GOAW :: Volume #16

#1546: Has confirmed the look... 【Third!】

These talents, a little moe. 这些天才,有点萌。 Right, in the Bu Fang eye, these rushes ahead one crowd of Titan God Dynasty talent evildoer/monstrous talent that comes toward him, sprouts really very much. 没错,在步方眼中,这些朝着他冲杀而来的一群泰坦神朝的天才妖孽,是真的很萌。 Bang! 轰! On vault of heaven. 天穹上。 Titan God Dynasty Royal Child, the whole body blooming God splendor, that is writing Chedi the stimulated to movement rhythm. 泰坦神朝帝子,浑身绽放神辉,那是蛮文彻底被催动的节奏。 But Titan God Dynasty Royal Child body, was suddenly tall and straight. 泰坦神朝帝子的身躯,也是陡然挺拔了起来。 Ten zhang (3.33 m), hundred zhang (333 m), thousand zhang (3.33 m)! 十丈,百丈,千丈! Changed to a giant, is indomitable spirit, the barbarian article in body, blooms radiance, appeared the design, was winding Divine Dragon. 化作了一尊巨人,顶天立地,身躯上的蛮文,绽放光华,显现出了图案,是一头蜿蜒的神龙 The Royal Child vision is blazing, the hand grasps Divine Dragon, the aura vicissitude. 帝子目光炽烈,手抓神龙,气息浮沉。 Pours really worthily is dynasty Royal Child. 倒真不愧为一朝帝子 The pressure that sends out, in medium God King, endures to compare formidable. 所散发出的威压,在中等神王中,都堪比强悍 Little Fox opens mouth. 小狐张嘴。 The azure fire scatters. 青火四溅。 Clip clop dá dá dá dá the sound resounds through unceasingly. 哒哒哒哒哒哒之声响彻不绝。 Beef meatballs, jump to shoot from her mouth, although is funny, but the might actually cannot be underestimated. 一颗颗的牛肉丸,从她口中迸射而出,虽然滑稽,但是威力却是不容小觑。 Royal Child changed to thousand zhang (3.33 m) body, fleshly body as if became formidable. 帝子化作了千丈身躯,肉身似乎都变得强悍了许多。 Whatever that beef meatball pounds above own fleshly body, unceasing blast, is actually sends lossless. 任凭那牛肉丸砸在自己的肉身之上,不断的炸开,却是毫发无损。 Trivial domestic animal...... Also dares to provoke this Royal Child!” “区区畜生……也敢挑衅本帝子!” Titan Royal Child gaze as if a torch. 泰坦帝子目光如炬 He is an imperial prince, now is Royal Child, the natural pressure is boundless, how to accommodate a spirit beast provocation. 他本是皇子,如今又为帝子,自然威压磅礴,岂容一只灵兽挑衅。 Many people, see the Royal Child this boundless Breath appearance, is fervent unceasingly, they cried loud and long excitedly. 不少人,见得帝子这磅礴大气的模样,都是慷慨激昂不断,他们兴奋的长啸。 By the manners and customs of Titan God Dynasty, is Royal Child keep it up/add oil cheers. 泰坦神朝的风俗习惯,为帝子加油助威。 Expressed in their innermost feelings to the Royal Child respect. 表达他们内心中对帝子的敬意。 Bang! 轰! In the ground, the mist and dust is billowing. 地面上,烟尘滚滚。 expert approach rapidly, takes Bu Fang. 一位位强者飞速逼近,直拿步方 Bu Fang is the outer court person who God Sovereign mentions names to catch, they will let how possibly off! 步方神皇指名道姓要抓的外朝人,他们怎么可能会放过! Bu Fang has drunk the boiling water, shouted took a breath. 步方喝了开水,呼出了一口气 Drinks the boiling water, beneficial health. 喝开水,有益身体健康。 Next quarter. 下一刻。 Bu Fang raised the head, indifferent looked that to Titan God Dynasty clan monstrous talent that these compel. 步方抬起头,淡然的看向那些逼来的泰坦神朝氏族妖孽天才 Bu Fang has raised an arm. 步方扬起了一只手臂。 That is gluttony arm. 那是饕餮臂。 As radiance passes, the gluttony arm as if becomes Liuli / coloured glass, as if can see skeleton. 随着光华流转,饕餮臂似乎都变得琉璃,仿佛都能看到其中的骨骼似的。 If before. 如果是以前。 Bu Fang possibly directly pulls out Black Tortoise Pot, these Mengmeng the silly young fellows, a pot fan flies. 步方可能直接就掏出玄武锅,将这些萌萌哒的傻小伙们,一锅扇飞。 However present Bu Fang cannot like this. 但是现在的步方不能这样了。 Because Black Tortoise Pot went bad. 因为玄武锅坏了。 Therefore Bu Fang can only choose a simpler and direct way. 所以步方只能选择更加简单而直接的方式。 A person approaches, the article surges, the sound of fearful vitality rumbled, as if must make void blasting open. 一人逼近,蛮文涌动,可怕的气血轰鸣之声,仿佛要引得虚空炸裂。 A long and loud cry, a person of fist pounds. 一声长啸,一人一拳砸来。 But Bu Fang, that clear as if can see the hand of skeleton, is the light fan leaves. 步方,那晶莹的仿佛可以看到骨骼的手,则是轻飘飘的扇出。 Bang!! 嘭!! An explosive. 一声爆响。 Bu Fang immovability. 步方不动如山。 But that talent, the entire only arm presents the strange distortion, figure instantaneously was also patted flies. 而那位天才,整只手臂呈现怪异的扭曲,身形也是瞬间被拍飞。 Miserable howling sound, eruption. 惨嚎之声,爆发。 This, lets the surrounding person is the vision shrinks. 这一幕,让周围的人都是目光一缩。 Slightly astonished. 微微惊异。 Bang Bang Bang! 轰轰轰! Bu Fang superficial lays out four palms, the talent evildoer/monstrous talent that four rushes come fly upside down in abundance. 步方轻描淡写的拍出四掌,四位冲杀而来的天才妖孽纷纷倒飞。 The ground mist and dust dissipates. 地面烟尘逸散。 Reveals the appearance of evildoer/monstrous talent that four had been patted flies. 露出了那四位被拍飞的妖孽的模样。 That appearance...... 那模样…… Hissing hissing hissing...... 嘶嘶嘶…… All people are the holding breath cold air/Qi, only felt that a chill in the air spreads from the sole. 所有人都是倒吸冷气,只感觉一股寒意从脚底蔓延开来。 That four talents, were patted by Bu Fang the position, as if must blast open, extremely pitiful. 那四位天才,被步方拍中的位置,仿佛要炸裂开来似的,万分的凄惨。 This is really one listless...... Half God? 这真的是一个病恹恹的……半神 Half God? 半神 Does world have this and other fearful Half God? 世间有这等可怕的半神 What subsequent party does could it be that this fellow have? 难道这家伙还藏有什么后手? Many people carefully recall the Bu Fang's material. 许多人都是仔细回想步方的资料。 This person has defeated Xiayi God Dynasty Royal Child, suppresses many evildoer/monstrous talent, and comprehended three Universe Top Principle...... 此人打败了夏邑神朝帝子,镇压诸多妖孽,并且领悟了三道宇宙至强法则…… could it be that comprehends three to strong Principle, even if Half God...... Also can be so strong? 难道领悟三道至强法则,就算半神……也可以这么强? The Titan God Dynasty person, has not cared to Principle, what they care is the article. 泰坦神朝的人,对法则并没有多在乎,他们关心的是蛮文。 The literary talent is the source of their strength, therefore they do not know that comprehends three Universe Top Principle is the how terrifying concept. 蛮文才是他们力量的源泉,所以他们并不知道领悟三道宇宙至强法则是多么恐怖的概念。 Perhaps...... Very terrifying. 或许……很恐怖吧。 However...... Has the Royal Child that Divine Dragon writing to come terrifying? 但是……有帝子神龙蛮文来的恐怖? Comprehends three Universe Top Principle...... Half God, is Half God......” “就算领悟三道宇宙至强法则……半神,还是半神……” Some people twittering. 有人呢喃。 But, he said is not quite self-confident. 可是,他自己都说的不太自信。 Just to the Bu Fang make a move four people, that cultivation base in their these clan evildoer/monstrous talent, is the top exists. 刚刚对步方出手的四人,那修为在他们这些氏族妖孽中,已经是顶级存在。 Naturally, perhaps has not utilized the reason of article. 当然,或许是没有运用蛮文的缘故。 However, this was also very inconceivable. 但是,这也很不可思议了。 That four people turn over/stand up, they are the higher God, the resiliency is outstanding. 那四人翻身而起,他们都是高等神祗,恢复力超群。 Is naturally impossible to be overthrown by Bu Fang easily. 自然不可能轻易就被步方打倒。 Bang! 轰! Four people turn over/stand up, the vision is red. 四人翻身,目光赤红。 The barbarian article on their fleshly body also wriggled. 他们肉身上的蛮文也是蠕动了起来。 writing You all kinds of designs compose. 蛮文由各种各样的图案组成。 The Titan God Dynasty ancestor, obtained the inspiration on many ominous beasts, draws up the article the ominous beast, engraves above the body, obtains the formidable strength by this, and has the ominous beast attribute. 泰坦神朝的先祖,在诸多凶兽上得到了灵感,将凶兽绘制成蛮文,镌刻在身躯之上,以此来获得强大的实力,并且拥有凶兽属性。 For example present four big talent evildoer/monstrous talent. 比如眼前的四大天才妖孽。 The barbarian article on their fleshly body, then separately is...... Lion, fierce shape, cheetah, great alligator. 他们肉身上的蛮文,便分别是……雄狮,猛象,猎豹,巨鳄。 As the article stimulated to movement. 随着蛮文被催动。 Their fleshly body also rise suddenly, although is inferior to Royal Child thousand zhang (3.33 m) fleshly body, but has also been the number hundred zhang (333 m) body! 他们的肉身也是暴涨,虽然不及帝子的千丈肉身,但是也达到了数百丈身躯! Occupies a commanding position one by one, overlooks Bu Fang. 各个居高临下,俯视步方 I must tear to shreds you! Xiayi God Dynasty swine!” “我要把你碎尸万段!夏邑神朝的猪猡!” A clan talent roared. 一位氏族天才咆哮了起来。 Barbarian article is radiant, back as if appeared to look like phantom fiercely. 身上的蛮文璀璨,背后仿佛浮现出了猛象虚影 The both arms as if gathered the strength of fierce shape, changed to the long nose of fierce shape, maliciously sweeps away toward Bu Fang. 双臂仿佛汇聚了猛象的力量,化作了猛象的长鼻,狠狠的朝着步方横扫而来。 Bang! 嘭! The ground was hit, a giant stone was brought back, flies toward Bu Fang. 地面被打中,一块巨石被勾起,朝着步方飞来。 However, around the Bu Fang body is lingering Space Principle, that giant stone as if from the Bu Fang body across. 不过,步方身躯周围萦绕着空间法则,那巨石仿佛从步方身躯上穿过似的。 Threw flies to defend the direction of temple person. 抛飞向了守庙人的方向。 Kā cā. 咔擦 Defended the temple person to lift the hand of dry defeat. 守庙人抬起了枯败的手。 Pinches, then pinched the powder giant stone. 一捏,便是将巨石捏成了粉末。 That talent cold sweat appears, defends the temple person not to ask him to trouble luckily. 那位天才冷汗都是浮现,幸好守庙人没有找他麻烦。 Then, he divulged on the anger Bu Fang's. 转而,他就将怒火都宣泄到了步方的身上。 Damn Country of Henan swine!” “该死的夏邑猪猡!” Several talent evildoer/monstrous talent simultaneously make a move, fist pounding down maliciously. 几位天才妖孽同时出手,拳头狠狠的砸下。 That as if hill same fists, making the person look, creepy feeling. 那仿佛一个个小山包一样的拳头,让人看着,都头皮发麻。 Bang!! 轰! The places of four fist collide. 四个拳头碰撞之处。 The explosion has. 爆炸顿生。 However, Bu Fang sends lossless, stands on the spot. 然而,步方毫发无损,站在原地。 All around has the strength of invisible Principle in float, has blocked all dust, the strength and noise. 周遭则是有无形的法则之力在悬浮,挡住了所有的尘土,力量和喧嚣。 With the aid of the strength of article...... Actually interesting.” “借助蛮文的力量……倒是有点意思。” The Bu Fang complexion blanch, that is empty. 步方脸色发白,那是虚的。 After all, Heavenly God strength, although was suppressed, but still wreaks havoc in his within the body. 毕竟,天神的力量虽然被压制,但是还在他的体内肆虐。 However, and is not affected much. 不过,并无大碍。 Although he cannot increase the body. 他虽然不能将身躯变大。 However, compared with strength, Bu Fang radically fearless. 但是,比力量,步方根本无惧。 Tip of the toe at a ground gently point. 脚尖在地上轻轻一点。 Then, figure soars to the heavens. 尔后,身形冲天。 A talent roared, crazy lion phantom appeared, gathers on the fist, was pounding to Bu Fang. 一尊天才咆哮,狂狮虚影浮现,汇聚于拳头上,对着步方砸来。 Bu Fang does not avoid, the gluttony arm sweeps away. 步方不躲避,饕餮臂横扫而出。 Small arm, with that as if hill common fist collide in one. 小小的胳膊,和那仿佛山包一般的拳头碰撞在了一起。 pēng pēng pēng! 嘭嘭嘭 That talent vision shrinks, miserable howling. 那天才目光一缩,惨嚎了一声。 His that giant arm, each joint in bone blasts out, has to spurt thin Xuewu to fill the air. 他那巨大的手臂,骨头中的每一个关节都是炸开,有喷薄血雾弥漫。 figure reduces instantaneously, flying upside down, the mouth spits the blood. 身形瞬间缩小,倒飞而出,口吐鲜血。 Instantaneous, remaining three talents, came by the crush. 只是瞬间,剩下的三位天才,也都被碾压开来。 Regarding Bu Fang, this is only the normal operation. 对于步方而言,这都只是正常操作罢了。 Raising the head. 抬起头。 Looked at to the distant place defending temple person. 看向了远处的守庙人。 The latter was still aloof...... 后者仍旧无动于衷…… The Bu Fang corners of the mouth pull slightly. 步方嘴角微微一扯。 rip. 撕拉一声。 Little Fox flew back to the Bu Fang's shoulder, in the mouth braved the azure smoke, under hung down the head, as if played tired. 小狐飞回到了步方的肩膀上,嘴巴中冒着青烟,低垂下脑袋,似乎玩累了。 Bu Fang has rubbed the head of Little Fox, took out Burst Meat Ball, squeezes in her mouth. 步方揉了揉小狐的脑袋,取出了一个爆裂牛丸,塞入她的口中。 Was good, then gives me......” “好了,接下来交给我吧……” Bu Fang does not want to tow again. 步方不想再拖下去了。 This Titan God Dynasty was getting more and more strange. 泰坦神朝已经越来越诡异。 Naturally, these Mengmeng the talent evildoer/monstrous talent are an exception. 当然,这些萌萌哒的天才妖孽除外。 A Royal Child thousand zhang (3.33 m) body stands in same place, orthoptic Bu Fang proudly, Universe Top Principle adds on the Divine Dragon article, making his strength press up to superior God King. 帝子千丈身躯站立在原地,傲然的直视步方,宇宙至强法则加上神龙蛮文,让他的实力直逼上等神王 Bu Fang can defeat four talents to collaborate, although stems from his contrary to expectation, but actually does not care. 步方能够击败四位天才联手,虽然出乎他的意料之外,但是却也不在意。 Actually, that fox too skidding, his solemn Royal Child is unable to kill a fox unexpectedly, slightly feels disgraced. 倒是,那狐狸太滑溜了,他堂堂帝子居然无法弄死一只狐狸,略感丢人。 It seems like...... You are not have no merit to speak, can defeat Xiayi God Dynasty Royal Child, is really some skills!” “看来……你也不是一无是处啊,能打败夏邑神朝帝子,果然是有些本事!” Titan Royal Child grins. 泰坦帝子咧嘴。 Then, figure just like flickers to move vanishes in generally same place. 尔后,身形犹如瞬移一般消失在了原地。 His figure is huge, but movement actually very flexible. 他的身形庞大,但是动作却是非常的灵活。 He appears side Bu Fang's instantaneously, a palm of the hand shouted. 他瞬间出现在步方的身边,一巴掌呼下。 As if pats mosquito must pat dead Bu Fang. 仿佛拍蚊子似的要拍死步方 Their Titan God Dynasty giant, copes with existences of these other God Dynasty, with this method, especially easy-to-use. 他们泰坦神朝的巨人,对付那些其他神朝的存在,都是用这种手段,格外的好用。 Pats the mosquito, pats one. 拍蚊子,一拍一个准。 Bu Fang shot a look at Royal Child lightly. 步方淡淡的瞥了一眼帝子 Space Principle fills the air. 空间法则弥漫。 Steps into space. 踏入空间中。 Next quarter appearance, in another position. 下一刻出现,在另一个位置。 space unceasing tearing. 空间不断的撕裂。 Bu Fang as if in optional walk. 步方仿佛在随意的行走。 However every time walks, the position that presents is different. 但是每一次行走,出现的位置都不同。 Big hand of Royal Child in airborne unceasing wielding racket. 帝子的大手在空中不断的挥拍。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Bu Fang's figure appeared in the flank of Royal Child cheeks. 步方的身形出现在了帝子脸颊的侧方。 That tiny with the mosquito not anything difference. 那渺小的跟蚊子没什么差别。 A Royal Child eyeball revolution. 帝子的眼珠子一转。 Then, the palm raises. 尔后,手掌扬起。 Pats fiercely. 猛地拍下。 However, Bu Fang is steps into space, vanishes does not see. 然而,步方又是踏入空间中,消失不见。 Pa!! 啪! Royal Child this palm of the hand, shouted finally on own face. 帝子这一巴掌,结果呼在了自己的脸上。 That loud sound...... Let the surrounding person hear, thinks to hurt. 那巨响……让周围人听到,都觉得疼。 expert in warship, early already complete silence. 战船中的强者们,早已经鸦雀无声了。 They do not know that should say anything. 他们都不知道该说些什么。 Was Royal Child is too stupid? 帝子太蠢了么? Unexpectedly by the Xiayi God Dynasty swine playing running around in circles. 居然被夏邑神朝的猪猡给耍的团团转。 However...... The strength of fellow was too strange. 但是……那家伙的力量太诡异了。 That precisely Space Principle...... Of Space Principle Universe Top Principle?!” “那就是空间法则……宇宙至强法则之一的空间法则?!” Good...... very strong...... Too flexible, simply is the difficult adversary of our Titan giant!” “好……好强……太灵活了,简直是我们泰坦巨人的克星!” Right, Space Principle absolutely is our difficult adversaries!” “没错,空间法则绝对是我们的克星!” ...... …… Some people deeply inspire, said. 有人深深吸气,道。 Royal Child is covering the face, the eye is red, that is air/Qi. 帝子捂着脸,眼睛通红,那是被气的。 Has the classification to run!” “有种别跑!” Royal Child roared. 帝子咆哮。 Bu Fang as if looked that the idiot looked at Royal Child generally. 步方仿佛看白痴一般看了一眼帝子 figure flashed, appears before the Royal Child forehead. 身形一闪,出现在了帝子的额头前。 Counting on the fingers...... A ball. 屈指……一弹。 Bang! 嘭! Royal Child some vision as if dumbfound. 帝子的目光似乎都有些呆滞 The forehead erupts myriad blood light instantaneously! 额头瞬间爆发万千血光! Entire figure flying upside down. 整个身形倒飞而出。 The skull as if blasts out. 脑壳似乎都炸开似的。 Bang...... 嘭…… The Royal Child decline ground, thousand zhang (3.33 m) body reduces instantaneously. 帝子衰落地上,千丈身躯瞬间缩小。 Pouring of his dumbfound on the ground, cannot move. 呆滞的倒在地上,动弹不得。 Bu Fang that appeared briefly a moment ago a move...... Let his whole body is flood the chill in the air. 刚才步方那昙花一现般的一招……让他浑身都是泛起了寒意。 Bu Fang counted on the fingers a instance of ball, the whole body appears four Principle Round Wheel. 步方屈指一弹的瞬间,周身浮现出了四个法则圆轮 space, life, destruction, Samsara...... 空间,生命,毁灭,轮回…… That is four big Universe Top Principle Ah! 那是四大宇宙至强法则啊! Four? 四道? It is not reaching an agreement only comprehended three Universe Top Principle?! 不是说好的只领悟了三道宇宙至强法则么?! Royal Child has defeated instantaneously, defeat is theatrical. 帝子瞬间就败了,败的充满戏剧性。 Bu Fang looked at one, lying down of big font in ground Royal Child, has pulled the corners of the mouth slightly. 步方看了一眼,大字型的躺在地上的帝子,微微扯了扯嘴角。 Moe.” “真萌。” Does not block the way. 不断道。 The surrounding talent evildoer/monstrous talent is a face compels ignorant. 周围的天才妖孽们都是一脸的懵逼。 Royal Child...... Moe? 帝子……萌? Un? 嗯? Suddenly. 突然。 Bu Fang felt a terrifying constraining eruption. 步方感觉到了一股恐怖的压抑爆发。 A brow wrinkle. 眉头一皱。 Slanting head, looked to the distant place. 斜过脑袋,看向了远处。 There, defends the temple person...... Finally moved. 那儿,守庙人……终于动了。 The latter has lifted the head, has revealed old facial features. 后者抬起了头,露出了一张苍老的面容。 In the facial features, in eyes is emitting the pitch-black color/look gloss. 面容上,眼眸中散发着漆黑色的光泽。 This look......” “这眼神……” The Bu Fang mind shakes, has confirmed the look...... 步方心神一震,确认过眼神…… Bang! 轰! On vault of heaven. 天穹上。 The warship blasts out suddenly. 战船陡然炸开。 Two person's shadows do not know when appeared left and right of Bu Fang's, has closed off the Bu Fang's escape route. 两道人影不知道何时出现在了步方的左右两侧,封锁了步方的退路。 That is follows in Royal Child behind two guards, the guard who God Sovereign sends. 那是跟随在帝子身后的两位守卫,神皇派遣的守卫。 They......” “他们……” The Royal Child vision concentrates, God Sovereign sends to his guard, unexpectedly at this time make a move? 帝子目光一凝,神皇派给他的守卫,居然这时候出手了? But makes him feel what is inconceivable, that two guards...... The following appearance changes instantaneously. 而更让他感到不可思议的是,那两尊守卫……接下来的模样瞬间变化。 Kā cā Kā cā...... 咔擦咔擦…… pitch-black color/look aura vicissitude. 漆黑色的气息浮沉。 Two guard Greed of whole face, they locked Bu Fang, in the hand suddenly condense left the insect scale black blade. 两位守卫满脸的贪婪,他们锁定步方,手中顿时凝聚出了虫鳞黑刀。 The aura flash locks Bu Fang. 气息一瞬间锁定步方 Really...... Was occupied Titan God Dynasty expert of body compared with these by Soul Demons. 果然……比起这些被魂魔占据了身躯的泰坦神朝强者 These talent evildoer/monstrous talent, are real Mengmeng . 那些天才妖孽,是真的萌萌哒啊。 Bu Fang put out a long breath. 步方吐出了一口气 Next quarter. 下一刻。 Blade glow tearing. 刀芒撕裂。 Two insect scale black blades cut instantaneously to Bu Fang. 两道虫鳞黑刀瞬间斩向了步方 The strength of serial number Soul Demons rank, has swallowed Bu Fang instantaneously! 序号魂魔级别的战力,瞬间吞噬了步方
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