GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4565: I had a liking for you!

Although the Cheng Yu's words came up speaking of their hearts, but thinks Cheng Yu they were stranded here, originally innermost feelings excited all of a sudden on disappearance without a trace. 虽然程宇的话说到他们的心坎上去了,但是一想到程宇他们自己都是被困在这里的,原本内心的激动一下子就消失的无影无踪了。 In their opinion, Cheng Yu they are not possible to leave this palace. 在他们看来,程宇他们根本就是不可能离开这座宫殿的。 Although they also arrived at this main hall to terminate initially, but they actually know, in following road in palace, will also have more dangers to exist. 虽然他们当初也只是走到这个大殿就终止了,可是他们却知道,在宫殿里接下来的路中,还会有更多的危险存在。 Therefore, these four human crossed them even, definitely will then still be terminating. 所以,这四个人类就算是过了他们这一关,也肯定会在接下来终止的。 Because did not have human to rush to them before, but to behind, remained eventually, becomes in this palace check. 因为以前也并不是没有人类闯过过他们这一关,但是到了后面,终究还是留下来,成为了这宫殿里面的一员把关者。 We are truly stranded now here, but this does not represent us to be stranded forever here.” Cheng Yu said. “我们现在确实是被困在这里了,但是这并不代表我们永远都会被困在这里。”程宇说道。 Such being the case, that was you had the opportunity left here time speaks these words again!” That soul cultivates to say. “既然如此,那还是等你们有机会离开这里的时候再说这句话吧!”那魂修说道。 This feared that is beyond control you!” Cheng Yu is actually saying of thinking little. “这怕是由不得你们!”程宇却是不以为意的说道。 What do you mean?” These souls cultivate/repair have doubts immediately. “你这是什么意思?”这些魂修顿时疑惑不已。 „ Very simple, after we leave this place, it is estimated that will not come back again. Therefore even if we found the exit|to speak when the time comes, was impossible to come back to look for you again. “很简单,我们离开这个地方之后,估计是不会再回来了。所以我们就算到时候找到了出口,也不可能再回来找你们了。 Therefore I must take away you now, so as to avoid I move unnecessarily! ” Cheng Yu said. 因此我现在必须要把你们带走,免得我多此一举!”程宇说道。 But we had said that we already by seal, let alone returned to the world, this main hall we are unable to go out, we are impossible to follow you to leave here!” That is the soul of head cultivates to say. “可是我们已经说了,我们已经被封印了,别说是回到了人类世界了,就连这个大殿我们都无法出去,我们根本就不可能跟着你们离开这里!”那为首的魂修说道。 I naturally have my means to make you leave, looked that you are willing to coordinate!” Cheng Yu said. “我自然有我的办法让你们离开,就看你们愿不愿意配合了!”程宇说道。 What means?” These souls cultivate/repair the curious say/way. “什么办法?”这些魂修好奇道。 You can first hide in my Magical Treasure, in this case, you can avoid the strengths of these seals.” Cheng Yu said. “你们可以先躲到我的法宝里面来,这样的话,你们就可以避开这些封印的力量了。”程宇说道。 Hides in your Magical Treasure? How is this possible?” These souls cultivate/repair the doubts to say. “躲到你的法宝里面?这怎么可能呢?”那些魂修疑惑道。 „Do you have space Magical Treasure?” Another soul cultivates to open the mouth to ask. “难道你有空间法宝?”另外一个魂修开口问道。 Right, is this Magical Treasure, this Magical Treasure can definitely among the contact with that seals separate you.” Cheng Yu takes Immortals and Demons Pagoda, is repairing to say to these souls. “没错,就是这件法宝,这法宝完全可以将你们与那封印之间的联系断开。”程宇仙魔塔拿出来,对着这些魂修说道。 But this is also useless, so long as we will leave this main hall dead. Even if your Magical Treasure really can separate our seals, but we are impossible to treat forever in your Magical Treasure. “可是这也没用,我们只要离开了这个大殿就会死。就算你的法宝真能将我们的封印断开,但是我们也不可能永远待在你的法宝之中。 Even if you really can return to the world, comes out from this Magical Treasure to us, not dead end? ” Is the soul of head cultivates to say. 哪怕你们真能回到人类世界,到我们从这法宝里面出来,不还是死路一条吗?”为首的魂修说道。 You made a mistake, this place is a completely independent space, with the world is two completely different spaces. Therefore so long as you left this space, that seal has not used to you!” Cheng Yu shakes the head to say. “你错了,这个地方是一个完全独立的空间,与人类世界是两个完全不同的空间。所以你们只要离开了这个空间,那封印对你们就没有用了!”程宇摇摇头说道。 Regarding this type of seal, he too understood, has to experience this matter in Immortal World. 对于这种封印,他太了解了,在仙界也并不是没有经历过这种事。 Really has this matter?” Obviously, many souls cultivate/repair to think that the Cheng Yu's words are not real. “真的有这种事吗?”显然,很多魂修觉得程宇的话并不是真的。 Probably truly can like this.” However some souls cultivate/repair as if have some understanding of such matter. “好像确实可以这样。”但是有的魂修似乎对这样的事情也是有一些了解的。 However they have not experienced such matter obviously, moreover they had not considered can leave here, therefore has really not thought in this direction. 不过他们显然也并没有经历过这样的事情,而且他们也从来没有考虑过可以离开这里,所以还真不会往这个方向想。 After all other did not say, is space Magical Treasure this thing is very rare, very long has not presented space Magical Treasure at least in the world. 毕竟别的不说,光是空间法宝这东西就很难得,至少在人类世界已经很久没有出现过空间法宝了。 Said that we really can leave here?” Hears some companions actually also to approve this way, these souls cultivated/repaired somewhat are excited. “这么说我们真的可以离开这里了?”听到一些同伴竟然也认同这种方式,那些魂修不由有些激动了。 After all they were stranded here, moreover becomes a soul to cultivate/repair, they have not thought again can also return to the world. 毕竟他们被困在这里,而且又成为了一个魂修,他们就再也没有想过还能够回到人类世界去。 But now Cheng Yu with their such saying, moreover is a feasible way, how can this make them not excited? 可是现在程宇跟他们这么一说,而且还是一种可行的方式,这怎能让他们不激动呢? When they even have a dream are fondly remembering themselves to be the scene, but they know that all these could not have gone back. 他们甚至做梦都在怀念自己为人时的场景,但是他们知道这一切都已经回不去了。 Although I did not determine that does that really can make us untie this seal, but we listen even your, entered in your Magical Treasure. “虽然我不确定这么做是不是真的可以让我们解开这个封印,但是我们就算听你的,进入了你的法宝里面。 When the time comes returned to the world, you are actually not willing to put us to come out, we returned to the world even, what significance also there is? ” However was that soul of head cultivates saw this inside flaw all of a sudden. 到时候回到了人类世界,你却不愿意放我们出来,那我们就算回到了人类世界,又有什么意义呢?”不过为首的那个魂修一下子就看出了这里面的破绽。 First did not say words that Cheng Yu spoke real, even, how can they hand over on Cheng Yu's oneself life? 先不说程宇所说的话是不是真的,就算是真的,他们又怎么能把自己的性命交到程宇的手上呢? So long as entered his Magical Treasure, but is not they want to come out to leave comes. 只要进入了他那个法宝,可就不是他们自己想出来就能出的来的了。 If Cheng Yu will really put when the time comes them, that all were also but actually good. But feared that Cheng Yu will not put them to come out with good intention. 如果程宇到时候真的会把他们放出来,那一切倒也就好了。可就怕程宇不会这么好心放他们出来。 Yes, we had no friendship. If because of your pill fire, we have not hit was life and death. “是啊,我们本就没有什么交情。如果不是因为你的丹火,我们早就已经打的你死我活了。 Now but you actually want to save us to go out, this is not quite truly reasonable, you definitely cannot such good intention! ” Other souls cultivated/repaired also to awaken at this moment finally. 可是现在你们却想要救我们出去,这确实不太合理,你肯定不会这么好心吧!”其他的魂修这一刻也终于醒悟了过来。 Just heard Cheng Yu for the future that they planned, almost forgot the most important point. 刚刚听到程宇为他们谋划的未来,差点就忘记了最重要的一点。 They are the enemies. 他们可是敌人啊。 Why can Cheng Yu help you leave this place? 程宇凭什么要帮助你们离开这个地方呢? The space will not have the pie to fall, even if really has, some that still definitely people fall intentionally. 天上不会有馅饼掉下来,就算真的有,那也肯定是有人故意掉下来的。 I will certainly not help you leave here for no reason, but my request is very simple. I can help you leave here, but, you must follow me from now on. “我当然不会平白无故的帮你们离开这里,而我的要求很简单。我可以帮你们离开这里,但是从今往后,你们就得跟随我。 So long as you can accept my condition, I naturally cannot be stranded you in my Magical Treasure forever. ” Cheng Yu said with a smile. 只要你们能够答应我这个条件,我自然不会将你们永远困在我的法宝之中。”程宇笑着说道。 Makes us follow you? Why do we want to follow you?” “让我们跟随你?我们凭什么要跟随你?” Yes, if we really followed you, we must be fettered by you, what was this with stranded also has to distinguish here?” These souls cultivate/repair one hear of Cheng Yu conditional, immediately is not glad. “就是,如果我们真的跟随了你,那我们仍然要被你所束缚,这跟被困在这里又有什么区别呢?”那些魂修一听程宇果然是有条件的,顿时不乐意了。 Now they most need was free, if they jumped in another pit from this pit merely, why? 他们现在最需要的就是自由了,如果他们仅仅只是从这个坑里面跳到了另外一个坑里,那又何必呢? Might as well has treated in this pit, at least did not need to take risk. 还不如一直待在这个坑里,至少也不用去冒这个险了。 Not only has the difference, but also the difference is very big. His that view also merely is only a guess, how he determined that we can certainly avoid here seal in his Magical Treasure? “不仅有区别,而且区别还很大。他的那个说法也仅仅只是一个猜测,他又怎么确定我们在他的法宝里面就一定可以避开这里的封印呢? If his Magical Treasure radically useless, we follow he to leave this main hall, does everyone die without the institute of being buried together? ” Some people refuted. 如果他的法宝根本就没用的话,那我们跟着他离开这个大殿,大家岂不是一起死无葬身之所?”有人反驳道。 Said right, is not good, we cannot promise him to leave here absolutely. Although we now are very helpless, but to live in misery is better than dead in peace, we are also at least living now, rather than died!” “说的没错,不行,我们绝对不能答应他离开这里。虽然我们现在很无奈,但是好死不如赖活着,至少现在我们还活着,而不是死去!” Yes, we here unceasing practicing, if has human to come in again, we can also swallow them to promote cultivation base. “是啊,我们在这里不断的修行,若是再有人类进来,我们也可以吞噬他们提升修为 Perhaps has such a day finally, we can also untie this seal relied on the strength, why can follow he to take such big risk? ” More and more souls cultivated/repaired too do not approve the Cheng Yu's method. 或许终有那么一天,我们自己也能够凭实力解开这封印,何必要跟着他去冒这么大的风险呢?”越来越多的魂修都不太认同程宇的方法了。 In the face of the death, they did not plan to take a risk again, because they could not withstand this consequence. 在死亡面前,他们不打算再冒一点险,因为他们承受不起这个后果。 They do not have the mortal body now, if dies again one time, that really from any world thorough vanished, vanishes into thin air, anything did not have. 他们现在就已经没有肉身了,若是再死一次,那就真的是从任何世界彻底的消失了,烟消云散,什么都没有了。 You also saw, we did not agree that your condition, we thought that now treats very well here also!” Is the soul of head cultivates to Cheng Yu was saying. “你也看到了,我们都不同意你的条件,我们觉得现在待在这里也挺好的!”为首的魂修对着程宇说道。 Even if you really thought that here is very good, but don't you want to return to the human the world to look again?” Cheng Yu seems to have thought that they will reject oneself condition, does not care , to continue to tempt to say. “就算你们真的觉得这里很不错,可是你们难道不想再回到人类的世界去看一看吗?”程宇似乎早就想到他们会拒绝自己的条件了,也不在意,继续引诱道。 This......” these souls cultivate/repair stare, from their looks, coming out that Cheng Yu can look, their looks all fondly remember, where can not want to leave here! “这......”那些魂修一愣,从他们的眼神当中,程宇就可以看的出来,他们的眼神全是怀念,哪里会不想离开这里呢! Actually, no matter you do accept my condition, is actually finally same!” Cheng Yu said with a smile. “其实,不管你们答不答应我的条件,其实结果都是一样的!”程宇笑着说道。 What do you mean?” “什么意思?” Because I had a liking for you!” Cheng Yu said with a smile. “因为我看上你们了!”程宇笑道。 What meaning you...... is your saying?” These souls cultivate/repair have a scare immediately, this human saying makes them somewhat respond that does not come. “你......你这话是什么意思?”这些魂修顿时吓了一跳,这个人类这话让他们有些反应不过来了。 Do not misunderstand, my meaning was I had a liking for your strength. No matter you whether accepted my condition, I must lead to return to the world you. “你们不要误会,我的意思是我看上了你们的实力。所以不管你们是否答应我刚才的条件,我都要把你们带回到人类世界去。 Naturally, if you insisted that does not comply, I also can only use my means! ” Cheng Yu saw expression that these souls cultivate/repair, immediately whole face sweat. 当然,如果你们坚持不答应的话,那我也只能用我的办法了!”程宇看到这些魂修的表情,顿时满脸大汗。 These fellows did not have the mortal body, can think some bewildered things unexpectedly. 这些家伙连肉身都没有了,竟然还敢想一些莫名其妙的东西。 What means?” These souls cultivated/repaired to look at the dragonet fire on Cheng Yu left hand, immediately thought of anything, the expression was somewhat startled. “什么办法?”这些魂修看了看程宇左手上的小龙火,顿时想到了什么,表情有些惊慌起来。 You can count on that this I will not use it time. I had said a moment ago, I had a liking for your strength. If I use this pill fire to cope with you, you may really probably vanish into thin air. “你们放心吧,这一次我不会用它。我刚才已经说了,我看上了你们的实力。如果我用这丹火来对付你们的话,那你们可就真的要烟消云散了。 Therefore I planned that copes with your me first to introduce to you with it. My this Magical Treasure is not only space Magical Treasure, but also is one specifically is used to suppress Magical Treasure of soul body. 所以我打算用它来对付你们我可以先给你们介绍一下。我这件法宝不仅仅是一件空间法宝,而且还是一件专门用来镇压灵魂体的法宝 If you are not willing to follow me on own initiative, I can only force you to become my personal servant! ” Cheng Yu sees their expressions, knows that they are afraid about oneself Dragon Flame very much. 如果你们自己不愿意主动追随我,那我就只能强迫你们成为我的跟班了!”程宇看到他们的表情,就知道他们是对自己的龙焱很害怕。 However he actually directly Dragon Flame receiving, but made a simple introduction to them Immortals and Demons Pagoda on right hand. 不过他却直接将龙焱给收了起来,而是把右手上的仙魔塔给他们做了一个简单的介绍。 Suppression soul body?” These souls cultivate/repair to see Cheng Yu to receive pill fire, has not come and happy, actually by Cheng Yu's Immortals and Demons Pagoda frightening. “镇压灵魂体?”这些魂修见程宇收起丹火,还没来的及高兴,却又被程宇的仙魔塔给吓到了。 They only experience fierce of Cheng Yu pill fire now, has not experienced to this Immortals and Demons Pagoda terrifying. 他们现在只见识到了程宇丹火的厉害,并没有见识到这仙魔塔的恐怖。 However saw that Cheng Yu is so self-confident, they thought that the Cheng Yu's words not necessarily are the rumor, is very likely. 但是看到程宇如此自信,他们觉得程宇的话未必是空穴来风,很有可能是真的。 Right, if you interested, now can attempt. However, I asked you to go in you to be suppressed by me, this was two different feeling, you can choose the way that you liked to go in!” Cheng Yu said with a smile! “没错,如果你们有兴趣的话,现在就可以来尝试一下。不过,我请你们进去和你们被我镇压进去,这可是两种不同的感受,你们可以自己挑选一个你们喜欢的方式进去!”程宇笑着说道! txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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