GC :: Volume #8

#25: The war is not far

Three days later. 三天后。 Gehenna world. 魔渊世界。 The dark flame with the members of several Demon Elder groups, is standing on a Gehenna mainland plain, in their back, the dense and numerous big pieces, has gathered the huge mix army corps. 暗焱与数位魔族长老团的成员,正站在魔渊大陆一个平原上,在他们的背后,密密麻麻一大片,已聚集庞大的混合兵团。 The ingredient of this army is complex, light/only Demon Race over ten thousand, put on the outline fierce deep color armor, in the scarlet eyes is condensing powerful strength, all kinds of initiations surround the whole body, making one have an invincible feeling. 这支军队的成分非常复杂,其中光魔族就足足有上万个,一个个都穿着轮廓狰狞的深色铠甲,猩红的双眼里面凝聚着强大的力量,各种各样的发起更是环绕周身,让人有一种战无不胜的感觉。 Depending on battle efficiency that this ten thousand people of Unit Demon Race can have, challenges in this universe sufficiently 99% civilizations, after all any Demon Race has powerful strength of moving mountains to fill the seas, any Demon Race spells to go all-out to attack, has ability that changes the landform. 光凭这一支万人的魔族所能产生的战斗力,就足以挑战这个宇宙里面百分之九十九的文明,毕竟任何一个魔族都具有移山填海的强大力量,任何一个魔族拼尽全力攻击,都具有改变地貌的能力。 Asked such a regiment, if lost to Mother star of some high-level civilization on directly, perhaps did not need the moment time to be able entire surface heavy plow, almost does not have any possibility of resisting. 试问这样的一支军团,如果直接丢到某个高级文明的母星上面,恐怕不需片刻功夫就能将整个地表重犁一遍,几乎没有任何抵挡的可能。 But Demon Race is only the component of this army. 魔族只是这支军队的组成部分。 The Gehenna four clans were the Gehenna race of head also complete building up, the total achieved hundreds of thousands greatness, moreover in the by slow speed growth, each was ethnic group inside outstanding person, moreover carried this clan sharpest equipment. 魔渊四族为首的魔渊种族同样完成了集结,总数达到十几万之巨,而且还在以缓慢速度增长中,各个都是族群里面的佼佼者,而且还携带本族最精锐的装备。 For example Terren Clan huge and powerful war machine. 比如泰伦族庞大而强大的战争机器。 For example blue Demon Race mysterious strange spirit body anti-personnel weapon. 比如蓝魔族神秘诡异的灵体杀伤武器。 Also or is Ze Reyes Clan savage fearful biochemistry equipment. 又或者是泽瑞斯族凶残可怕的生化装备。 The scene besides Terren Clan, most warrior was selected thin quiet to be able by the essence the owner, therefore has the inconceivable battle efficiency and destructive power. The way that if can understand with the human comparison described, that was a quantity achieves 100,000, and armed demonhunter of tooth. 现场除了泰伦族以外,绝大多数战士都是被精挑细的幽能拥有者,所以具有不可思议的战斗力和破坏力。如果用人类比较能理解的方式来形容的话,那就是一支数量达到十万并且武装到牙齿的猎魔师 Scale 100,000 powerful elite demonhunter. 一支规模十万实力强大的精锐猎魔师 What concept is this? Even clever, still can definitely achieve. 这是什么样的概念?就算偷天换日,也完全能做到。 Perhaps this army overall combat capability, cannot compare front over ten thousand Demon Race, it is estimated that also has the qualifications of fighting completely. 这支军队整体战斗能力,或许比不上前面上万魔族,估计也完全具有一战的资格. „The Gehenna army organized quickly.” 魔渊军就快组织完毕了。” The dark flame watches at present a pitch-dark dense big piece, he feels the unprecedented excitement, felt that unprecedented pressure, what is excited is the war must launch, but the pressure came from in this fight, Gehenna almost bets completely, once defeated ends thoroughly. 暗焱看着眼前黑漆漆黑压压的一大片,他感到空前的兴奋,也感到空前的压力,兴奋的是大战就要展开,而压力则来自本次战斗中,魔渊几乎赌上全部,一旦战败就彻底完了。 Other Demon Elder looks are also complex. 其他魔族长老也一个个眼神复杂。 Has imaginary learns from another's mistakes disturbingly before, these Demon Elder realized, new Demon King is unquestionable does not allow to violate, regardless of the heart of hearts has how does not want to participate in this fight to be useless, Demon Race has no escape route, wants to maintain a livelihood must cross the rubicon one time, or the imposing death, either welcomed the brand-new time. 有幻噩前车之鉴在前,这些魔族长老都意识到,新魔王是不容置疑不容违背的,无论他们内心深处有多么不想参加这场战斗都没用,魔族已经没有任何退路可言,想要活命就必须破釜沉舟一次,要么轰轰烈烈的死亡,要么迎来全新时代。 Demon King must win! Gehenna must win!” 魔王必胜!魔渊必胜!” The Gehenna regiment exudes the heavenshaking roar, this sound as if great bell was sounded, spreads over Gehenna each corner, making more than 1000 years of leading a befuddled life as if drunk or dreaming of completely break, knows this moment, the Gehenna common people realized. 魔渊军团发出震天的吼声,这声音仿佛一座巨钟被敲响,传遍魔渊的每一个角落,让一千多年的醉生梦死彻底打破,知道这一刻,魔渊百姓才意识到。 The war really approached. 战争真的来临了。 ............ ………… Above Ark Base open fields. 方舟基地的旷原之上。 Several war great ships float in the midair, has the quantity to achieve 1 million levels of high-quality robot warrior, dense and numerous, all over, the ground world, is all exuding the metal cold light form. 数艘战争巨舰漂浮在半空,更有数量达到百万级的高级机器人战士,密密麻麻,漫山遍野,地上天下,全都是泛着金属冷光的身影。 This was almost super A.I. - Father in the past 1000 years, complete family belongings that saves, not only including battleship as well as war machine, included large number of nuclear bombs * and so on weapons of mass destruction. 这几乎是超级人工智能父亲在过去1000年时间里,所积攒下来的全部家当,不仅仅包括战舰以及战争机器,其中还包括大量核弹*等等大规模杀伤武器。 Under turns out in full strength, it is estimated that even faces the Gehenna four clan allied armies, can still spell ruthlessly, who wins who lost/carrying who lives who refuses stubbornly the last minute to be very difficult to talk clearly. 倾巢而出之下,估计就算面对魔渊四族联军,也能狠狠地拼一把,谁胜谁负谁生谁死不到最后一刻很难说得清楚。 In roar unlike Gehenna heavenshaking. 魔渊里面吼声震天不同。 These machine demonstration performance unusual is silent. 这些机器展示表现的非常沉默。 Their bodies have father's consciousness, silence that therefore they display, similarly is remaining silent on behalf of the father, this lives the glorious years to devote to protect the old human the man-made wisdom, now obviously has produced is separated from the thing beyond procedure/program. 它们的身上有父亲的意识,所以它们表现出来的沉默,就代表父亲同样在保持沉默,这个活过悠久岁月一直致力保护旧人类的人造智慧,现在显然已经产生一些脱离程序之外的东西。 The father is weighing this aid whether is worth. 父亲在衡量这次的援助是否值得。 Because the father as an artificial intelligence, he believes that the data also only approves the data, because the understanding Olympus are too really few, therefore absolutely does not have the means to collect the data, if the enough data, has not naturally been hard to calculate this logic of war fully. 因为父亲作为一个人工智能,他相信数据也只认可数据,因为对神山的了解实在太少,所以根本就没有办法采集到数据,如果没有足数据的话,自然就难以推算这场战争的结果。 However the father is not difficult to obtain through one set of fuzzy algorithm, Cloudhawk wants to conquer the Olympus possibility is not high, perhaps God King in the Olympus prepare trap, has been waiting for this young Demon King, bringing all family belongings to jump toward inside. 不过父亲通过一套模糊的算法不难得出,云鹰想要征服神山的可能性并不高,或许神王早就在神山布置好陷阱,就等着这位年轻的魔王,带着自己所有家当往里面跳呢。 However in final time. 但是在最后的时刻。 The father makes one with his machine incompatible decision, yes, he wants to bet, bets this, if the gambling won, human can welcome the brand-new era, tens of thousands of civilizations will break the shackles. 父亲还是做出一个与他机器不符的决定,是的,他想赌,赌上这一把,如果赌赢了,人类可以迎来全新的纪元,数以万计的文明都将打破枷锁。 What to do if lost? 如果赌输了怎么办? The father has completed the worst plan, he mass production will have the depot ship of space navigation ability as soon as possible, carries off all old human as well as Ark Base, then floats in the boundless universe millennium for ten thousand years, seeks for a foot enough secret security the place, making old human continue to multiply. 父亲已经做好最坏打算,他会尽快量产具有宇宙航行能力的母舰,将所有旧人类以及方舟基地都带走,然后在茫茫宇宙里面漂浮千年万年,寻找一个足隐秘安全的地方,让旧人类继续繁衍下去。 Protects extension of old civilization, at the beginning is the father is born, the solid board logic of deep brand mark in kernel program, has been just like core dna of animal within the body to be the same, person impossible like plant, suddenly has the ability of photosynthesis. 保护旧文明的延续,是父亲诞生之初,就已经深深烙印在核心程序里的固板逻辑,就好比动物体内的核心dna一样,人不可能像植物一样,突然就具有光合作用的能力。 The father is also same, regardless of working, does not have the means to jump out of this limit. 父亲也是一样,无论做什么事,都没办法跳出这个局限。 Reason that this time chooses aids Cloudhawk full power , because the father saw Cloudhawk has grasped powerful Gehenna, this may be in history and even in the infinite future, only will be capable of routing the Olympus opportunity one time, although opportunity such uncertain, but also better than nothing. 这次之所以选择全力援助云鹰,是因为父亲看到了云鹰已经掌握强大魔渊,这可能是有史以来乃至无限未来中,唯一一次有能力击溃神山的机会,尽管机会是这么的渺茫,但也聊胜于无啊。 From the long-term perspective, old human wants to survive lastingly, must win this time. 从长远的角度来讲,旧人类想要持久生存,就必须赢这一次。 ............ ………… Earth. 地球。 Area Southern Wilderness. 南荒地 The Southern Wilderness allied armies have prepared. 南荒联军早就准备好了。 Selene three thousand Demon Race fusions that elite as well as Cloudhawk of human bring, in Green League all members who achieve the high rank demonhunter strength, warrior, demonhunter, except the underage child, as well as a small number of necessary administrators, others all commandeers to enlist. 银月将人类的精锐以及云鹰带来的三千魔族融合,绿色联盟里面所有达到高阶猎魔师实力的成员,无论是战士、还是猎魔师,除未成年的孩子,以及少数必要的管理人员,其余人一律强征入伍。 Very special period, extremity. 非常时期,非常手段。 Selene knew now is not the softhearted time, she has the great person as well as under Autumn Drapers of rallying point help in five big Elysian Realm everyone, is smooth gathers five big Elysian Realm as well as Greatree City and Wilderness inside elite. 银月自知现在不是心慈手软的时候,她在五大神域各位极具号召力的大人物以及纱木旻的帮助之下,非常顺利得将五大神域以及巨树城荒野里面的精英聚集起来。 Total about 10,067, if additional three thousand Demon Race, happen to are the armies of 20,000 people of scales, sounding the quantity are not many, hits is not a vegetarian. 总数在一万六七左右,若加三千魔族的话,正好是两万人规模的部队,听起来数量不多,打起来绝不是吃素的。 Hence for several days, three regiments responded the Demon King summons. 至此短短几天时间,三支军团响应了魔王号召。 One as the Gehenna allied armies of essential main force, one is the Southern Wilderness Green League allied armies, one is the Ark Base mechanical regiment, these three armies represent, is under the situation at present, strongest battle efficiency that can provide, is human Demon Race the remaining final several signs. 一支是作为关键主力的魔渊联军,一支是南荒绿盟联军,一支是方舟基地的机械军团,这三支部队所代表的,就是目前局势下,所能提供的最强战斗力,也是人类魔族所剩下的最后几张牌。 The armies assemble near. 大军集结在即。 The war is not far. 大战已经不远。
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