GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4571: 1 wave has not put down, 1 wave gets up!

God level student entering in midterm()” “神级插班生()” Cheng Yu quickly in throne peripheral looked, but had not actually found the mechanism/organization of any stone-lock dumbbell. 程宇很快又在王座的周边找了一圈,但是却并没有找到任何石锁的机关。 At this time that giant stone made rumble the sound again, started to press unexpectedly downward. 只是这个时候那巨石再次发出轰隆隆的声音,竟是又开始往下压了。 Elder Yang and Elder Feng two people hurry to make an effort to withstand, does not make that giant stone press. The strength of this giant stone is very but big, was still slowly pressed again downward. 杨长老冯长老两人赶紧用力顶住,不让那巨石压下来。可是这巨石的力量很大,仍是慢慢的再往下压。 If they cannot prompt withstands this giant stone, or cannot untie this stone-lock dumbbell, Elder Fan really can only by this giant stone compressing. 如果他们不能及时的将这巨石顶住,又或者不能解开这石锁的话,范长老就真的只能被这巨石压扁了。 Young Master, you must, this giant stone whereabouts strength very be a bit faster powerful, we are unable to support it completely.” Some Elder Feng saying worrying. 少爷,你得快点了,这巨石下落的力量很强大,我们无法完全撑住它。”冯长老有些着急的说道。 You insist again!” Cheng Yu sees this situation also to worry at heart very much. “你们再坚持一下!”程宇见此情况心里也很着急。 Although Elder Fan takes his accompanying time is not long, but Cheng Yu will be will not actually see own companion absolutely by this giant stone compressing. 范长老虽然作为他的随从时间并不长,可是程宇却是绝对不会眼看着自己的同伴被这巨石压扁的。 If really the incorrect words, he can only crush this giant stone forcefully, even if will make Elder Fan be injured when the time comes, absolutely discard life strong many compared with him. 如果实在不行的话,那他就只能强行将这巨石击碎了,哪怕到时候会让范长老受伤,也绝对要比他丢掉性命强的多。 Since does not have the mechanism/organization of stone-lock dumbbell in the surroundings of throne, perhaps that this mechanism/organization can only look in the other places of main hall. 既然在王座的周围都没有石锁的机关的话,那这机关或许就只能在大殿的其它地方找了。 This main hall is so but big, he alone for a short time not possible the entire main hall seeks. 可是这大殿这么大,他一个人一时半会儿根本就不可能把整个大殿的都寻找一遍。 However even so, he cannot give up. His ability the temper is only seeking to have a look at stone-lock dumbbell the law of untying in the main hall. 但是即便是这样,他也不能就此放弃。他还是只能耐着性子在大殿里面寻找看看有没有石锁的解开之法。 Unlike two main halls that before they met, although in this main hall was also very empty, but the thing in stone wall also had very big difference. 与之前他们所遇到的两个大殿不同,这个大殿之中虽然也很空荡,但是石壁上的东西却又有很大的区别。 In the beforehand two main hall stone wall carves is some designs that looks like the character likely picture. But in this main hall, the thing in stone wall actually does not carve, but draws. 之前的两个大殿石壁上所刻的都是一些像字像画的图案。可是在这个大殿里面,石壁上的东西却并非是刻上去的,而是画上去的。 Moreover in these stone wall draws is also person and the beast and so on, is not the character and picture. 而且这些石壁上所画的也都是人与兽之类的,并非是字与画。 At this moment, Cheng Yu absolutely does not have the energy ponders these people in these stone wall the beast and so on picture to represent what significance. 此时此刻,程宇根本就没有精力去思考这些石壁上的这些人啊兽啊之类的画代表着什么意义。 He wanted to find whether in some some were the untying law about stone-lock dumbbell. 他只是想要找到是否这里面有一些是关于石锁的解开之法的。 Young Master, is not good, we soon could not support.” But when a Cheng Yu picture picture looks, Elder Feng actually shouted again. 少爷,不行了,我们快要撑不住了。”可是就在程宇一幅画一幅画的去看的时候,冯长老却是再次大喊了起来。 Cheng Yu looked, immediately was more anxious, saw only that giant stone to get down, even has touched the head of Elder Fan, but Elder Fan has had to be crooked at this time, this was insufficient top forcefully on the giant stone. 程宇一看,顿时更加焦急了,只见那巨石已经下来了许多,甚至都已经碰触到范长老的头了,而范长老此时已是不得不把头歪起来,这才不至于硬生生的顶在巨石上。 However this cannot solve anything obviously, Elder Yang and Elder Feng two people are lifting the two sides of giant stone with the hand respectively , can only make the giant stone fall the speed slow down reluctantly. 但是这显然并不能解决什么,杨长老冯长老两人分别用手抬着巨石的两边,也只能够勉强的让巨石下落的速度变慢一些而已。 If makes this giant stone press again, that Elder Fan really must by this giant stone compressing not be possible. 如果再让这巨石这么压下去,那范长老就真的要被这巨石压扁不可了。 You supported, I prepare to strike off your above giant stones directly, do not make the giant stones on your hand press on the body of Elder Fan!” Cheng Yu could not have attended to so many, now wanted to look to relieve the mechanism/organization of stone-lock dumbbell again obviously already without enough time, can only come hardly. “你们撑住了,我准备将你们上面的巨石直接击断,你们不要让你们手上的巨石压在范长老的身上!”程宇已经顾不得那么多了,现在想要再去找解除石锁的机关显然已经来不及了,只能硬来了。 Good!” Elder Yang two people nod, effort is lifting this giant stone. “好!”杨长老两人点点头,用力的抬着这块巨石。 Meanwhile, they also the self-defence cover releasing, in order to avoid by the Young Master powerful attack wounding. 与此同时,他们也将自己的防御罩给释放了出来,以免被少爷强大的攻击给击伤了。 Although they know that the Young Master target is not they, but wants to crush this giant stone, the strength will not be definitely small, when the time comes they will inevitably be affected by the fluctuation of energy. 虽然他们知道少爷的攻击目标不是他们,但是想要将这块巨石击碎,力量肯定不会小,到时候他们难免会被能量波动影响到。 Moreover, they were smooth also to protect Elder Fan. 而且,他们还顺利将范长老也保护起来了。 Cheng Yu within the body the elementary force surges immediately, pats toward Elder Yang two people of above giant stone palms. 程宇体内顿时元力涌动,朝着杨长老二人上方的巨石一掌拍去。 Sees only one to be in charge departs rapidly, strikes instantaneously above that giant stone. 只见一个掌印迅速飞出,瞬间就击在那巨石之上。 Bang! 轰! A loud sound, as if entire main hall is rocking, moreover above the connection giant stone above stone top also some crushed stones fall. 一声巨响,似乎整个大殿都在晃动起来,而且连接巨石上方的石顶之上还有一些碎石落下。 However what makes Cheng Yu surprised is, his palm gets down, this giant stone is also unexpectedly common with that stone-lock dumbbell, had not been crushed. 但是让程宇惊讶的是,他这一掌下去,这巨石竟然也与那石锁一般,并没有被击碎。 This is what stone, “这到底是什么石头, So is unexpectedly hard, even Young Master slip again and again! ” Elder Feng looked at the giant stone in quality of being worth looking, but also in unceasing movement downward, immediately in great surprise. Bang! 竟然如此坚硬,连少爷都一而再,再而三的失手!”冯长老看了看头上的巨石,还在不断的往下移动,顿时大惊不已。轰! Cheng Yu acted again, but above some crushed stones besides main hall stone top falls, has not affected anything again. 程宇再一次出手了,但是除了大殿石顶之上的一些碎石落下之外,再也没有影响到什么了。 It seems like this thing did not have the means to ruin, three of us tried to be able this giant stone to push again!” After twice making a move, Cheng Yu has basically determined this giant stone not to have the means to ruin. “看来这东西是没有办法毁掉了,我们三人试试能不能把这巨石再推上去!”经过两次出手之后,程宇基本上已经判定这巨石是没有办法毁掉的了。 Especially here after all is only a palace, he not possible to release completely oneself strength, even if such words ruined this giant stone, that this main hall must be ruined directly. 尤其这里毕竟只是一座宫殿,他也不可能将自己的力量全部释放出来,那样的话就算是把这巨石毁掉了,那这大殿也要被直接毁掉了。 He naturally does not dare to do that. 他自然不敢这么做。 Three people lift an corner/horn respectively, effort pushes this giant stone upward. 三人各抬一角,用力的将这巨石往上推。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! It stopped probably!” Those who make three people pleasantly surprised is, with their efforts, the sign that this giant stone has not moved to again downward. “它好像停住了!”让三人惊喜的是,在他们三个人的努力下,这巨石好像并没有再往下移的迹象了。 Makes an effort again!” Sees this situation, finally makes Cheng Yu relax. “再用力!”看到这种情况,终于让程宇松了一口气。 If this does not have the effect, he really feared that must take ruining this main hall crushes this giant stone as the price. 如果这样也没有效果的话,他真的怕是要以毁掉这个大殿为代价来击碎这块巨石了。 Now since they can this giant stone lifting, that naturally was the best result. 现在他们既然能够将这巨石给抬起来,那自然是最好的结果了。 Rumble! 轰隆隆! Sees only the giant stone to rub the sound that withstand/top that square pit hole, the giant stone got up again upward. 只见巨石摩擦着顶上那四四方方的石洞的声音,巨石再次往上起来了一些。 Useful useful, we really can lift this giant stone, good!” Elder Feng pleasantly surprised saying. “有用有用,我们真的可以将这巨石抬起来,太好了!”冯长老惊喜不已的说道。 Really gave to frighten them a moment ago, he and Elder Yang absolutely did not have to live in this giant stone that the means lifted. 刚才真的是把他们给吓倒了,他和杨长老二人根本就没有办法抬的住这块巨石。 Without thinking of the strengths of three people supported eventually, otherwise they really must look with own eyes Elder Fan was compressed. 没想到三个人的力量终究还是撑住了,要不然他们真的就要亲眼看着范长老被压扁了。 Good! Since this really useful, we try to be able it to push again. Perhaps after letting it returns to withstand/top, this stone-lock dumbbell also naturally unties!” Cheng Yu said. “好!既然这样真的有用,那我们就试试能不能把它再推回去。或许让它回到顶上之后,这石锁也就自然解开了!”程宇说道。 Young Master said is reasonable, we use the strength again, gives to push him.” Elder Feng said. 少爷说的有道理,那我们就再用把力,把他给推回去。”冯长老说道。 With their efforts, can only with the giant stone that the hand lifts, slowly got up. 在他们三个人的努力之下,原本只能用手抬的巨石,慢慢的起来了许多。 At this time, they can stand in the giant stone, supports the giant stone with them, rather than stood by the giant stone lifts with the hand. 此时,他们又能够站在巨石的底下,用他们撑住巨石,而不是站在巨石两边用手抬了。 Young Master carefully behind!” Wish that but when three people make an effort the giant stone of head pushing, Elder Fan is actually drinking to Cheng Yu anxious big suddenly. 少爷小心身后!”可是就在三个人使劲的想要将头上的这块巨石给推上去的时候,范长老却是突然对着程宇一声焦急的大喝。 Cheng Yu turns head rapidly, actually sees a white light from fly to him! 程宇迅速回头,却见一道白光从向他飞来! Sees this situation, the Cheng Yu first response is moves out of the way one to raise the hand of giant stone, this white light keeping off. 见此情况,程宇第一反应便是挪开一只正在举起巨石的手,将这白光给挡了下来。 But also because Cheng Yu moved away a hand . Moreover the strength has not used above completely promoting the giant stone, although he attacked his white light blocking this, but this giant stone dropped one big section immediately again. 但也正是因为程宇拿开了一只手,而且力量并没有全部用在推动巨石之上,虽然他把这道袭击他的白光给挡住了,但是这巨石顿时再次落下一大截来。 Was good because of having Elder Yang and Elder Feng supporting, otherwise their four people must be given compressing by this giant stone. 好在有杨长老冯长老给撑住了,要不然他们四个人都要被这巨石给压扁了。 What's all this about?” Cheng Yu supports again this giant stone with two people, looks again to the main hall. “这是怎么回事?”程宇重新与二人将这巨石撑起来,再看向大殿之中。 Actually sees one that made them shock, saw only the picture above that stone wall actually to live, these portraits/people looks like and beasts likely unexpectedly were completely from stone wall. 却是又看见了让他们震惊的一幕,只见那石壁之上的画竟然活了,那些人像和兽像竟是一个一个的全部从石壁上走了出来。 Originally this is these pictures profound and abstruse principles!” At this moment, Cheng Yu understood finally. “原来这就是这些画的玄机!”这一刻,程宇才终于明白过来了。 No wonder in the middle of this main hall does not have other except for these pictures again, originally these pictures really have the profound and abstruse principles. 怪不得这个大殿当中除了这些画再无其它,原来这些画果然藏有玄机。 These person and beast slowly gathers in the main hall, focuses on the bodies of their four people completely, the especially those beast, was the eye of reveal ominous light, the mouth water current place, obviously Cheng Yu they had attractively how in the eyes of these fellows. 这些人与兽慢慢的在大殿之中聚集,全部把目光放在他们四个人的身上,尤其是那些兽,更是目露凶光,口水流了一地,可见程宇他们在这些家伙的眼中有多么的诱人。 Young Master, but then what to do? Here has not handled, came one wave to eat the person!” Elder Feng looks that the increasing number of people and beast walk from that stone wall, moreover these fellow are unfriendly to them. 少爷,这下可怎么办?这边还没有搞定,又来了一波吃人的!”冯长老看着越来越多的人和兽从那石壁之上走出来,而且这些家伙没有一个对他们友善的。 Originally they do not have the means to let go now, now comes such a crowd of scary things again, they are the hands and feet are more insufficient. 本来他们现在就没有办法脱手,如今再来这么一群吓人的东西,他们就更是手脚不够用了。 Young Master, do not manage me, I do not want to harm you!” Sees this situation, Elder Fan says. 少爷,你们就不要管我了,我不想害了你们!”看到这种情况,范长老开口说道。 He truly regrets now very much, has not thought because merely own negligent result was everyone of evil is actually implicated by him. 他现在确实很后悔,没有想到仅仅因为自己的大意结果却是害的大家都被他拖累了。 So many enemies here, if they attack, Young Master they must help him withstand head giant stone, absolutely did not have more energy to cope with these person and the beast. 这么多的敌人在这里,若是他们攻击过来,少爷他们又要帮着他顶住头上的巨石,根本就没有更多的精力来对付这些人与兽了。 „Does this is speak, since you called me Young Master, how could I gave up you!” Cheng Yu actually remains unmoved, looks at these person of beasts, is also trying to find the solution at heart. “这是说什么话,你既然叫我一声少爷,我岂能放弃你!”程宇却是不为所动,看着这些人兽,心里也在想着办法。 Roar! 吼! First is these beasts, slowly approached to their four people. 首先是这些兽类,慢慢的向他们四个人靠近了。 This made Elder Feng they also somewhat anxious, now their hand does not have the means to let loose, if these beasts attacks, they did not have the means of counter-attack. 这让冯长老他们也有些焦急了,现在他们手已经没有办法放开了,若是这些兽类攻击,他们连反击的办法都没有。 Whiz! 嗖! First, an profound hot wolf throws suddenly toward Elder Feng, was actually given to kick by Cheng Yu lead. 首先,一只玄火狼突然朝着冯长老扑去,却是被程宇率先一脚给踢飞了出去。 ! 呜! That profound hot wolf suffered a foot, immediately the pain was called one, crawled to look fierce to Cheng Yu, moreover several profound hot wolves also gathered. 那玄火狼挨了一脚,顿时痛叫一声,爬起来对着程宇龇牙咧嘴,而且好几只玄火狼也凑到了一起。 Obviously, Cheng Yu has given to aggravate them. 显然,程宇已经把它们给惹火了。 Young Master, what to do can this? This is not the means!” Elder Feng saw this situation to be at heart more anxious. 少爷,这可怎么办?这样也不是办法啊!”冯长老见此情况心里更急了。 I think actually means that have a look to be good!” On Cheng Yu suddenly were many Magical Treasure, is his Exquisite Cauldron. “我倒是想到了一个办法,看看行不行!”程宇手上突然多了一件法宝,正是他的玲珑鼎 Sees only Cheng Yu to place under the giant stone Exquisite Cauldron, then lets its unceasing increasing, finally withstand/top above the giant stone. 只见程宇玲珑鼎放在巨石之下,然后让其不断的变大,最后顶在巨石之上。 You get out of the way, living that my Exquisite Cauldron should be able to support!” Cheng Yu they were saying to Elder Yang. “你们走开,我的玲珑鼎应该能够撑的住!”程宇对着杨长老两人说道。 This really?” But in the Elder Yang two will of the people does not have the big energy, feared that they drop, when the time comes was pressed together including Young Master and cauldron. “这样真的可以吗?”可是杨长老两人心里却是没有多大的底气,就怕他们一放手,到时候连少爷和鼎一起被压下去了。 Relax, my Exquisite Cauldron may not have frailty that you imagine!” Cheng Yu was saying then takes the lead to drop. “放心吧,我这玲珑鼎可没有你们想象的那么脆弱!”程宇说着便率先放了手。 Really, this giant stone has not fallen, really by this Exquisite Cauldron supporting. 果然,这巨石并没有落下来,真的被这玲珑鼎给撑住了。 Good, liberated our both hands finally, now we can with their well played!” Elder Feng finally regained the freedom, when looks again to these person and the beast, in the eye full fights intent! “太好了,总算是把我们的双手解放了,现在我们就可以跟它们好好的玩一玩了!”冯长老终于恢复了自由,再看向这些人与兽时,眼中满是战意!
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