clear waterlimpiddoes not seeslightmuddygenerally.
取出一个系统准备的用竹筒制作的舀勺,步方伸入酒坛,舀了半竹筒酒而出,竹筒碧绿青翠,竹内壁带着淡淡的肉黄,那酒液如清水一般清澈不见丝毫的浑浊。Worthilyis the bigonNine Wine Brewing Techniquebrewingliquor, thisas ifcanyoncoldpond watercommonlimpidliquorfluid, just like the name of thatIce-heart Jadebottle of wine, does not seeslightlyfilthily.
不愧是高大上的九酝酒法酿制的酒啊,这仿佛深谷寒潭水一般清澈的酒液,正如那冰心玉壶酒之名,不见丝毫污浊。Bu Fangapproached the noseto hear, the richmellowwinethenfloodshisnasal cavity , the entrancethenhas not beenmakeshisenunciationpromote saliva or body fluids, whole bodywasappearssomewhatblurred.步方凑近了鼻子一闻,浓郁醇厚的酒香便是充斥他的鼻腔,还未入口便是让他口齿生津,整个人都是显得有些迷离。Pours into the liquorfluid in bamboo tubeceladon warewine glass, the liquorfluid that swaysis limpid, such asfine wine.
将竹筒中的酒液倒入一青瓷酒杯中,摇晃的酒液清澈透明,如琼浆玉液。Bu Fangimpatientholding upwine glass, has thoughtonelightly, the liquorfluidentrance, covers the tongue coating, slides into the throatinstantaneously, an icy coldmeaningthoroughwhole body, in the nextquarterlower abdomenthenas ifburntraging flameto be common, works asflameto well up, thenonce againappearedwipesicy coldly, iced the fireintersection......步方迫不及待的举起酒杯,轻酌了一口,酒液入口,覆盖舌苔,瞬间滑入喉咙之中,一股冰凉之意透彻全身,下一刻小腹中便是仿佛燃烧起了一股熊熊烈火一般,当着火焰涌上心头,便是再度浮现一抹冰凉,冰火相交……„Nice wine!”Bu Fang a lower jaw, enjoyment of whole face , he althoughdoes not calculate that understands the liquorvery much, butthisliquortrulyishehad tasteduntil now the bestliquor.
“好酒!”步方啧吧了一下嘴,满脸的享受,他虽然不算很懂酒,但是这酒确实是他迄今品尝过的最好的酒。Howevertasty, althoughtasty, butthisliquoris competitive, after all a threedaycirculation, a ninedayfermentation, how the staminacannot be big.
不过好喝虽然好喝,但是这酒的后劲十足,毕竟三日一循环,九日一酝酿,后劲怎么能不大。Constrains the impulsion that wantsto drink wine, Bu Fangloadsinthreesmallwine potsliquor in halfperson of highwine pot, withbouquetto seal/confergood, pastes onto write„ice” the square shaperedpaper of character, was of great success.
压抑住想要饮酒的冲动,步方将半人高的酒坛中的酒纷纷装入三个小酒坛中,用布盖封好,贴上写着“冰”字的方形红纸,便是大功告成了。Keptoneglass of liquortooneselfspecially, puts in wine pot the specially-madecabinet, Bu Fangis then holdingwine glass, in the joyfularrivingshop, plansto drink with flies.
特意给自己留了一杯酒,将酒坛子放入特制橱柜中,步方便是捧着酒杯,欣喜的走到店中,打算自斟自饮。However, whenhejustarrived in Small Shop, is actually discovered that the Small Shopentrancestandsto wear the black robeto shoulder a handleto useragswrap up the mourning bandbamboo hatman of long sword.
The hoarsesoundspreadsfrom the malespigot, having the faint traceto be fiery.
嘶哑的声音从男子口中传出,带着丝丝火热。„Boss, your does herehavenice wine?”
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