GC :: Volume #8

#26: Principal force

The Southern Wilderness northern sky is still dusky. 南荒北部的天空依然是灰蒙蒙的。 Before several days , impact that campaign of God Race invasion has, even if no thorough settling down until now, it is said these dust can circle the camouflage sky lasted one month to fall, in this about month, the Southern Wilderness north will fall into the total darkness the environment, falls into rapidly coldly, the climate will also change. 数日前神族入侵的那场战役所带来的影响,哪怕直到现在也还没有彻底的尘埃落定,据说这些灰尘会盘旋遮蔽天空长达一个月才能落下,在这一个月左右的时间,南荒北部都会陷入暗无天日的环境,迅速陷入寒冷,气候也会发生转变。 Demon King Cloudhawk stands above together thousand ancient measure of length high towering precipices silently, is since ancient like one exists forever in this's statue, the iron grey long hair flutters in the cold wind, increases several points of dismal alone flavor. 魔王云鹰默默地站在一块千仞高的突兀山岩之上,就像一尊亘古以来就长存在此的雕像,灰白色的长发在寒风之中飘扬,增添几分悲凉孤寂的味道。 In his Mask the scarlet eyeball is overlooking the infertile front land, war continually had completely changed here landform, the ground of shatter mountain range as well as bumpy sores all over the eye, could not see the past shadow from here again. 面具里猩红的眼珠俯视着寸草不生的前方大地,连番的大战已经彻底改变了这里的地貌,破碎的山脉以及坑坑洼洼满目疮痍的地面,从这里再也看不出当年的影子了。 King , you will come here, if the subordinate did not remember incorrectly, this is the place that you were born.” A sound conveys from the back, the side War God body of Wu Ji arrives slowly, is actually maintaining the distance slightly, he bends/bow the body to look at the front boundless land, showed the sigh with emotion expression: In a flash nearly 30 years, this place had changed beyond all recognition.” “王,没有想到,你会来到这里,如果属下没有记错,这是你出生的地方。”一个声音从背后传来,无寂战神躯体缓缓走到身边,却又微微保持着距离,他弓着身看着前面苍茫大地,露出了感慨的表情:“一晃快三十年了,这个地方早已面目全非。” Cloudhawk has not then visited him, but said lightly: I remembered that time, I was only ordinary human that mutant giant rats could not even be victorious, all day hid in the narrow and small tunnel is passing the total darkness day, at that time was passing the day of being in a precarious state, was very laborious.” 云鹰没有回头看他,只是淡淡地开口说:“我记得那个时候,我只是一个连变异巨鼠都打不过的普通人类,整天躲藏在狭小的地洞过着暗无天日的日子,当时过着朝不保夕的日子,很辛苦。” Wu Ji as if also has the sigh with emotion mood: Be that as it may, but at that time, the subordinate had looked, you are unusual existence, the chicken coop cannot surround the young phoenix, will happen one day it will fly the sky, the spread illuminates this world brightly.” 无寂似乎也产生感慨的情绪:“话虽如此,但是在那个时候,属下就已经看了出来,您是与众不同的存在,鸡笼是困不住雏凤的,终有一天它会飞上天空,播撒光明照亮这个世界。” Cloudhawk asks suddenly: „Have you listened to the story of glasshouse?” 云鹰突然开口问:“你听过玻璃房的故事吗?” Glasshouse?” Wu Ji has not responded suddenly. “玻璃房?”无寂一下没反应过来。 This is I when the Sandbar camp lives, a story that the accident/surprise hears, saying to be one since has had the consciousness, was closed the person in glasshouse. He piles the canned food and clean water that could not be finishing eating for a lifetime in the glasshouse, except for this television, he grows up in the glasshouse, learned the writing to learn the speech through the television, he also understood outside world through the television.” “这是我在沙洲营生活时,意外听到的一个小故事,讲得是一个从自从有意识以来,就被关在玻璃房里的人。他所在玻璃房里面堆着一辈子都吃不完的罐头以及干净的水,除此以外还有一个电视机,他在玻璃房里长大,通过电视机学会了文字学会了说话,他也通过电视机了解外面的世界。” Wu Ji nods slightly: Interesting.” 无寂微微颔首:“有趣。” All information that he needs, all obtain through the television, he through the length and breadth of television understanding world, knew the sea, knew the mountain, knew the snowfield, knew the canyon, knew the desert, he understands that this world has many people, can arrive in the starry sky other shore while the spaceship, can enjoy the good wine good food recklessly, can the love be able to enjoy the physical body enjoyment. He even knows that in this world has many countries, and knows the culture of country oneself are, as well as with the situation in surrounding country...... finally, he took up the television to break the glass wall.” “他需要的一切信息,全都是通过电视机获得,他通过电视机了解世界的广袤,知道了大海,知道了高山,知道了雪原,知道了峡谷,知道了沙漠,他明白这个世界有很多人,可以乘飞船抵达星空彼岸,可以肆意享受美酒美食,可以恋爱可以享受肉体欢娱。他甚至知道这个世界上有多少国家,并且知道自己所在的国家的文化,以及与周围国家的局势……终于有一天,他拿起电视机砸碎了玻璃墙。” Then afterward?” “那么后来呢?” When he walks finally from the glass house, when the preparation hugs the completely new world and life, actually falls into the dark abyss that can never land, his forever crashed until dying.” Cloudhawk stopped to add: He wants to understand to this time, in thing that in the television sees, is completely false, world that he is at only then he, except for this absolutely anything does not have, without alpine snowfield, does not have the canyon desert, does not have the country not to have the mainland.” “当他终于从玻璃屋里走出来,准备拥抱全新的世界与生活时,却掉进了一个永远不会着陆的黑暗深渊,他就这样永远的坠落着直至死去。”云鹰停顿了一下补充道:“他到这个时候才想明白,在电视机里看到的东西,全部都是假的,他所在的世界只有他一个人,除此以外根本什么都没有,没有高山雪原,也没有峡谷沙漠,更没有国家没有大陆。” Wu Ji fell silent. 无寂陷进了沉默。 This is one has the story of implication. 这是一个非常有寓意的故事。 Although I was very at that time laborious, but I feel very substantial, hides from the person in frail glass house like that even if has never looked at outside world with own eyes, but is always yearning for happy all at heart.” The Cloudhawk profound vision continues to stare at present Wilderness. “虽然我当时很辛苦,但是我感到非常充实,就像那躲在脆弱玻璃屋里的人,即使从来不曾亲眼看过外面的世界,但是心里始终向往着美好的一切。”云鹰深邃的目光继续凝望着眼前荒野 Wu Ji said calmly: Subordinate believes actually, when the person in this story, understands outside liveliness and happiness through the television, and but for this reason the hopeful moment starts, will be doomed to take up the television to smash the glass a day, only if he has not always had the television, forever the ignorant life in the narrow glass house, will think the whole world on the glass house.” 无寂平静地说:“属下倒是认为,当这个故事里的人,通过电视机了解到外面的繁华与美好,并且为此而满怀希望的一刻开始,就注定会有拿起电视砸回玻璃的一天,除非他从来就不曾拥有电视机,永远浑浑噩噩的生活在狭窄的玻璃屋里,以为整个世界就玻璃屋。” Yes, ignorant ignorant lived until dying, hopeful lived is being ignorant until the paralysis, how regardless to elect difficultly that.” Cloudhawk time at this point, voice sudden, took a fresh look to Wu Ji, until today, you hasn't prepared to tell me the true truth?” “是啊,浑噩无知的活着直到死去,满怀希望的活着直到麻痹并浑噩,无论怎么选都是那么的艰难呢。”云鹰说到这里的时候,话音突然一顿,重新看向了无寂,“那么直到今天,你还不准备把真正的真相告诉我吗?” Wu Ji shakes the head: Subordinate does not dare to conceal to the king.” 无寂摇摇头:“属下不敢对王隐瞒。” The Cloudhawk eye narrowed the eyes slightly, finally has not asked again. 云鹰眼睛微微眯了一下,最后还是没有再问下去。 How did our armies prepare?” “我们的军队准备如何了?” Gehenna, Ark and Southern Wilderness, three groups of armies will soon build up, so long as can open the road of Olympus, we can kick Olympus at any time.” 魔渊方舟南荒,三路部队即将集结完毕,只要能打开神山之路,我们就可以随时攻进神山。” It seems like must arrange to attack the Olympus place as soon as possible.” Cloudhawk ponders slightly, opens through the space ability directly is connecting the Olympus channel, although can make the army quickest speed kill Olympus, but direct connection Olympus this matter no one has done, what result will have, we were completely unforeseen, therefore cannot place Southern Wilderness the invasion point directly, what do you have to suggest?” “看来必须尽早布置进攻神山的地点了。”云鹰略加沉思,“通过空间能力直接打开连接着神山的通道,虽然可以使部队最快的速度杀进神山,但是直接连接神山这种事情谁都没做过,会发生什么样的结果,我们完全无法预料,所以不能直接把侵入点放在南荒,你有什么建议吗?” Good, this action will have massive amounts of uncertainty, therefore the midway happens the peculiar circumstance, what consequence will cause also to have very big uncertainty, chisels to break into the channel in Southern Wilderness to be truly improper directly.” Wu Ji thinks saying: Subordinate thinks that may be used as the springboard taking advantage of the times space, if attacks the Olympus process to have the accident/surprise, so long as closes the times space promptly, can prevent to deteriorate.” “不错,这次行动将会有大量的不确定性,所以中途一旦出现特殊情况,将会造成什么样的后果也有很大的不确定性,直接在南荒凿开入侵通道确实不妥。”无寂想了想说:“属下认为可借次空间作为跳板,万一攻打神山的过程发生意外,只要及时关闭次空间,就可以阻止恶化。” Cloudhawk nods. 云鹰点了点头。 Space magic artifact Space Magic Cube that Demon King leaves behind, through a series of method fusions, massive small-scale times spaces has been fused a large-scale times space now, in which space area dramatically increases, in scale quite large-scale Wilderness camp. 魔王遗留的空间法器空间魔方,现在已经通过一系列手段融合,大量小型次空间被融合成一个大型的次空间,其中的空间面积大幅增加,规模相当一个中大型的荒野营地。 Such big space provides ten thousand people to work in inside sufficiently simultaneously, because times space space and time speed of flow slow attribute, times space inside operating efficiency, finally at least more than ten times of outside world, this is this times space biggest advantage. 这么大的空间足以提供万人同时在里面工作,而又因为次空间时空流速缓慢的属性,次空间里面的工作效率,最终至少将十几倍外界,这是这个次空间最大的优势。 Because the times space special characteristics, connect Olympus and times space, the far ratio and lord world direct connection is safer. 因为次空间特殊的特性,将神山与次空间连接,远比与主世界直接连接更加保险一些。 Is exchanging in Cloudhawk and Wu Ji is invading Olympus to prepare finally. 正在云鹰无寂交流着入侵神山最后准备时。 Selene hurriedly catches up: Cloudhawk, is not good, we examine massive spaces to fluctuate, the suspicion was the God Race principal force arrives.” 银月急匆匆的赶来:“云鹰,不好了,我们检测到大量空间波动,怀疑是神族主力部队抵达了。” Cloudhawk and Wu Ji look at each other one, simultaneously feels not the wonderful feeling. 云鹰无寂对视一眼,同时感觉到不妙的感觉。 It is expected that many quantity.” “预计有多少的数量。” Temporarily was inestimable, but perhaps is...... many!” “暂时无法估计,但是恐怕是……很多!” A number of leading troops that black hole War God leads, almost destruction entire Southern Wilderness, comes one batch now . Moreover the quantity was bigger than before, even if human and Demon Race formed an alliance, perhaps still met the casualty to be serious. 黑洞战神带领的一批先头部队,都差点覆灭整个南荒,现在又来一批,而且数量比之前更庞大,就算人类与魔族结盟,恐怕也会死伤惨重的。 God Race did not fear that since birth consumption of strength, but Demon Race and human actually cannot consume. 神族不怕有生力量的消耗,而魔族与人类却消耗不起。 Therefore in any event must avoid firing of this fight. 所以无论如何都要避免这场战斗的打响。
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