GOAW :: Volume #19

#1819: Ordinary is extraordinary

In the forest the hut, looks like is very as if worn-out, but, in fact, here, since is God of Cooking to the final test place that Bu Fang prepares, the lots are not common. 林中小屋,看起来似乎很破旧,但是,实际上,这儿既然是厨神步方准备的最后的考验场所,很多东西都不一般。 Bu Fang shakes hand the kitchen knife, as if can feel the terrifying that in the kitchen knife contains to the fluctuation of pinnacle. 步方握着手中的菜刀,仿佛能够感觉到菜刀之中所蕴含的恐怖到极致的波动。 Under Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife pressure compared with complete condition wants powerful many. 比起完全状态下的龙骨菜刀威压都要强盛的多。 Kitchen knife, pot, kitchen stove... All are very high qualities, just like is top divine tool in universe. 菜刀,锅,灶台…一切的一切都是非常高品质的,就犹如是宇宙中的顶级神器 Regarding this last test, the God of Cooking also unusual attention, he hopes that Bu Fang can culinary arts leave together the top delicacy. 对于这最后一场考验,厨神也非常的关注,他希望步方能够烹饪出一道顶级美味来。 Because only has this, can have the qualifications to inherit the inheritance of his God of Cooking truly. 因为唯有这样,才能真正有资格继承他厨神的传承。 Therefore, God of Cooking prepares to Bu Fang, no matter ingredient, is Kitchen Tools, is world most tops. 因此,厨神步方准备的,不管是食材,还是厨具,都是世间最顶级的。 Bu Fang is grasping the kitchen knife, gradually becomes expressionlessly. 步方握着菜刀,逐渐变得面无表情 His vision is somewhat profound, seems pondering anything. 他的目光有些深邃,仿佛在思考着什么。 For a long time, Bu Fang shook the head, puts down the kitchen knife. 许久之后,步方摇了摇头,将菜刀重新放下。 He has not used Kitchen Tools that God of Cooking gives him to prepare. 他没有使用厨神给他准备的厨具 He looked to the stack in ingredient of distant place, these ingredient were sending out perfectly round aura, was top ingredient between universes. 他看向了堆砌在远处的食材,这些食材散发着浑圆的气息,都是宇宙间的顶级食材 It is not weak in ingredient of big Soul Demon Lord rank. 不弱于大魂主级别的食材 With highest ingredient, with Kitchen Tools, culinary arts leaves highest cuisines... 用最顶尖的食材,和厨具,烹饪出最顶尖的美食 The Bu Fang corners of the mouth select. 步方嘴角一挑。 Withdrew one step. 后撤了一步。 He sat cross-legged on the ground, has not begun culinary arts. 他盘坐在了地上,没有动手烹饪 Instead was lost in thought. 反而是陷入了沉思。 The God of Cooking dish, is heartless say/way and feels emotion mixed, the heartless say/way occupies were many. 厨神的菜品,是无情道和有情道的混合,其中无情道占据的多了一些。 Perhaps, exactly because of this, will therefore make God of Cooking start to pursue the successor. 或许,正是因为这样,所以才会使得厨神开始追求继承者。 The God of Cooking road has gone astray, he possibly died out in the universe, because of this, will seek for hundredth host. 厨神的路走错了,他可能已经寂灭在宇宙之中,正因为如此,才会寻找百世宿主 Bu Fang has pondered for a long time. 步方沉思了许久。 He looks at the present all lightly. 他淡淡的看着眼前的一切。 Then... 尔后… These magnificent Kitchen Tools and ingredient start to change. 那些华丽的厨具食材开始变化。 Top Grade ingredient that surged ostentatiously, becomes ordinary. 原本浮华涌动的极品食材,变得普通至极。 aura turbulent top ingredient also becomes very mediocre. 原本气息汹涌的顶级食材也变得非常的平庸。 On ordinary Kitchen Tools that such as the country villagers use. 就如乡野村民所使用的普通厨具 From Kitchen Tools and ingredient of world top, became in the world most common mortal ingredient and Kitchen Tools. 世间顶级的厨具食材,变为了天地间最为普通的凡人食材厨具 Perhaps is not possibly clear God of Cooking, Bu Fang is to make anything at this moment. 或许可能连厨神都不明白,步方此刻是想要做什么吧。 Bu Fang stands up, he has gripped the ordinary kitchen knife. 步方站起身,他握住了平凡的菜刀。 At a moderate pace start culinary arts. 不紧不慢的开始烹饪 With these simple ingredient culinary arts. 用这些简简单单的食材烹饪 A juicy cabbage, was been clean with the clear laundering by Bu Fang, his slowly is peeling the cabbage, as if falls into which the mood. 一颗水灵灵的大白菜,被步方用清水洗干净,他慢慢的剥着白菜,仿佛将情绪都倾倒入其中。 Cracks with the teeth into the egg the bowl, with chopsticks slowly is hitting the egg, looks that the egg white and egg-yolk are mixing, mixed in one... 将鸡蛋嗑入碗中,用筷子慢慢的打着蛋,看着蛋清和蛋黄在搅动中,混合在了一起… Flood red pork, according to cutting board, Bu Fang with exquisite knife skill, instead with moistening the hand holding down pork of water drop, a blade blade cuts open the pork. 泛红的猪肉,按在案板上,步方没有用精湛的刀工,反而是用沾着水珠的手按住猪肉,一刀一刀将猪肉切开。 Sliver fragment slowly. 慢慢的切成碎块。 All very not anxiously not slow, Bu Fang not like former culinary arts irritable like that but exactly this ordinary knife skill, can display pinnacle the ingredient taste. 一切都很不急不缓,步方不像以前烹饪那般的急躁,而正是这种平凡的刀工,才更能将食材的滋味发挥到极致 This is one type knife skill that has poured into emotion. 这是一种倾注了情感的刀工 Under, spreads all at once, is to the concern of ingredient. 一刀切下,蔓延开的,都是对食材的关怀。 Bang! 嘭! White and shiny flour pours, the dust of fluttering about is fluttering, Bu Fang both hands that throws are become pure white. 白花花的面粉倒出,纷飞的粉尘在飘荡,扑的步方双手都是变得洁白。 Bu Fang's, is clearly slender and fair and clear. 步方的手,清晰修长和白净。 Becoming a packet the flour pile. 面粉堆成一个小包。 Holds a small hole in the flour middle. 面粉的中间捅出一个小窟窿。 The white and shiny water will pour into the hole, flour suddenly caves, starts the vicissitude to get up, the current of water surges, flour breaking through... 将白花花的水倒入窟窿中,面粉顿时塌陷下去,开始浮沉起来,水流涌动,将面粉给冲破… On water that such as bursts a dike, unceasing flowing, but flowed half, completely was absorbed by flour, has coiled the powder ball. 就如决堤的水,不断的流淌,可是流淌到了一半,就被面粉给全部吸收,卷成了个粉球。 Bu Fang falls. 步方手落下。 These water ball suddenly were pinched to explode, flour was rubbed in one. 那些水球顿时被捏爆,面粉被揉在了一起。 Not anxiously not slow, has rubbing of rhythm. 不急不缓,有节奏的搓揉。 Has not rubbed surface law with any primal chaos. 没有用什么太极揉面法。 Also has not used the strength of Principle, the strength of Heavenly Law... 也没有用法则之力,天道之力… Bu Fang precisely that not anxiously not slow rubbing scope. 步方就是那种不急不缓的揉面。 Gentle looks like rubs to own child takes a bath. 温柔的就像是给自己的孩子搓揉洗澡。 On the vault of heaven, as if pair of invisible eyes, are gazing at Bu Fang. 天穹上,仿佛有一双无形的眼眸,在注视着步方 Perhaps is astonished in the Bu Fang's culinary arts way. 或许是惊异于步方的烹饪方式。 Has top ingredient not to need, to have formidable Kitchen Tools not to use... 有顶级的食材不用,有强大的厨具不用… Actually comes culinary arts with the ordinariest method... 却是用最平凡的手段来烹饪 could it be that Bu Fang thought that with ordinary way culinary arts, can compared with on, with cuisines that ingredient and Kitchen Tools of culinary arts most top does leave? 难道步方觉得,用平凡的方式烹饪,能够比的上,用最顶级的食材厨具烹饪出的美食么? Bu Fang remains unmoved. 步方不为所动。 In his vision mood hundred revolutions. 他的目光中情绪百转。 flour rubbed one group gradually, the arm under pressed slightly, the porcelain bowl has sent out the light sound. 面粉逐渐搓揉成了一团,手臂微微下压,瓷盆都是发出了轻响。 What is the true God of Cooking dish? 真正的厨神菜品是什么? Bu Fang once also thinks... With top ingredient, top Kitchen Tools, can culinary arts leave most top delicacy. 步方曾经也以为…用顶级的食材,顶级的厨具,能够烹饪出最顶级的美味。 However that time, he made a mistake. 但是那一次,他错了。 Perhaps, that time, is the reason that his strength is insufficient. 或许,那一次,是他实力不足的原因。 With the help of Small Pi, he also was just culinary arts left the false God of Cooking dish. 小皮的帮助下,他也只不过是烹饪出了伪厨神菜品。 A false character, the disparity such as the universe light year, is unable to make up. 一个伪字,差距如宇宙光年,根本无法弥补。 That step disparity, Bu Fang used 500 years of time to ponder to track down, is unable to surmount tiny bit. 那一步的差距,步方用了500年光阴去思考去追寻,都无法超越其中一分一毫。 The despair of that innermost feelings, Bu Fang is very clear. 那种内心的绝望,步方很清楚。 When he has eaten up the God of Cooking dish. 而当他吃下了厨神的菜品。 That uses Top Grade ingredient together, the top Kitchen Tools culinary arts dish. 那一道用极品食材,顶级厨具烹饪的菜品。 That is a God of Cooking dish that collection beneficial conditions of timeliness , favorable geographical conditions , and unity and coordination of the people culinary arts leaves. 那是集天时地利人和所烹饪出的一道厨神菜品。 Not false. 没有伪。 But... Has not made Bu Fang feel shockingly. 可是…却并没有让步方感受到惊艳。 Even, making him somewhat moved. 甚至,让他有些怅然若失。 Can the could it be that true God of Cooking dish, only arrive at this degree? 难道真正的厨神菜品,只能到达这个程度么? Bu Fang starts to question, he starts to reconsider. 步方开始质疑,他开始反思。 He thought that possibly his method is not right. 他觉得可能他的方法不对。 Skims ostentatiously, with ordinariest ingredient, comes culinary arts with simplest Kitchen Tools. 撇去浮华,用最平凡的食材,用最简单的厨具烹饪 Rubbed small balls the fried glutinous rice cake. 将粉团搓成了一个个的小球。 With rolling pin, careful rolls dough small ball. 用擀面杖,小心的将小球擀成一块块面皮 Another side. 另一边。 In ordinary pottery, Bu Fang all kinds of ingredient mixed in the same place, will have stirred. 一个普通的陶盆里,步方将各种各样的食材混合在一起,搅拌了起来。 ingredient and ingredient fuse mutually together. 食材食材相互融合在一起。 That is a as if miracle general chemical reaction, making people very shocking. 那是一种仿佛神迹一般的化学反应,让人很惊艳。 Bu Fang is infatuated in. 步方陶醉在其中。 Simple is real. 简单才是真。 God of Cooking dish that this possible precisely Bu Fang to pursue. 这可能就是步方所追求的厨神菜品吧。 Peaceful scoops up one spoon of stuffing materials, squeezes in the stuffing material dough. 安静的舀出一勺馅料,把馅料塞入面皮中。 Bu Fang dough package cautiously, first level first level pleats package of ten points of earnestly. 步方面皮小心翼翼的包起,一层一层的褶子包的十分的认真。 Bu Fang is wrapping dumpling, while the vision actually somewhat travels. 步方一边包着饺子,一边目光却是有些游历。 In Chaos vision, 500 years of time appears bit by bit in his at present. 混沌的目光中,500年光阴的一点一滴浮现在他的眼前。 500 years, regarding Bu Fang, his most lifetime passed. 500年,对于步方而言,他的大半生都在其中度过了。 Even if in Earth, in Hidden Dragon Continent, in Immortal Kitchen Realm, in Chaos Universe... The day of passing does not have 500 years to be so long. 就算在地球,在潜龙大陆,在仙厨界,在混沌宇宙…所度过的日子都没有500年那么漫长。 But these 500 years, to Bu Fang, is a precipitation of mood. 而这500年,对步方而言,是一种心境的沉淀。 He also will sometimes fondly remember the old friend, sometimes also will fondly remember just stepped into the mood and mentality that the culinary arts time that is positive and progressive. 他有时也会怀念老朋友,有时也会怀念刚刚踏入厨艺时候的那积极向上的心情和心态。 That time he, was tiny and fearless. 那时候的他,渺小而无畏。 However exactly this dauntlessness, makes him feel laughing somewhat slightly. 但是正是这种无畏,才让他感到微微的有些发笑。 dumpling on kitchen stove dan are getting more and more, before long, the stack filled. 灶台箪子上的饺子越来越多,不一会儿,就堆砌满了。 Bu Fang stops the hand. 步方停下手。 Did not have the dumpling skin, the dumpling stuffing also wrapped. 没有饺子皮了,饺子馅也包完了。 However, he only thought that only passed has flickered. 然而,他只觉得才只度过了一瞬。 Bu Fang lifts the hand, has rubbed the nose. 步方抬起手,揉了揉鼻子。 On the nose, suddenly appears powdery white. 鼻子上,顿时浮现一点粉白。 Installs dumpling, white gauze cloth shop under, dumpling putting. 饺子装好,白色的纱布铺在底下,将饺子一个个的放入其中。 Bu Fang covers the first level steamer. 步方盖上一层蒸笼。 After stove furnace, built a big pile just to divide the good firewood. 灶炉后堆砌着一大堆刚刚劈好的木柴。 In the remote mountain divided the good firewood to be the same on such as initially person of Bu Fang. 就如当初步方在深山中一个人劈好的木柴一样。 Puts in the firewood the stove. 将木柴放入火炉中。 The point opened fire. 点开了火。 Bang! 轰! Flame suddenly soars to the heavens, that is a simple fire. 火光顿时冲天,那是一种简简单单的火。 Without what ostentatiousness, non-proliferation any energy. 没有什么浮华,不扩散任何的能量 The fire directs the fever to leap, blows toward the stove, Bu Fang that the black smoke proliferation, chokes has coughed several. 火引烧腾着,往火炉中吹了吹,黑色的烟扩散,呛的步方咳嗽了几声。 But the fire also lived. 而火也生了起来。 kitchen stove has two pots, pot is the ordinary pot. 灶台有两口锅,锅都是普通的锅。 A pot steams dumpling, another pot is other culinary arts cuisines. 一口锅蒸饺子,另一口锅则是烹饪其他的美食 Incites... 滋滋滋… The oil juice poured into the pot, starts to spatter in all directions. 油汁倒入了锅中,开始迸溅。 ingredient that Bu Fang will process pours into. 步方将处理好的食材倒入其中。 chī chī chī! 嗤嗤嗤 The white air/Qi braves to set aside, that is by the water vapor that the oil juice explodes. 白色的气冒腾出,那是被油汁炸出的水汽。 Is grasping ordinary ladle, starts to stir-fry. 握着普通的锅勺,开始翻炒。 ingredient starts becomes golden yellow, fragrance such as gurgling the running water, flows. 食材开始变得金黄,香味如淙淙流水,流淌而出。 Jolts the pot to stir-fry, ingredient flutters in pot. 颠锅翻炒,食材在锅中翻飞。 Then, the steaming hot dish, will scoop up. 尔后,将热气腾腾的菜品,舀出来。 The rich fragrance, gladdens the heart. 浓郁的香味,沁人心脾。 Bu Fang deep breath. 步方深吸了一口气 Only felt that the heart must melt, his culinary arts these many years, first time has the dish, lets his being infatuated with so. 只感觉心都要融化了,他烹饪这么多年,第一次有菜品,让他这般的陶醉。 Crash-bang. 哗啦。 Puts in surface pot. 把一条条面放入锅中。 The surface starts to soften, is seething in the boiling water of boiling. 面开始软化,在滚沸的开水中翻腾着。 Surface, very slender. 一条条的面,十分的纤细。 This surface, was Bu Fang once the dragon whisker surface of culinary arts pot. 这种面,是步方曾经烹饪锅的龙须面。 The dragon whisker surface also called the long birthday noodles, Bu Fang to think at this moment inexplicable wish culinary arts. 龙须面也叫长寿面,步方觉得此刻莫名的想要烹饪 In fancy blue patterned porcelain bowl, Bu Fang pours into which Sauce, the vinegar, soy sauce, the minced green onion, waits to blend flavors by him pours into. 青花瓷碗中,步方酱汁倒入其中,醋,酱油,葱花,等等调味被他倒入其中。 When boils to the dragon whisker surface. 待到龙须面滚沸。 In surges dragon whisker surface the pot scoops up, in hold Ruwan. 将锅里翻腾的龙须面纷纷舀出,盛入碗中。 The Bu Fang vision is somewhat complex. 步方目光有些复杂。 He as if remembered the childhood, the parents in his celebrating a birthday time for his culinary arts dragon whisker surface. 他仿佛想起小时候,父母在他过生日时候为他烹饪龙须面。 Without what birthday cake, only has dragon whisker surface. 没有什么生日蛋糕,只有一份龙须面。 Simple Bowl of Noodles, is contains the parents to his concern, hopes blessing that he healthily grows up. 简简单单一碗面,却是包含父母对他的关怀,希望他健康长大的祝福。 Puts out the one breath. 吐出一口气。 Bu Fang scoops up the surface hand slightly somewhat shakes. 步方舀面的手都微微的有些抖。 Gū lū Gū lū. 咕噜咕噜 dumpling in steamer was ripe. 蒸笼中的饺子熟了。 Bu Fang takes out from the pot the steamer. 步方将蒸笼从锅里取出。 Was placed on kitchen stove. 摆在了灶台上。 In steamer unceasing emitting white clouds. 蒸笼中不断的冒出白气。 Bu Fang turns on the steamer cover, steaming white clouds, as if such as dragon swept across. 步方将蒸笼盖子打开,腾腾白气,仿佛如龙似的席卷而出。 White and tender tender dumpling, are sending out the steam, is placed. 一个个白嫩嫩的饺子,散发着热气,摆在其中。 Bu Fang dumpling clamps, flowers that as if suspended one group of putting. 步方饺子一个个的夹出来,仿佛摆成了一团盛放的花朵。 The flowers center, is he mixes good Sauce... 花朵中心,是他调配好的酱汁 Thus, his dish was culinary arts ends. 这样,他的菜品便是烹饪完了。 A steamed dumpling, one bowl of long birthday noodles, an omelette, slightly stir fries the meat together. 一份蒸饺,一碗长寿面,一个煎蛋,一道小炒肉。 Four dishes, simple. 四道菜,简简单单。 Bu Fang takes out fancy blue patterned porcelain bowl, has scooped up one bowl of grain of rice clear fragrant cooked rice. 步方取出青花瓷碗,舀了一碗米粒晶莹的香喷喷白米饭。 Hence... 至此… His dish thorough culinary arts ends. 他的菜品彻底烹饪完。 Magnificent ingredient, has not had Kitchen Tools of startled world. 没有华丽的食材,没有惊天地的厨具 Simple ordinary dish, but has poured into Bu Fang 500 years of point Dī Dī come to realize and mood. 简简单单平平凡凡一道菜,只是倾注了步方500年点点滴滴感悟和情绪。 Ordinary was disclosing is extraordinary. 平凡中透露着不平凡。 This precisely Bu Fang facing the God of Cooking final inspection, choice that makes. 就是步方面对厨神最后的考核,所作出的抉择。 In forest hut. 林中小屋。 Bu Fang carries the dish, was placed on the table. 步方将菜品端出,摆在了桌子上。 On the table also suspends the God of Cooking culinary arts dish, radiance is overflowing, intensely bright. 桌上还摆着厨神烹饪的菜品,光华四溢,耀眼夺目。 But Bu Fang the time that the dish suspends, dish that the God of Cooking radiance four shoot, actually suddenly becomes gloomy... 步方将菜品摆上去的时候,厨神光华四射的菜品,却是突然变得暗淡… My culinary arts conclusion, please taste.” “我的烹饪结束,请品尝。” Bu Fang is placed the rice on the table, spoon, the chopsticks rest is good, indifferently said. 步方将米饭摆在桌上,勺子,筷子架好,淡淡道 The sound lingers in the hut, that self-confident, that resounding. 声音萦绕在小屋中,那么的自信,那么的响亮。 Final inspection. 最后的考核。 One plate of side dishes, a steamed dumpling, one bowl of dragon whisker surface, an omelette. 一碟小菜,一盘蒸饺,一碗龙须面,一个煎蛋。 One bowl of cooked rice, that is all. 8) 一碗白米饭,仅此而已。8)
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