GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4564: Is that only 1 remote dream?

That leads to the exit|to speak of other place?” Elder Feng somewhat excited saying. “那就是通往别的地方的出口吗?”冯长老有些激动的说道。 They were stranded are so here long, now found the outlet finally. 他们被困在这里这么久,现在总算是找到了出路。 What makes him unable to think, originally thinks the appearance that these souls cultivate/repair is a trap, but now looks like, they benefitted from these souls on the contrary cultivate/repair. 只是让他想不到的是,本来以为这些魂修的出现是一个陷阱,可是现在看来,他们反倒是得益于这些魂修了。 Appearance that without these souls cultivates, they must take many long route, does not know that must rotate many times these spirit lamps, can find the correct spirit lamp direction. 如果没有这些魂修的出现,他们还得走多少冤枉路,不知道要将这些灵灯转动多少次,才能找到正确的灵灯方向。 First do not worry, may have the danger!” Saw Elder Feng immediately on the strategic place in the past, Cheng Yu was actually opens the mouth to stop him. “先不要着急,有可能会有危险!”看到冯长老立马就要冲过去,程宇却是开口制止了他。 Young Master, this should, not seem like in that truly seems like to other places!” Elder Feng stamps the foot to say. 少爷,这应该不会吧,看起来那里面确实像是通往其他地方!”冯长老顿足说道。 No rush, there to other place, making one guide in front knows!” Cheng Yu was saying then looked cultivated/repaired to these souls, then said: You guide in front!” “别急,那里是不是通往别的地方的,让人在前面带路就知道了!”程宇说着然后看向了那些魂修,然后说道:“你们在前面带路!” This...... we do not have the means to leave this main hall, will otherwise be massacred by the seal!” These souls cultivate/repair the repetitive retreat that frightens immediately, frightened. “这......我们是没有办法离开这个大殿的,否则会被封印杀掉的!”那些魂修顿时吓的连连后退,恐惧不已。 I could not control so many, how if didn't try to know?” Cheng Yu actually and thinks little. “那我就管不了那么多了,如果不试试怎么知道呢?”程宇却并不以为意。 Although some of he also such speculations, but if not tries, that all are only the guesses. 虽然他也有这样的猜测,但是如果不是试试的话,那一切都只是猜测而已。 Perhaps they can leave here is not uncertain, if they really can leave here, he will have another idea. 也许他们可以离开这里也不一定,如果他们真的可以离开这里,那他又会有另外一种想法了。 Compared with human cultivator, the soul cultivates actually has the unusual strength. Without the technique of special restraint, if facing this level ghost cultivator(s), human cultivator with level also is really very passive. 与人类修士相比,魂修其实有着自己与众不同的实力。如果没有专门的克制之术,若是面对这个级别鬼修,同级别的人类修士还真的是很被动。 Like Elder Feng they, they are the Crossing Tribulation Stage level experts, after meeting these souls cultivated/repaired, is somewhat at a loss unexpectedly. 就像冯长老他们,原本他们都是渡劫期级别的高手,但是在遇到了这些魂修之后,竟是有些束手无策。 Naturally, this cannot represent their strengths certainly to be weaker than ghost cultivator(s) with level. Because the main reason most human cultivator actually cultivate/repair to the soul is not understood very much. 当然,这并不能代表他们的实力就一定会比同级别鬼修弱。最主要的原因还是因为大部分人类修士其实对魂修并不是很了解。 No matter ghost cultivator(s) or the soul cultivate/repair, they did not understand very much. 不管是鬼修还是魂修,他们都不是很了解。 However in turn, these souls cultivate/repair are actually to the human cultivator unusual understanding. Because these souls cultivate/repair transform to come from human cultivator. 但是反过来,这些魂修却是对人类修士非常的了解。因为这些魂修都是从人类修士转变而来的。 In such a case, where they even know the human cultivator weakness. 在这样的情况下,他们甚至知道人类修士的弱点在哪里。 Also because of this, when meets suddenly one crowd of souls cultivate/repair, human cultivator will therefore be at a loss, like Elder Feng them. 也正因为如此,在突然遇到一群魂修的时候,人类修士于是就会束手无策,就像冯长老他们一样。 Therefore Cheng Yu even wish cultivates the idea of these souls completely carrying off. 所以程宇甚至有一种想要将这些魂修全部带走的想法。 But he must first try these souls to cultivate/repair the said words now real . Moreover, he really worried under very much that throne can have the danger. 只不过他现在必须要先试试这些魂修所说的话是不是真的,而且,他是真的很担心那个王座下面会不会有危险。 In his speculation, these souls cultivate/repair most probabilities should not to have the means to leave this palace. However whether they can leave this main hall, goes to the other places of palace, then I don't know. 在他的推测当中,这些魂修大部分概率应该是没有办法离开这座宫殿的。但是他们是否能够离开这个大殿,前往宫殿的其他地方,那就不知道了。 Therefore, he must probe these souls to cultivate/repair. 所以,他要试探这些魂修。 If they cannot leave here, he could try other means. 如果他们不能离开这里,他或许可以试试别的办法。 As for these souls cultivates the issue whether is willing to leave with him, Cheng Yu has not considered. Because in his opinion, these fellows was stranded does not have the means here, if they can leave here, these fellows can definitely want. 至于这些魂修是否愿意跟他离开的问题,程宇根本就没有考虑过。因为在他看来,这些家伙被困在这里也是没有办法的,如果他们能够离开这里,这些家伙肯定会愿意。 However even if these fellows are not willing to leave, so long as in situation that in they can leave, Cheng Yu will still force them to leave. 不过就算这些家伙并不愿意离开,只要在他们可以离开的情况下,程宇也会强迫他们离开的。 After all such good helper is very difficult to look in Mortal Realm, although here soul cultivates are not many, almost also on several thousand numbers, but these souls cultivate/repair, if can compose a small soul to cultivate/repair the team, has the team of strength very much. 毕竟这么好的帮手在人界可是很难找的,虽然这里的魂修并不是很多,差不多也就几千之数,但是这些魂修若能组成一支小小的魂修队伍,还是一支很有力量的队伍的。 If with the Royal Court war time, suddenly sends out such a soul to cultivate/repair the team, will certainly have the effect! 若是与王朝大战的时候,突然派出这么一支魂修队伍,想必一定会有奇效吧! Although their Cheng Family expert quantity is inferior to Royal Court, but their Cheng Family expert is actually somewhat mixed. Seemingly disorderly, but such irregular troops, once can become a team, believes that will compare to Royal Court these regular army also to want fearful many. 虽然他们程家的高手数量不如王朝,但是他们程家的高手却是有些杂。看似杂乱,可是这样的“杂牌军”一旦能够成为一支队伍,相信会比起王朝的那些“正规军”还要可怕的多。 At least their Cheng Family expert noticed that the Royal Court army will not be chaotic, but the Royal Court army saw their Cheng Family so many inhuman army does not know will make what feelings? 至少他们程家的高手看到王朝的大军不会乱,但是王朝大军看到他们程家这么多的“非人”大军不知道又会作何感想呢? Cheng Yu thinks that here somewhat is happy, because in his hand had actually accumulated many cards in a hand. To him, if must like Royal Court, convene this by many human experts, is in itself the not possible matter. 程宇想到这里都不禁有些开心,因为他手上其实已经积累了不少的底牌。对于他来说,如果也要像王朝一样,召集这以多的人类高手,本身就是不可能的事情。 After all Royal Court is Cheng Yu can compare in Mortal Realm accumulation where? 毕竟王朝人界的积累哪里是程宇能够相比的呢? Since Holy City has vanished, Royal Court has been accumulating, so many years, but how much time his does Cheng Yu arrive at this world? 自从圣城消失以来,王朝就一直在积累,这么多年的时间,而他程宇来到这个世界又才多少时间呢? Even if he even if gathers this expert of the world excluding Royal Court, it is estimated that will not be the Royal Court opponent. 哪怕他就算是把这个世界除王朝以外的高手都聚集起来,估计都不会是王朝的对手。 Because has such limit, Cheng Yu can only try another method, looks for the world strange expert, these experts can be the person, can the trouble-maker. 正是因为存在这样的限制,程宇只能另辟蹊径,寻找天下奇奇怪怪的高手,这些高手可以是人,也可以是非人。 Moreover the Cheng Family integral force, Cheng Yu the strength on inhuman army has in fact exceeded the human cultivator strength at present. 而且就目前程家的整体力量来说,实际上程宇手上的非人大军的力量早已经超过了人类修士的力量。 The strengths of these inhuman armies have not been able to float the floor now. 只是这些非人大军的力量现在还不能浮到台面上来。 In this case, even if Royal Court noticed Cheng Family in the unceasing expansion influence, but cannot caring extremely. 这样的话,即便是王朝注意到了程家在不断的扩张势力,但也都不会太过的放在心上。 After all compared with their Royal Court, the Cheng Family strength was really small and weak. 毕竟与他们王朝相比,程家的力量实在是太弱小了。 In Cultivation World with major outer court fight of one fights perhaps also good, but if wants to compare with inner court, that overreaches oneself simply. 修真界与各大外朝斗一斗或许还行,但若是想要与内朝相比,那简直就是不自量力。 If Cheng Family has not moved to the physique of Royal Court, Royal Court will not conduct large-scale extermination to Cheng Family temporarily. 所以如果程家没有动到王朝的筋骨的话,王朝暂时是不会对程家进行大规模的剿灭的。 But among these days, is Cheng Yu must try hard is the Cheng Family accumulation strength the time. 而在这段时间之间,也是程宇要努力为程家积累力量的时候。 Therefore when saw that so many souls cultivate/repair, Cheng Yu started the heart movement. 因此在看到这么多的魂修的时候,程宇又开始心动了。 Actually, compares in these anything buried treasure, actually has no interest. Only if these treasures like Heaven-Opening Mirror, can cut existence of murder. 其实,相比于那些什么宝藏,其实都没有什么兴趣。除非这些宝物是像开天镜那样,能够斩杀人的存在。 Therefore currently Cheng Yu is only interested to Yang Mirror, moreover is looks like the soul to cultivate/repair these powerful and mysterious strengths is interested. 所以现在程宇只对阳镜有兴趣,另外就是像魂修这些强大而又神秘的力量非常感兴趣。 Although in his hand has some unusual animals and desolate ancient giant beasts, is the quantity is limited. He does not think solely depended upon these powerful beasts to destroy completely Royal Court. 虽然他的手上已经有一些异兽和荒古巨兽了,可是毕竟数量有限。他可不会认为仅仅依靠这几只强大的兽就可以灭掉王朝了。 Therefore these mysterious and powerful strengths conform to his appetite. 所以这些神秘而又强大的力量可是最符合他胃口的。 This fellow daoist, we really do not have the means to leave this place, otherwise really wants thoroughly vanished from this world!” Is a that soul cultivates face awkward saying. “这位道友,我们真的是没有办法离开这个地方的,否则就真的要彻底的从这个世界消失了!”为首那魂修一脸为难的说道。 „ Can you leave here not to close my matter . Moreover, whether you really can leave here, I have the method that oneself judge. “你们能不能离开这里并不关我的事,而且,你们是否真的能够离开这里,我也有自己判断的方法。 Now you guide to us in front, otherwise, that do not blame my pill fire to serve you! ” Saying that Cheng Yu remains unmoved. 现在你们就在前面给我们带路,否则的话,那就别怪我的这丹火要来伺候你们了!”程宇不为所动的说道。 Fellow Daoist, asked you, we really cannot leave here. If we really guide to you, that also only has the dead end. “道友,求求你了,我们真的不能离开这里。我们若是真的给你们带路,那也只有死路一条。 The words such being the case, you killed us with this pill fire directly, about dies in any case. Compares by killing of seal pain, we were rather swallowed by your pill fire instantaneously! ” Another soul cultivating stands to say. 既然如此的话,那你直接用这丹火杀了我们吧,反正左右都是一死。相比于被封印痛苦的杀死,我们宁愿被你的丹火瞬间吞噬!”另外一个魂修站出来说道。 „Aren't you willing to guide for us really?” Cheng Yu asked. “你们果真不愿意为我们带路?”程宇问道。 „ It is not does not want, but cannot, although we have died a time, but preserved a Yuan god with great difficulty, built the soul to cultivate/repair, even if were stranded forever here, but also hopes that can stay in this world. “不是不愿意,而是不能,虽然我们已经死过一次了,但是好不容易保住了元神,修成了魂修,哪怕永远都被困在这里,但也希望能够留在这个世界。 Also asked the fellow daoist to look before us is also in the share of human, forgave our life! ” That soul cultivates very sincere saying. 还请道友看在我们之前也是人类的份上,饶过我们一命!”那魂修十分诚恳的说道。 After first has the tiger, has the wolf, enters or draws back, they are the dead ends. 前有虎后有狼,无论是进还是退,他们都是死路一条。 Was compelled in this share, they hope can start from Cheng Yu. After all if really guides to them, that is must die without doubt, does not have any leeway. 被逼到这个份上,他们还是希望能够从程宇这边下手。毕竟若是真给他们带路的话,那是必死无疑,没有任何的余地。 But if Cheng Yu does not compel them, they naturally can live. 可若是程宇不逼他们的话,他们自然就可以活下来了。 Such being the case, I can not compel you!” Cheng Yu said. “既然如此,我可以不逼你们!”程宇说道。 Many thanks fellow daoist! Many thanks fellow daoist!” Heard Cheng Yu to comply, these souls cultivated/repaired relax immediately, all pleasantly surprised grateful say/way. “多谢道友!多谢道友!”听到程宇答应了,这些魂修顿时松了一口气,无不惊喜的感激道。 Actually thinks that they also are really pitiful, thinks will intrude here human only to kowtow to beg for mercy to them. 其实想一想他们还真是可悲,原本以为闯入这里的人类只会向他们磕头求饶。 But where they think, they actually can only now, whatever about others, compelled kowtows to beg for mercy to others. 可是他们又哪里会想到,他们现在却只能任由别人左右,被逼的向别人磕头求饶。 However, so long as can save the life, that is biggest was lucky. 不过,只要能够保住性命,那就是最大的幸运了。 You first leave are thanking me anxiously, perhaps after waiting for me words saying, you may be more grateful I!” Cheng Yu light saying with a smile. “你们先别急着感激我,或许等我把话说完以后,你们或许会更加感激我!”程宇淡淡的笑道。 This...... does not know that what words the fellow daoist also does have?” These souls cultivated/repaired to receive the smile immediately, the mood again became intense. “这......不知道道友还有什么话?”那些魂修顿时收住了笑容,情绪不由再次变得紧张起来了。 Although Cheng Yu said that they will be more grateful he, but they actually do not think. 虽然程宇说他们会更加感激他,可是他们却并不这么认为。 Looks at the Cheng Yu's smile, they even felt the fear, although obviously Cheng Yu complied no longer to compel them to guide in front, but has not planned to let off them. 看着程宇的笑容,他们甚至感觉到了恐惧,显然程宇虽然答应不再逼他们在前面带路,但是还并不打算就这么放过他们。 „Do you want to leave this palace, returns to the human the world?” Cheng Yu said with a smile. “你们想不想离开这座宫殿,回到人类的世界去呢?”程宇笑着说道。 Returns to the human the world? This...... possible?” These souls cultivate/repair all stare, obviously they have not thought that Cheng Yu actually will ask. “回到人类的世界?这......可能吗?”这些魂修皆是一愣,显然他们并没有想到程宇竟然会这么问。 Returns to the human the world? That seemed only a remote dream. 回到人类的世界?那似乎只是一个遥远的梦了。 Initially they arrived here to treasure hunt from the world of human, originally saw this palace is very happy. Those but who make them not think, this actually becomes their forever nightmares. 当初他们从人类的世界来到这里寻宝,本来见到这座宫殿是非常高兴的。可是让他们没有想到的是,这却成为了他们永远的噩梦。 Now they lost the mortal body, can only become a soul body forever, moreover by forever seal in this palace. 如今他们失去了肉身,只能永远的成为一个灵魂体,而且还被永远的封印在这座宫殿之中。 Do they have the opportunity to return to the world? 他们还有机会回到人类世界吗? Sure, so long as you want, I can lead you to return to the world!” Cheng Yu said. “当然可以,只要你们愿意,我可以带你们回到人类世界去!”程宇说道。 You? You are stranded in this place now, was unable to defend oneself, how also possibly to lead us to go out? “你?你们现在自己都被困在这个地方,是自身难保了,又怎么可能带我们出去? Also, we already by seal here, let alone was returns to the world to go, even this palace, we could not go out! ” These souls cultivate/repair first are yearning and expectation of face, but quick returned to the reality. 再说了,我们都已经被封印在这里了,别说是回到人类世界去了,就算是这座宫殿,我们都出不去!”那些魂修先是一脸的向往和憧憬,可是很快就回到了现实。 txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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