GOAW :: Volume #11

#1057: The Bu Fang boy, the quiet girl needs you 【Second!】

Terrifying explosion eruption. 恐怖的爆炸爆发。 The entire arena, received the terrifying large explosion again, in the arena the suddenly blown sand walks the stone. 整个擂台,再一次受到了恐怖的大爆炸,擂台上顿时飞沙走石。 All people were silent, looks that by the arena that rich Blade Energy covered, felt that constrained. 所有人都是沉默了下来,看着那被浓郁刀气所笼罩的擂台,感到一阵压抑。 Some person of long put out a long breath, in this one breath have been full of the regret. 有人长长的吐出了一口气,这一口气中充满了遗憾。 Some person whole faces sad grasped own head, in eyes full is incredible. 有的人满脸悲戚的抱住了自己的脑袋,眼眸中满是不可置信。 Meng Qi goddess......” 梦琪女神……” Damn...... This terrifying attack, how can live!” “该死的……这种恐怖的攻击,如何能够活下来!” My Meng Qi goddess will not die!” “我的梦琪女神不会死的!” ...... …… The audiences do not believe, chirp keeping saying, they do not believe Meng Qi City Lord will die. 观众们都不相信,纷纷叽叽喳喳的说个不停,他们不相信梦琪城主会死。 Above the vault of heaven, as if the meteor crashes general, Realm Master Tai suddenly falls loudly, brings the terrifying pressure. 天穹之上,仿佛流星坠落下来一般,迪泰界主顿时轰然落下,带来恐怖的威压。 Float in the City Lord Feng place above. 悬浮在了丰城主的上方。 The terrifying fresh breeze sways to come, blows City Lord Feng clothing scatters in all directions to flutter. 恐怖的劲风吹拂而来,将丰城主身上的衣衫吹的四散飘动。 City Lord Feng is grasping Zhen's blue kitchen knife, the facial color is indifferent. 丰城主握着湛蓝色的菜刀,面色冷漠。 Realm Master Tai narrowed the eye, full head golden hair was fluttering, in eyes revealed an angry look. 泰界主眯了眯眼,满头金色的发丝在飘荡,眼眸中流露出了一股怒色。 Feng Guanzhang your big courage, as immortal city City Lord, unexpectedly dares to begin to City Lord!” 丰冠长你好大的胆子,身为仙城城主,居然敢对城主动手!” The Realm Master Tai ice-cold sound resounds through the audience. 泰界主冰冷的声音响彻全场。 Let all people keep silent, does not dare to voice. 让所有人都是噤若寒蝉,不敢发声。 The Lord, many people are first time see. 界主,很多人都是第一次见到。 Regarding the Lord, everybody has awed his reputation very much, now saw in the legend Lord, actually in so situation. 对于界主,大家一直都很敬畏他的名声,如今见到了传说中的界主,却是在这般情况下。 At this time the situation is really some does not suit, everybody does not dare to speak. 此时情况实在是有些不对劲,大家都不敢说话。 „Below to compel that dog...... Meng Qi will not die, the severe wound, when the time comes spent all my Immortal Material achievement to compensate precisely at most.” “在下只是为了逼出那只狗而已……梦琪不会死的,顶多重伤,到时候花费我所有的仙材作为补偿就是了。” City Lord Feng light saying. 丰城主淡淡的说道。 His that struck discretion, Blade Energy has been full of the penetration. 他的那一击有分寸,刀气充满了穿透。 By the Meng Qi City Lord messenger bird immortal robe defensive power, dies is insufficient actually, but the severe wound is inevitable. 梦琪城主的青鸟仙袍防御力来说,死倒是不至于,不过重伤是必然的。 Moreover that penetrating power, will kill that ants chef thorough extinguishing. 而且那穿透力,会将那蝼蚁厨子彻底的灭杀。 This...... City Lord Feng has not believed that dog not to appear. 这样……丰城主还不信那只狗不出现。 Feels the indifference in City Lord Feng eyes. 感受到丰城主眼眸中的冷漠。 Realm Master Tai deep breath, impervious! Unexpectedly dares to treat my Xiao Meng Meng and Little Bu Bu like this!” 泰界主深吸了一口气,“不可理喻!居然敢这样对待我的小梦梦小步步!” The next quarter, on Realm Master Tai suddenly erupted fearful aura and pressure. 下一刻,迪泰界主身上顿时爆发出了一股可怕的气息和威压。 City Lord Feng is feeling the instance of this aura and pressure, the facial color then changes, does not dare to have slight relaxation. 丰城主在感受到这气息和威压的瞬间,面色便是一变,不敢有丝毫的放松。 The main strength, he does not dare to have any belittling. 界主的实力,他不敢有任何的小觑。 Suddenly. 忽然。 Gust sways. 一阵风吹拂而过。 Realm Master Tai and City Lord Feng all slightly stare. 泰界主丰城主皆是微微一愣。 The facial color changes, looked to that ruins. 面色都是一变,看向了那废墟之中。 Bang!! 轰! The air wave surges, blew off mist and dust, has revealed inside picture. 气浪涌动而出,将烟尘吹散,露出了里面的画面。 cyan and fiery-red radiance were dazzling, have covered half arena. 青色和火红色的光华耀眼,笼罩了半个擂台。 A stream of the Vermillion Bird form and messenger bird form circle on the vault of heaven, let fall an evil ways light screen, under the light screen, is covering two person's shadows. 一道朱雀身影和青鸟身影在天穹上盘旋,垂落下道道光幕,光幕之下,则是笼罩着两道人影。 Under a person wears the red gown, wind sways, the gown lower hem flap flap makes noise. 一人穿着赤色袍子,风吹拂下,袍子衣摆猎猎作响。 Another person is beautiful like the immortal, the cyan ray lingering whole body, the white immortal robe flutters. 另一人则是美艳如仙,青色光芒萦绕周身,白色的仙袍飘荡。 These two exactly Bu Fang and Meng Qi City Lord. 这两人正是步方梦琪城主 At this moment, the Bu Fang's palm builds above the fragrant shoulder of Meng Qi City Lord, the movement as if frames in this moment. 此刻,步方的手掌搭在梦琪城主的香肩之上,动作仿佛在这一刻定格。 In the Meng Qi City Lord beautiful appearance was appears stunned, inconceivable, as well as wiped...... Shy. 梦琪城主绝美的容颜上则是浮现出了错愕,不可思议,以及一抹……羞怯。 All people are one dull. 所有人都是一呆。 Looks at that two people in arena, the look on face instantaneously stiffens. 看着擂台中的那两个人,脸上的神色都是瞬间僵住。 City Lord Feng eyes shrinks, felt that is incredible! 丰城主眼眸一缩,感到一阵不可置信! Is impossible! My judgment is impossible to make a mistake! Meng Qi and that boy are how perfect!” “不可能!我的判断不可能会出错的!梦琪和那小子怎么完好无损!” City Lord Feng deep breath, in eyes has the deep doubts. 丰城主深吸了一口气,眼眸中有着深深的疑惑。 Realm Master Tai has blinked eye, then as if damn has covered own mouth. 泰界主眨巴了一下眼睛,尔后仿佛见鬼似的捂住了自己的嘴。 My God! Xiao Meng Meng and Little Bu Bu...... You carry this Lord unexpectedly...... Handles this matter!!!” “我的天!小梦梦小步步……你们居然背着本界主……做这种事情!!!” The main sound seems lets the surrounding other people are awakens come. 界主的声音似乎是让周围的其他人都是醒悟过来 suddenly, holding breath cold air/Qi sound suddenly continuously resounds through unceasingly. 顿时,此起彼伏的倒吸冷气声音顿时响彻不绝。 Aahh Ah! Great Devil King lets loose your hand!” 啊啊啊!大魔王放开你的手!” Do not bump my goddess! I must go all out with Great Devil King!” “不要碰我的女神!我要和大魔王拼命!” „The Meng Qi goddess, the backhand pulls out his Ah! 梦琪女神啊,反手抽他啊! ...... …… The audiences make threatening gestures, has all revealed the color/look of wailing. 观众们张牙舞爪,皆是露出了哀嚎之色。 Naturally, is more exciting their is on the Meng Qi City Lord face appears that wipes dark red. 当然,更刺激他们的是梦琪城主脸上浮现出的那一抹殷红。 This makes them feel Great Devil King how extremely evil! 这更让他们觉得大魔王是多么的万恶! They also sympathized with this Great Devil King before unexpectedly! 他们之前居然还同情这大魔王 On you also has Top Grade Immortal Tool unexpectedly?” “你身上居然也有极品仙具?” The City Lord Feng vision narrows the eyes, is staring at Bu Fang, as if saw through anything to resemble, coldly said. 丰城主目光一眯,盯着步方,似乎看穿了什么似的,冷冷道。 Clarity that Top Grade Immortal Tool, this can also say, why formerly Bu Fang can block his palm of the hand, reason that but can also counter-attack. 极品仙具,这也就能够说的清楚,先前步方为什么能够挡住他的一巴掌,还能反击的原因了。 Trivial first grade Immortal Chef, body has Top Grade Immortal Tool unexpectedly. 区区一个一品仙厨,身上居然有极品仙具 City Lord Feng has not expected. 丰城主还真的是没有料到。 Distant place. 远处。 Heard all people of City Lord Feng words to be startled, then holding breath cold air/Qi. 听到了丰城主话语的所有人都是一怔,尔后倒吸冷气。 Top Grade Immortal Tool? 极品仙具 On Great Devil King is that Chef robe unexpectedly Top Grade Immortal Tool? 大魔王身上那件厨师袍居然是极品仙具 With Meng Qi goddess immortal robe same is Top Grade Immortal Tool? 梦琪女神身上的仙袍一样是极品仙具么? Mother female genitals! 妈了个巴子! This does Great Devil King also dare to wear the lover attire with their goddess unexpectedly?! This goods should pull out sink submerge in pig cage Ah! 大魔王居然还敢和他们女神穿情侣装?!这货就该拉出去浸猪笼啊! In the audiences heart suddenly feels an anger. 观众们心中顿时又感到一阵愤怒。 Naturally, some Immortal Chef have also revealed color/look suddenly. 当然,一些仙厨也是露出了恍然之色。 Originally is this, no wonder Bu Fang every time can strive to turn the tide. 原来是这样,难怪步方每一次都能够力挽狂澜。 Originally has Top Grade Immortal Tool to help. 原来是有极品仙具在帮忙。 Xue Yao, Meng Kun and other Immortal Chef are the mind concentrates, felt a huge pressure. 薛瑶,孟坤仙厨都是心神一凝,感到了一阵巨大的压力。 Original Bu Fang gave their pressure is huge, had then been knowing that Bu Fang had Top Grade Immortal Tool unexpectedly, their pressures were bigger. 本来步方给他们的压力便是巨大了,在得知步方居然有极品仙具,他们身上的压力就更大了。 Lu Yi has narrowed eye, Top Grade Immortal Tool...... 陆一则是眯了眯眼,极品仙具么…… In the face of absolute strength, even if Immortal Tool, is very difficult to create the miracle. 在绝对的实力面前,就算是仙具,也很难创造奇迹的。 Let alone, Bu Fang's Top Grade Immortal Tool is the Chef robe, holds in a big way not to dish in addition. 更何况,步方的极品仙具不过是件厨师袍,对菜品的加持并没有多大。 However...... 不过…… Installs this matter with the Meng Qi goddess lover...... Also is really makes people feel that is not feeling well. 梦琪女神情侣装这件事……还真的是让人感到不爽啊。 Meng Qi somewhat is at this moment absent-minded, formerly that temperate and calm sound resounded through, making her not recover to the present. 梦琪此刻还有些恍惚,先前那温和而淡定的声音响彻而起,让她到现在都没有回过神来。 Vermillion Bird that in the mind appears makes her body one stiff. 脑海中浮现出的朱雀让她身躯一僵。 Vermillion Bird Ah! 朱雀啊! Divine Beast in legend! 传说中的神兽 Meng Qi can feel, the messenger bird immortal robe of body under the summon of Vermillion Bird robe, the defensive power has promoted much. 梦琪能够感受到,身躯的青鸟仙袍在朱雀袍的召唤下,防御力提升了不少。 That young chef gown, unexpectedly is so the rank! 那小厨子身上的袍子,居然是这般等级! Turning head slightly, looked to Bu Fang. 微微的扭过头,看向了步方 The expressionlessly facial features, as well as the calm appearance, making Meng Qi stare once again. 面无表情的面容,以及淡定的模样,让梦琪再度一愣。 Feels Bu Fang that warm hand according to own shoulder, Meng Qi suddenly felt that body feels hot...... 感受到步方那温暖的手按在自己的肩膀上,梦琪顿时感到身躯一阵发烫…… Shook slightly, works loose the Bu Fang's palm. 微微一抖,挣脱开了步方的手掌。 Bu Fang stares slightly. 步方微微一愣。 Vermillion Bird and messenger bird on suddenly vault of heaven vanishes. 天穹上的朱雀和青鸟顿时消失。 The City Lord Feng vision concentrates, the next quarter, a foot stepped on above the arena, figure suddenly tore comes void, objective pointed to Bu Fang. 丰城主目光一凝,下一刻,一脚踩在了擂台之上,身形顿时撕裂虚空而来,目标直指步方 A blade sweeps away, terrifying Blade Energy bursts out instantaneously. 一刀横扫而过,恐怖的刀气瞬间迸发。 Is containing rich murderous aura. 蕴含着浓郁的杀气 However, this time, he cannot go well. 然而,这一次,他没有能够得手了。 Realm Master Tai will not allow absolutely City Lord Feng kills people under his nose. 泰界主绝对不会容许丰城主在他的眼皮底下杀人。 Flickered to move to general disappearance in same place. 瞬移一般的消失在了原地。 Again presents time, then kept off in front of Bu Fang's, lifted the hand, a palm of the hand then clapped above that Blade Energy. 再一次出现的时候,便是挡在了步方的面前,抬起手,一巴掌便是拍在了那刀气之上。 Unceasing cutting of fearful Blade Energy above the main palm, has exuded the sharp sound. 可怕的刀气在界主的手掌之上不断的切割,发出了锋锐之声。 Finally by Realm Master Tai crumb maliciously. 最后被迪泰界主狠狠的捏碎。 a clanging sounds rang out, Blade Energy is completely loose. 铿锵一声,刀气尽散。 Main Sir......” “界主大人……” Meng Qi City Lord noted Realm Master Tai at this time, suddenly supple shouted one. 梦琪城主这时候才注意到迪泰界主,顿时柔柔的喊了一声。 Ai ~ “哎~” On Realm Master Tai face suddenly appeared the smile, turned head, has complied with one. 泰界主脸上顿时浮现出了微笑,扭头,应了一声。 „Does Xiao Meng Meng, have to think this Lord......” 小梦梦,有没有想本界主啊……” Realm Master Tai said with a smile, with that hand of crumb Blade Energy, dug up to draw mild-mannered own golden hair, hair suddenly fluttered. 泰界主笑着说道,用捏碎刀气的那只手,扒拉了一下自己的金色头发,发丝顿时柔顺的飘动起来。 Meng Qi City Lord corners of the mouth suddenly pulls out. 梦琪城主嘴角顿时一抽。 The main Sir is as is always not reasonable...... 界主大人还是一如既往的不靠谱啊…… The surrounding audience also discovered...... 周围的观众也是发现了…… Thinks should be very serious main Sir, as if...... Is pulling up their Meng Qi goddesses! 原本以为应该是很严肃的界主大人,似乎……在撩他们的梦琪女神! This especially can endure! 这特么的能忍! Keeping aloof of reaching an agreement, indifferent aggressive Lord of reaching an agreement? 说好的高高在上,说好的冷漠霸气的界主呢? Becoming with Great Devil King same irksome! 咋变得跟大魔王一样的惹人厌! The Meng Qi goddess is everybody! 梦琪女神是大家的! Main Sir...... Be careful!” “界主大人……小心!” Suddenly, the Meng Qi vision concentrates, shouted one lightly. 忽然,梦琪目光一凝,轻呼了一句。 Distant place. 远处。 City Lord Feng was early impatient, this funny guy Lord, does not pay attention to him completely. 丰城主早已经不耐烦了,这逗比界主,完全不将他放在眼里啊。 Bang! 轰! City Lord Feng figure flashes, vanishes on the spot. 丰城主身形一闪,消失在原地。 To approach from other directions, Bu Fang kill[ed]. 想要从其他的方向逼近,将步方斩杀 Realm Master Tai detected. 泰界主发觉。 suddenly figure flashes, vanishes. 顿时身形一闪,也是消失。 Bang Bang Bang!! 轰轰轰! Blade Energy cut. 一道道的刀气斩出。 From all directions, dense and numerous cuts toward Bu Fang. 从四面八方,密密麻麻的朝着步方斩来。 Terrifying murderous aura, lets person body is stiffening. 恐怖的杀气,让人身躯都是不由的僵住。 However, these Blade Energy just fluttered, is given the crumb! 不过,这些刀气才刚刚飘出,便是纷纷被人给捏碎! Realm Master Tai flung own golden hair, on the face has revealed the color/look of proud-lovable. 泰界主一甩自己的金色发丝,脸上露出了傲娇之色。 Feng Guanzhang, your...... Weak chicken.” 丰冠长,你个……弱鸡。” City Lord Feng fell on the distant place. 丰城主落在了远处。 The vision is slightly concentrates...... Then clenches the teeth, that is air/Qi. 目光都是微微的一凝……尔后咬紧牙关,那是被气的。 Main Sir...... Why you must preserve this ants chef, has killed him, can compel that dog, why not? could it be that don't you want to pursue Immortal Kitchen Realm that dog?” “界主大人……你为什么一定要保住这个蝼蚁厨子,杀了他,就能逼出那只狗,何乐而不为?难道你不想将那只狗驱逐出仙厨界么?” City Lord Feng coldly said. 丰城主冷冷道。 Compels that black dog?” Realm Master Tai stares slightly. “逼出那只黑狗么?”迪泰界主微微一愣。 Right...... That dog has gone bad the Heavenly Law will, making Immortal Tree present the pathological change...... Now this dog appears, who knows that he ate Heavenly Law to eat to become addicted, came back to plan to eat Heavenly Law!” “对……那只狗坏了天道意志,使得仙树出现了病变……如今这只狗又出现,谁知道他是不是吃天道吃上瘾了,又重新回来打算吃天道!” City Lord Feng said. 丰城主道。 What relations but did this and kill Little Bu Bu to have? You have the skill to look for the black dog, to Little Bu Bu make a move is any man!” “可是这和杀了小步步有什么关系呢?你有本事找黑狗去,对小步步出手算什么男人!” Realm Master Tai both hands fork waist, said. 泰界主双手叉腰,道。 The Bu Fang corners of the mouth pull out, why he thought that this saying is strange...... 步方嘴角一抽,为什么他觉得这话怪怪的…… Meng Qi City Lord also smiles, the beautiful pupil as if quite interesting has swept Bu Fang one. 梦琪城主也是不禁莞尔,美眸似乎饶有趣味的扫了步方一眼。 Gives my enough time, my hand can pat this old fogy.” “给我足够的时间,我一只手就能拍死这老家伙。” Saying of Bu Fang expressionlessly. 步方面无表情的说道。 He suffers a loss is too young. 他还是吃亏在太年轻。 Gives him the enough long time, the turnover piles up, cultivation base can also promote, when the time comes, City Lord Feng this goods, a hand can hit ten! 给他足够长的时间,营业额堆积上去,修为也就能够提升上去,到时候,丰城主这种货色,一只手能打十个! He...... With that dog, relates significantly......” “他……跟那只狗,关系匪浅……” City Lord Feng deeply takes a breath, his patience almost soon reached the limit. 丰城主深吸一口气,他的耐心几乎快要到极限了。 I am also significant with that dog relations...... How don't you do me?” “我跟那只狗关系也匪浅呢……你咋不来搞我?” Realm Master Tai was still both hands fork waist, righteous say/way. 泰界主仍旧是双手叉腰,理直气壮道。 The anger in City Lord Feng chest erupts instantaneously, in eyes murderous aura surges...... 丰城主胸口中的怒火瞬间爆发,眼眸杀气涌动…… The surrounding audience is a mouth pulls out. 周围的观众都是不由一阵嘴抽。 Originally you are such Lord...... 原来你是这样的界主…… When City Lord Feng almost wants berserk. 就在丰城主几乎要暴走的时候。 Realm Master Tai suddenly strange has been smiling to him. 泰界主忽然古怪的对着他笑了起来。 ...... Actually you did not need to kill Little Bu Bu, because...... You look behind, has the pleasant surprise.” “唔……其实你不用杀小步步了,因为……你看身后,有惊喜。” Realm Master Tai words, making City Lord Feng stare. 泰界主的话,让丰城主一愣。 The next quarter, he then felt terrifying aura fills the air. 下一刻,他便是感到了一阵恐怖的气息弥漫开来。 Turning head. 不由的扭过头。 There, together void crack reappearing slowly. 那儿,一道虚空裂缝缓缓的浮现而出。 The void crack tears, went out of one to step the black dog of cat step, Netherworld Ship that as well as drove out of slowly. 虚空裂缝撕扯开来,从中走出了一只迈着猫步的黑狗,以及一艘缓缓驶出的幽冥船 City Lord Feng is startled terrified. 丰城主悚然一惊。 Terrifying aura suddenly eruption. 恐怖的气息顿时爆发。 Above the deep blue kitchen knife Blade Energy spreads. 湛蓝色的菜刀之上刀气蔓延。 Your this black dog, appeared finally!” “你这黑狗,终于出现了!” City Lord Feng vision exposition none remaining, explodes drinks to make noise! 丰城主目光暴露精光,爆喝出声! A blade, rapidly like the wind, is being cuts to vault of heaven above Lord Dog. 一刀,迅疾如风,对着天穹之上的狗爷便是斩去。 Kills the dog knife skill!” “杀狗刀法!” Bang Bang Bang!! 轰轰轰! Myriad Blade Energy appear, fills the air on the entire vault of heaven, all people felt a sharpness. 万千刀气浮现,在整个天穹上弥漫,所有人都是感到了一阵锋锐。 In the void crack steps Lord Dog that cat step is coming out, the suddenly knitting the brows head , the doubts looked at a that to lift City Lord Feng that the kitchen knife was shooting up to the sky. 虚空裂缝中迈着猫步出来的狗爷,顿时皱了皱眉头,疑惑的看了一眼那举着菜刀冲天而起的丰城主 Lord Dog does not have the mood to accompany you to play now...... At the same time plays.” 狗爷现在没心情陪你耍……一边玩去。” Is full of the magnetic sound to resound through temperately. 温和而充满磁性的声音响彻而起。 The next quarter, Lord Dog is the exquisite dog claw that raises, gently to shooting up to the sky, is patting toward City Lord Feng that the homicide comes. 下一刻,狗爷便是扬起的玲珑狗爪,轻轻的对着冲天而起,朝他杀来的丰城主拍去。 Myriad Blade Energy in abundance disintegrations. 万千刀气纷纷崩碎。 City Lord Feng eyes shrinks. 丰城主眼眸一缩。 Bang. 轰隆一声。 suddenly maliciously was fallen by pounding on the ground, the ground was caves in giant dog Paw mark...... 顿时被狠狠的砸落在了地上,地面都是塌陷出了一个巨大的狗爪印…… A claw, was the racket flew City Lord Feng. 一爪,便是拍飞了丰城主 All people are dumb as a wooden chicken. 所有人都是呆若木鸡。 This dog...... Wants on Heavens! 这狗……要上天啊! Lord Dog frowns, the vision fell on Bu Fang's, as if saw Bu Fang Meng Qi City Lord, Lord Dog has been slightly startled, but the line of sight has not made many stays, said to Bu Fang: Bu Fang boy...... The quiet girl needs you.” 狗爷皱着眉头,目光落在了步方的身上,似乎是看到了步方身边的梦琪城主,狗爷微微一怔,不过视线没有做过多的停留,对步方道:“步方小子……幽丫头需要你。”
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