GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4578: In has the mystery!

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Cheng Yu has not paid attention to their envying to space Magical Treasure again, directly the resources as well as own space Magical Treasure in main hall received. 程宇没有再去理会他们对空间法宝的羡慕,直接将大殿内的资源以及自己的空间法宝都收了起来。 Since the buried treasure has succeeded in obtaining, then he must consider how now should leave here. 既然宝藏已到手,那么现在他就要考虑该如何离开这里了。 Compares in these main halls that before they had been, this main hall after moved out the resources, except for the remaining these racks, as if did not have other things to exist again. 相比于之前他们所到过的那些大殿,这个大殿在将资源搬走之后,除了剩下的那些架子等,似乎都再也没有其它的东西存在了。 When under that main hall, at least above stone wall of main hall also so many beast picture, thing that but here stone wall has no, no matter the calibration line paints a portrait, no. 在下面那个大殿的时候,至少大殿的石壁之上还有那么多的人兽画,可是这里的石壁都没有任何的东西,不管是刻纹还是画像,都没有。 Young Master, here thing makes us give to evacuate now, exits has not how appeared?” The Elder Feng doubts said. 少爷,现在这里的东西都让我们给搬空了,出口怎么还没有出现呢?”冯长老疑惑道。 Before Young Master has told them, had the buried treasure place to have the exit|to speak. 之前少爷跟他们说过,有宝藏的地方应该就有出口。 But they looked a moment ago, had not found anything to export. Now in this main hall all buried treasures are taken away by them, they had not discovered that this main hall has any special place to open this exit|to speak. 可是他们刚才找了一番,并没有找到什么出口。如今这个大殿里面的所有宝藏都被他们收走了,他们也没有发现这个大殿有什么特殊的地方可以打开这个出口。 This is not I decides, I am also only the guess. However I am those words, since there is a buried treasure here, that this palace absolutely will not be a deathtrap. “这个也不是我说了算的,我也只是猜测而已。不过我还是那句话,既然有宝藏在这里,那这座宫殿就绝对不会是一个死地。 Even in exit|to speak that in this main hall does not have, that here also has the exits to lead to other main halls inevitably, perhaps left the exit|to speak of this space to establish in other main halls. ” Cheng Yu answered. 就算在这个大殿里面没有回去的出口,那这里就必然还有通向其它大殿的出口,说不定离开这个空间的出口设置在了其它的大殿。”程宇解释道。 He also the first time is went to this place, although he has oneself experience and story, clarity that but he not possible to understand anything. 他也是第一次来到这个地方,虽然他有自己的经验和阅历,但是他也不可能把什么东西都了解的清清楚楚。 , The idea of everyone will also be different, something can has the rule be possible to follow, here master when designs here all, perhaps will avoid these rules specially. 再说了,每个人的想法会不一样,有些东西可以有规律可循,这里的主人在设计这里的一切的时候,或许又会特意避开这些规律。 Therefore, a lot he also can only speculate according to oneself experience, but cannot guarantee what speculation is 100% accurate. 所以,很多事情他也只能根据自己的经验去推测,但是不能保证推测的是百分之百准确的。 However, this main hall even again how monotonous, channel that at least leaves this place, even if goes to another channel of main hall. 不过,这个大殿就算再怎么单调,至少有一条离开这个地方的通道,哪怕是前往另外一个大殿的通道。 „Can this main hall on the remaining these racks, these racks opens now the mechanism/organization of new channel?” Elder Fan stands before a rack, provoked carefully. “这个大殿现在就剩下这些架子了,难道这些架子会是开启新的通道的机关吗?”范长老站在其中一个架子前,小心的拨弄了一番。 By stone-lock dumbbell locking the picture also came clearly into view, this made him work several points of discretion, the time on the alert, once there is an unusual circumstance, he can guarantee oneself immediately make way. 之前被石锁给锁的画面还历历在目,这让他做事多了几分谨慎,时刻都警惕着,一旦有异常情况,他能够保证自己在第一时间闪开。 This rack pushes also pushes motionless, transfers also transfers motionless, seems not the mechanism/organization. 只是这架子推也推不动,转也转不动,似乎并不是什么机关。 Elder Yang and Elder Feng two people hear this saying, all racks in the main hall examined actually, has not caused anything to respond. 杨长老冯长老两人听到这话,倒是把大殿内所有的架子都查看了一番,也没有弄出什么反应来。 This indicated that these racks truly had no secret, merely was only a rack that was used to place the resources and Magical Treasure. 这说明这些架子确实没有什么秘密可言了,仅仅只是一个用来摆放资源和法宝的架子而已。 It seems like the mechanism/organization hides in other place!” Elder Yang is sizing up this main hall everywhere, said. “看来机关还是藏在别的地方!”杨长老四处打量着这个大殿,说道。 You look at the top of this main hall, what this is suggesting? I always feel design in this to have the profound and abstruse principles!” At this time, Elder Feng is raising head to look that the top of this main hall said. “你们看这大殿的顶,这是不是暗示着什么呢?我总觉得这顶上的设计另有玄机!”就在这个时候,冯长老仰着头看着这大殿的顶说道。 Several people also look up the crown in this main hall immediately, originally this top design somewhat is truly special. 几个人顿时也抬起头来看着这大殿的顶部,原来这个顶部的设计确实有些特别。 Although in this main hall does not have in stone wall together to have the calibration line, but in this actually uses some very rules of different flagstone splicing, does not know that is intends or has no intention. 虽然这个大殿内没有一块石壁上有刻纹,但是这顶上却用不同的石板拼接的很有一些规律,也不知道是有意还是无意。 Young Master, on that flagstone as if slotted!” Elder Fan stared above was watching a meeting, said. 少爷,那石板上面似乎有槽!”范长老盯着上面看了一会,开口说道。 „Some truly circular troughs, what is this?” Elder Yang also has doubts to say. “确实有一些圆形的槽,这是什么意思呢?”杨长老也疑惑道。 „Can these circular troughs be the secrets of mechanism/organization?” Elder Feng said. “这些圆形的槽会不会就是机关的秘密呢?”冯长老说道。 Has this possibility! However these troughs look somewhat disorderly, moreover is not quite obvious, if carefully does not look, will be neglected.” Cheng Yu looked above the top of the head the every large or small stone top, the circular scoop channels of some truly same sizes. “有这个可能!不过这些槽看起来有些杂乱,而且不太明显,如果不是仔细去看的话,甚至都会被忽略掉。”程宇看了看头顶之上大大小小的石顶,确实有一些同等大小的圆形凹槽。 These scoop channels are not very deep, 只是这些凹槽并不是很深, Even is somewhat shallow, particularly under dim ray above main hall, if not pay attention, will not detect. Moreover, what is more important, he discovers the circular slots on these flagstones to have few, moreover on some flagstones a trough does not even have, as if absolutely does not have the rule to follow. 甚至有些浅,尤其是在大殿之上昏暗的光线之下,如果不注意的话,甚至都不会发觉。而且,更加重要的是,他发现这些石板上的圆槽有多有少,而且有一些石板上甚至一个槽都没有,似乎完全没有规律可循。 I thought that is the disorderly disorder, more is showed that this inside has the profound and abstruse principles!” Elder Feng said. “我觉得越是杂乱无序,就越是证明这里面另有玄机!”冯长老说道。 Truly can say, but the crown in such big main hall really has this type of circular scoop channel completely, this explained that must go against join up the stone of this entire main hall to study together is good. “确实可以这么说,只是这么大一个大殿的顶部竟然全部都有这种圆形凹槽,这就说明要把这整个大殿的石顶都联合起来一起研究才行。 If looks at together or several flagstones alone, I estimated that is very difficult to see what positive result comes! ” Cheng Yu nods to say. 若是单独看一块或者几块石板,我估计都很难看出什么名堂来!”程宇点点头说道。 I thought what is most important, like this is raising head to come to see this thing, somewhat is really exhausting!” Elder Yang said. “我觉得最重要的是,这样仰着头来看这东西,着实有些累人!”杨长老说道。 „Isn't this simple? So long as we lie down on the ground come to see this stone withstand/top, this didn't use that tired?” Elder Feng lies down on the ground with a smile, looks that stone withstand/top said. “这还不简单么?只要我们大家躺在地上来看这石顶,这不就不用那么累了吗?”冯长老笑着躺在地上,看着石顶说道。 This but actually truly is means that right that but Young Master said that this main hall was too big. Even if we lie down now like this, cannot see the entire stone withstand/top complete situation, this is also very difficult to see this inside profound and abstruse principles!” Elder Yang also follows to lie down, like this looks truly wants relaxed comfortable many. “这倒确实是一个办法,只是少爷说的对,这大殿太大了。就算我们现在这样躺下来,也看不到整个石顶的全部情形,这样也是很难看出这里面的玄机的!”杨长老也跟着躺下来,这样看起来确实要轻松舒服的多。 This main hall was too big, the circular scoop channel on this flagstone is not quite obvious, this really increased very big difficulty. 只是这大殿太大了,这石板上的圆形凹槽又不太明显,这真的是增加了很大的难度。 On the present, such big piece of strange circular scoop channel, really has in a big way possibly is in has the mystery. “就现在来看,这么大一片奇怪的圆形凹槽,确实有很大的可能是内有玄机的。 Such being the case, we first with a paper describe the circular scoop channel layout that this entire stone withstand/top, may be easier to make us look to understand that this is anything! ” Cheng Yu says. 既然如此,那我们就先把这整个石顶上的圆形凹槽布局用一张纸描绘下来,或许会更容易让我们看明白这到底是个什么东西!”程宇开口说道。 Right that Young Master said that described is not good it directly, looking at it like this, the head looked in a big way, was too wide, looked radically does not understand in this wanted to send what information!” Elder Fan stands, flung the head to say. 少爷说的对,把它直接描绘下来不就好了,这样看,脑袋都看大了,太宽了,根本就看不明白这里面到底想要表达什么信息!”范长老站起来,甩了甩脑袋说道。 Although lying down comes to see truly is more relaxed, but such big top, they must connect to look overall, this was also too difficult is too exhausting. 虽然躺下来看确实要轻松一些,但是这么大一个顶,他们要把全盘连接起来看,这也太困难太累人了。 If can describe, everyone the paper, that is definitely easier to see profound and abstruse principles. 如果能够描绘下来,大家在纸上来看,那肯定更容易看出这其中的玄机来。 Such being the case, for the time-saving, our divides a place, everyone draws the respective district above scoop channel, when the time comes we spelled directly according to the area on the line!” Cheng Yu was saying takes several papers, gave three people respectively. “既然如此,为了节省时间,我们一人划分一块地方,大家把各自的分区上面的凹槽都画下来,到时候我们直接按区拼起来就行了!”程宇说着拿出几张纸来,分别交给了三人。 Good! East good my picture this!” Elder Feng received the paper to point in the top of the head that region to say. “好!好我就画东边这一块!”冯长老接过纸指着自己头顶上那一块区域说道。 I drew west side to be good!” Elder Fan said. “那我就画西边这一块好了!”范长老说道。 Four person just right people together, Cheng Yu drew south one, north Elder Yang picture. 四个人正好一人一块,程宇画了南边的一块,杨长老则画北边的一块。 Although this matter looks very easy, because this main hall is very high, the scoop channel is shallow, each picture must lift to look for the scoop channel one time, in fact is very exhausting. 虽然这件事情看起来很容易,但是因为这大殿很高,凹槽较浅,每画一次又要抬起来找凹槽,实际上还是很累人的。 Such big main hall, their four people divide the work, found almost four time of double-hour unexpectedly. 这么大一个大殿,他们四个人分工,竟是找了差不多四个时辰的时间。 Good like below that main hall, the bewilderment marking from stone wall not to jump out of some living creatures here. 好在这里不像下面那个大殿,莫名其妙就从石壁的画上跳出一些活物来。 Although this was exactly more tired, so long as no one disturbs, a picture time is quite finally easy to be completed. 虽然这个活累了一些,但是只要没人打扰,画点时间总算还是比较容易完成的。 After four people draw completely the respective region, Cheng Yu spliced according to the position of east, south, west, and north these four papers. 当四个人把各自的区域都全部画下来之后,程宇将这四张纸按照东南西北的方位重新拼接了起来。 Looks at the somewhat disorderly drawing paper, Cheng Yu frowns. 看着有些凌乱的画纸,程宇不禁皱起了眉头。 This is anything at sixes and sevens, cannot see in this is completely anything!” After three people looked, is confused. “这是什么乱七八糟的,完全看不出这里面到底是个什么东西啊!”三人看了之后,也是一头雾水。 „It is not good, distance our four person each people's among regarding circular slots grasps differently, my here two circular slots were away from one foot only to draw such distance probably, however your respectively different, like this withstood/top this original form with the stone is the phase difference is very big!” Cheng Yu contrasted next four paper charts carefully, was then right to head stone top, finally draws a conclusion to say. “不行,我们四个人每个人对于圆槽之间的距离把握都不同,我这边两个圆槽距离一尺大概只画了这么点距离,但是你们的都各不一样,这样跟石顶上这个原形是相差很大的!”程宇仔细的对比了一下四张纸图,然后又对了对头上的石顶,最后下了结论道。 For example two point distances that the stone withstand/top are one foot, is four people in the drawing paper, everyone draws the distance on paper to be different. 比如石顶上的某两个点距离都是一尺,可是四个人在画图纸的时候,每个人画在纸上的距离都不同。 As the matter stands, drew a very simple thing even, to blueprint that in they merged, did not recognize is anything, do not say that this thing as if originally on also does not have any rule, seemed like confusion. 这样一来,原本就算是画了一个很简单的东西,到了他们合并起来的图纸上,都认不出是什么东西了,更不要说这东西似乎本来就还没有什么规律的,看起来就更加的混乱了。 Since this, we unify to be away from again well, drew one again!” Elder Feng said. “既然这样,那我们再好好的统一一下距离,再画一张好了!”冯长老说道。 Does not use, I took four blueprints to revise a complete blueprint on the line. If four people draw again together, unavoidably the distance and position have the deviation!” Cheng Yu thinks to say. “不用了,我拿着四张图纸来重新修改出一张完整的图纸就行了。若是再四个人一起画的话,难免距离和位置还是有偏差!”程宇想了想说道。 Although their drawing scales with his are not same, but at least the general graph and position have come out. 虽然他们三个人的图纸比例跟他的都不相同,但是至少大概图形和位置都已经出来了。 He only needs to take his paper, according to the scoop channel contrast that these three blueprints and stones go against restores, can supplement directly on his paper a complete stone withstood/top the scoop channel to attempt. 他只需要拿着他那张纸,按照这三张图纸以及石顶上的凹槽对比修复一下,就可以直接在他的纸上补充成一张完整的石顶凹槽图了。 Makes and requires some spending many time. 只是这么做又需要多费一些时间罢了。 However now their buried treasure has also succeeded in obtaining, only need do seeks for the exit|to speak, what therefore spends a time is? 不过现在他们宝藏也都已经到手了,唯一要做的就是寻找出口,所以花费点时间又算什么呢? Young Master, or this, you continue to restore this chart. We look in the main hall again, have a look also to find other clues.” Elder Yang proposed. 少爷,要不这样吧,你继续来修复这张图。我们在大殿再找一找,看看还能不能找到一些别的线索。”杨长老提议道。 Like this pours, but you are more careful ten million/countless. Once some any discoveries, do not want first anxiously beginning, otherwise you must like Elder Fan, bewildered was surrounded. “这样倒也可以,不过你们千万要小心一些。一旦有任何的发现,都不要自己先急着动手,要不然你们又要像范长老一样,莫名其妙的就被困住了。 What clue has first to inform me, everyone discussed, makes the decision, clear? ” Cheng Yu thinks, reminded three humanity. 有什么线索第一时间通知我,大家商量之后再做决定,明白吗?”程宇想了想,提醒三人道。 Although they guessed that above this stone top possibly has the profound and abstruse principles, mechanism/organization that but this does not represent the exit|to speak really here. 虽然他们猜测这石顶之上可能另有玄机,但是这并不代表出口的机关就真的在这里。 Patches this blueprint also truly to need to spend a lot of time in any case, their three people look for other clue while this opportunity again, reasonable!? 反正修补这张图纸也确实需要花费不少的时间,他们三个人趁着这个机会再找找别的线索,也是有道理的!?
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