GOAW :: Volume #19

#1818: Any nonsense that said!

God?” “神?” Bu Fang is startled...... 步方一怔…… Can call the God before him, should God of Cooking in precisely legend. 能在他面前称神的,应该就是传说中的厨神了。 The founder of system, making Bu Fang step of road of God of Cooking to exist. 系统的缔造者,让步方踏上厨神之路的那位存在。 That keeps aloof, seems controlling all existences. 那位高高在上,仿佛操控着一切的存在。 God of Cooking set, God of Cooking menu, God of Cooking system...... 厨神套装,厨神菜谱,厨神系统…… Bu Fang from the beginning, his all, are related with this God of Cooking. 步方从一开始,他的一切,就都跟这个厨神有关。 But just started, Bu Fang also to become the God of Cooking goal, but is trying hard. 而刚开始,步方也是为了成为厨神的目的而努力着。 However...... 但是…… When does not know, Bu Fang starts own road. 不知道什么时候,步方就开始走自己的路。 In his heart the road of so-called God of Cooking, no longer is that has been hanging God of Cooking in his top of the head, but is he now wholeheartedly the road that wants to walk. 他心中所谓的厨神之路,已经不再是那一直悬挂在他头顶上的厨神,而是他现在一心所想要行走的路。 Even if, on that road has filled the thorn and roughness. 即使,那路上充满了荆棘和坎坷。 Right...... Helps you to tread the last step God.” “对……来助你踏出最后一步的神。” That fuzzy person's shadow, seems smiling. 那模糊的人影,似乎在笑。 Bu Fang that smiles is very uncomfortable. 笑的步方很不舒服。 Bu Fang does not know why he will appear here, where is here? 步方不知道,他为什么会出现在这儿,这里是哪里? Samsara space? 轮回空间 However should also not be, Bu Fang early jumped out the world fetter, not in Samsara. 不过也应该不是,步方早已经跳出了天地束缚,不在轮回中了。 The latter white robe is fluttering, although cannot see the facial features. 后者白袍在翻飞,虽然看不出面容。 However Bu Fang is very calm calmly, perhaps 500 years of mortal experiences, let his mentality, presented fluctuating of climax very much difficultly again. 不过步方却很淡定从容,或许500年的凡人经历,让他的心态,已经很难再出现高潮的起伏。 „Aren't you probably very surprised?” “你好像不是很惊讶?” The fuzzy person's shadow said. 模糊的人影道。 In his words some doubts. 他的话语中有些疑惑。 Why surprised...... I know that you sooner or later will come.” “为什么要惊讶……我知道你迟早会来。” Bu Fang indifferently said. 步方淡淡道 He and fuzzy person, floating, face-to-face. 他和模糊的人,漂浮着,面对面。 Bu Fang black hair is fluttering, just like sinks, in cannot look at the place under water. 步方黑色的发丝飘荡着,就犹如沉在一眼望不到地的水底。 host of 500 th...... Can come here, only has you, aren't you proud?” “500世的宿主……能够走到这里的,唯有你,你不骄傲么?” The fuzzy person's shadow said. 模糊人影道。 You must with my help, touch genuine kitchen God Realm immediately...... Must become supreme existence.” “你马上就要在我的帮助下,触摸到真正的厨神境界了……要成为至高无上的存在。” The fuzzy person's shadow smiles. 模糊人影笑着。 His sound is very gentle. 他的声音很柔和。 Has planting, if washes the feeling of spring breeze. 有种让人如沐春风的感觉。 Bu Fang has not spoken, but light looks at that person's shadow. 步方没有说话,只是淡淡的看着那道人影。 In fact, had several host also to step into this step before, but they saying that refused......” fuzzy person's shadow somewhat to be a pity. “实际上,在之前有好几个宿主也能踏入这一步,不过他们拒绝了……”模糊人影有些可惜的说道。 He lifts the hand, as if must caress the Bu Fang's facial features lightly. 他抬起手,似乎要轻抚步方的面容。 However, his hand, when moves on the Bu Fang's face, changed to the white luminous spot, collapse and scattered. 不过,他的手在碰触到步方的脸上的时候,化作了白色的光点,崩散了开来。 The fuzzy person's shadow does not care. 模糊人影也不在意。 Now...... Did you prepare for?” “现在……你做好准备了么?” Bu Fang shook the head. 步方摇了摇头。 Light looks at that person's shadow. 淡淡的看着那人影。 In fact, if...... I do not want to arrive this step.” “实际上,如果可以……我并不想走到这一步。” Bu Fang shook the head. 步方摇了摇头。 Un? 嗯? The fuzzy person's shadow stares slightly. 模糊人影微微一愣。 Why?” “为什么?” Why?” “为什么?” The Bu Fang's corners of the mouth pull slightly, as if revealed has wiped the mock. 步方的嘴角微微一扯,似乎露出了一抹讥诮。 He lifts the hand, has referred to surrounding pitch-black color/look space...... 他抬起手,指了指周围漆黑色的空间…… Why did you say?” “你说为什么?” The fuzzy personnel cannot help laughing. 模糊人员哑然失笑。 Do not be worried, accepted me to entrust with all your, you can return, but can also stand in the peak in world, bird's eye view all life.” “别担心,接受了我赋予你的一切,你能够回归,还能站在天地间的最高点,俯瞰一切生命。” You...... Rules the world.” “你将……君临天下。” The fuzzy personnel lift the both arms, incomparably said aggressively. 模糊人员抬起双臂,霸气无比道。 I am only a chef, discussed that anything rules the world......” “我只是个厨子,谈什么君临天下……” Bu Fang shook the head, indifferently said. 步方摇了摇头,淡淡道 Fuzzy person's shadow: „......” 模糊人影:“……” Your this, had no way to chat again on this day. 你再这样,这天没法聊了。 Bu Fang is actually very calm. 步方倒是很淡定。 Defeated/Carrying, looks all around. 负着手,环顾四周。 Whitey? Also can return?” 小白呢?还能回归么?” Bu Fang asked. 步方问道。 Whitey? Did you say kitchen puppet? That dying thing...... He protects you to arrive at the present level, was has completed its mission, it has calculated merit perfection, can vanish relieved.” 小白?你说厨傀么?那只是死物……他守护你到了如今的层次,便是已经完成了它的任务,它已经算功德圆满,可以安心消失了。” „The world myriad things, everyone, each thing, has the truth and significance that they have.” The fuzzy person's shadow, said. 世间万物,每个人,每件物,都有他们存在的道理和意义。”模糊人影,道。 In the words of fuzzy person's shadow, is bringing the light indifference. 模糊人影的话语中,带着淡淡的冷漠。 This indifference, making Bu Fang in void. 这种冷漠,让步方愣在了虚空中。 Bu Fang is staring at that fuzzy person's shadow. 步方盯着那模糊人影。 You were saying any Ah?!” “你在说什么啊?!” Bu Fang said. 步方道。 Whitey is my friend...... Why does he disappear?” 小白是我朋友……他凭什么消失?” In the Bu Fang expression has the fierce mood to fluctuate. 步方语气中带着剧烈的情绪波动。 Your mood fluctuation was too intense...... You should not this, you quickly be unsurpassed existence, you want the bird's eye view world myriad things, you must come to see them with the mentality of all living things.” “你的情绪波动太强烈了……你不该这样,你很快将是无上的存在,你要俯瞰天地万物,你得用众生的心态来看他们。” You should the ancient well without ripples, you should not to have any mood, you do not need to worry for any matter.” “你该古井无波,你该不带任何的情绪,你不需要为任何的事情而烦心。” The fuzzy person's shadow said. 模糊的人影道。 Was good, do not speak these useless words...... Prepared to accept inherits truly? So long as accepts the inheritance, you will be in world, most supreme existence.” The fuzzy person's shadow taught with skill and patience. “好了,不要说那些没有用的话语了……准备好接受真正的传承了么?只要接受传承,你将是天地间,最至高无上的存在。”模糊人影循循善诱。 Bu Fang frowns, is staring at the fuzzy person's shadow. 步方皱着眉头,盯着模糊的人影。 God of Cooking?” 厨神?” This fellow...... Really is God of Cooking? 这家伙……真的是厨神么? I do not accept.” “我不接受。” Bu Fang shook the head, has rejected at present the enticement of this fellow. 步方摇了摇头,拒绝了眼前这个家伙的诱惑。 Or present Bu Fang, regarding this enticement, is aloof. 或者说,如今的步方,对于这种诱惑,根本无动于衷。 Only if his conscience accepts, otherwise he will not have the slight vacillation. 除非他本心接受,否则他根本不会有丝毫的动摇。 Doesn't accept? Why don't you accept? You from the fine powder outset, all that tracks down, precisely does not become God of Cooking...... But now, this chance is placed in your front, why don't you treasure?” Fuzzy person's shadow light saying. “不接受?你为什么不接受?你从微末起始,追寻的一切,不就是成为厨神……而如今,这份机缘摆在你的面前,你为何不珍惜?”模糊人影淡淡的说道。 Latter's words as if become more and more ice-cold. 后者的话语似乎都变得越来越冰冷。 This is not the road that I choose.” “这不是我选择的路。” Bu Fang said. 步方道。 You are away from, only then the one pace that now you yearn, do you in hesitate what? What are you vacillating? Kitchen puppet? Also or is these not worthy of mentioning other people?” “你如今距离你所向往的,只有一步之遥,你在犹豫什么?你到底在动摇什么?厨傀?亦或者是那些微不足道的其他人?” The fuzzy person's shadow said that his white robe speeds along more and more fierce...... 模糊人影道,他的白袍飞驰的越来越剧烈…… You should choose me! I am support you to arrive at person at this moment! I am your future!” “你该选择我!我才是支持你一路走到此刻的人!我才是你的未来!” The fuzzy person's shadow almost must shout. 模糊人影几乎要嘶吼起来。 That sound, making the Bu Fang's vision slightly shrink. 那声音,让步方的目光都是微微一缩。 For a long time. 许久之后。 Dark space suddenly peaceful. 黑暗的空间陡然安静了下来。 Bu Fang looks at the fuzzy person's shadow. 步方看着模糊人影。 Said?” “说完了?” The fuzzy person's shadow is startled. 模糊人影一怔。 Any nonsense that said.” “说的什么狗屁。” Bu Fang shook the head, seems somewhat disappointed...... 步方摇了摇头,似乎有些失望…… You are not God of Cooking...... If God of Cooking, will say how possibly this?” “你不是厨神……若是厨神,怎么可能会说出这样的话?” Bu Fang indifferently said. 步方淡淡道 Fuzzy person's shadow, float in darkness. 模糊的人影,悬浮在黑暗中。 White luminous spot unceasing float. 白色的光点不断的悬浮。 „Amn't I possibly the soul God? Your all...... I am familiar and clear, all your...... I look.” “我怎么可能会不是魂神?你的一切……我都熟悉和清楚,你的一切……我都看着。” The fuzzy person's shadow said. 模糊的人影道。 He lifts the hand. 他抬起手。 In the palm, suddenly appeared a Dī Dī divine strength bubble. 手掌中,顿时浮现出了一滴滴神力液滴。 That golden divine strength bubble, Bu Fang very familiar. 那金色的神力液滴,步方十分的熟悉。 Saw that this does not have...... This divine strength bubble precisely I once entrusted with you.” “看到这个没有……这神力液滴就是我曾经赋予给你的。” The fuzzy person's shadow said, his expression somewhat seems to be rapid. 模糊人影道,他的语气似乎都有些急促。 The Bu Fang's vision ponders more and more. 步方的目光越来越玩味。 Wind huā lā lā is blowing. 哗啦啦的在吹。 That rapid fuzzy person's shadow, quickly also restored calm. 那急促的模糊人影,很快也恢复了淡定。 I said...... I reject.” “我说了……我拒绝。” Bu Fang expressionlessly said that his words, categorical. 步方面无表情道,他的话语,斩钉截铁。 Finally...... 终于…… That fuzzy person's shadow fluttered. 那模糊人影飘飞了起来。 Entire black space spread a laughter. 整个黑色空间都是传出了一阵笑声。 Laughter very huge, quick...... Black space starts to vibrate. 笑声十分的巨大,很快……黑色空间开始抖动。 hōng lóng lóng...... 轰隆隆…… As if there is sound of any avalanche to resound through. 仿佛有什么崩塌的声音响彻而起。 The black starts to vanish unceasingly, the white light, appeared in front of Bu Fang's. 黑色开始不断消失,白色的光,浮现在了步方的面前。 That white light is getting more and more radiant, finally, thorough hazy his eye...... 那白色的光越来越璀璨,最后,彻底迷蒙了他的眼…… Congratulates you...... Insisting on the enticement, world not any shortcut, even if only had the one pace from peak.” “恭喜你……坚持住了诱惑,世间没有任何的捷径,就算距离巅峰只有一步之遥。” Steps the road of God of Cooking to start from you...... You are not then doomed ordinary.” “从你踏上厨神之路开始……你便注定不平凡。” This is I gives your last test......” “这是我给你的最后一场考验……” Good luck.” “祝你好运。” The fuzzy person's shadow vanished. 模糊人影消失了。 Has only left behind rumbled between world. 只留下了天地间的轰鸣 Next quarter...... 下一刻…… Bu Fang gradual has been familiar with this light. 步方才是逐渐的熟悉了这份光。 The light is very gentle. 光很柔和。 In his front, presented in a forest the hut, wind blowing gently, is very gentle, is very comfortable. 在他的面前,出现了一栋林中小屋,风轻轻的吹,很柔和,很舒适。 Bu Fang defeated/carrying, looks toward all around. 步方负着手,往四周看。 Slowly walks toward there. 缓缓的往那儿走。 Has opened the door of hut. 推开了小屋的门。 In the room, there is a rich fragrance float. 屋子内,有浓郁的香味漂浮而来。 On that table, suspended one to skim the ostentatious dish, was sending out the innumerable golden light. 在那桌子上,摆着一份撇去了浮华的菜品,散发着无数的金光。 The radiant ray, is dazzling and eye-catching. 璀璨的光芒,耀眼而夺目。 Bu Fang sat before the table. 步方坐在了桌子前。 Looks at that dish. 看着那道菜品。 Deep inspiration. 深深的吸了一口气。 That fragrance drills into his mouth and nose, making Bu Fang feel that the whole body as if experienced the baptism. 那香味钻入他的口鼻之中,让步方感觉浑身似乎都经历了洗礼。 That is a simple dish, but simple was disclosing is extraordinary. 那是一份简简单单的菜品,但是简单中却透露着不平凡。 splendid light that on that dish passes, lets the Bu Fang deep inspiration. 那菜品上流转的华光,让步方深深吸气。 At the Bu Fang's eyesight, can see, these ingredient qualities, are absolutely uncommon. 步方的眼力,一眼就可以看出,这些食材的品质,绝对不凡。 Each ingredient, is essence between world, is most top ingredient...... 每一种食材,都是天地间的精华,是最顶级的食材…… A dish that such ingredient, culinary arts leaves, has skimmed ostentatiously, essence that is reserved, incomparable fearfulness. 这样的食材,所烹饪出的一道菜,撇去了浮华,内敛起来的精华,无比的可怕。 God of Cooking final test? 厨神最后的考验么? Bu Fang deep breath. 步方深吸了一口气 Sat before the dinner table. 坐在了餐桌前。 He turns head, is sizing up the room. 他扭头,打量着房间。 In room, only then dinner table, kitchen stove, simple. 房间中,只有餐桌,灶台,简简单单。 Bu Fang has as if thought of anything. 步方似乎想到了什么。 The corners of the mouth pull. 嘴角一扯。 He takes back the vision, the vision fell above the dish before body. 他收回目光,目光落在了身前的菜品之上。 Lifts the hand, held the chopsticks. 抬起手,抓住了筷子。 Falls the chopsticks, has picked cuisines in dish. 落筷,夹起了菜品中的美食 Shoots a look at the ostentatious dish, making Bu Fang smell, the soul as if sublimated. 瞥去浮华的菜品,让步方一嗅,灵魂似乎都升华了似的。 Dish putting in mouth in slowly. 将菜品缓缓的放入口中。 chewing under. 咀嚼而下。 Un? 嗯? The Bu Fang's vision shrinks slightly. 步方的目光微微一缩。 Good...... Delicious......” “好……好吃……” Bu Fang's glances the circulation, felt that somewhat inconceivable, does world have such delicacy really? 步方的眼波流转,感觉到有些不可思议,世间真的存在这样的美味么? Bu Fang felt oneself as if galloped in this moment in the universe. 步方感觉自己仿佛在这一刻驰骋在了宇宙中。 Shuttles back and forth in the innumerable stars, is feeling the world purest aura baptism. 在无数的星球之间穿梭,感受着天地最纯正气息的洗礼。 In this moment, was born one type, the glance numerous mountain little heroic spirit. 在这一刻,更是诞生了一种,一览众山小的豪气。 God of Cooking dish! 厨神菜品! Bu Fang can determine, this dish, certainly is God of Cooking culinary arts. 步方可以确定,这道菜,一定是厨神烹饪的。 Because under this dish, Bu Fang felt that own aura starts rapid dramatic rise, from originally Realm of mortal, all of a sudden rapid increasing, aura rumbled. 因为在这一道菜之下,步方感觉自己的气息开始飞速的飙升,从原本凡人的境界,一下子飞速的攀升,气息轰鸣 Quick, breaks through the level of Great Dao sage. 很快,就冲破大道圣人的层次。 In this in an instant, as if all was thrown by him after the brain. 在这一念之间,仿佛一切都被他抛在了脑后。 Bu Fang closes one's eyes. 步方闭着眼。 Long putting out one breath. 长长的吐出一口气。 Lifts the hand, in the feeling body the billowing supernatural power. 抬起手,感受身躯中滚滚的法力。 Shaking the head. 摇了摇头。 God of Cooking dish...... First time eats, really...... Very inconceivable.” 厨神的菜品……第一次吃到,真的……非常不可思议啊。” This is not the false God of Cooking dish, but is the true God of Cooking dish. 这一道不是伪厨神菜品,而是真正的厨神菜品。 Compared with that mountains and rivers state chart of Bu Fang suppression soul God formidable! 比起步方镇压魂神的那道山河社稷图更加的强大! In Bu Fang's eyes has covered entirely complex. 步方的眼眸中布满了复杂。 This kind of dish...... I have not actually felt any mood to fluctuate, God of Cooking...... Road that this precisely you choose?” “这样一道菜……我却没有感受到任何的情绪波动,厨神……这就是你选择的路么?” Bu Fang shook the head, somewhat regrettable sighing. 步方摇了摇头,有些遗憾的叹了一口气。 Un? 嗯? Not right...... 不对…… The Bu Fang regrettable expression stiffens suddenly, opens eyes slowly. 步方遗憾的表情突然僵住,缓缓睁开眼。 He has clamped a chopsticks dish once again, squeezes in the mouth. 他再度夹了一筷子菜品,塞入口中。 In the room becomes very peaceful. 房间中变得十分的安静。 Only then in forest outside hut, wind rustle sound of blowing...... 只有林中小屋外,风沙沙的吹的声响…… Bu Fang shuts tightly to focus, this time, is the completely different flavors/smells...... 步方紧闭着眼,这一次,是完全不同的味道…… He closes one's eyes. 他闭着眼。 In the heart as if appeared a beautiful figure. 心中仿佛浮现出了一道倩影。 The voice and face smiling face appears...... 音容笑貌浮现…… Although did not know, but, can feel in that smiling face to fill the air joyful...... 虽然不认识,但是,能够感受到那笑容中所弥漫的快乐…… This dish...... Not is only heartless! 这一道菜……不仅仅是无情! ...... 还有…… Feels emotion to say! 有情道! Bu Fang opens eyes, the corner of the eye has drop of tears to fall. 步方睁开眼,眼角有一滴泪滑落。 Just...... This feels emotion saying that is bitter and astringent. 只不过……这有情道,是苦涩的。 Heartless, contains one to feel emotion. 无情中,蕴含着一丝有情。 This precisely God of Cooking say/way? 就是厨神的道? Bu Fang has put down the chopsticks. 步方放下了筷子。 He heard sound of chanting in a low voice probably...... 他好像听到了低吟的声音…… As if the person, collects in the ear bank, was saying anything to him low voice. 仿佛有一个人,凑在耳畔,对他小声的说着什么。 Was telling a story low voice. 在小声的说着一个故事。 That story, making the Bu Fang's vision more and more sad...... 那个故事,让步方的目光越来越悲伤…… For a long time. 许久之后。 Bu Fang sighed. 步方叹了一口气。 In the heartless say/way, includes one to feel emotion. 无情道中,含有一丝有情。 This is God of Cooking wants to express, but meaning that he wants to express...... Clearly. 这是厨神所想表达的,而他想要表达的意思……很明显。 This group...... Invalid. 这路……行不通。 Because of God of Cooking...... On this road, moved toward the death. 因为厨神……在这条路上,走向了死亡。 The God of Cooking final test is very obvious. 厨神最后的考验很明显。 Let a Bu Fang culinary arts dish...... 步方烹饪一道菜…… But this dish...... 而这道菜…… Must surmount God of Cooking the dish. 必须要超越厨神的这道菜。 Otherwise...... Bu Fang will be defeated in the test. 否则……步方就会在考验中失败。 But price of failure...... 而失败的代价…… precisely eliminate. 就是抹杀 This no matter the system, is God of Cooking, main key that from the beginning arranges. 这不管是系统,还是厨神,就一开始定好的基调。 Bu Fang has not flinched, has not dreaded. 步方没有退缩,也没有畏惧。 He stands up. 他站起身。 Defeated/Carrying, in the kitchen in hut toward the forest, walk gradually goes. 负着手,朝着林中小屋的厨房,一步一步的行走而去。 Crash-bang...... 哗啦…… Drew out the kitchen knife, the Bu Fang's corners of the mouth has selected slightly. 拔出了菜刀,步方的嘴角微微一挑。
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