GOAW :: Volume #15

#1463: Little Bu, bright sign 【Second】

Silver armor?! 银甲?! The facial colors of all people changed. 所有人的面色都变了。 Outside silver armor armed forces wore the clothing, was what a pity untidy, however on their faces actually reveals the frantic color/look. 外面的银甲军穿起了衣衫,可惜衣衫不整,但是他们的脸上却是流露出了狂热之色。 The silver armor, is the military spirit of their silver armor armed forces, is their spiritual props. 银甲,是他们银甲军的军魂,是他们的精神支柱。 This restaurant was finished! 这个餐馆完蛋了! That chef died...... The silver armor appears, this chef definitely did not run away. 那个厨子死定了……银甲出现,这个厨子肯定是逃不了。 The silver armor, is guarding the imperial palace of God Sovereign His Majesty, is three guards the imperial palace one, cultivation base is exceedingly high, has existence Ah! that Golden Armoured shares the honor with black armor 银甲,可是神皇陛下的禁卫,是三位禁卫中的一位,修为通天,跟黑甲还有金甲齐名的存在啊! Governs the Imperial Palace 3000 silver armor armed forces, strength, suppresses God Imperial Capital countless people! 掌管皇宫3000银甲军,实力之强,镇压神朝朝都无数人! This precisely silver armor. 就是银甲。 The sound of silver armor is very lazy, but has one to be sharp and cold. 银甲的声音很慵懒,但是却带着一股锋锐和冷冽。 Whitey's mechanical eye twinkle, the next quarter, figure flashes, then goes toward the silver armor impact. 小白的机械眼闪烁,下一刻,身形一闪,便是朝着银甲冲击而去。 Immunity Principle Whitey, now energy is very full. 免疫法则小白,现在底气很足。 Silver armor armed forces suddenly that the silver armor behind these were dug up up revealed the color/look of ridicule. 银甲身后那些被扒光的银甲军顿时流露出了讥讽之色。 This puppet acts recklessly. 这傀儡真的是不知死活。 Unexpectedly dares to silver armor Sir make a move, this iron lump puppet, feared that will be quick is pounded an iron ball! 居然胆敢对银甲大人出手,这铁疙瘩傀儡,怕是很快就会被砸成一个铁球! Although they by Whitey digging up up, but the silver armor compared with them may formidable were too many! 虽然他们被小白给扒光了,但是银甲比起他们可强大的太多了! The Bu Fang corners of the mouth pull out, but also presented expert of God King rank really? 步方嘴角一抽,还真的出现了一位神王级别的强者 This silver armor should be the same with black armor. 这银甲跟黑甲应该是一样的。 Strength inevitably incomparable great strength. 实力必然无比的强大。 Solely is aura that on that silver armor sends out, makes Bu Fang understand latter's formidable. 单单是那银甲身上所散发出的气息,就让步方明白后者的强悍 That as if must make that all around void is the unceasing disintegration fearful pictures. 那仿佛要引得周遭虚空都是不断崩碎似的可怕画面。 Compared with Mohist school Family Head, this silver armor as if must...... 比起墨家家主,这银甲似乎都要更强一些…… The silver armor looks at Whitey that a rush came lazy. 银甲慵懒的看了一眼冲杀而来的小白 This puppet is very interesting. 这个傀儡很有意思。 Immunity Principle. 免疫法则 Gave strip the clothes his under the hand/subordinate entirely. 将他的手下统统给扒衣了。 interesting. 有点意思 The silver armor corners of the mouth on select slightly, the next quarter, has lifted a finger. 银甲嘴角微微上挑,下一刻,抬起了一根手指。 Although this puppet is good, but in his eyes, with ants without doubt. 这个傀儡虽然不错,但是在他眼中,与蝼蚁无疑。 His make a move, but to complete the instruction of concubine, goes back the Bu Fang belt. 他这一次出手,只是为了完成皇妃的指令,将步方带回去。 If the Bu Fang revolt, killed the belt to go back again. 若是步方反抗,打死了再带回去。 Also is he gives the gift of concubine. 也算是他给皇妃的礼物吧。 Thinks of the concubine, the vision of silver armor became gentle. 想到皇妃,银甲的目光就变得温柔了许多。 Bang! 轰! Above a finger/refers that the silver armor raises, the strength of Principle surges. 银甲扬起的一指之上,法则之力涌动。 That Principle incomparable fearfulness, as if one group as radiant as the pinnacle silver ray. 法则无比的可怕,仿佛一团璀璨到极致的银色光芒。 Jumps instantaneously shoots, flash then Whitey swallowing. 瞬间迸射,一瞬间便是将小白给吞噬。 Eh? 咦? Silver armor quickly light well. 银甲很快就轻咦了一声。 Because he discovered...... After the silver light spatters in all directions, Whitey's figure releases from the silver light unexpectedly for the first time runs out, a fist was then rumbling to the silver armor in the past. 因为他发现……银光迸溅之后,小白的身形居然从银光乍泄中冲出,一拳对着银甲便是轰了过去。 This, making the silver armor slightly be also startled. 这一幕,让银甲也是微微一惊。 Also really can immunity Principle...... 还真的能够免疫法则…… Including oneself this grade of God King Principle can the immunity? 连自己这等神王法则都能免疫么? However. 不过。 God King expert after all is God King. 神王强者毕竟是神王 figure just like flickers to move vanishes in generally same place. 身形犹如瞬移一般消失在了原地。 Bang Bang! 轰轰 Whitey rumbled continuously number fist, the speed was extremely fast, must oppress the silver armor. 小白连续轰出了数拳,速度极快,要压迫银甲。 However, expert of God King rank, fleshly body strength naturally also greatly strengthened. 不过,神王级别的强者,肉身战力自然也极强。 After Whitey collide several fists, Whitey is retreat one step. 小白碰撞了几拳之后,小白则是后退了一步 Distant place. 远处。 Bu Fang stands up, the complexion was more serious. 步方站起身,脸色严肃了许多。 Strength very formidable of silver armor. 银甲的实力非常强悍 Even if passed through system level up, in the restaurant range, can immunity Principle, and Whitey of parameter comprehensive promotion still did not have solution with him. 即使是经过了系统升级,在餐馆范围内,可以免疫法则,并且参数全面提升的小白仍旧是拿他没有办法 Bu Fang thought oneself must think some solution. 步方觉得自己得想一些办法了。 This puppet is very interesting...... Can grasp to study well, if can study the immunity Principle method, my silver armor armed forces, will certainly become the Xiayi God Dynasty most strengthening of the armed forces team!” “这傀儡很有意思……可以抓回去好好研究,若是能够研究出免疫法则的手段,我银甲军,必将成为夏邑神朝最强军队!” The silver armor stared at Whitey, in the vision is erupting radiant radiance, that was pleasantly surprised, was flooding surprised. 银甲盯着小白,目光中爆发出了璀璨的光华,那是惊喜,充斥着意外 obediently submits to!” 乖乖臣服吧!” Immunity Principle...... Isn't this ability strong? 免疫法则……这种能力强不强? Without a doubt, is strong. 毫无疑问,非常强。 Principle...... Is a basis of God, loses Principle, the God with losing the tiger of lackey was the same, weak extremely. 法则……是一尊神的根本,失去法则,神跟失去了爪牙的老虎一样,虚弱万分。 If can study principle, masters the immunity Principle ability. 若是能够研究出其中的原理,掌握免疫法则的能力。 His silver armor battle efficiency fears can the straight line promotion, even can face directly God Sovereign. 他银甲战斗力怕是能够直线提升,甚至能够直面神皇 Without God Sovereign of strength of Principle, his silver armor should be also fearless! 没有法则之力的神皇,他银甲应该也无所畏惧吧! When the time comes, his silver armor even can become in entire God Dynasty to strong existence! 到时候,他银甲甚至能够成为整个神朝中至强的存在! Thinks of this, the silver armor was even more excited! 想到这,银甲越发的兴奋了! Bang! 轰! Silver armor more unscrupulous releases aura in his body. 银甲越加肆无忌惮的释放他身躯之中的气息 This aura, the terrifying extremely, caused that void is trembling, is cracking. 气息,恐怖万分,引得虚空都是在震颤,在崩裂。 The fearful strength, as if wants crush to resemble! 可怕的力量,仿佛要碾压一切似的! 3rd Lady Luo and the others, under this pressure, felt that the breath is becomes very rapid, uncomfortable extremely. 洛三娘等人,在这威压下,感觉呼吸都是变得十分的急促,难受万分。 Bu Fang narrowed the eye. 步方眯起了眼。 However, Bu Fang gawked suddenly, turns head to look, then saw squeezed in the ordinary woman in mouth Sea Oyster Wrap finally together. 不过,步方突然一愣,扭头看了过去,便是看到了将海蛎包最后一块塞入口中的平凡女人。 Woman aura of changes. 那女人身上的气息一变。 Soars to the heavens compared with silver armor not weak aura. 一股比起银甲丝毫不弱的气息冲天。 Unexpectedly stiffly silver armor aura oppressing. 居然硬生生的将银甲身上的气息给压迫了下去。 The facial color of silver armor suddenly changes. 银甲的面色陡然一变。 Looked at come fiercely! 猛地看了过来 The ordinary woman had the earth-shaking change in this moment facial features. 平凡女人在此刻面容已经发生了天翻地覆的变化。 That ordinary face, is no longer ordinary, because could not see her appearance. 那张平凡的脸,不再平凡,因为已经看不出她的模样了。 Can see that only has a dimness. 能够看到的,只有一片朦胧。 Really is she...... 果然是她…… Divine Kitchen palace vice- palace Lord...... Xia Tian. 神厨宫副宫主……夏天 Xiayi God Dynasty princess! 夏邑神朝的郡主! Is you!” “是你!” The silver armor naturally induces Xia Tian aura, the facial color suddenly changed. 银甲自然是感应到了夏天气息,面色陡然一变。 He was so long, unexpectedly had not discovered that Xia Tian treats unexpectedly in this restaurant...... 他这么久了,居然都没有发现夏天居然待在这餐馆中…… A Xia Tian red skirt, the long skirt volume volume, the long hair is floating. 夏天一袭红裙,长裙卷卷,长发飘飘。 The scarlet lip on selected slightly, reveals has wiped the ridicule. 大红唇微微上挑,露出了一抹讥讽。 Silver armor......” “银甲……” Summer Heavenly Law. 天道 The body of silver armor stretches suddenly, then said with a smile lightly: Has not thought of the princess Sir, unexpectedly in this restaurant, this small official has to lose welcomes, invites the princess...... Forgives.” 银甲的身躯陡然一绷,尔后轻笑道:“没有想到郡主大人,居然在这餐馆中,微臣有失远迎,请郡主……恕罪。” Go away.” “滚。” Xia Tian faint saying. 夏天淡漠的说道。 This get lost/rolls the character, said is very gentle. 这个滚字,说的很温柔。 However, words one, is makes the facial features of silver armor one stiff, those present slightly stare. 但是,话语一出,却是让银甲的面容一僵,在场的人都是微微一愣。 All people are deep breath. 所有人都是深吸了一口气 Unexpectedly makes the silver armor get lost/roll...... This woman, what background? 居然让银甲滚……这女人,什么来头? Prince Shao stared in a big way the eye, was staring at this woman...... 少王爷瞪大了眼,盯着这女人…… Gū lū swallowed saliva. 咕噜了吞了一口唾沫。 God Dynasty princess? 神朝郡主? precisely that strength was exceedingly high in the past, talent evildoer/monstrous talent princess Sir extremely? 就是当年那个实力通天,天赋妖孽万分的郡主大人? His father refers, will be the somewhat panic-stricken women? 他老爹谈及,都是会有些惊恐的女人? This woman in the restaurant of step mister? 这女人怎么会在步先生的餐馆中? Princess Sir...... The concubine ordered to apprehend this chef, do not let this small official troublesome.” “郡主大人……皇妃下令要捉拿这厨子,你不要让微臣难办啊。” Silver armor light saying. 银甲淡淡的说道。 He truly somewhat dreads Xia Tian, this woman talent evildoer/monstrous talent, the strength terrifying, is God King, moreover comprehended Universe Top Principle God King. 他确实有些忌惮夏天,这女人天赋妖孽,实力恐怖,是一尊神王,而且是领悟了宇宙至强法则神王 Space Principle, mysteriously appears and disappears, he does not have any assurance to be victorious. 空间法则,神出鬼没,他也没任何的把握能打得过。 Concubine? That inexpensive woman?” “皇妃?那贱女人?” Xia Tian has raised head slightly, indifferently said. 夏天微微的扬了扬脑袋,淡淡道 This saying. 这话一出。 The person on the scene is sucked in a cold breath. 在场人皆是倒吸了一口凉气 Unexpectedly dares to call the concubine is inexpensive woman...... Worthily is princess Sir! 居然敢称呼皇妃为贱女人……不愧是郡主大人! The facial color of silver armor suddenly changes, erupted the radiant ominous glow. 银甲的面色陡然一变,爆发出了璀璨凶芒。 Princess...... this small official respects your one is an princess, but you do not want reach for a yard after getting an inch, concubine Sir, cannot insult.” “郡主……微臣敬你一句是郡主,但是你不要得寸进尺,皇妃大人,不可辱骂。” Silver armor ice-cold say/way, aura vicissitude. 银甲冰冷道,身上的气息浮沉。 Concubine, forever is pure land in his heart, does not permit existence of pollution. 皇妃,永远是他心中的一块净土,不允许污染的存在。 Xia Tian laughed. 夏天嗤笑了。 Concubine not shame? Are you God Sovereign the silver armor of silver armor or concubine?” “皇妃不可辱?你到底是神皇的银甲还是皇妃的银甲?” Xia Tian indifferent say/way. 夏天冷漠道。 The surrounding person keeps silent, the dialogue of this grade of level, they do not have any qualifications to dare to interrupt into. 周围人噤若寒蝉,这等层次的对话,他们没有任何的资格敢插嘴入其中。 Average person where dares to discuss the concubine absurdly, that is the big crime that must decapitate. 普通人哪里敢妄议皇妃,那是要杀头的大罪。 Also on Xia Tian as the Divine Kitchen palace vice- palace Lord, as well as the status of princess, dares so to discuss absurdly. 也就夏天身为神厨宫副宫主,以及郡主的身份,才是敢这般妄议。 The facial color of silver armor is pale, although he is bringing the mask, cannot see the complexion, but the people know, this time silver armor facial color was absolutely unattractive. 银甲的面色铁青,虽然他带着面具,看不出脸色,但是众人都知道,这时候的银甲面色绝对不好看。 this small official naturally is the silver armor of Sir God Sovereign, forever works for in Sir God Sovereign!” 微臣自然是神皇大人的银甲,永远效力于神皇大人!” The silver armor said. 银甲道。 His expression is cold, as if jumps from the gap between teeth shoots, but. 他的语气冷冽,仿佛是从牙缝中迸射而出似的。 Cannot look...... How I thought that you are the running dog of that inexpensive woman!” “看不出来……我怎么都觉得你是那贱女人的走狗!” Xia Tian shook the head, expression still that caustic and mean. 夏天摇了摇头,语气仍然那么的尖酸刻薄。 Princess, you, if so insulted the concubine again, this small official is impolite!” Silver armor ice-cold say/way. “郡主,你若是再这般侮辱皇妃,微臣就不客气了!”银甲冰冷道。 „Did Oh? become angry out of shame?” 哦?恼羞成怒了?” How I did not know God Sovereign, but your silver armor must remember...... In Xiayi God Dynasty, your silver armor, forever is God Sovereign under the hand/subordinate!” “我不知道神皇怎么了,但是你银甲要记住……在夏邑神朝,你银甲,永远都是神皇手下!” You must remember own status!” “你要记住自己的身份!” ...... …… Summer Heavenly Law, each few words as if are in sharp sword a chest of prick silver armor. 天道,每一句话都仿佛是一把利剑似的刺入银甲的胸口之中。 The silver armor breath became rapid. 银甲呼吸都变得急促了起来。 Princess Sir...... These words, do not need you to remind! this small official naturally understood, but, no matter what, this chef...... Must carry off!” “郡主大人……这些话,不需要你来提醒!微臣自然懂得,不过,不管怎么说,这个厨子……都得带走!” Silver armor aura escape. 银甲身上的气息逸散。 Entire building, even entire God Dynasty covered in this fearful imposing manner. 整个大厦,甚至整个神朝都是笼罩在了这股可怕的气势之内。 Family/Home building in fierce swaying. 洛家大厦在剧烈的摇晃。 Around building. 大厦周围。 Void , the person's shadow concealment in void, their vision incomparable sharpness, are staring at the attic in building, that fights. 虚空之中,有一道道的人影隐匿在虚空之中,他们的目光无比的锋锐,盯着大厦的顶楼,那一场争锋。 God Sovereign guards the imperial palace the silver armor, with princess fights...... 神皇禁卫银甲,和郡主的争锋…… Very noticeable. 很引人注目。 Takes away this chef? Your did could it be that forget the order of God Sovereign? Can't begin to the Divine Kitchen palace?” “带走这个厨子?你难道忘记神皇的命令了么?不许对神厨宫动手?” The Xia Tian red skirt whirls around, taking a step slowly in void. 夏天红裙翻卷,在虚空中缓缓的迈步。 The silver armor vision shrinks. 银甲目光一缩。 „The command of God Sovereign, naturally does not dare to forget below, but...... The princess Sir, this chef outside the Divine Kitchen palace, the Divine Kitchen palace should not manage now.” 神皇之令,在下自然不敢忘,但是……郡主大人,这厨子如今在神厨宫外,神厨宫应该管不到吧。” Silver armor dense say/way. 银甲森然道。 Can't the Divine Kitchen palace manage? 神厨宫管不到? The Xia Tian corners of the mouth pull slightly. 夏天嘴角微微一扯。 The next quarter, her vision is one revolution, fell on Bu Fang's. 下一刻,她的目光便是一转,落在了步方的身上。 Little Bu, bright sign.” 小步,亮牌子。” The Xia Tian red lip opens lightly, said. 夏天红唇轻启,道。 This saying, the audience people slightly stare. 这话一出,全场人都是微微一愣。 The Bu Fang corners of the mouth pull out. 步方嘴角一抽。 The bright sign, how does this saying listen to the feeling to be so strange? 亮牌子,怎么这话听着感觉这么奇怪呢? Bright sign? 亮牌子? The surrounding person also slightly stares. 周围人也是微微一愣。 Many people also stayed. 许多人也是呆了呆。 Does not know any medicine that in the Xia Tian bottle gourd sells. 不知道夏天葫芦里卖的什么药。 Bu Fang is somewhat helpless, under being a focus of public attention, he can only shine the sign. 步方有些无奈,在万众瞩目之下,他只能亮牌子了。 The mind moves, the token takes out from system dimensional bag together. 心神一动,一块令牌从系统空间袋中取出。 Grasped in the hand. 抓在了手中。 Then, Bu Fang works on the token, from the sky has raised. 尔后,步方将令牌抓起,在空中扬了扬。 The movement curve is not big. 动作弧度不大。 However the vision of all people in the token by Bu Fang hand were actually attracted. 但是所有人的目光却都是被步方手中的令牌所吸引。 No matter the silver armor, is Prince Shao, 3rd Lady Luo. 不管是银甲,还是少王爷,洛三娘 One group of people who even outside observes, in this moment sucked in a cold breath. 甚至外面观战的一群人,都在这一刻倒吸了一口凉气 In the heart of everyone, panic-stricken as if must blast out! 每个人的心中,惊骇都仿佛是要炸开似的! „Is this palace main token of Divine Kitchen palace? This chef...... Especially when became the palace Lord in Divine Kitchen palace?!” “这是神厨宫的宫主令牌?这个厨子……特么的什么时候成为了神厨宫的宫主了?!” All people, a face compel ignorant! 所有人,一脸懵逼!
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