GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#3104: Gained turns!

Naturally, besides their two women, Fire Feather is also profits in a big way. 当然,除了她们两个女人之外,火羽也是受益最大的了。 Because it is Cheng Yu's Demon Pet, therefore its boundary it can be said that follows Cheng Yu's. Cheng Yu's Advancing Realms, then its boundary also follows to promote. 因为它是程宇的魔宠,所以它的境界可以说是跟着程宇的程宇的境界提升,那么它的境界也跟着提升。 Because the Cheng Yu's strength was too big with the boundary disparity, this causes the Cheng Yu's boundary is not high, but the strength is very strong. 但是因为程宇的实力跟境界差距太大了,这就导致程宇的境界并不高,但是实力很强。 But Fire Feather actually follows the Cheng Yu's boundary, therefore before then, the Fire Feather boundary also arrives at Unification Middle Stage, such strength really has no help regarding Cheng Yu. 火羽却只是跟着程宇的境界的,所以在这之前,火羽的境界也只是到达合体中期而已,这样的实力对于程宇是真的已经没有任何帮助了。 Therefore, Cheng Yu basically does not put it to come out now, but makes it practice in the mountains and rivers chart. 所以,程宇现在基本上都不放它出来了,只是让它在山河图里面修行。 But this time, no one has thought that made Cheng Yu come across such chance unexpectedly, therefore was put after by Cheng Yu, the Fire Feather boundary also progressed by leaps and bounds. 可是这一次,谁都没有想到竟然让程宇遇到了这样的机缘,所以被程宇放出来之后,火羽的境界也是突飞猛进。 Is unexpectedly quick compared with Chen Xinran, now is equivalent to the human Great Ascension Initial Stage. 竟是比起陈欣然还要快,如今已经是相当于人类的大乘初期了。 Moreover, after the black and white demon two people untied by Cheng Yu the day banned, their strength unceasing restorations. 另外,黑白魔两人被程宇解开了天禁之后,他们的实力都不断的恢复。 However their beforehand boundaries are also only Great Ascension Middle Stage, therefore their boundaries after restoring to Great Ascension Middle Stage, is unable to restore again, must they cultivation. 不过他们之前的境界也就只是大乘中期而已,所以他们的境界在恢复到大乘中期之后,就无法再恢复了,必须他们自己去修炼了。 Those who resume the strength rise is very quick, but wanted to cultivate this to be slow. Even if in the Cheng Yu's mountains and rivers chart Spiritual Qi is so sufficient, but this boundary did not say that the promotion can promote. 恢复起来实力提升的是非常快的,但是要自己修炼这可就慢了。哪怕程宇的山河图里面灵气那么充足,但是这境界也不是说提升就能够提升的。 Therefore their boundaries have not been able to promote for a long time, has stopped in Great Ascension Middle Stage. 所以他们二人的境界已经很长时间没有能够提升了,一直就停在了大乘中期 But this time, they also came out, facing strength that this racing wells up comes, but two people joyful. 可是这一次,他们也出来了,面对这奔涌而来的力量,两人可是欣喜不已。 Although has not broken through, but they have been able to feel, so long as this Transfer Cultivation can be longer, they want to break through to Great Ascension Late Stage are not a difficult matter. 虽然还没有突破,但是他们二人已经能够感觉到了,只要这传功能够再久一些,他们想要突破到大乘后期并不是一件困难的事。 Naturally, here also special people, that was Keke. 当然,这里还有一个特殊的人,那就是可可了。 In the past Cheng Yu brings oneself women and brothers and sisters reentered Cultivation World the time, to assure the Keke security, he also brought Keke finally on the body. 当年程宇带着自己的女人和兄弟姐妹再入修真界的时候,为了保证可可的安全,他最终将可可也带在身上。 However, because Keke is Origin Spirit Pill Constitution, her Innate is a Refining Pills (alchemy) talent. In addition Cheng Yu to her love, can bring Keke to come out in the places of some absolute safeties. 不过,因为可可元灵丹体,她天生就是一个炼丹的天才。再加上程宇对她的疼爱,也只是在一些绝对安全的地方才会带着可可出来。 Because of the reason of Keke physique, Keke cultivation wind is actually smooth. Although the Immortal cultivation time wants short many compared with Chen Xinran and Ning Wushuang, however in Keke within the body, so long as there is sufficient resources, spirit strength in within the body like unceasing Refining Pills (alchemy) . 因为可可体质的原因,可可的修炼倒是一番风顺。虽然修仙的时间比起陈欣然宁无霜都要短的多,但是在可可的体内,只要有足够的资源,灵力在她的体内就像不断的炼丹一样。 Regarding general cultivator, Spiritual Qi that a time can absorb is limited. So long as achieved saturated, he was very difficult to absorb Spiritual Qi again. 对于一般的修士来说,一次能够吸收的灵气是有限的。只要达到了饱和,那他就很难再吸收灵气了。 To absorb again, that must first building up to be good within the body saturated Spiritual Qi. 要想要再吸收,那就必须要先将体内饱和的灵气给炼化掉才行。 But Keke is different, Spiritual Qi enters her within the body, she is regarded as Alchemy Material to be the same these Spiritual Qi probably, but her body looks like pill cauldron, refine these Spiritual Qi directly absorbs. 可是可可不同,灵气进入她的体内,她就好像把这些灵气当作是炼丹材料一样,而她的身体就像是丹炉,直接将这些灵气炼化吸收了。 Therefore, many Spiritual Qi enter Keke within the body, is hard to achieve the ordinary cultivator saturated condition. 所以,再多的灵气进入可可的体内,都难以达到普通修士的饱和状态。 Naturally, this will not achieve this saturation on behalf of Keke, was only this quantity is too big. The average people when Spiritual Qi that achieving the saturated condition absorbs Keke here are actually not the matters. 当然,这也并不代表可可就不会达到这种饱和,只是这个量太大了。一般人早在达到饱和状态时吸收的灵气可可这里却根本就不是事。 Did not say that the Keke saturated condition needs many Spiritual Qi, but at least needs to achieve this saturated rarely to have the situation that. 不说可可的饱和状态需要多少灵气,但是至少要达到这个饱和是很少才有的情况。 Therefore these years time, the Keke strength had arrived at Unification Late Stage. 因此这几年的时间,可可的实力早就已经到了合体后期 Now Cheng Yu puts to accept Transfer Cultivation her, this effect may be better. 现在程宇把她放出来接受传功,这效果可就更好了。 Like the Great Ascension Stage person, even if in front of this day big chance, promoted the boundary very much difficultly again, but Keke actually entered Great Ascension Initial Stage with ease. 像到了大乘期的人哪怕在这天大的机缘面前,也很难再提升境界了,可是可可却轻松的进入了大乘初期 Moreover when the black and white demon has not entered Great Ascension Late Stage, Keke has broken through to Great Ascension Middle Stage, such speed really made person everyone exclaim in surprise. 而且就在黑白魔还没有进入大乘后期的时候,可可又已经突破到大乘中期了,这样的速度真的令人所有人惊叹。 Cheng Yu they are not able to see at this time, saw all these also defends these people who are not willing to depart outside. 只是程宇他们此时是看不到的,看到这一切的也只是还守在外面不肯离去的那些人。 They only felt that this little girl was too inconceivable, even the boundary of child achieved Great Ascension Middle Stage, if they can go in that to be the happiness how matters. 他们只感觉这个小女孩太不可思议了,连小孩子的境界都达到了大乘中期了,要是他们能够进去那又会是多么的幸福的事。 However looks at all these, they envying and shock do not have again other. 但是看着这一切,他们除了羡慕和震惊之外再没有别的了。 Now they can do found to break open the method of ban as soon as possible, hopes that they can also catch up with wave of Transfer Cultivation. 他们现在能做的就是尽快找到破开禁制的方法,希望他们还能够赶上一波传功 After Great Ascension Late Stage, no matter who the boundary wanted to promote is not that easy matter. 到了大乘后期之后,不管是谁的境界想要提升都不是那么容易的事了。 Xin He they can feel the growth of oneself strength, but, although their strengths are growing, but wants to break through always thought that was too remote. 心河他们都能够感觉到自己实力的增长,不过,虽然他们的实力在增长,但是想要突破却始终觉得还太遥远了。 Although they have not broken through, but no one feels sorry, this is the chance that a heaven gives, their strengths can continually promote this are very lucky matters. 尽管他们迟迟没有突破,但是没有人觉得遗憾,这本就是一场上天给予的机缘,他们的实力能够不断提升这就已经是十分幸运的事了。 Before Cheng Yu, when the city of desert broke through Great Ascension Middle Stage, this past about a month. 程宇之前在沙漠之城的时候突破到了大乘中期,这过去不过才一个月左右的时间。 Therefore Cheng Yu always does not dare to imagine itself to break through to Great Ascension Late Stage immediately, after all by his present strength, wants to break through to the next boundary is really very difficult matter. 所以程宇从来都不敢想象自己马上就能够突破到大乘后期了,毕竟以他现在的实力,想要突破到下一个境界真的是很困难的事。 However because of his within the body special situation, the promotion of these boundaries seems the nine spirit trees in within the body takes to him now. 不过因为他体内特殊的情况,现在这几次境界的提升似乎都是体内的九枝灵树带给他的。 Perhaps which chance arrived, nine spirit trees made him promote to Great Ascension Late Stage all of a sudden. 也许哪一次机缘到了,九枝灵树一下子就让他提升到大乘后期了。 But this time, he discovered him, when accepts Transfer Cultivation, at least half of strengths by that nine spirit tree absorbing, this may make Cheng Yu somewhat depressed. 可是这一次,他发现他在接受传功的时候,至少有一半的力量被那九枝灵树给吸收了,这可让程宇有些郁闷了。 Overall speaking, the Cheng Yu's strength is truly increased. However the effect of this improvement is among everyone is slowest. 整体来看,程宇的实力确实是提升的。但是这个提升的效果却是所有人当中最慢的。 Naturally, this time Cheng Yu actually does not know that own strength rise is slowest, he only knows own present wanted to promote a boundary is the not possible matter. 当然,此时的程宇却并不知道自己的实力提升是最慢的,他只知道自己现在想要提升一个境界是不可能的事了。 He wants to make nine spirit trees stop absorbing this strength, quite makes his strength be able to promote rapidly, in this case, perhaps he, so long as one month can promote a boundary again. 他很想让九枝灵树停止吸收这种力量,好让他自身的实力能够迅速提升,这样的话,或许他只要一个月的时间就能够再提升一个境界了。 Regardless how he goes to collude with nine spirit trees is useless, nine spirit trees as if also more attract are happier, gives the absorption massive strength majorities that Cheng Yu accepts. 但是无论他如何去跟九枝灵树勾通都没有用,九枝灵树似乎还越吸越欢乐,将程宇接受到的大量的力量大部分都给吸收了。 This may be Cheng Yu is really angry. 这可真的是把程宇气坏了。 Naturally, although the Cheng Yu's strength rise is slowest, but does not represent him to accept the Transfer Cultivation strength to be few. 当然,虽然程宇的实力提升是最慢的,但是并不代表他接受传功的力量就少。 Actually, Transfer Cultivation that Cheng Yu accepts is also among everyone are most quickly. These skills completely by nine spirit trees suction, Cheng Yu all can or so rapid accepts so many strengths, actually is in itself nine spirit trees is absorbing. 其实,程宇所接受的传功却又是所有人当中最多最快的。只是这些功力全部都被九枝灵树给吸走了,或者说,程宇之所有能够如此迅速的接受这么多的力量,其实本身就是九枝灵树在吸收。 Therefore, these strengths that Cheng Yu absorbs are most are also stronger than the average person. 所以,程宇本身吸收的那些力量最多也就是比普通人强一些罢了。 Encountered such situation, Cheng Yu also can only recognize, who made nine spirit trees help his so many? Since it needs this strength, makes him attract. 遇到这样的情况,程宇也只能认了,谁让九枝灵树已经帮他那么多了呢?既然它需要这力量,就让他吸吧。 But Cheng Yu can do only, is hopes can more accepts some strengths, in this case, divided to arrive at his strength also to be naturally many some! 程宇唯一能够做的,就是希望能够更多的接受一些力量,这样的话,分到他的力量自然也就多一些了!
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