GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#4334: Foregone conclusion that is unable to change!

Week city lord these words were to let present all city lord some meanings to move. 城主的这番话更是让在场所有的城主们都有些意动了。 Although Cheng Family does not yield an inch now, but week city lord actually also complied not to use force to each alliance. 虽然现在程家寸步不让,但是周城主却也答应了不会对各个联盟动用武力。 If that was true, they pour truly can not need to worry that Cheng Family annexes them. 如果真是这样的话,那他们倒确实可以不用担心程家吞并他们。 So long as even if determined this point, in the following several years, they also truly can branch out the sufficient energy to try to find other solution. 哪怕只要确定了这一点,在接下来的几年时间里,他们也确实可以分出足够的精力去想想别的办法。 If Cheng Family has been having their ideas, their where also has the time to think that what means make the alliance prosper, every day to cope with Cheng Family has racked brains. 要是程家一直在打他们的主意,那他们哪里还有时间去想什么办法让联盟繁荣起来,每天为了对付程家都已经绞尽脑汁了。 Words that week city lord, you spoke a moment ago real? If we are willing to open all important passes, later Cheng Family won't really annex our domains?” Sea city lord opens the mouth to ask. “周城主,你刚才所说的话是真的吗?如果我们愿意开放所有的关口,以后程家真的不会吞并我们大家的地盘吗?”海城主开口问道。 This is natural, you can ask white city lord, Baicheng Alliance submits our Cheng Family, is not they who we annex, but is he himself chooses to submit on own initiative!” Week city lord is pointing at white city lord, was saying to everyone. “这是当然,你可以问问白城主,白城联盟归附我们程家,可不是我们吞并的他们,而是他自己主动选择归附的!”周城主指着身边的白城主,对着所有人说道。 Right, although my Baicheng Alliance was neighboring with the Cheng Family domain before, but Cheng Family so many years have not harassed our Baicheng Alliance. “没错,虽然以前我白城联盟跟程家的地盘相邻,但是程家那么多年从来都没有骚扰过我们白城联盟。 I also to seek a better development, chose to submit Cheng Family on own initiative. ” White city lord is actually very tactful, in this at crucial moment, very natural stood came out to answer for everyone. 我也是为了寻求更好的发展,才主动选择归附了程家。”白城主倒是很识趣,在这个关键时候,很自然的站了出来为大家解释道。 However, white city lord actually is also despises to week city lord at heart. 不过,白城主的心里却也是对周城主鄙视不已。 Cheng Family has not truly annexed Baicheng Alliance forcefully, but Baicheng Alliance had difficult at that time, if they do not submit Cheng Family, Cheng Family will then not lend a hand to help Baicheng Alliance resolve the crisis, will not appear here. 程家确实没有强行吞并白城联盟,但是白城联盟当时有难,如果他们不归附程家的话,程家便不会出手帮助白城联盟解除危机,也就不会出现在这里了。 Therefore, although Cheng Family does not have to expand as well as annex the domain of Baicheng Alliance on own initiative, but Baicheng Alliance was actually also compelled in the dead end by Cheng Family. 所以,程家虽然没有主动去扩张以及吞并白城联盟的地盘,但是白城联盟却也是被程家逼到绝路上了。 No matter how said, he did not have the means to say was Cheng Family Lord moves annexed their Baicheng Alliance, after all initially was also Cheng Family that he himself looked. 只是不管怎么说,他都没有办法说是程家主动吞并了他们白城联盟,毕竟当初也是他自己找上的程家 If he has not looked for Cheng Family, that Baicheng Alliance also by the present these alliances eating. 如果他没有找上程家,那白城联盟也将会被眼前的这些联盟给分食掉。 Let alone in present this situation, he cannot remove the week city lord stage, must otherwise, he later not want to obtain the help of week city lord. 更何况在现在这个情况下,他总不能拆了周城主的台,要不然的话,他以后就别想得到周城主的帮助了。 Saw white city lord to come out for week city lord to speak on own initiative, these city lord clearly also had several points to trust, the words that perhaps this week of city lord spoke were credible. 见白城主都主动出来替周城主说话了,这些城主们显然也有多了几分信任,或许这周城主说的话还是靠谱的。 Week city lord, although we also basically believed your words, but I feel this verbal statements are no guarantee, is sureproof is more reliable. “周城主,虽然我们大家也基本上相信了你的这番话,但是我觉得这口说无凭,还是白纸黑字更加可靠。 Was inferior that you write down a commitment with us, later Cheng Family will not attack us on own initiative, annexes our domains, this we will not definitely worry whether again Cheng Family must be disadvantageous to us! ” These city lord everyone discussed together, the sea city lord stand said. 不如你跟我们大家写下一份承诺,以后程家不会主动攻打我们,吞并我们的地盘,这样的话我们大家肯定就不会再担心程家是否要对我们不利了!”这些城主大家一起商量了一番,海城主站出来说道。 Makes me write down a commitment? This is impossible! Words I already at this point, told you are very clear, regardless of you believe me, regarding me or our Cheng Family, is unimportant. “让我写下一份承诺?这不可能!话我已经说到这里,也跟你们说的很清楚,无论你们是不是相信我,对于我或者我们程家来说,都不重要。 Therefore, this pledged that I am absolutely impossible to write. 所以,这份承诺我是绝对不可能写的。 Moreover, I also reminded you, and pointed out a bright road to you. If you have not handled this matter according to the idea of our Cheng Family, is you are not definitely able to undertake finally. 另外,我也只是提醒你们,并且给你们指出一条明路。如果你们并没有按照我们程家的想法去办这件事情,那么结果肯定是你们无法承担的。 I do not want you to tell again so many idle talk, I want your a few words today, is willing to open all important passes free? ” Week city lord obvious some are impatient. 我也不想再跟你们说那么多的废话,今天我只要你们一句话,是不是愿意免费开放所有的关口?”周城主明显有些不耐烦了。 He in Cheng Family is also only city lord, he can say some words to come on behalf of Cheng Family, but he cannot make any commitment on behalf of Cheng Family. 他在程家也只是一个城主,他可以代表程家说出一些话来,但是他不能代表程家作出任何的承诺。 Even if Cheng Family has not truly planned to annex them, but these words, cannot say from his mouth absolutely. 哪怕程家确实没有打算吞并他们,但是这些话,都绝对不能从他的口中说出来。 If let the head of household or Cheng Family these elders knew, knows that his person said fortunately, if not know that but also thinks that he wanted, when Cheng Family head of household. 要是让家主或者程家的那些长老们知道了,知道他的人还好说,要是不知道的,还以为他想要当程家的家主了。 Therefore, this matter he can only say with everyone orally, they believe that then this matter managed. 所以,这件事情他只能与大家口头说一说,他们相信,那么这件事情就这么办下来了。 If they do not believe how that must choose, looked at them. 如果他们不相信,那到底要如何选择,就看他们自己了。 In any case regarding Cheng Family, is the war, only lies in their choice. 反正对于程家来说,是和是战,都只在于他们的一个选择。 Week city lord strong made the idea of each city lord fail again, particularly facing the week city lord attitude, they were means does not have. 城主的强硬再一次让各个城主的想法落空了,尤其是面对周城主如此态度,他们也是一点办法都没有。 Hits, cannot be victorious. Said, others did not tell you. 打,又打不过。说,人家根本就不跟你说。 Really the strength is a kingly way, had the strength to have the right to speak, without strength, even if you said again moving, significance that had no. 果然实力才是王道,有了实力才有话语权,没有实力,哪怕你说的再令人感动,都没有任何的意义。 Week city lord, I am willing to accept your request!” Sea city lord was also nothing's means that they have drawn back drew back again, was the Cheng Family attitude was extremely strong, did not give them completely any opportunity. “周城主,我愿意接受你的要求!”海城主也是没有任何的办法了,他们已经一退再退了,可是程家的态度太过强硬了,完全不给他们任何的机会。 In any case no matter how, makes war that unable to Cheng Family. 反正不管如何,向程家开战那是万万不能的。 Initially they led the person to arrive settle Yangcheng, was actually also worried that Cheng Family must be disadvantageous to them. 当初他们带着人来到了清阳城,其实也只是担心程家要对他们不利。 These people who however now, they bring have no function obviously. 不过现在,他们带来的这些人显然已经没有什么作用了。 Since Cheng Family does not make war with them, they also do want to make war with others on own initiative? 既然程家不跟他们开战,难道他们还要主动跟人家开战吗? At least so many alliances here, feared that is also no alliance has courage. Because some people dare to do that other alliances are still very difficult to stand in the same battleline. 至少这么多的联盟在此,怕是也没有哪个联盟有这个胆子。因为就算有人敢这么做,其他联盟也很难站在同一阵线上。 Therefore, no one dares to take risk. 所以,也没有人敢冒这个险。 Such being the case, sets firm resolve would rather directly, does not need to argue again with Cheng Family. 既然如此,倒不如直接下定决心,没有必要再与程家争论下去了。 If Cheng Family which naive plan expanded again the domain, but as with their neighboring these alliance, definitely was first met with a disaster, even if their papers pledged even, using that in fact still had no. 如果程家哪一天真的打算再次扩张地盘了,而作为与他们相邻的这些联盟,肯定是第一个遭殃的,哪怕就算他们有一纸承诺,实际上也没有任何的用。 If Cheng Family really does not plan to annex their domains, then there is this paper to pledge, they are also the same are safe. 如果程家真的不打算吞并他们的地盘,那么有没有这纸承诺,他们也一样是安全的。 Therefore, he does not want to argue again like this. 所以,他也不想再这样争论下去了。 I am also willing to accept the request of week city lord!” Saw clear river city lord and sea city lord had made the choice, other city lord also saw clearly the situation, hurried to open the mouth to take a stand. “我也愿意接受周城主的要求!”见清河城主和海城主都已经率先作出了选择,其他一些城主也看清了形势,赶紧开口表态道。 We are also willing to accept the request of week city lord!” Looks that under city lord made the choice of compromise, these have not made the choice city lord are also helpless worries. “我们也愿意接受周城主的要求!”看着下面一个又一个的城主做出了妥协的选择,那些没有做出选择的城主们也是无奈又着急。 Although they know themselves possibly, only then this road can also walk, but this road is really not that good, even if in the heart has the big resistance psychology, but also has no individual really to dare to stand the voice, can only , as other city lord statement compromises. 虽然他们知道自己可能真的只有这一条路还能够走下去,但是这条路真的不是那么好,哪怕心中有再大的反抗心理,但是却也没有哪个人真的敢站出来发声,只能随着其他城主一个一个的表态妥协。 Since everyone present has made the choice, it seems like I also can only choose the compromise?!” Finally, black city lord has to sigh one. “既然在座的各位都已经做出了选择,看来我也只能选择妥协?了!”最后,乌城主不得不叹了一声。 Until this time, all city lord were takes a stand completely, no one opposed. 直到这个时候,所有的城主才算是全部表了态,没有一个人反对。 Naturally, is not they do not want to oppose, but does not dare to oppose. 当然,不是他们不想反对,而是不敢反对。 Moreover, even if they opposed, cannot bring the benefit for own alliance, instead will bring the disaster that cannot imagine. 而且,就算他们反对了,也并不能为自己的联盟带来利益,反而会带来想象不到的灾难。 As city lord of alliance, they do not dare easily to make such a decision obviously, in situation that particularly in so many people have compromised. 作为一个联盟的城主,他们显然不敢轻易做出这样一个决定,尤其是在这么多人都已经妥协的情况下。 Although made the choice, but these city lord actually no one happy getting up, the expression of everyone feels very helpless dismal. 虽然做出了选择,可是这些城主却没有一个人高兴的起来,每个人的表情都感觉十分的无奈的悲凉。 They in periphery are also very powerful alliances, always only then they force others, is now, they have not thought all these will be one's turn their heads. 原本他们在周围也都是非常强大的联盟,从来都只有他们去逼迫别人,可是现在,他们怎么也没有想到这一切会轮到他们的头上。 Everyone, although you have made the choice, but I will not request you to write down a paper commitment again. “各位,虽然你们都已经做出了选择,但是我也不会再要求你们写下一纸承诺。 I only hope after everyone returns to own alliance, first fulfills your commitments. 我只希望各位回到自己的联盟之后,第一时间兑现你们的承诺。 Regarding this point, our Cheng Family will not send people to go to examine again. However do not think that this was all right. 对于这一点,我们程家不会再派人前往查看。不过你们不要以为这样就没事了。 If some people arrive at Cheng Family when the time comes, but also in responding your alliance important passes is the blockade, or to entry demanded that wealth, that Cheng Family estimate will again not be good to speak like the present! ” Week city lord looks that each city lord stood to take a stand, in the heart also satisfied, but did not forget to remind them. 若是到时候有人来到程家,还在反应你们的联盟关口是封锁的,或者向通关者索要钱财的话,那程家估计就不会再像现在这样好说话了!”周城主看着每一个城主都站出来表态了,心中也满意了,不过还是不忘提醒他们。 Although they have the strength to take these city lord, but if the matter of Baicheng Alliance can the simple smooth solution, why he resort to violence to be solved again? 虽然他们有实力拿下这些城主,但是如果白城联盟的这件事情能够简单顺利的解决,他又何必再动武来解决呢? We understood!” The numerous city lord helpless nod said. “我们明白了!”众城主无奈的点头道。 At this moment, they have not been able to change anything again, can only all obey the week city lord words. 事到如今,他们已经无法再改变什么了,只能一切都听从周城主的话。 Week city lord, such being the case, we whether now to leave clear Yangcheng, returned to own alliance?” black city lord stands to say. “周城主,既然如此,那我们现在是不是可以离开清阳城,回到自己的联盟了?”乌城主站起来说道。 Originally confident arrives at clear Yangcheng, thinks that depending on taking advantage of so many alliance influences, all will be conducting according to their ideas. 本来信心十足的来到清阳城,以为凭借着这么多的联盟势力,一切都会按照着他们的想法进行。 But the reality always with has the too big disparity ideally, since that time that week city lord presents, all things deviated their original development directions thoroughly. 可是现实总是与理想有着太大的差距,就在周城主一出现的那个时候起,所有的事情就彻底的偏离了他们原本的发展方向。 After with a discussion of week city lord, they have not actually completed a matter finally, all things completely in grasping of week city lord. 经过与周城主的一番讨论,最后他们却是没有办成一件事情,所有的事情完全都在周城主的掌握之中。 Obviously this discussion has failure how, what is more annoying, concerned about the Cheng Family strength, they also no one dares to oppose unexpectedly. 可见这一次的讨论有多么失败,更可气的是,碍于程家的实力,他们竟然还没有一个人敢反对。 Since things have gotten to this point, he does not want to stay in clear Yangcheng again, returns to own domain would rather earlier, after important pass radical opening, should think how must be able to let the outflow of his black City Alliance's reduction population as far as possible is the matter of primary importance. 既然事已至此,他也不想再留在清阳城了,倒不如早点回到自己的地盘,将关口彻底的开放以后,也该想想要如何才能够让他的乌城联盟尽可能的减少人口的流失才是最重要的事情。 Sure!” Week city lord nods. “当然可以!”周城主点点头。 He is looks forward to these city lord to return to oneself domain earlier, all important pass opening, so as to avoid affects others to go to Cheng Family. 他是巴不得这些城主早点回到自己的地盘,将所有的关口开放,免得影响别人前往程家 Such being the case, Wu then first said goodbye, everyone, has another chance to meet!” black city lord but actually also free and easy, knows that now all have been a foregone conclusion, hesitation that he also has no, after being under permission of week city lord, left the main hall directly, leaves behind some people and others to look at each other in blank dismay. “既然如此,那乌某便先告辞了,各位,后会有期!”乌城主倒也洒脱,知道现在一切已经成了定局,他也没有任何的迟疑,在得到了周城主的允许后,直接就离开了大殿,留下一干人等面面相觑。 Week city lord, we also first went back!” Sees this, other city lord also set out to say goodbye to week city lord. “周城主,那我们也先回去了!”见此,其他一些城主也起身向周城主道别。 Week city lord nods, looks at their departures. 城主点点头,看着他们一个一个的离开。 At this time, his is also relaxes at heart, stayed for a month in clear Yangcheng, matter finally is processing was similar, three city lord that the difference has not only presented! 此时,他的心里也算是松了一口气,在清阳城待了一个多月,事情总算是处理的差不多了,只差没有出现的三位城主了! txt downloading address: txt下载地址: Cell phone reading: 手机阅读:
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