GOAW :: Volume #11

#1056: Vermillion Bird and messenger bird 【First!】

The Bu Fang's action is shocked audience. 步方的举动惊呆的了全场。 When the travel fatigue diverges, when everywhere the arena picture of dark green foreign exposes in the fields of vision of all people. 当风尘散去,当满目苍夷的擂台景象暴露在所有人的视野中的时候。 Remaining, only has the sound of Large expanse of screams and holding breath cold air/Qi. 剩下的,只有一成片的惊呼声和倒吸冷气的声音。 That picture...... Make people be hard to imagine. 那画面……让人难以想象。 As if a three -year-old child, grasps in fine steel armor to puncture to resemble toward whole body general of wrap up the long sword, filled has made people feel the strange being out of sorts feeling. 就仿佛是一个三岁的孩童,握着把长剑朝着一位浑身包裹在精钢铠甲中的将军刺去似的,充满了让人感到怪异的违和感。 Meng Qi was blocked in blade, wants breakthrough, suddenly does not have solution. 梦琪被封锁在了刀阵之中,想要突破,一时间也是没有办法 However, when she sees that not far away the picture, even if mind formidable such as she, by picture shocking in same place, has publicized the red lip of rich slightly, somewhat surprised uncertain looks. 但是,当她看到那不远处的画面之时,就算心神强大如她,也是被画面给震惊在了原地,微微张大了丰润的红唇,有些惊疑不定的看着。 Bang!!! 轰!!! A palm of City Lord Feng, Bu Fang patting. 丰城主的一掌,并没有将步方给拍死。 Instead was given to block by the Bu Fang backhand, relaxed block, does not spend to blow the strength of flying. 反而是被步方反手就给挡住了,轻轻松松的挡住,不费吹飞之力。 How is this possible?! 这怎么可能?! No matter other people, are City Lord Feng, is the mind slightly one cold. 不管是其他人,还是丰城主,都是心神微微一凛。 Actually this is the invincibility of Bird Feather Robe, but also only then this time, in a short time, the invincibility of Bird Feather Robe must enter the cooling time. 其实这是雀羽袍的无敌,不过也只有这一次,短时间内,雀羽袍的无敌要进入冷却时间。 But in this period of time, Bu Fang is then in danger. 而在这段时间里,步方便是处于危险中。 Therefore Bu Fang must counter-attack, cannot sit waiting for death. 所以步方要反击,不能坐以待毙。 Spiritual Sea has raised the startled day wave, Golden Divine Dragon spirits, Black Tortoise spirits, Vermillion Bird spirits, in this flash, burst out pinnacle, built a very fearful degree Bu Fang's spiritual force. 精神海掀起了惊天波浪,黄金神龙器灵,玄武器灵,朱雀器灵,都是在这一瞬间,迸发到了极致,将步方的精神力堆砌到了一个非常可怕的程度。 This is also strongest spiritual force that Bu Fang can erupt until now! 这也是步方迄今为止所能爆发出来的最强精神力 hōng lóng lóng!! 轰隆隆!! The Bu Fang's whole body, has as if raised mighty waves. 步方的周身,仿佛是掀起了波涛似的。 All feels this spiritual force person, looks the color/look of shock. 所有感受到这股精神力的人,都是面露震惊之色。 This is spiritual force trivial 1-Star True Divine Realm can erupt really? 这种精神力真的是区区一位一星真神境能够爆发出来的? Some many people think that initially that situation of Bu Fang spiritual force test time, that time Bu Fang obviously had not used fully. 有许多人想到当初步方精神力测试时候的那种情况,那时候的步方显然还没有使用全力。 Present Bu Fang, is blooms strongest spiritual force Great Devil King. 如今的步方,才是绽放最强精神力大魔王 All spiritual force such as the mighty current falls in torrents generally under. 所有的精神力如洪流一般倾泻而下。 Gathers instantaneously, in the Bu Fang's left hand has been grasping above Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife. 瞬间汇聚在了步方的左手握着的龙骨菜刀之上。 The gluttony arm has blocked a palm of City Lord Feng, making the latter slightly somewhat stunned. 饕餮臂挡住了丰城主的一掌,让后者微微有些错愕。 But while opposite party stunned this period of time, Bu Fang choice counter-attack. 而趁着对方错愕的这段时间,步方选择反击。 By the potential of counter-attack thunder, to let the opposite party mind tremble, without enough time responded instantaneous...... Counter-attack! 以雷霆之势反击,以让对方心神颤栗,来不及反应的瞬间……反击! The golden light is radiant, Dragon's Roar is shocking. 金光璀璨,龙吟震天。 A blade...... Behaded Immortal! 一刀……斩仙 knife skill, the Behaded Immortal type, is Bu Fang can display until now most strikes. 刀工,斩仙式,是步方迄今为止所能够施展出来的最强一击。 Although Overlord's 13 Knives is strong, but Bu Fang knows, must cope at present this City Lord Feng, is surely insufficient, his True Energy cultivation base is too weak, wanting the wound somewhat to be difficult to City Lord Feng. 霸王十三刀虽然强,但是步方知道,要对付眼前这个丰城主,必定是不够的,他的真气修为太弱,想要伤到丰城主都有些困难。 Only opportunity...... precisely he grasps also not very skilled Behaded Immortal type. 唯一的机会……就是他掌握的还不算很熟练的斩仙式。 That blade light blooms in City Lord Feng eyes together, as if blooms to resemble from the endless void deep place, instantaneous is radiant and eye-catching, floods his eyeball. 那一道刀光在丰城主眼眸中绽放,仿佛从无尽的虚空深处绽放出来似的,瞬间璀璨而夺目,充斥其眼球。 The City Lord Feng vision shrinks slightly, whole body somewhat is in a daze. 丰城主目光微微一缩,整个人有些发愣。 In his inner world. 在他的精神世界中。 As if had discovered a standing proud world is the form, that form indistinct nihility, is somewhat similar to the Bu Fang shape. 仿佛发现了一道傲立天地是身影,那身影缥缈虚无,和步方形态有些相似。 Light cuts a blade. 轻飘飘的斩出一刀。 Under this blade, City Lord Feng present picture fragment cuns (2.5 cm) disintegration. 这一刀之下,丰城主眼前的画面片段寸寸崩碎。 Suddenly, instant. 忽然,刹那。 City Lord Feng felt that the whole body was covered by a chill in the air. 丰城主感到浑身都是被一股寒意所笼罩。 The vision blooms suddenly myriad radiance. 目光陡然绽放万千光华。 Bang!! 轰! The terrifying air wave erupts above his body. 恐怖的气浪在他的身躯之上爆发而出。 The shooting up to the sky True Energy light beam direct impact horizon, as if must be rumbles the vault of heaven a hole. 冲天而起的真气光束直冲天际,仿佛要将天穹都是轰出一个窟窿。 In that flash, City Lord Feng cannot dominate own cultivation base unexpectedly, erupted the strongest strength. 在那一瞬间,丰城主居然是把持不住自己的修为,爆发出了最强实力。 Bang! 轰! Bu Fang's figure was flown by this air wave instantaneous bang, figure in the airborne surges, back hot feather fans, stands firm figure, falls on the ground, delimited far away. 步方的身形被这股气浪瞬间轰飞,身形在空中翻腾,背后的火羽一阵扇动,才是稳住身形,落在地上,划出了老远。 Blade instantaneous collapse. 刀阵瞬间崩溃。 Meng Qi City Lord felt that suffocates, figure suddenly fluttered the distant place. 梦琪城主感觉到一阵窒息,身形顿时飘飞到了远处。 hōng lóng lóng...... 轰隆隆…… A as if ripples general energy fluctuation spreads. 一阵仿佛涟漪一般的能量波动扩散开来。 In the auditorium the person, all leans this way and that the heart beats fiercely, feels a terrifying. 观众席上之人,皆是东倒西歪,心脏剧烈跳动,感到一阵恐怖。 This...... This precisely City Lord Feng strongest strength?” “这……这就是丰城主的最强实力么?” Quite fearful...... Feels aura, as if must suffocate.” “好可怕……仅仅是感受到气息,就仿佛要窒息似的。” Was too fearful, worthily is City Lord level expert, worthily is Qillin Kitchen !” “太可怕了,不愧是城主强者,不愧是麟厨!” ...... …… The audiences have a lingering fear are patting chest, alarmed and afraid looks at that to stand City Lord Feng in arena ruins. 观众们心有余悸的拍着胸口,惊惧的望着那站在擂台废墟中的丰城主 Meng Qi gaze as if a torch, red lip tight sips gets up. 梦琪目光如炬,红唇紧紧的抿起。 Feng Guanzhang cultivation base...... So to be how strong?! 丰冠长修为……怎么会这么强?! As if overnight, has promoted innumerable as! 仿佛在一夜之间,提升了无数似的! could it be that beforehand is Feng Guanzhang hiding own cultivation base? 难道以前的丰冠长都在隐藏自己的修为么? Meng Qi looks at Feng Guanzhang, felt that in own heart as if covers haze. 梦琪看着丰冠长,感觉自己的心中似乎都是笼罩上了一片阴霾。 You...... Damn Ah! “你……该死啊! City Lord Feng facial features cold Su, he has been slightly slanting the neck, extends make a move, has wiped a neck. 丰城主面容冷肃,他微微斜过脖子,伸出手,抹了一把脖子。 Above, there is an opening together,...... A little selects the rank red blood to flow. 其上,有一道裂口,从中……有点点腥红的血液流淌出来。 Has wiped, cancels blood, the strength of City Lord Feng formidable restoration, then recovers the wound. 抹了一把,将血液抹去,丰城主强大的恢复之力,便是将伤口复原。 But, City Lord Feng complexion gloomy. 可是,丰城主脸色更阴沉了。 His solemn fifth level City Lord, Immortal Kitchen Realm top existence. 他堂堂第五层城主,仙厨界顶尖的存在。 Unexpectedly by trivial 1-Star True Divine Realm injuring. 居然被一个区区一星真神境给伤了。 Nearly cut off the neck...... 险些被斩断了脖子…… This...... Really is disgraced! 这……实在是丢人! But surrounding audience, had discovered City Lord Feng movement, is inconceivable calling out in alarm. 而周围的观众,也是发现了丰城主的动作,皆是不可思议的惊呼。 Great Devil King...... Unexpectedly injured City Lord Feng?!” 大魔王……居然伤到了丰城主?!” Also speaks the truth...... This Great Devil King, simply is monster Ah! “还讲不讲道理了……这大魔王,简直是怪物啊! 1-Star True Divine Realm can cultivation base, injure to City Lord Feng unexpectedly? Their cultivation base simply is day and place disparity Ah! 一星真神境修为,居然能够伤到丰城主?两人修为简直是天与地的差距啊! ...... …… Audiences holding breath cold air/Qi, feel even more is inconceivable. 观众们倒吸冷气,越发的感到不可思议。 Great Devil King works, is really stems from the person to anticipate. 大魔王做事,果然都是出乎人意料。 Bu Fang fierce gasping for breath. 步方剧烈的喘气。 Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife received, some look blanches on face. 龙骨菜刀已经收起来了,脸上的神色有些发白。 Stimulates three spirit might, bears to Bu Fang is not small, his Spiritual Sea at this moment, almost must stop flowing. 激发三道器灵的威力,对步方而言负担不小,他此刻的精神海,几乎要停止流淌。 The Behaded Immortal type that displays fully, has almost found time Bu Fang within the body all True Energy, but also makes spiritual force almost probably press out to do. 全力施展的斩仙式,几乎抽空了步方体内所有的真气,还让精神力都差不多要榨干。 But Behaded Immortal of that might, actually cannot cut the head of City Lord Feng...... 可是那种威力的斩仙,却是未能斩下丰城主的脑袋…… In the Bu Fang heart feels somewhat regrettably. 步方心中不免感到有些遗憾。 However if makes the surrounding person know the regret in his heart, wishes one could to curse angrily Bu Fang surely. 不过如果让周围人知道他心中的遗憾,必定恨不得怒骂步方一顿。 1-Star True Divine Realm can injure to City Lord Feng is the serious matter, this did Great Devil King also want a blade to butcher City Lord Feng? 一星真神境能够伤到丰城主已经是不得了的事情了,这大魔王还想要一刀宰了丰城主么? That is City Lord level expert, the strength stands erect peak in Immortal Kitchen Realm, is existence of bird's eye view entire Immortal Kitchen Realm! 那可是城主强者啊,实力在仙厨界中屹立巅峰,是俯瞰整个仙厨界的存在! Even if Lord expert, impossible relaxed extinguishing kills City Lord level expert. 就算是界主强者,也不可能轻松的灭杀城主强者 Does self-confidence that this Great Devil King, where comes, want to strike the kill[ed] City Lord level to exist? 大魔王,哪里来的自信,想要一击斩杀城主级存在? Bang!! 轰! City Lord Feng defeated/carrying, pressure, causes the crushed stone in ground in the unceasing disintegration. 丰城主负着手,身上的威压,使得地面上的碎石都是在不断的崩碎。 His killing intent is dreadful, the vision is cold. 他的杀意滔天,目光冷冽。 Step by step treads, the sound of footsteps as if deafening ding, making the beat of person heart follow resounding through of sound of footsteps. 一步步的踏出,脚步声仿佛震耳欲聋的钟声,让人心脏的跳动都是跟随着脚步声的响彻。 That is really very uncomfortable one matter. 那真的是非常难受的一种事情。 City Lord Feng occupies a commanding position looks at Bu Fang, in look faint with killing intent, as if must get up general Bu Fang thorough wrap up. 丰城主居高临下的看着步方,眼神中的淡漠和杀意,仿佛要将步方彻底包裹起来一般。 Meng Qi City Lord one step treads, kept off before the Bu Fang's body. 梦琪城主一步踏出,挡在了步方的身前。 Feng Guanzhang...... You have the secret to hide the truth from us!” 丰冠长……你有秘密瞒着我们!” Meng Qi City Lord shouted coldly, gaze as if a torch, stubbornly was staring at City Lord Feng. 梦琪城主冷喝道,目光如炬,死死的盯着丰城主 City Lord Feng has swept Meng Qi City Lord one indifferently, indifferently said: Your my this level, who will not have a secret, did not matter concealment to say...... You make way, otherwise...... I link you to kill together.” 丰城主冷漠的扫了梦琪城主一眼,淡淡道:“你我这个层次,谁会没有点秘密,无所谓隐瞒之说……你让开,否则……我连你一起杀。” City Lord Feng said. 丰城主道。 The anger in his heart by the Bu Fang thorough ignition, only had thorough eliminate this ants, can solve hate of his heart. 他心中的怒火已经被步方彻底的点燃,唯有彻底抹杀这个蝼蚁,才能解他心头之恨。 Naturally, has killed this ants, compelling that only to take away the black dog of Qillin Kitchen heart is also an important reason. 当然,杀了这蝼蚁,逼出那只拿走麟厨心脏的黑狗也是一个重要原因。 You are Lord of the city, how can be so tyrannical?!” “你是一城之主,岂可这般暴虐?!” Meng Qi City Lord explodes drinks! 梦琪城主爆喝! Unexpectedly links her to kill together, this was Feng Guanzhang insane? 居然连她都要一起杀,这丰冠长是疯了么? In the arena, there is an audience to stand up, they hear Feng Guanzhang to plan including Meng Qi City Lord to kill unexpectedly together. 擂台上,有观众站起身,他们听到丰冠长居然连梦琪城主都打算一起杀。 suddenly cannot take a seat, stands up, wants to protest. 顿时就坐不住了,站起身,想要抗议。 However, just stood up, has not opened the mouth. 然而,刚刚站起,还未曾开口。 A Feng Guanzhang look is jumps shoots to come, to lift the hand, pinches in the position toward that audience fiercely...... 丰冠长的一个眼神便是迸射而来,抬起手,朝着那观众所在位置猛地一捏…… The audience who that stands up, suddenly spouts a blood, whole body, was killed by invisible Blade Energy thorough extinguishing. 那站起的观众,顿时喷出一口鲜血,整个人,被无形的刀气彻底的灭杀。 Lies softly but actually fell on the ground, the vitality did not have...... 软趴趴的倒落在了地上,生机全无…… Hissing hissing hissing!! 嘶嘶嘶!! Fearful! 可怕! Tyrants! 暴君! This is all people's impression to City Lord Feng, a word does not slaughter at earliest convenience, this fellow...... Simply precisely devil! 这是所有人对丰城主的印象,一言不合就杀戮,这家伙……简直就是恶魔! You...... Go away.” “你……滚开。” City Lord Feng coldly looks at Meng Qi to say. 丰城主冷冷的看着梦琪道。 This, to punish one as a warning to others, wish makes Meng Qi draw back. 这一手,是为了杀鸡儆猴,想要让梦琪退开。 Meng Qi behind, Bu Fang standing up slowly. 梦琪身后,步方缓缓的站起身。 Dragon Bone Kitchen Knife falls, Black Tortoise Pot also appears. 龙骨菜刀落下,玄武锅也是浮现。 Left hand Dragon Bone Blade, right hand Black Tortoise Pot, ice-cold orthoptic City Lord Feng. 左手龙骨刀,右手玄武锅,冰冷的直视丰城主 In his heart is very tranquil! 他心中很平静! Meng Qi has not drawn back, the immortal robe flutters, the look is also becomes sharp...... 梦琪没有退,仙袍飘荡起来,眼神也是变得犀利…… I will not make you slaughter arbitrarily!” “我不会让你擅自杀戮的!” Such being the case...... That dies!” “既然如此……那就死吧!” City Lord Feng coldly opens the mouth. 丰城主冷冷的开口。 The hand shakes, a Zhen's blue kitchen knife starts, such as above a dream imaginary kitchen knife, myriad Blade Energy burst out. 手一抖,一把湛蓝色的菜刀入手,如梦似幻的一把菜刀之上,万千刀气迸发。 Then cuts fiercely toward Meng Qi. 猛地便是朝着梦琪斩下。 Bang Bang Bang!! 轰轰轰! Entire ground in rapid collapse. 整个地面都是在飞速的崩溃。 The Meng Qi holding breath one breath, the immortal robe flutters, spreads an invisible fluctuation suddenly, wants to block City Lord Feng this blade. 梦琪倒吸一口气,仙袍飘动起来,陡然扩散出一股无形的波动,欲要挡住丰城主这一刀。 Useless, your messenger bird immortal robe defensive power is strong, cannot block my......” “没有用的,你的青鸟仙袍防御力再强,也挡不住我的……” Buzz...... 嗡…… Myriad blade glow gather instantaneously. 万千刀芒瞬间汇聚。 Changed has cut the day a blade, was cuts toward the immortal robe defense of Meng Qi City Lord. 化作了斩天一刀,朝着梦琪城主的仙袍防御便是斩来。 Meng Qi feels the heart big hand grasping firmly by one. 梦琪感觉心脏都是被一只大手给攥住似的。 Although the messenger bird immortal robe is Top Grade Immortal Tool, strong that too but City Lord Feng present cultivation base erupts, Meng Qi is very clear, the immortal robe should unable to block. 青鸟仙袍虽然是极品仙具,但是丰城主现在的修为爆发的太强,梦琪很清楚,仙袍应该是要挡不住。 Once the immortal robe cannot block, she and behind small Immortal Chef...... Must die. 一旦仙袍挡不住,她和身后的小仙厨……都得死。 Above vault of heaven. 天穹之上。 Sound of the deafening rumbled resounds through suddenly. 一声震耳欲聋的轰鸣之声陡然响彻而起。 Feng Guanzhang! You dare!!” 丰冠长!你敢!!” The sound is deafening, resounds through various Tian, lets all people are the mind palpitates, raising the head looked. 声音震耳欲聋,响彻诸天,让所有人都是心神悸动,不由的抬起头望了上去。 On the vault of heaven, the cloud layer changes. 天穹上,云层变化。 A stream of terrifying form from the above rapid landing, void unceasing in disintegration. 一道恐怖的身影从其上飞速的降落而下,虚空不断的在崩碎。 Yes...... Is the main Sir?!” “是……是界主大人?!” Probably is the main Sir...... I have seen the portrait of main Sir!” “好像是界主大人……我有见过界主大人的画像!” „Was the main Sir alarmed? My Meng Qi goddess could be saved Ah! “界主大人被惊动了么?我的梦琪女神有救了啊! ...... …… Audiences suddenly was in a tumult, excited incomparable looking to vault of heaven. 观众们顿时骚动了起来,兴奋无比的望向天穹。 The City Lord Feng movement shakes, is the next quarter, the vision suddenly becomes sharp, the movement keeps unexpectedly , to continue to cut. 丰城主的动作一抖,可是下一刻,目光陡然变得犀利,动作居然不停,继续斩下。 To probably continue eliminate Meng Qi City Lord and Bu Fang! 欲要继续抹杀梦琪城主步方 Realm Master Tai gaze as if a torch, in eyes has the anger to surge! 泰界主目光如炬,眼眸中有怒意涌动! This Feng Guanzhang wants to kill his Xiao Meng Meng and Little Bu Bu unexpectedly! 丰冠长居然想要杀他的小梦梦小步步 He has opened the mouth, unexpectedly has not stopped! 他都开口了,居然还不住手! Is he Lord, could it be that such does not have the dignity?! 他身为界主,难道就这么没有威严么?! hōng lóng lóng! 轰隆隆 The speed speeds up, the entire vault of heaven cloud layer tumbled, changed to the fiery-red, as if likely was Realm Master Tai innermost feelings at this moment! 速度加快,整个天穹云层翻滚,化作了火红色,仿佛像是迪泰界主此刻的内心! But...... He could not catch up with Ah! 可是……他赶不上了啊! Meng Qi City Lord also understands this point, the complexion is becomes pallid. 梦琪城主也是明白这一点,脸色都是变得煞白。 The City Lord Feng movement continues, a blade cuts, void cuns (2.5 cm) avalanches, terrifying surpasses beforehand City Lord Feng aura to erupt in this moment suddenly. 丰城主动作不止,一刀斩下,虚空寸寸崩塌,恐怖的远超出以前丰城主气息在这一刻陡然爆发。 Was dying...... 要死了…… Meng Qi City Lord facial color pale...... 梦琪城主面色惨白…… The surrounding audience is also item of zi wants to crack, loves dearly to be hard to breathe, their goddesses...... Was dying! 周围观众也是目眦欲裂,心疼到难以呼吸,他们的女神……要死了! Air/Qi Ah! to hate Ah! 啊!啊! Suddenly. 忽然。 The light temperate sound resounds in the Meng Qi ear bank together. 一道淡淡的温和之声在梦琪的耳畔响起。 Do not be anxious, relax......” “别紧张,放轻松……” Bu Fang thump pounded Black Tortoise Pot on the ground, lifted the hand, according to above the fragrant shoulder of Meng Qi City Lord, Bird Feather Robe suddenly changed to the scarlet-red color/look, the flame soars to the heavens! 步方咚的一声将玄武锅砸在了地上,抬起手,按在了梦琪城主的香肩之上,身上的雀羽袍顿时化作赤红之色,火光冲天! Meng Qi City Lord stares, the next quarter, in her mind, Vermillion Bird that drills from flame yells to wind around, the flame wing opens, hiding the sky and covering the earth. 梦琪城主一愣,下一刻,她的脑海中,有一头从火焰中钻出的朱雀啼叫缭绕,火焰羽翼张开,遮天蔽日 The messenger bird immortal robe shakes, the cyan radiance soars to the heavens, flame Vermillion Bird , soars to the heavens the messenger bird. 青鸟仙袍一抖,青色光华冲天,一只火焰朱雀,一只冲天青鸟。 Both circle in void. 两者在虚空中盘旋起来。 Next quarter. 下一刻。 The blade light cuts! 刀光斩来! Bang! 轰! The startled day explodes, instantaneous noise. 惊天爆炸,瞬间喧嚣。
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