GOAW :: Volume #15

#1462: Immunity Principle Whitey 【First!】

troublemaker...... Entirely strip the clothes. 闹事者……统统扒衣 Whitey mechanical eye twinkle, said. 小白机械眼闪烁,说道。 His sound as if becomes somewhat vigorous. 他的声音似乎都变得有些雄浑。 Bu Fang withdrew one step, corners of the mouth upwarping slightly, one minute is really quick, but...... In the Bu Fang heart inexplicable somewhat impatient wishes look at Whitey the pictures after these silver armor armed forces entirely strip the clothes. 步方后撤了一步,嘴角微微的翘起,一分钟还真快啊,不过……步方心中莫名的有些迫不及待的想要看一看小白将这些银甲军统统扒衣后的画面。 The surrounding person vision slightly shrinks. 周围的人目光都是微微一缩。 Can that iron lump puppet, begin unexpectedly? 那铁疙瘩傀儡,居然还能动手? Although this puppet is strong, but at all is not that higher God match of...... 这傀儡虽然强,但是根本不是那高等神祗的对手啊…… Short fighting, basically all people saw a moment ago, that puppet battle efficiency limit, probably precisely medium God standard. 刚才短暂的交手,基本上所有人都看出了,那傀儡的战斗力极限,大概就是中等神祗水准。 Facing silver armor armed forces Commander, simply does not have any opportunity. 面对银甲军统领,根本没有任何的机会。 The Prince Shao facial color is indifferent, silver armor armed forces Commander does not pay attention to him unexpectedly completely, this makes him very uncomfortable. 少王爷面色冷漠,银甲军统领居然完全不将他放在眼里,这点让他很难受。 Although he does not depend on the father, but discovered own father before given name not, easy-to-use time, Prince Shao innermost feelings some are uncomfortable. 虽然他并不靠爹,但是发现自己老爹的名号没有以前好用的时候,少王爷内心还是有些不舒服。 King Pingyang...... Real bamboo fence Pingyang? 平阳王……真的虎落平阳了? Since the father drops Pingyang, he as the son, naturally wants the father to ascend the honor again! 既然父亲跌落平阳,那他作为儿子,自然要父亲重拾荣光! In the Prince Shao innermost feelings some flaming fighting spirits are burning. 少王爷内心中有些熊熊斗志在燃烧。 3rd Lady Luo worries looks at Bu Fang. 洛三娘担忧的看着步方 Although Bu Fang previous time card in a hand proliferation, but also merely initially entered higher God existence of killing Mo Feng this type. 步方上一次虽然底牌层出,可是也仅仅是将墨峰这种初入高等神祗的存在给杀了。 Moreover, has exhausted the card in a hand. 而且,是穷尽了底牌。 Reason that the card in a hand was called the card in a hand, precisely because of unexpectedly as well as the scarce method. 底牌之所以被称之为底牌,就是因为出其不意以及稀少的手段。 If can use normally, that did not call the card in a hand...... 若是都能正常使用了,那就不叫底牌了…… This time, what to do should Bu Fang? 这一次,步方该怎么办? By iron lump? 靠铁疙瘩? Impossible...... Is that iron lump possibly the higher God match of? 不可能……那铁疙瘩怎么可能是高等神祗的对手? strip the clothes?” Silver armor armed forces Commander item of light flashes, is staring at Whitey. 扒衣?”银甲军统领光闪烁,盯着小白 He felt a pressure from the Whitey rush-leaf fan palm. 他从小白蒲扇般的手掌中感受到了一股压力。 He is staring at Whitey, Whitey gives his feeling as if to change is big, but...... He does not care. 他盯着小白,小白给他的感觉似乎变化非常大,但是……他并不在意。 Trivial puppet. 区区一具傀儡。 boast shamelessly thing...... Your this iron sheet, feared that was the skin is itchy!” Silver armor armed forces Commander, coldly smiles. 大言不惭玩意……你这一身铁皮,怕是皮痒了!”银甲军统领,冷冷一笑。 Next quarter, strength of circulation Principle. 下一刻,法则之力流转。 The strength of crush terrifying Principle, wants to Whitey lie to the pressure on the ground. 恐怖的法则之力碾压而下,欲要将小白给压趴在地上。 Bu Fang retroceded several steps, sat on the chair, having a relish looks. 步方后退了几步,坐在了椅子上,饶有兴致的看着。 Little Yōu and the others stood in his side, as if calm and feels to Bu Fang's calmly somewhat strangely. 小幽等人站在他的身边,似乎对步方的淡定与从容感到有些奇怪。 Bu Fang is very calm. 步方很淡定。 Since the system said that will enhance the Whitey's ability, that will definitely not counterfeit. 既然系统说了会提升小白的能力,那肯定不会作假。 Therefore, then...... Is Whitey's performance time. 所以,接下来……是小白的表演时间。 Bang!!! 轰!!! Facing the Principle oppression of silver armor armed forces Commander. 面对银甲军统领法则压迫。 Whitey's eyes suddenly is fine, as if burst out radiant radiance to resemble. 小白的眼眸顿时精亮,仿佛迸发出了璀璨光华似的。 Facing that Principle oppression, a fist is rumbles! 面对那法则压迫,一拳便是轰出! Of bang, has disregarded directly then the oppression of Principle, pounded on the head of that silver armor armed forces Commander. 轰的一声,直接便是无视了法则的压迫,砸在了那银甲军统领的脑袋上。 The steel fist and body move the brought soft tender feel, making the people on the scene slightly tremble. 钢铁拳头和皮肉碰触所带来的软嫩手感,让在场人都是微微哆嗦了一番。 That fist...... 那一拳…… Heavy Ah! 不轻啊! pū chī! 噗嗤 The blood spatters in all directions. 鲜血迸溅。 Silver armor armed forces Commander has not expected this occurrence completely. 银甲军统领完全没有料到这一幕的发生。 Directly pounded flying upside down, the vision stares in a big way, the body revolves 360 degrees, pounding maliciously fell on the ground. 直接被砸的倒飞而出,目光瞪大,身躯旋转360度,狠狠的砸落在了地上。 He did not understand why his Principle oppresses to the Whitey not slight function. 他不理解,为什么他的法则压迫对小白没有丝毫的作用。 He has fifty to say man Ah! of strength of Principle 他可是有五十法则之力的男人啊! Whitey is maintaining the movement of fist. 小白保持着出拳的动作。 The vision locks to pound once again on ground the body of silver armor Commander. 目光再度锁定砸在地上的银甲统领的身上。 One step takes, sonorous sound. 一步迈出,铿锵声响。 After all is the higher God, how could so to be easy to be overthrown. 毕竟是高等神祗,岂能那么容易被打倒。 Latter turned over/stood up to stand, opened mouth, must roar simply. 后者一个翻身站立了起来,张开嘴,简直要咆哮了起来。 fifty said that the strength of Principle simultaneously had stimulated to movement by him, the suddenly as if thunder suppression , the entire building is trembling. 五十法则之力同时被他催动了起来,顿时仿佛雷霆镇压而下,整个大厦都是在瑟瑟发抖。 Naturally...... 当然…… Because there is a reason that the system has. 因为有系统存在的原因。 In restaurant all brand-new incomparable, had not been affected slightly. 餐馆中的一切崭新无比,丝毫没有受到影响。 Distant place. 远处。 Is eating Sea Oyster Wrap woman eyes slightly one brightly, as if somewhat astonished looked at Whitey. 吃着海蛎包的女人眼眸微微一亮,似乎有些惊异的看了一眼小白 Immunity Principle? interesting......” “免疫法则有点意思……” Women twittering. 女人呢喃了一句。 Whitey figure just like the lightning vanishes in generally same place. 小白身形犹如闪电一般消失在了原地。 Again presents time, the back flag pounds to fall loudly under. 再一次出现的时候,背后的旗帜轰然砸落而下。 The long bayonet leaves suddenly selecting to fly that Commander. 长枪刺出陡然将那统领给挑飞。 Dies to me!” “给我死!” Silver armor Commander, person in airborne, above both hands Principle condense, maliciously then pats toward the Whitey's head. 银甲统领,人在空中,双手之上法则凝聚,狠狠的便是朝着小白的脑袋拍去。 Bang, in racket Whitey's head. 嘭的一声,拍中小白的脑袋。 However...... 然而…… Let the silver armor Commander facial color once again change. 让银甲统领面色再度一变。 His ominous offense strikes, unexpectedly the Whitey's head patting rottenly. 他这凶戾的一击,居然没有将小白的脑袋给拍烂。 The strength of his Principle in instance of bombardment on Whitey, seemed defeated and dispersed. 他的法则之力在轰击在小白身上的瞬间,似乎溃散了。 This feeling is strange. 这种感觉非常奇怪。 could it be that hasn't Principle used to this puppet at present? 难道法则对眼前这傀儡没有用呢? Is impossible...... Before his strength of Principle can also suppress this puppet! 不可能啊……之前他的法则之力还能压制这傀儡的! How all of a sudden this puppet with hitting chicken blood? 怎么一下子这傀儡就跟打了鸡血似的? Does could it be that want fleshly body striving for success? 难道肉身拼搏? Although higher God fleshly body is not weak. 虽然高等神祗的肉身不弱。 However silver armor Commander majors in the strength of Principle, this must make him abandon Principle, meets the tough head-on with toughness with Whitey. 但是银甲统领主修还是法则之力,这要让他摈弃法则,跟小白硬碰硬。 Rhythm that this must be beaten cruelly completely...... 他这完全是要被虐打的节奏啊…… Whitey's mechanical eye twinkle. 小白的机械眼闪烁。 The rush-leaf fan palm lays out fiercely. 蒲扇般的手掌猛地拍出。 If a big net, has locked silver armor armed forces Commander all escaping positions instantaneously. 如一张大网,瞬间将银甲军统领的所有逃跑位置都是锁定了下来。 You!” “你!” Silver armor armed forces Commander, such as the dropping ice hole, he as if felt that some were not wonderful. 银甲军统领,如堕冰窟,他似乎感觉到了有些不妙。 He lifts the hand. 他抬起手。 The palm stiffly had actually been oppressed by Whitey. 手掌却被小白硬生生的压迫了下去。 The rush-leaf fan palm pounds down, living gave kneeling that patted to bend down him on the ground. 蒲扇般的手掌砸下,活生生的将他给拍的跪伏在了地上。 Kā cā...... 咔擦…… Silver armor has exuded the sound of crack. 身上的银甲发出了龟裂之声。 rip...... 撕拉一声…… The Whitey palm raises fiercely. 小白手掌猛地扬起。 Resounding through of clangour blasting open, the next quarter, the silver armor was then pushed aside, throws to fly away, pounds to fall on the ground. 铿锵声炸裂似的响彻,下一刻,银甲便是被扒开,抛飞开来,砸落在地上。 Silver armor armed forces Commander, everywhere lives coldly. 银甲军统领,遍地生寒。 The silver armor on arm was dug up, making in his heart be startled slightly. 手臂上的银甲被扒,让他心中微微一惊。 He never encounters such situation. 他从未遇到这样的情况。 The strength of Principle is unable to play the role unexpectedly, having strength of that him Principle also to calculate the God? 法则之力居然无法发挥出作用,没有了法则之力那他还算神祗么? Can use barbaric fleshly body strength collide?! 要用野蛮的肉身力量碰撞?! Commander unexpectedly by a puppet oppression on the ground? 统领居然被一尊傀儡压迫在地上? The surrounding medium God also stares in a big way the eye. 周围的中等神祗也是瞪大了眼。 They simply have not thought, unexpectedly will have such matter, fought this moment, has stemmed from their contrary to expectation thoroughly. 他们根本没有想到,居然会发生这样的事情,战斗到了这一刻,已经彻底出乎他们的意料之外了。 „The strength of immunity Principle...... Very mischievous.” “免疫法则之力……很调皮。” The Bu Fang corners of the mouth pull slightly, is understands that the system has enhanced the Whitey's ability, main promotion place. 步方嘴角微微一扯,也是明白系统提升了小白的能力,主要提升的地方了。 Loses the strength of Principle, many God battle efficiencies of are plummet. 失去法则之力,许多神祗的战斗力便是直线下降。 This promotion, is actually very good. 这种提升,倒是很不错。 fleshly body collide, Whitey is fearless. 肉身碰撞,小白才无所畏惧。 rip!! 撕拉!! Silver armor armed forces Commander somewhat despairs. 银甲军统领有些绝望。 The silver armor above body was moved once again. 身躯之上的银甲再度被扒掉。 Has revealed light long unlined close-fitting gown under silver armor. 露出了银甲之下的薄薄长衫。 You dare! I am God Sovereign subordinates silver armor armed forces Commander!” “你胆敢!我乃是神皇麾下银甲军统领!” Silver armor armed forces Commander has sent out roaring, item of zi wants to crack, he is hard to accept this fate! 银甲军统领发出了咆哮,目眦欲裂,他难以接受这下场! The surrounding medium God is not waiting and seeing, begins in abundance, forces toward Whitey. 周围的中等神祗不在观望,纷纷动手,朝着小白逼迫而来。 In his hand presented long spear/gun, the silver long spear/gun, the spear/gun leaves like the dragon, presses up to Whitey. 他的手中出现了长枪,银色的长枪,枪出如龙,直逼小白而来。 The strength of Principle surged, making their spear/gun as if change to genuine Silver Dragon tearing. 法则之力涌动,使得他们的那一枪仿佛化作了真正的银龙撕裂而来。 A Whitey palm is oppressing silver armor armed forces Commander, another hand, sweeps fiercely, suddenly pats the powder long spear/gun of one group of silver armor armed forces in abundance. 小白一只手掌压迫着银甲军统领,另一只手,猛地一扫,顿时将一群银甲军的长枪纷纷拍散。 The rush-leaf fan palm finds out fiercely. 蒲扇手掌猛地探出。 Silver armor armed forces of medium God rank, the suddenly vision shrinks. 一位中等神祗级别的银甲军,顿时目光一缩。 Was patted maliciously on the ground. 被狠狠地拍在了地上。 rip. 撕拉一声。 Silver armor suddenly by thorough peeling stiffly. 身上的银甲顿时被硬生生的彻底的剥离。 That silver armor armed forces sent out did not look at the shame miserable howling, stood up, wants to revolt. 那银甲军发出了不看羞辱的惨嚎,站起身,欲要反抗。 However such as was actually carried chicken by Whitey, pinches, has thrown toward out of the door...... 然而却是被小白如拎小鸡似的,捏起来,朝着门外扔了出去…… Has delimited together the curve, was pounds to fall on outside...... 划过一道弧度,便是砸落在了外面…… The silver armor armed forces, all so, do not have the strength of revolt, was carried chicken grasps, throws. 一个个银甲军,皆是如此,毫无反抗之力,被拎小鸡似的抓起来,扔出去。 Pounded to fall on outside. 纷纷砸落在了外面。 Silver armor armed forces Commander, item of zi wants to crack. 银甲军统领,目眦欲裂。 You dare......” “尔敢……” He turns head to look that sat to that on the chair, ponders looks at his Bu Fang. 他扭头看向了那坐在椅子上,玩味的看着他的步方 Your this chef...... Dares to revolt against my silver armor armed forces blatantly...... You will certainly be placed on trial!” “你这厨子……胆敢公然反抗我银甲军……你必将遭受到审判!” Commander roared. 统领咆哮了起来。 A fleshly body fight nearly invincible puppet, the issue is the strength of Principle is invalid to this puppet. 一句肉身战斗近乎无敌的傀儡,问题是法则之力对这傀儡还无效。 This was very awkward...... 这就很尴尬了…… Very bothersome...... Whitey, digs up thoroughly.” Bu Fang said. “很烦……小白,扒的彻底点。”步方说道。 Whitey's mechanical eye twinkle, acts then such as the tornado general acceleration. 小白的机械眼闪烁,尔后动作如旋风一般的加速。 rip. 撕拉一声。 On that silver armor armed forces the last piece of silver armor was also moved. 那银甲军身上最后一片银甲也是被扒掉。 That light clothing, under the Whitey's big hand, is the shape , if no thing, easily wipes, is digs up up. 身上的那一身薄薄衣衫,在小白的大手之下,更是形如无物,轻易的一抹,便是扒光。 Silver armor armed forces Commander of naked fruit body, only felt that shames the anger to well up. 赤身果体的银甲军统领,只感觉一阵羞怒涌上心头。 His solemn silver armor armed forces Commander, when suffers to have been to such humiliation! 他堂堂一位银甲军统领,何时遭受到过这样的屈辱! Both hands block from oneself bashful place. 双手遮住自己的羞处。 Silver armor armed forces Commander roared once again. 银甲军统领再度咆哮。 What a pity, was held a leg by Whitey, optional throws, then flings the restaurant. 可惜,被小白抓住一只腿,随意的一抛,便是甩出了餐馆。 Bang, one group of silver armor armed forces with outside fell in one. 嘭的一声,和外面的一堆银甲军摔在了一起。 The dignified silver armor armed forces, in this moment, were dug up up the clothes completely, one crowd of stark naked person, in ground panic-stricken swaying back and forth. 体面的银甲军,在这一刻,全部被扒光了衣裳,一群赤条条的人儿,在地上惊恐的打滚。 A strip the clothes puppet, startled draws back a silver armor armed forces squad! 一具扒衣傀儡,惊退银甲军一个小队! This, has shocked all people in restaurant. 这一幕,惊呆了餐馆中的所有人。 Distant place. 远处。 The 3rd Lady Luo boudoir honey early the eye has shone. 洛三娘的闺蜜们早已经眼睛放光。 They are staring at Whitey of military might, in the eye the blooming small star, that is the worship. 她们盯着威武的小白,眼睛中绽放小星星,那是崇拜。 Excels at Whitey of knowledgeable person clothes, military might is majestic, lets their inexplicable excitements! 擅解人衣的小白,威武而雄壮,让她们莫名的兴奋! Little Yōu narrowed the eye, Whitey or Whitey, Clothes-stripping Crazy Demon as always. 小幽眯起了眼,小白还是小白,一如既往的扒衣狂魔 Hades sits on the ground, is absentminded. 冥王尔哈一屁股坐在地上,失魂落魄。 Not long, he can struggle high below existence with Clothes-stripping Crazy Demon, Hades strip the clothes finger/refers, nobody can resist. 曾几何时,他可是能够跟扒衣狂魔一争高下的存在,冥王扒衣指一出,无人可以抵挡。 But now...... 而如今…… He had cast off by Clothes-stripping Crazy Demon maliciously. 他已经被扒衣狂魔狠狠的甩开了。 After Yangtze River , before the wave pushes the wave, his Hades had been patted by strip the clothes Whitey in the sand beach...... 长江后浪推前浪,他冥王尔哈已经被扒衣小白拍死在沙滩上了…… In innermost feelings inexplicable somewhat disconsolate. 内心中莫名的有些惆怅。 He cannot in not know to keep forging ahead, he must practice well...... Strives to attack the God! 他不能在不知进取了,他必须要好好修行……争取冲击神祗! He must restore once to belong to the strip the clothes Hades great honor, the Hades strip the clothes finger/refers must reappear world! 他要恢复曾经属于扒衣冥王的殊荣,冥王扒衣指一定要再现世间 3rd Lady Luo and Prince Shao are dumbfounded. 洛三娘少王爷目瞪口呆。 Such savage, is so explosive, such...... Crisp?! 这么凶残,这么劲爆,这么……爽?! Looks at the previous quarter also put on a high and mighty act silver armor armed forces, at this moment is actually distressed such as stray cur. 看着前一刻还趾高气昂的银甲军,此刻却是狼狈的如丧家之犬。 Prince Shao only felt that a comfortable meaning spreads from the foot, spreads instantaneously the whole body. 少王爷只感觉一阵舒爽之意从脚底下蔓延开来,瞬间蔓延到全身。 You in especially crazy does one try? 你在特么的狂一下试试? System, what ability have you enhanced Whitey?” “系统,你到底提升了小白什么能力?” Bu Fang cannot bear inquiry system in the heart. 步方忍不住在心中询问系统。 In the restaurant of system jurisdiction, carries on the comprehensive reorganization to the Whitey's foundation, the Whitey's univers parameter will obtain the large scale promotion, and has the Principle immunity ability.” “在系统管辖的餐馆之内,对小白的基础进行全面整改,小白的整体参数都将获得大幅度提升,并且拥有法则免疫能力。” The system serious and earnest sound resounds. 系统严肃而认真的声音响起。 Univers parameter large scale promotion, that not precisely battle efficiency large scale promotion? 整体参数大幅度提升,那不就是战斗力大幅度提升么? In addition has Principle immunity ability. 另外还有法则免疫的能力。 Also precisely said that in restaurant, even if the big perfection God, feared that is can only with the Whitey fleshly body close combat! 就是说,在餐馆中,就算是大圆满神祗,怕是都只能跟小白肉身近战! This promotion, is truly terrorist! 这提升,确实是恐怖的! Clothes-stripping Crazy Demon, returned finally once again! 扒衣狂魔,终于再度回归了! The Bu Fang corners of the mouth flood have wiped the happy expression. 步方嘴角泛起了一抹笑意。 Only if expert of God King rank comes to restaurant to do the matter...... 除非神王级别的强者来餐馆中搞事情…… However, is God King expert where so idle, runs to come to the restaurant to do the matter? 不过,神王强者哪有那么闲,跑来餐馆中搞事情? Bang! 轰! Bu Fang this idea just fell. 步方这个想法刚刚落下。 A fearful pressure then suddenly approaches. 一股可怕的威压便是陡然临近。 Thorough covering entire building! 彻底的笼罩住了整个大厦! Un? 嗯? Person the facial color on the scene fiercely changes! 在场人的面色都是猛地一变! Was eating the Sea Oyster Wrap woman, a brow wrinkle, the glance has approached out of the door. 正在吃海蛎包的女人,眉头一皱,扫视向了门外。 There, has the clear sound of footsteps, resounding through. 那儿,有清晰的脚步声,一顿一顿的响彻而起。 dá dá...... 哒哒哒…… The clear sound of footsteps, as if from nine quiet spreads. 清晰的脚步声,仿佛从九幽中传出。 Man of whole body wrap up in silver armor appears, the figure is slim, the silver armor appears its stature tall and straight. 一位浑身包裹在银色铠甲中的男子出现,身材修长,银甲将其身材显得越加的挺拔。 Waist don't a tall and slender long sword. 腰间别着一把细长的长剑。 Above long sword, sword light circulation. 长剑之上,剑光流转。 ...... The concubine said that your this chef is bold, I have not believed that now looks...... Really lives up to reputation, really has big dog guts.” “唔……皇妃说你这厨子胆大包天,我还不信,现在一看……果然名不虚传,确实是有很大的狗胆。” Light words sound spreads. 淡淡的话语声传出。 With a chill in the air, covers the restaurant instantaneously. 伴随着一股寒意,瞬间笼罩餐馆。 Under the silver armor, sharp vision bursts out together. 银甲之下,一道犀利的目光迸发。 Belongs to the God King power and influence to spread thoroughly. 属于神王的威势彻底蔓延。 God Sovereign guards the imperial palace...... Silver armor?!” 3rd Lady Luo, Prince Shao and the others facial colors, suddenly change. 神皇禁卫……银甲?!”洛三娘,少王爷等人的面色,陡然一变。
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