GOAW :: Volume #16

#1547: This... Also line? 【First!】

Soul Demons! 魂魔 Soul Demons!! 魂魔!! In this moment, no matter the surrounding talent, is Royal Child, eyes fiercely shrinks, holds breath a cold air/Qi. 在这一刻,不管是周围的天才,还是帝子,眼眸都是猛地一缩,倒吸一口冷气。 Now, in Titan God Dynasty, who doesn't know Soul Demons? 如今,在泰坦神朝,谁人不知魂魔 This type strange formidable life, floods to make people feel the nightmare terrifying. 这种诡异又强悍的生灵,充斥着让人感觉到梦魇般的恐怖。 These lives can take possession human, and can also duplicate the human ability, unusual monster different, until now, nobody seeks to resist the methods of these lives, only the useful powerful strength thorough crush may. 这些生灵能够附体人类,并且还能复制人类的能力,非常的妖异,迄今为止,都无人寻找出对抗这些生灵的手段,唯有用强大实力彻底碾压才可。 However, to the serial number Soul Demons degree, is not only the powerful strength can eliminate. 但是,到了序号魂魔的程度,已经不仅仅是强大实力能够抹杀的了。 This is also a present Titan God Dynasty unusual headache issue. 这也是如今泰坦神朝非常头痛的一个问题。 However, no one has thought, in them, has Soul Demons to appear unexpectedly. 然而,谁都没有想到,在他们之中,居然有魂魔出现。 Royal Child whole body flood cold. 帝子浑身泛寒。 In eyes revealed the panic-stricken color/look. 眼眸中流露出了惊恐之色。 He before...... Unexpectedly stayed with Soul Demons was so long? 他之前……居然跟魂魔呆了这么久? Soul Demons is evil, will gobble up human, with human is the enemy of fate, he makes Soul Demons stay in the side unexpectedly is so long. 魂魔邪恶,会吞吃人类,跟人类是宿命之敌,他居然让魂魔呆在身边这么久。 He has not died, is really lucky Ah! 他没有死,真的是万幸啊! These two Soul Demons, are serial number Soul Demons, is almost the superior God King level, unusual formidable. 这两尊魂魔,乃是序号魂魔,差不多是上等神王层次,非常的强悍 The surrounding Titan God Dynasty talent evildoer/monstrous talent, are dumb as a wooden chicken, their whole body flood cold, does not know that should say anything. 周围的泰坦神朝天才妖孽们,都是呆若木鸡,他们浑身泛寒,不知道该说些什么。 Terrifying killing intent eruption. 恐怖的杀意爆发。 Bu Fang stands in same place, only feels the evil aura store front. 步方站立在原地,只感觉邪恶的气息铺面而来。 He narrowed the eye. 他眯起了眼。 Takes a fast look around that two, guard who kills instantaneously. 扫视那两尊,瞬间杀来的守卫。 These two guard hideaway good of , but, Bu Fang actually not unexpected, because in before, has discovered the strange places of these two guards. 这两守卫隐藏的很好,不过,步方倒是没有出乎意料,因为在之前,就发现了这两守卫的古怪之处。 Oneself eat Sea Oyster Wrap time, knitting the brows that these two guards can detest. 自己吃海蛎包的时候,这两尊守卫会嫌恶的皱眉。 Was needless saying that these two fellows have also had the apositia, was existence of Soul Demons hideaway. 不用说,这两家伙也得了厌食症,也是魂魔隐藏的存在。 Therefore Bu Fang thought that these talent evildoer/monstrous talent moe very much. 所以步方才觉得这些天才妖孽们很萌。 Was surrounded by Soul Demons does not know. 魂魔包围了都不知道。 Especially that Royal Child, sprouts somewhat was stupid. 特别是那帝子,萌的都有些蠢了。 Bang! 轰! The vision of two guards all of a sudden fierce. 两位守卫的目光一下子狰狞了起来。 They are grasping the insect scale blade, rip, tears the backdrop, is cuts toward Bu Fang. 他们握着虫鳞刀,撕拉一声,撕裂天幕,朝着步方便是斩来。 They cut a blade, wants to the distinction cut thoroughly broken, tears two halves. 两人都是斩出一刀,欲要将分别彻底斩碎,撕裂成两半。 Fearful black energy, is exploding that blows shoots surrounding Royal Child and talents. 可怕的黑色能量,将周围的帝子和天才们都是吹的爆射而出。 These two Soul Demons are not ordinary, after all is serial number Soul Demons. 这两尊魂魔不一般,毕竟是序号魂魔 They blocked space all of a sudden, not to the opportunity that Bu Fang ran away. 他们一下子就封锁住了空间,不会给步方逃窜的机会。 Bu Fang naturally was also induces, space by the feeling that the black air/Qi such as the vine intertwined generally, therefore he did not have the choice to walk from out of the blue. 步方自然也是感应到了,空间被黑气如藤蔓一般纠结起来的感觉,所以他没有选择破空而走。 Instead is stands on the spot. 反而是站立在原地。 Facial color gradual is indifferent. 面色逐渐的冷漠起来。 Regarding Soul Demons, Bu Fang not slight favorable impression. 对于魂魔,步方没有丝毫的好感。 These disgusting lives. 这些恶心的生灵。 Bang! 轰! Bu Fang lifts the hand, on the gluttony arm the energy circulation, held the blade of that insect scale. 步方抬起手,饕餮臂上能量流转,抓住了那虫鳞之刀。 Bang! 嘭! The position that Bu Fang stands, erupted the startled day to explode instantaneously. 步方站立的位置,瞬间爆发出了惊天爆炸。 The sound of rumbled resounds through unceasingly, as if wants destroying the Heavens and extinguishing the Earth. 轰鸣之声响彻不断,仿佛要毁天灭地似的。 Fearful incomparable. 可怕无比。 The surrounding talents are suck in a cold breath. 周围的天才们都是倒吸了一口冷气 Runs away quickly! This is serial number Soul Demons!” “快逃!这是序号魂魔!” Superior God King rank exists...... We reported God Sovereign quickly!” “上等神王级别的存在……我们快去禀告神皇!” Walks quickly! Royal Child walks quickly, that outer court person must die without doubt!” “快走!帝子快走,那个外朝人必死无疑了!” ...... …… The surrounding talent, where can also attend to Bu Fang at this moment, hurries to open the mouth, is drawing Royal Child, must run away. 周围的天才,此刻哪里还顾得上步方,赶紧开口,拉着帝子,就要逃走。 jié jié Jie...... Too nice-smelling! This aura too nice-smelling!” 桀桀桀……太好闻了!这气息太好闻了!” Soul 13 make us hold him, otherwise...... I want the end opening now, I have been able help mouth-wateringly!” “魂13让我们抓住他,否则……我现在就要下口,我已经忍不住要流口水了!” Two guards, the appearance unusual terrifying, on their faces is the appalling scale cover appears. 两尊守卫,模样非常的恐怖,他们的脸上都是让人毛骨悚然的鳞片茂密出现。 ! 呼啦! The wind sways. 风吹拂而过。 Has revealed. picture, the Bu Fang two hands, separately held insect scale blade 露出了场中的画面,步方两只手,分别抓住了虫鳞刀。 Vision faint glance. 目光淡漠的扫视着。 Two Soul Demons suddenly vision concentrate. 两尊魂魔顿时目光一凝。 Soul 13 said that this human was injured! Fights a battle to force a quick decision!” “魂13说这个人类受伤了!速战速决!” Two Soul Demons have looked at each other one, each other exchanges energetic. 两尊魂魔对视了一眼,彼此精神交流。 Then, two Soul Demons grab that insect scale blade to sweep away fiercely. 尔后,两尊魂魔抓着那虫鳞刀猛地横扫而起。 Bang! 轰! The sonorous sound resounds through, although the insect scale blade seems not sharp, but in fact, actually cuts iron like mud, the ground was cut gullies. 铿锵之声响彻,虫鳞刀虽然看上去不锋锐,但是实际上,却是削铁如泥,地面被切割出了一道道的沟壑。 Bu Fang figure like the ghosts and demons unceasing migration, has shunted the impact of this blade blade. 步方身形如鬼魅般不断的移动,躲开了这一刀刀的冲击。 eyes contraction of Royal Child. 帝子眼眸紧缩。 He as if also immerses in inconceivable, the father sovereign dispatches to his two guards...... Unexpectedly is Soul Demons! 他似乎还沉浸在不可思议中,父皇派遣给他的两尊守卫……居然是魂魔 This what's the matter? 这到底是怎么回事? The could it be that father sovereign has not discovered these two guards unusual? 难道父皇没有发现这两尊守卫的异常么? In their Titan God Dynasty...... How many such Soul Demons? 那他们泰坦神朝中……还有多少这样的魂魔 That fellow...... Was dying.” “那个家伙……要死了吧。” The Royal Child pupil moves, the vision fell on Bu Fang's. 帝子瞳孔一动,目光落在了步方的身上。 Manages him to refuse stubbornly dead...... Does not walk, that Soul Demons has killed that fellow, we must die!” “管他死不死……再不走,那魂魔杀了那家伙,我们就都得死!” A talent whole body in rustle trembles, draws Royal Child to run away. 一位天才浑身都是在簌簌发抖,拉着帝子就要逃走。 Royal Child recovers, not hesitant, immediately walks. 帝子回过神来,没有犹豫,立刻就走。 He is Royal Child, the Titan God Dynasty future successor, his talent certainly, in the future surely will want to become stands existence in Chaos Universe peak. 他是帝子,泰坦神朝未来的继承人,他的天赋强绝,未来必定要成站在混沌宇宙巅峰的存在。 He cannot die here. 他不能就死在这儿。 Suddenly. 突然。 Royal Child and the others the complexions become very pale. 帝子等人的脸色变得非常的惨白。 Must walk because of them from out of the blue. 因为他们要破空而走的时候。 Actually discovered that void all around, by black air/Qi blocking. 却是发现,周遭的虚空,被一道道黑气给封锁住了。 That black air/Qi, as if changed to knot here. 那黑气,仿佛将这儿化作了一个结界。 They no matter how cannot run away! 他们不管如何都是逃不出去! This......” vision contraction of Royal Child. “这……”帝子的目光紧缩。 The surrounding talents also reveal the desperate color/look. 周围的天才们也是流露出了绝望之色。 What to do should this? 这该怎么办? Do they want dead here? 他们要死在这儿了么? Is one captures mission of outer court person obviously, how to turn into one by the hopeless situation that Soul Demons slaughters! 明明是一场追捕外朝人的任务,怎么就变成了一场被魂魔屠戮的绝境! Nearby this...... Soul Demons!” “这附近……还有魂魔!” The Royal Child facial color is extremely pale, that two Soul Demons guard with the Bu Fang war, is impossible to pay attention to them. 帝子面色万分惨白,那两魂魔守卫在和步方大战,不可能关注上他们。 That is who has blocked around this void? 那是谁封锁了这四周的虚空? That precisely said that all around is also hiding Soul Demons. 就是说周遭还隐藏着一头魂魔 Is who?! 是谁?! Is could it be that one in their these talents? 难道是他们这些天才中的一个? The Royal Child vision concentrates, glance has approached these monstrous talent, vigilant extremely. 帝子的目光一凝,扫视向了身边的那些妖孽天才,警惕万分。 These Titan God Dynasty clan talent evildoer/monstrous talent also reveal the panic-stricken color/look. 那些泰坦神朝的氏族天才妖孽们也是流露出了惊恐之色。 They have also thought of the idea of Royal Child. 他们也想到了帝子的想法。 suddenly, everyone is vigilant extremely mutual looks at each other person. 顿时,每个人都是警惕万分的互相对视身边的人。 Perhaps, then existence with their one pace, precisely evil Soul Demons! 或许,那跟他们不过一步之遥的存在,就是邪恶的魂魔 Distant place. 远处。 Under temple high tower. 神庙高塔之下。 That is sitting cross-legged defends temple person raising the head of slightly old. 那盘坐着的苍老守庙人微微的抬起头。 His eyes pitch-black, the pupil presents the scarlet color/look, the corners of the mouth turned upwards, reveal have wiped cold smiling. 他的眼眸漆黑,瞳孔呈现猩红之色,嘴角翘起,露出了一抹冷冽的笑。 He looks Royal Child and other monstrous talent that these aim at mutually, feel to laugh. 他看着那些互相针对的帝子妖孽天才,感到嗤笑。 human...... Really is one crowd of stupid creature. 人类……果然都是一群愚蠢的生物。 Only can degenerate into food! 只能沦为食物! His vision revolution, fell on Bu Fang's. 他的目光一转,落在了步方的身上。 human that this soul 13 mention names, truly is the ingredient thing of top, flavor/smell that on that fleshly body sends out, was too charming. 这个魂13指名道姓的人类,确实是食材中的顶级之物,那肉身上所散发出的味道,太迷人了。 Defends the temple person to open mouth, on his mouth has slaughter/rancid to flow under. 守庙人张开嘴,他的嘴巴上都是有哈喇子流淌而下。 What a pity, this human must deliver to soul 13 side. 可惜,这人类要送到魂13身边。 The present soul 13, are their Soul Demons spiritual leaders. 如今的魂13,是他们魂魔的精神领袖。 Is doomed to become existence of Soul Demon Lord, this defends the temple person...... Has not dared to be disobedient. 是注定要成为魂主的存在,他这守庙人……还不敢忤逆。 But...... 可是…… Cannot eat Bu Fang. 吃不到步方 That...... 那…… Defends vision one revolution of temple person. 守庙人的目光一转。 The scarlet pupil has locked these talent evildoer/monstrous talent and Royal Child distant place. 猩红的瞳孔锁定了远处的那些天才妖孽和帝子们。 Could not have the delicacy, that had some ordinary delicacies...... Also can Ah! “吃不了美味,那吃些普通的美味……也是可以的啊! Defended the temple person to swallow a saliva, the body of last years of life, slowly has stood from the position, trembled cautious, as if gust can sweep. 守庙人吞了口唾沫,风烛残年的身躯,缓缓的从位置上站了起来,颤颤兢兢,仿佛一阵风就能吹走似的。 Un? 嗯? As defends the temple person to stand. 随着守庙人站立而起。 Royal Child and the others, suddenly felt that lets the terrifying of their creepy feeling! 帝子等人,顿时感到一股让他们头皮发麻的恐怖! This aura...... 这股气息…… Royal Child and the others turned head toward defending the position of temple person looks. 帝子等人扭头朝着守庙人的位置看去。 suddenly saw that like nightmare one. 顿时看到了那如梦魇般的一幕。 The scarlet pupil, as if boundless blood pond, sends out the fear that the soul is wailing. 猩红的瞳孔,仿佛无边的血池,散发着灵魂哀嚎的恐惧。 That fear spread Royal Child and the others in the bodies, making them nearly desperate. 那恐惧蔓延到了帝子等人的身躯上,让他们近乎绝望。 How possible! Defended the temple person also invading by Soul Demons?” “怎么可能!守庙人也被魂魔给侵占了么?” Why the protector in my old Heavens! temple also turned into Soul Demons! My Titan God Dynasty...... How!” “我的老天啊!神庙的守护者为何也变成了魂魔!我泰坦神朝……怎么了!” Soul Demons...... Why everywhere!” 魂魔……为何无处不在!” ...... …… Talents have whinned. 一个个天才都是哀嚎了起来。 They felt suddenly the despair of the innermost soul spreading. 他们忽然感到了一股从灵魂深处蔓延开来的绝望。 This desperate...... Let them not dare to move. 这绝望……让他们不敢动弹。 Defends the temple person unexpectedly is Soul Demons?” “守庙人居然是魂魔?” Royal Child is dumb as a wooden chicken. 帝子呆若木鸡。 Then, the barbarian article above body, as if wriggled got up, a fist bang in void, wanted to drive out the blockade. 尔后,身躯之上的蛮文,仿佛蠕动了起来似的,一拳轰在虚空,想要轰开封锁。 Runs away to walk. 逃窜而走。 What a pity, that black air/Qi like dragon, even if the eruption article and Destruction Principle he, facing this black air/Qi blockade, actually still cannot shake its slightest. 可惜,那黑气如龙,就算是爆发蛮文和毁灭法则的他,面对这黑气封锁,却仍旧是撼动不了其分毫。 Buzz...... 嗡…… Instant. 只是刹那。 That defends temple person Soul Demons then to approach, the flash was to then approach the Royal Child side. 那守庙人魂魔便是临近,一瞬间便是逼近到了帝子的身边。 Defends the profile of temple person, was covered by the insect scale, terrifying such as devil in abyss. 守庙人的半边脸,都是被虫鳞所覆盖,恐怖如深渊中的恶魔似的。 You......” “你……” Royal Child opened mouth, is actually discovered own anything could not say! 帝子张了张嘴,却是发现自己什么都说不出来! Food......” “食物啊……” Defends the temple person to grin, deep inspiration, on the face of distortion full is the color/look of being infatuated with. 守庙人咧开嘴,深深的吸了一口气,扭曲的脸上满是陶醉之色。 Bang! 轰! rumbled! 一声轰鸣 The terrifying explosion has. 恐怖的爆炸顿生。 Two attack Bu Fang's Soul Demons suddenly to be shot to fly. 两尊攻击步方的魂魔顿时被弹飞。 After falling to the ground, causes the ground in unceasing blasting open. 落地之后,引得地面在不断的炸裂。 Around the Bu Fang's body, is lingering four Principle wheel disk. 步方的身躯周围,萦绕着四道法则轮盘。 Each Principle wheel disk, is sending out the pinnacle terrifying, each Principle, is Universe Top Principle. 每一道法则轮盘,都是散发着极致的恐怖,每一道法则,都是宇宙至强法则 Four Universe Top Principle! 四道宇宙至强法则 At this moment, Bu Fang as if became entire world focal point. 这一刻,步方仿佛成为了全世界的焦点似的。 The Royal Child vision shrinks. 帝子的目光一缩。 He has not really misread...... This outer court person, comprehended four Universe Top Principle unexpectedly. 他果然没有看错……这个外朝人,居然真的领悟了四道宇宙至强法则 Even if Titan Royal Child, how not to regard as important Universe Top Principle again, he also understands that comprehends four Universe Top Principle fearfully! 就算身为泰坦帝子,再怎么不看重宇宙至强法则,他也明白领悟四道宇宙至强法则有多可怕! That completely...... 那完全…… Especially is not the person! 特么的不是人! The Bu Fang brow wrinkles slightly. 步方眉头微微皱起。 These Soul Demons are very hard to deal with. 这些魂魔很难缠。 Erupted four Universe Top Principle Bu Fang, battle efficiency become stronger was bigger. 爆发了四道宇宙至强法则步方,战斗力变强大了许多。 Divine Awareness also thoroughly surges, suppresses all. 神识也是彻底涌动开来,镇压一切。 Impossible...... The soul 13 said that this human has been injured...... This appearance, where likely is the injured appearance!” “不可能……魂13说这个人类已经受伤了……这模样,哪里像是受伤的样子!” Guards the Soul Demons vision to shrink. 一尊守卫魂魔目光一缩。 Four Universe Top Principle, the Top Grade evildoer/monstrous talent in this precisely human!” “四道宇宙至强法则,这就是人类中的极品妖孽么!” Another Soul Demons is also the deep inspiration. 另一尊魂魔也是深深的吸气。 Even if that defends the temple person is also looking askance. 就算是那守庙人也是不由的侧目。 Little Fox jumps out. 小狐窜出。 Lies on the Bu Fang's shoulder. 趴在步方的肩膀上。 The strength of Principle is infiltrating her body, making her feel very comfortable. 法则之力浸润着她的身躯,让她感到十分的舒适。 Bu Fang defeated/carrying. 步方负着手。 Ten points floating and calm. 十分的飘然和淡定。 Two Soul Demons guarded. 两尊魂魔守卫动了。 figure like the shadow, has torn backdrop, they do not have the strength of Principle, however after swallowing this guard, Divine Ability and fight that skill comprehended guarding. 身形如黑影,撕裂过天幕,他们没有法则之力,但是在吞噬了这守卫之后,领悟了守卫的神通和战斗技巧。 Presses up to Bu Fang. 直逼步方而来。 With the human way, copes human! 人类的方式,来对付人类 Kill! 杀! Bang!!! 轰!!! The fearful noise, this temple around, as if must destroy. 可怕的喧嚣,将这神庙周围,仿佛都是要摧毁似的。 Looks two guards who compels. 看着逼来的两尊守卫。 The Bu Fang corners of the mouth pull slightly. 步方嘴角微微一扯。 Then, the hand shakes. 尔后,手一抖。 Copes with Soul Demons, is this method...... Most convenient. 对付魂魔,还是这种手段……最方便。 The Bu Fang vision concentrates. 步方目光一凝。 Buzz...... 嗡…… True Energy condense becomes a pot. 真气凝聚成一口锅。 Around Bu Fang's body, ingredient in float. 步方的身躯周围,一份份的食材在悬浮。 The hand shakes, ordinary kitchen knife suddenly appears. 手一抖,一把普通的菜刀顿时浮现而出。 Right, a very ordinary kitchen knife. 没错,很普通的一把菜刀。 What does the fellow want to make?!” “那家伙要做什么?!” Defends the temple person to stare. 守庙人一愣。 The surrounding talent evildoer/monstrous talent, Royal Child also stare. 周围的天才妖孽,还有帝子们也是一愣。 Two guard the Soul Demons vision to narrow the eyes. 两尊守卫魂魔目光一眯。 Manages him to make anything...... Tore into shreds said again!” “管他要做什么……撕碎了再说!” Bang! 轰! Guards the eruption. 守卫爆发。 Approaches instantaneously. 瞬间逼近。 In the Bu Fang hand is laying out ingredient, indifferent incomparable. 步方手中捣弄着食材,淡然无比。 Little Fox...... Spurts them.” 小狐……喷他们。” Bu Fang indifferently said. 步方淡淡道 Even has not lifted, was still processing ingredient. 甚至头都没有抬,仍旧在处理食材 Little Fox eye one bright. 小狐眼睛一亮。 Gū lū. 咕噜一声。 Lies on the Bu Fang's shoulder, mouth blows up suddenly. 趴在步方的肩膀上,嘴巴陡然鼓起。 Bang! 轰! Her body all of a sudden becomes blood red, that is the Heavenly God blood of circulation. 她的身躯一下子变得血红,那是流转的天神血。 Clip clop dá dá dá dá...... 哒哒哒哒哒哒…… The mouth of Little Fox opens. 小狐的嘴巴张开。 suddenly cyan flame eruption. 顿时青色火光爆发。 Burst Meat Ball toward these Soul Demons guards, explode shoots to go. 一个个爆裂牛丸朝着那些魂魔守卫,爆射而去。 This anything thing! „ “这什么东西!“ The Burst Meat Ball might of Little Fox blowout is not much. 小狐喷出的爆裂牛丸威力不怎么样。 Regarding these two serial number Soul Demons, is fearless. 对于这两尊序号魂魔而言,根本无所畏惧。 Their insect scale blade wields. 他们虫鳞刀挥动。 Instantaneous tearing. 瞬间撕裂而过。 That jumps beef meatball suddenly that shoots to come to be twisted rapidly broken by the blade glow. 那一个个飞速迸射而来的牛肉丸顿时被刀芒绞碎。 ...... 只是…… Twists broken instant! 绞碎的刹那! Rich fragrance suddenly blasts out! 浓郁的香味顿时炸开! Bang! 轰! Huge aroma bomb...... suddenly gave wrap up two Soul Demons. 巨大的香气炸弹……顿时将两尊魂魔包裹了起来。 Vomits!! 呕!! Two Soul Demons flying upside down, bang pounded on the ground, continual tumbling. 两尊魂魔倒飞而出,嘭的一声砸在了地上,连续翻滚。 Even if crawled, lay on the ground, the vomit continued. 就算爬起来了,也是趴在地上,呕吐不止。 Their stomachs...... The convulsion of not being able to stop. 他们的胃……止不住的痉挛。 The talent evildoer/monstrous talent of distant place are dumbfounded. 远处的天才妖孽们目瞪口呆。 Royal Child somewhat ignorant compels, Soul Demons of these terrors, how many beef meatballs unexpectedly by hitting to fly? 帝子更是有些懵逼,那些恐怖的魂魔,居然被几颗牛肉丸给打飞了? This...... Also line?!” “这样……也行?!”
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