GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4576: Had not obtained has lost!

God level student entering in midterm()” “神级插班生()” Cheng Yu looks in this mere show heart doubts, he obviously sensation on this Yang Mirror aura, although is quite weak, but he is certain, this absolutely is the Yang Mirror aura. 程宇看着这个空架子心中十分的疑惑,他明明在这上面感知了阳镜的气息,虽然比较微弱,但是他可以肯定,这绝对是阳镜的气息。 Recognizes the Lord situation with that six immortal mirrors with him, regarding the Yang Mirror aura, he has a special induction, therefore this feeling contains errors absolutely. 以那六件仙镜与他认主的情况来说,对于阳镜的气息,他有一种特殊的感应,所以这种感觉是绝对有误的。 However now is placed in front of him is actually only a mere show, what does not have, only some weak Yang Mirror aura, isn't this very strange? 但是现在摆在他面前的却只是一个空架子,什么都没有,唯独有一些微弱的阳镜气息,这不是很奇怪吗? Young Master, what did you discover?” Sees Young Master to stand on a strange rack is in a daze, Elder Fan goes forward curious asking. 少爷,你发现什么了吗?”见少爷一直站在一个奇怪的架子上发愣,范长老不由上前好奇的问道。 On this frame looks somewhat strange!” Cheng Yu said. “这个架上看起来有些奇怪!”程宇说道。 Strange? This is not a rack that puts the treasure? Strangely what does this have?” Elder Feng collects to say. “奇怪?这不就是一个放宝物的架子吗?这有什么奇怪的?”冯长老凑过来说道。 Puts the treasure the rack?” Cheng Yu stares! “放宝物的架子?”程宇一愣! Yes, you looked that that side doesn't have one? Moreover above also has Magical Treasure!” Elder Feng points at the left corner to say. “是啊,你看那边不是也有一个吗?而且上面还有一件法宝!”冯长老指着左边角落说道。 Young Master, that side also rack, but is also spatial!” Elder Yang points at the right corner to say. 少爷,那边也有一个架子,不过也是空的!”杨长老指着右边的角落说道。 Cheng Yu looked toward the left and right, really in two corners has a similar rack, moreover on the left rack is putting Magical Treasure. 程宇朝着左右两边看了看,果然两个角落里都有一个相似的架子,而且左边的架子上面放着一件法宝 Thinks, Cheng Yu walked toward the left rack, on this rack is putting Magical Treasure is a folding fan, moreover is Immortal Tool level Magical Treasure. 想了想,程宇朝着左边的架子走了过去,这个架子上放着的法宝是一把折扇,而且还是一件仙器级别法宝 However rank higher Magical Treasure more clever, without the immortal spirits, unusual spirit wisdom. 不过等级越高的法宝越通灵性,哪怕没有仙灵,也会非同一般的灵智。 If some people close to or grasp its time, it will escape directly even attacks. 所以如果有人靠近或者去抓它的时候,它会直接逃掉甚至是攻击。 But this Magical Treasure obviously lived by the seal, moreover seal its this rack, because Cheng Yu, when reaches it the hand, it obviously has the response, the strength of but by this rack being sent out gave the suppression. 可是这件法宝明显是被封印住了,而且封印它的还是这个架子,因为程宇在将手伸向它的时候,它明显有反应,但是被这个架子所发出的力量给压制了。 Reason that like this, obviously is because here master had acknowledged arrived here person to adopt the test, therefore does not need to come through testing with Magical Treasure again person. 之所以会这样,显然是因为这里的主人已经承认了来到这里的人已经通过了考验,所以没有必要再用一件法宝来通过考验的人了。 Therefore Cheng Yu can very easily obtains this Immortal Tool. 所以程宇可以很轻易的得到这件仙器 When Cheng Yu wants to take this folding fan, actually discovers this folding fan by the card on this rack. 只是就在程宇想要拿下这把折扇的时候,却发现这把折扇是被卡在这个架子上的。 After Cheng Yu makes an effort this opening the fan takes, easily can see, the card frame in this is specially designs the folding fan for this. 程宇用力将这把拆扇拿下来之后,很容易就能看出,这架上的卡架是专门为这把折扇设计的。 Sees this, in the Cheng Yu sudden brain moves, as if thought of anything, returns to the middle that rack. 看到这一幕,程宇突然脑中一动,似乎想到了什么,又回到中间的那个架子上。 Really, on this rack also with the left rack similar card frame, but this card obviously is the inappropriate this folding fan. 果然,这架子上也有一件跟左边架子相似的卡架,不过这件卡架显然是不合适这把折扇的。 Although the card frame is used to catch Magical Treasure, completely the trough that but its not that type can see the Magical Treasure shape, on the rack has several freeze points, just can catch Magical Treasure. 虽然卡架是用来卡住法宝的,但是它并不是那种能够完全看出法宝形状的槽,架子上面只是有几个卡点,刚好能够卡住法宝而已。 Therefore from this card frame, can only see that merely the distances between above two sides freeze points are more spacious, the two sides freeze points of next part from wanting to be narrower. 所以从这个卡架来看,仅仅只能看出上方两边卡点之间的距离要宽大一些,下部分的两边的卡点距离要窄很多。 Judged from this point, most can judge Magical Treasure on this rack is above big under was small. 从这一点来判断,最多能够判断出这架子上的法宝原本是上面大下面小。 However among such Magical Treasure world were too many, is unable to judge that originally places here Magical Treasure is anything. 但是这样的法宝天下间太多了,根本就无法判断出原来放在这里的法宝到底是什么。 However before Cheng Yu actually, in that immortal mirror that on the immortal mirror mountain reveals itself with, then places above this card frame. 不过程宇却是将之前在仙镜山上出世的那件仙镜给拿了出来,然后放在这个卡架之上。 Young Master, this does not wrap probably on!” Elder Feng said. 少爷,这好像套不上啊!”冯长老说道。 Three people have followed Young Master in side, looks at his every action and every movement, although did not speak in the side, but saw that Cheng Yu takes to put on the rack that immortal mirror, understood the meaning of Young Master all of a sudden. 三人一直在旁边跟着少爷,看着他的一举一动,虽然一直都在身边不说话,可是看到程宇将那仙镜拿出来放到架子上,一下子就明白少爷的意思了。 However this size of immortal mirror obviously different, cannot put above that card frame. 不过这把仙镜的大小明显都不一样,根本就放不到那个卡架之上。 Young Master, or goes to that side that rack to try, on that probably is also this appearance!” Elder Yang points at the right that rack to say. 少爷,要不去那边那个架子上试试,那上面好像也是这个模样!”杨长老指着右边的那个架子说道。 Cheng Yu nods, walks toward the right that rack. 程宇点点头,朝着右边的那个架子走去。 Actually, Cheng Yu knows this immortal mirror fundamentally on that rack during being able to admit. 其实,程宇知道这个仙镜根本就放不进中间那个架子上。 Because on that rack obviously has the Yang Mirror aura, but this on hand the immortal mirror is not Yang Mirror, how therefore it puts on? 因为那个架子上明显是有着阳镜的气息,可是手上的这把仙镜根本就不是阳镜,所以它又怎么放的上呢? If really can put the immortal mirror this, he was really confused. 如果真能够把这把仙镜放上去了,那他才真的要迷茫了。 ! 咔嚓! However, when Cheng Yu this immortal mirror puts on the right rack, unexpectedly completely with rack on the freeze point tallies, perfect put. 不过,当程宇将这把仙镜放到右边的这个架子上的时候,竟然完全与架子上的卡点吻合,完美的放进去了。 Young Master, it seems like that this flies from here the immortal mirror!” Sees this, Elder Feng somewhat surprised saying. 少爷,看来这把仙镜就是从这里飞出去的了!”看到这一幕,冯长老有些惊讶的说道。 This thinks that Young Master takes this immortal mirror to try casually, this that but never expected that he seizes from the immortal mirror mountain also really put on this rack the immortal mirror unexpectedly. 本以为少爷只是拿着这仙镜随便试一试,可是没有想到他从仙镜山上夺来的这把仙镜竟然还真的套上这个架子了。 This does not mean initially after Magical Treasure of immortal mirror mountain was born, is this flies from here the immortal mirror? This may really be too mysterious. 这不意味着当初仙镜山的法宝出世之后,就是这把仙镜从这里飞出去的吗?这可真是太神奇了。 They not only obtained this treasure, unexpectedly also found the treasure native place. 他们不仅得到了这件宝物,竟然还找到了宝物的老家。 If this Magical Treasure is on this rack, what then Magical Treasure on middle that rack is? Where did it go to?” Elder Fan sees this, was actually frowns somewhat to have doubts. “如果这件法宝就是这个架子上的,那么中间那个架子上的法宝又是什么?它又去了哪里呢?”范长老看到这一幕,却是皱起眉头有些疑惑起来了。 Here altogether three racks, according to the present situation, on these three racks should have Immortal Tool are. 这里一共有三个架子,按照现在的情况来看,原本这三个架子上应该都有一件仙器才是。 Now also on rack, but another was also taken carry back by them, then Magical Treasure on remaining among that racks have not seen. 如今一件还在架子上,而另外一件也被他们拿回来了,那么就剩下中间那个架子上的法宝没有看到了。 I estimate that Magical Treasure when the previous treasure reveals itself was born from here!” Elder Yang said. “我估计中间那件法宝早在上一次宝物出世的时候就已经从这里出世了!”杨长老说道。 Cheng Yu hears this saying, heart one tight. 程宇听到这话,不由心头一紧。 He has also guessed correctly this point, when hears Elder Yang also to say like this, this feeling became more intense. 他也已经猜到这一点了,可是在听到杨长老也这样说出来的时候,这种感觉就变得更加强烈了。 This possibility is big!” Cheng Yu this immortal mirror tight grasping in the hand, in the heart full is the disappointed color. “这个可能性非常大!”程宇把这把仙镜紧紧的握在手里,心中满是失望之色。 He somewhat understands now why he can the sensation on this rack to Yang Mirror existed, because Yang Mirror once was the card on this rack. 他现在有些明白为什么他能够在这个架子上感知到阳镜的存在了,因为阳镜曾经就是卡在这个架子上的。 But since Yang Mirror was born, why he sought so many years, hadn't actually found the Yang Mirror clue? 可是既然阳镜已经出世了,那为什么他寻找了这么多年,却都没有找到阳镜线索呢? Moreover his sensation does not have, as if Yang Mirror like vanishing. 而且他连一点感知都没有,仿佛阳镜就像消失了一样。 Young Master, you do not use such disappointedly, although Magical Treasure on middle rack possible to have been born previous time, but that also not necessarily showed that is Heaven-Opening Mirror! 少爷,你也不用这么失望,虽然中间架子上的法宝可能上一次就已经出世了,但是那也未必证明那就是开天镜啊! Thinks to look, if really has Heaven-Opening Mirror born, feared that already in the repeated difficulties that Cultivation World passed on, where also used is waiting till now? ” Elder Fan as if saw the Young Master and exciting disappointment, the comfort said. 想想看,如果真有开天镜出世的话,怕是早就在修真界传的风风雨雨了,哪里还用的着等到现在呢?”范长老似乎看出了少爷失望又激动的情绪,不由安慰道。 Young Master had explained to them why must obtain Heaven-Opening Mirror, they also think Young Master, if found Heaven-Opening Mirror to them absolutely is a good deed. 少爷已经跟他们解释过为什么一定要得到开天镜了,他们也认为少爷若是找到了开天镜对于他们来说绝对是一件好事。 Therefore, they are also really wish that Young Master can find Heaven-Opening Mirror. 所以,他们也是真心希望少爷能够找到开天镜的。 However Heaven-Opening Mirror regarding cultivator, is treasure in a riddle, for other, cannot only cut immortal this point for it, world cultivator has no individual not to obtain it. 但是开天镜对于修士来说,一直都是一件谜中的宝物,不为别的,只为它能够斩仙这一点,天下修士就没有哪个人不想得到它的。 Even they, hopes in own hand can have such Magical Treasure? 即便是他们,又何尝不希望自己手上能够有一件这样的法宝呢? Thinks to look, absolutely does not have the immortal to exist in this Mortal Realm. If can have Magical Treasure that a even immortal can cut to kill in the hand, that this Mortal Realm also who is they cannot offend? 想想看,在这人界根本就没有仙人存在。如果能够拥有一件连仙人都能够斩杀的法宝在手,那这人界还有谁是他们得罪不起的呢? Even Royal Court exalted lord, he even has the confidence to defeat. 就算是王朝主上,他甚至都有信心战胜。 Although has known the exalted lord strength is very powerful, but should under the immortal. Therefore, if there is Heaven-Opening Mirror in the hand, cuts to kill exalted lord should not to have the issue. 虽然一直知道主上的实力很强大,但是想必应该还是在仙人之下吧。所以,若有开天镜在手,斩杀主上应该都是没有问题的。 Thinks, somewhat one's blood bubbles up to the brim. 只是这么想一想,都不禁有些热血沸腾了。 They also know that Royal Court has been collecting the Cheng Family news now, particularly these they coped with the action of Cheng Family to be defeated times. 他们也知道王朝现在一直都在收集程家的消息,尤其是这几次他们对付程家的行动都失败了。 They the understanding this new Young Master, his strength are so in addition powerful this period of time, without inner court these chancellor elders or exalted lord goes into action, Royal Court wanted to destroy completely Cheng Family is very difficult. 再加上他们这段时间对这个新少爷的了解,他的实力如此强大,若是没有内朝的那些主事长老或者主上出马的话,王朝想要灭掉程家是非常困难了。 If Young Master and Royal Court elder or exalted lord met, that basically was the life and death between Cheng Family and Cheng Family liangs influences fights a decisive battle. 但是一旦少爷王朝的长老或者主上相遇了,那基本上就是程家个势力之间的生死决战了。 They take accompanying of Young Master now, established the Heavenly Dao blood to vow, although in heart still some non- sentiments original, but they had truly tied up on Young Master this ship. 他们现在作为少爷的随从,又立下了天道血誓,虽然心中仍旧有些不情原,但是他们确实已经被绑在少爷这条船上了。 Therefore they only hope that Cheng Family can triumph finally, Young Master can triumph, then they will have a perfect result. 因此他们只希望程家最终能得胜,少爷能够得胜,那么他们也将有一个完满的结局。 But if Young Master is unwinnable, their these originally Royal Court traitor, inevitably only then dead end which perspective regardless of therefore from, they hopes that Young Master can find Heaven-Opening Mirror. Compares in the hope of Young Master to Heaven-Opening Mirror is not intense. 但若是少爷不能取胜,那他们这些原本王朝的背叛者,必然只有死路一条所以无论从哪个角度来说,他们都是希望少爷能够找到开天镜的。只是相比于少爷开天镜的渴望没有那么强烈。 Yes, Young Master, even if here were short of Magical Treasure, I thought that still does not have any is a pity. In this isn't also many good treasures? “是啊,少爷,就算这里少了一件法宝,我觉得也没有什么可惜的。这里面不是还有很多不错的宝物吗? Where on this day under has such skillful matter, few that Magical Treasure happen to are Heaven-Opening Mirror. ” Elder Feng also said with a smile, hopes can ease the Young Master that depressed mood. 这天下哪里有这么巧的事情呢,少的那件法宝就正好是开天镜。”冯长老也笑着说道,希望能够缓解一下少爷那种郁闷的情绪。 Oh! Eventually was late one step!” Cheng Yu heaves a deep sigh to say. “唉!终究还是晚了一步!”程宇摇头叹息道。 They do not know, but he definitely is certain now, here before is putting Magical Treasure absolutely is Yang Mirror. 他们不知道,可是他现在完全可以肯定,这里之前放着的法宝绝对是阳镜 Because of so many years, he has hoped can induce to Yang Mirror. Now he had such induction, moreover this induction is intimate with regarding familiar, this and him induction between other six immortal mirrors. 因为这么多年了,他一直希望能够对阳镜有所感应。现在他有了这样的感应,而且这感应对于来说非常的熟悉亲近,这就像其它六仙镜与他之间的感应一样。 Therefore he does not believe that here Magical Treasure can be other what Magical Treasure, but this matter he does not have the means to mention with their three people. 所以他不相信这里的法宝会是别的什么法宝,但是这种事情他是没有办法跟他们三人说起的。 Currently seemingly has the Yang Mirror news, significance that but in fact this news also has no. 只是现在看似有了阳镜的消息,但实际上这个消息又没有任何的意义。 Now only he can conclude is, Yang Mirror had left here, appeared in Mortal Realm. 他如今唯一能够断定的就是,阳镜早就已经离开了这里,出现在人界了。 However Mortal Realm is so big, does he want to look to where? 但是人界这么大,他要到哪里去找呢? These years he has sought for Yang Mirror in Mortal Realm , because could not find arrived here, finally this place told him to return to Mortal Realm to look. 这些年他一直都在人界寻找阳镜,就是因为找不到才来到了这里,结果这个地方却告诉他又要回到人界去找。 His mood was quite really depressed, does not know when must be able to find the Yang Mirror whereabouts. 他的心情真的是相当的郁闷了,也不知道到底要到何时才能够找到阳镜的下落。 Moreover, he does not know Yang Mirror inside immortal spirit also well, does not know that present Yang Mirror has recognized others is the lord? 而且,他也不知道阳镜里面的仙灵是否还安好,也不知道现在的阳镜是不是已经认他人为主了呢? This has been puzzling his matter! 这都是一直在困扰着他的事情!
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