GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#3105: The opportunity came!

The strength that although such under a chance, everyone can accept is different, but said no matter how, everyone benefits greatly. 虽然这样一场机缘之下,每个人所能够接受到的力量是不同的,但是不管怎么说,每个人受益匪浅。 Even if the Cheng Yu like this peculiar circumstance, at least his strength obtained many promotion. 哪怕是程宇这样的特殊情况,至少他的力量还是得到了不少提升。 Naturally, although is very helpless regarding own situation, but Cheng Yu also in every effort was accepted some Transfer Cultivation by oneself. 当然,虽然对于自己的情况很无奈,但是程宇也在尽力的让自己多接受一些传功 Everyone's strength is raised, so long as this Transfer Cultivation had not finished, everyone has naturally accepted. 所有人的力量都在提升,只要这传功没有结束,那所有人自然会一直接受下去。 The time 1 0.1 point past, accepted the Transfer Cultivation person regarding inside, that simply was enjoyment that a heaven gave. 时间一点一点的过去,对于里面接受传功的人来说,那简直就是一场上天给予的享受。 But wants the person who regarding outside, this simply is a suffering. Looks that many people have broken through the new boundary, does not know that many people eyes are red. 而对于外面想要进去的人来说,这简直就是一场煎熬。看着不少人都已经突破到了新的境界,不知道有多少人眼红不已。 In this process , many teams saw that truly is nothing opportunity enters, can only leave finally dejectedly. 在这个过程中,也有不少队伍看到确实是没有任何机会进入其中了,最后只能垂头丧气的离开了。 , Perhaps does other place that left these teams that says like before have the buried treasure? They cannot waste all time here. 就像之前离开的那些队伍所说的,也许别的地方还有宝藏呢?他们不能把所有的时间都浪费在这里。 Looks that also some teams led the person to depart, but some people are not willing to leave. 看着又有一些队伍带着人离去了,但是始终有一些人不愿意离开。 In their opinion, so long as they will defend here, will always have other opportunity. 在他们看来,只要他们守在这里,总是会有别的机会的。 Although in this these people are strong, but they do not have the opportunity. Some people even felt, these people are sitting in meditation now accept Transfer Cultivation, perhaps when this ban ended they are not necessarily able to sober quickly. 虽然这里面的那些人实力很强大,但是他们也并不是完全没有机会。有些人甚至觉得,这些人现在是在入定中接受传功,也许在这个禁制结束的时候他们未必会那么快清醒过来。 Therefore, this to them is the opportunity. 所以,这对于他们来说就是机会。 So long as their speeds are fast enough, should be able to take these people. 只要他们的速度够快,应该是可以将这些人拿下的。 In brief, the people who keep have themselves to plan and idea. Faced with absolute seduction, even if braves the enormous danger, is worth taking risk to try. 总之,留下来的人都有自己打算和想法。在绝对的诱惑面前,哪怕冒着极大的生命危险,也是值得冒险一试的。 Then, day of time passed, outside person incomparable worry, but accepts the Transfer Cultivation person regarding inside, was actually extremely short. 就这样,一天时间过去了,外面的人都无比的着急,可是对于里面接受传功的人来说,却是太过短暂了。 They when accept Transfer Cultivation, can the obvious feeling the strength in unceasing weakening, they only hope that was accepted more strengths by oneself within limited time. 他们在接受传功的时候,能够明显的感觉到力量在不断的减弱,他们只希望让自己在有限的时间内接受更多的力量。 Inside strength as if weakened!” Defends in banning outside person obviously saw the ray that shoots changed pale, said. “里面的力量似乎变弱了!”守在禁制外面的人明显看到射过来的光芒变淡了,不由开口说道。 It seems like this chance must end!” Some people said with a sigh. “看来这场机缘就要结束了!”有人叹息道。 Oh! We then really did not have the opportunity!” Saw that the energy is weakening, everyone is thorough was disappointed. “唉!我们这下是真的没有机会了!”看到能量在衰减,大家是彻底的失望了。 They have anticipated oneself have the opportunity to win some chances, but waited for was so long, finally finished. 他们一直期待自己还有机会去争得一些机缘,但是等待了这么久,最终还是就这么结束了。 Day of waiting fart with does not have, everyone is very angry! 一天的等待屁用都没有,所有人都很愤怒! This chance must end, the strengths of these people increased, it seems like we must hurry to leave, otherwise they are not necessarily able to let off us!” Since the final expectation does not have, they have no reason to defend again here. “这场机缘就要结束了,这些人的实力又大增了,看来我们也得赶紧离开了,要不然他们未必会放过我们!”既然最后的期望都已经没有了,那他们也就没有理由再守在这里了。 Moreover Cheng Yu many of them have broken through, even if were not everyone broke through, but they believe after these people passed through a baptism of such chance, the strength still increased. 而且程宇他们当中不少人都有所突破,就算不是所有人都突破了,但是他们相信这些人经过这么一场机缘的洗礼之后,实力也是大增。 The strengths of these people were very strong, now also obtains a chance, that strength does not know that is terrifying, if at this time did not run, the opportunity that behind possibly ran did not have. 这些人的实力本来就很强,现在又得到了一场机缘,那实力不知道有多么恐怖,这个时候若是再不跑的话,后面可能跑的机会都没有了。 Is willing to defend the person here is fewer and fewer, but always some do not fear death, they also spelled. 愿意守在这里的人是越来越少了,但是总有一些不怕死的,他们也是拼了。 This chance they did not have the share, but, they also only opportunities, vanished while the ban that will act to these people. 这场机缘他们是没份了,不过,他们还有一个唯一的机会,就是趁着禁制消失的那一会对那些人出手。 Until noontime, ray also radical disappearances in five turret. 直到午时,五座塔楼上的光芒也彻底的消失了。 However, Cheng Yu they not, because Transfer Cultivation finished waking directly, because their night of this day absorbed too many energies, they also need a digestion. 不过,程宇他们并没有因为传功结束而直接醒过来了,因为他们这一天一夜吸收了太多的能量,他们自己也需要一番消化。 Because of disappearance of energy, the ban in square also followed to vanish. 但是因为能量的消失,广场上的禁制也跟着消失了。 Really such as I think, this is the opportunity, everyone rushes. Takes them, their buried treasures were our!” Saw that ban has vanished, but Cheng Yu they also sit there, has not sobered, these defended the person there finally are excited. “果然如我所想,这就是机会,大家冲上去。将他们拿下,他们身上的宝藏就都是我们的了!”看到那禁制已经消失,可是程宇他们还坐在那里,并没有清醒过来,那些最后守在那里的人兴奋了。 In their opinion, this chance is not Cheng Yu they in Shuicheng complete obtained. 在他们看来,这一场机缘并不是程宇他们在水城的全部所得。 Before they enter Shuicheng, these people have come, in this case, on them definitely has the buried treasure of Shuicheng. 在他们进入水城之前,这些人可是早就进来了,在这种情况下,他们身上绝对有水城的宝藏。 Since Transfer Cultivation cannot catch up, that snatches completely the buried treasures on their hand. 既然传功赶不上,那就将他们手上的宝藏全部抢过来。 Can defend the person here finally, basically is taking advantage this. Even if these people do not have the buried treasure of Shuicheng, they also obtained certainly many buried treasures in the other places of Saint territory, they are impossible to miss! 能够最后守在这里的人,基本上都是打着这个算盘的。哪怕这些人身上没有水城的宝藏,那他们在圣域的其他地方也肯定得到了不少宝藏,他们也不可能错过! Everyone toward Cheng Yu their exciting overrunning, at this moment, in their eyes, Cheng Yu they no longer is what terrifying expert, but is the great wealth of hiding the buried treasure. 所有人都朝着程宇他们兴奋的冲过去,这一刻,在他们的眼中,程宇他们不再是什么恐怖的高手,而是身藏宝藏的巨大财富。 Moreover now during they are still sitting in meditation, has not sobered, this was the best time that they started. 而且现在他们都还在入定当中,并没有清醒过来,这可是他们下手的最好时机了。 Bang! 轰! The people make a move to prepare these people to massacre, only by doing so, they can easily obtain the buried treasures of these people. 众人出手准备将这些人杀掉,只有这样,他们才可以轻易得到这些人身上的宝藏。 After all their strengths are limited, not possible to catch these people lives, so long as they are also living, has the possibility counterattack, so long as killed them, all were safe. 毕竟他们的实力有限,不可能将这些人抓活的,只要他们还活着,就有可能逆袭,只要将他们杀了,一切就安全了。 As for these buried treasures, that naturally in Storage Bag of these people, but the master died, these Storage Bag they are also the thing of without owner, they can open easily. 至于那些宝藏,那自然是在这些人身上的储物袋里面,而主人死了,这些储物袋他们也就是无主之物,他们轻而易举就可以打开。 Although in Cheng Yu their front, they possibly is the weak one, but they return to oneself world, that absolutely is very fierce expert. 虽然在程宇他们的面前,他们可能是弱者,但是他们回到自己的世界,那绝对是非常厉害的高手。 So many that they kill people, regarding this matter, is familiar and easy. 他们杀人的那么多,对于这种事,早已经是轻车熟路了。 Rumbling! 轰轰轰! The people make a move full power, they kills toward Cheng Yu. 众人全力出手,朝着程宇他们杀去。 However, simplicity that all they have not imagined, Cheng Yu they have not truly sobered. 不过,一切也并没有他们想象的那么简单,程宇他们确实是还没有清醒过来。 However, this did not represent them to massacre Cheng Yu at will they. 但是,这并不代表他们就可以随意杀掉程宇他们了。 At least that 20,000 graceful armies may not be is a vegetarian, they are different from Cheng Yu these human cultivator. 至少那两万仙骨大军可就不是吃素的,他们跟程宇这些人类修士不同。 They do not have too many consciousness, the only these consciousness that are also Cheng Yu give. 他们没有太多的意识,仅有的那些意识那也是程宇给的。 Now Transfer Cultivation finished, does not have the energy to absorb to them, in this case, facing the attack of enemy, they first responded. 现在传功结束了,已经没有能量给他们吸收了,在这种情况下,面对敌人的袭击,他们第一时间就反应过来了。 Bang! 轰! After accepting Transfer Cultivation, the strengths of these graceful armies can say that a level higher. 在接受了传功之后,这些仙骨大军的实力可以说更上一层楼了。 Before is the Crossing Tribulation Stage expert who was equivalent to human, but now was unable saying that achieves immortal level, but strove to excel compared with too many Crossing Tribulation Stage experts too. 之前就已经是相当于人类的渡劫期高手了,而现在虽然还不能说是达到仙人级别,但是比起太多的渡劫期高手都要强太多了。 But these human cultivator are only Great Ascension Late Stage, even strong still endures to compare Loose Immortal. 而这些人类修士不过只是大乘后期,就算强一些的也只是堪比散仙而已。 Regarding such enemy, these graceful soldiers completely with cutting the tofu are not different! 对于这样的敌人,这些仙骨战士完全跟切豆腐没有什么两样!
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