GS :: Volume #7 东洲海外

#3099: Cannot save them!

Everyone cannot believe, this spirit crystal so will be unexpectedly solid, so many people strike actually a matter on that do not have. 所有人都不敢相信,这灵晶竟然会这么结实,这么多人击在那上面竟然一点事都没有。 Tries again one time, this we come time together!” Some people proposed. “再试一次,这一次我们大家一起来!”有人提议道。 However won't the spirit crystal, how possibly strike together broken? 不过只是一块灵晶而已,怎么可能会击不碎呢? The person of making a move were more than person, the loud sound of bang, what accidental/surprised is, this spirit crystal matter does not have. 出手的人比刚才的人更多了,轰的一声巨响,但是让人意外的是,这灵晶一点事都没有。 What spirit crystal this is, why so solid?” Everyone was shocked, cannot believe that this is really together the spirit crystal! “这是什么灵晶,为何如此结实?”所有人都愣住了,不敢相信这真的是一块灵晶! This spirit crystal does not defeat, didn't that have the means to snatch from these manpower general buried treasures?” Looks at inside person, some people very unwilling saying. “这灵晶击不破,那岂不是就没有办法从那些人手上将宝藏抢过来了?”看着里面的人,有些人十分不甘心的说道。 Hears these words, everyone is staring in square Cheng Yu they. 听到这句话,所有人都盯着广场里面的程宇他们。 In everyone's eyes brings the anger and unwillingness, as if wishes one could they to eat immediately general Cheng Yu. 大家的眼中都带着愤怒和不甘,似乎恨不得马上将程宇他们吃掉一般。 But now their spirit crystal and curtain wall do not have the means to break open, how can they snatch the buried treasure from Cheng Yu their hands? 可是现在他们连这灵晶和幕墙都没有办法破开,他们又怎么能够从程宇他们手上抢到宝藏呢? This may give to provoke anger everyone! 这可把大家给惹急了! What to do? What to do can this?” Everyone is very helpless! “怎么办?这可怎么办?”所有人都很无奈! They naturally are not possible helplessly looks that the buried treasure is unable to take in Cheng Yu their hands! 他们自然是不可能眼睁睁的看着宝藏在程宇他们手上无法拿出来! Senior Brother, how I felt that situation some aren't right?” The peasants' low voice saying in front of Wu Tianyuan. 师兄,我怎么感觉情况有些不对劲呢?”庄民在吴天元面前小声的说道。 What isn't right?” Wu Tianyuan asked. “什么不对劲?”吴天元问道。 Regarding the situation that they face, he also has doubts very much. Does not understand why these spirit crystals can such as such as hard, is unable to break open it by the strengths of their so many people unexpectedly. 对于他们所面对的这个情况,他也很疑惑。不明白这些灵晶为何会如如坚硬,以他们这么多人的实力竟然都无法将其破开。 You look at these people, according to the truth, saw that we have not broken these spirit crystals, they should rejoice be. But you discover not to have, happy color that they seem to have no?” The peasants said. “你们看那些人,按道理来说,看到我们没有将这些灵晶破开,他们应该高兴才是。可是你发现没有,他们似乎没有任何的高兴之色?”庄民说道。 Un?” Wu Tianyuan had not really noticed this moment ago, his vision on these strange spirit crystals. “嗯?”吴天元刚才还真没有注意到这一点,他的目光都在这些奇怪的灵晶上面。 But listened to the words of peasants, he looks again to inside Cheng Yu they. 可是听了庄民的话,他再次看向里面的程宇他们。 Really discovers them not only not happily, on the contrary as if some appearances of looking distressed. 果然发现他们不仅没有开心,反倒似乎有些愁眉苦脸的样子。 „Are these fellows up to mischief?” Wu Tianyuan also suspects right now. “这些家伙在搞什么鬼?”吴天元这下子也怀疑起来了。 Senior Brother, you said that they were stranded in inside?” The peasants proposed a bold thinking Buddhist law. 师兄,你说他们是不是被困在里面了?”庄民提出一个大胆的想法道。 Was stranded in inside?” Wu Tianyuan stares, this is he has not truly thought. “被困在里面?”吴天元一愣,这确实是他没有想到的。 Yes, you think to look, since our so many people cannot break these spirit crystals, we naturally cannot go. But this is not meaning that they can't come out? “是啊,你想想看,既然我们这么多人都破不开这些灵晶,我们自然也是进不去的。可是这不也正意味着他们也出不来么? Otherwise, they planned that stays in inside for a lifetime? This obviously is not possible. Therefore I suspected that is not they do not come out, but is they cannot come out. 要不然,他们难道打算在里面待一辈子吗?这显然是不可能的。所以我怀疑不是他们不出来,而是他们根本就出不来。 They satirized a moment ago intentionally ridicule us, perhaps is wants us to help them make! ” The peasants said oneself idea. 刚才他们故意讽刺嘲笑我们,说不定就是想要我们帮他们弄出来!”庄民把自己的想法都说了出来。 Your this idea is truly bold, but you said also somewhat truth. These fellow strengths are so strong, these ominous beasts did not fear. “你这个想法确实很大胆,但是你说的也有几分道理。这些家伙实力那么强,就连那些凶兽都不怕。 For we under come here, that sacrificed the lives of many. But that boy depended on one's effort to get down unexpectedly, obviously the strength of this boy was very powerful. 我们为了下到这里,那可是牺牲了不少人的性命。可是那个小子竟然凭一己之力就下来了,可见这小子的实力是真的很强大。 Moreover now their unexpectedly also more than ten people, according to truth, by their strengths , to escape, here should no one be able to block them is. 而且现在他们竟然还有十几个人,按道理来说,以他们的实力若是想要逃,我们这里应该没有人能够拦住他们才是。 But the meaning in absolutely not having, perhaps as you said that they are not have not wanted to come out, was stranded in inside radically! ” After Wu Tianyuan chewed the words of peasants carefully, thought that his idea made sense more and more. 可是他们偏偏在里面完全没有出来的意思,说不定还真如你所说,他们不是不想出来,根本就是被困在里面了!”吴天元仔细的嘴嚼了庄民的一番话之后,觉得他这想法是越来越有道理了。 Before everyone clearly only noticed that a Cheng Yu person arrived here, therefore everyone thinks that Cheng Yu should be a talent is. 之前大家分明只看到程宇一个人来到这里,所以大家认为程宇应该是一个人才是。 But perhaps at this moment here actually so many people, in his opinion, these people did not know with Cheng Yu, they are also come to treasure hunt, then with Cheng Yu they were stranded in together inside has the possibility. 而此刻这里却有这么多人,在他看来,说不定这些人跟程宇都不认识,他们也是进来寻宝,然后跟程宇他们一起被困在里面的都有可能。 Now but they are stranded in inside, therefore they do not have the struggle! 可是现在他们都被困在里面,所以他们并没有斗争罢了! Yes, Senior Brother, if so, we cannot attack these spirit crystals and curtain walls again!” The peasants said. “是啊,师兄,如果是这样的话,那我们就不能再攻击这些灵晶和幕墙了!”庄民说道。 Originally some people are unwilling, unexpectedly is unceasing to these spirit crystal attacks, but some people directly they attack to Cheng Yu, but did not have one resisting by these curtain walls. 原来有些人不甘心,竟是不断的向那些灵晶攻击,而有些人则直接是向程宇他们攻击,但是无一都被那些幕墙给抵挡下来了。 „, We are not really able to snatch the buried treasure from their hands in this case!” Wu Tianyuan looked at these also in the person of unceasing attack, knits the brows to say. “可是这样的话,我们就真的无法从他们手上抢回宝藏了!”吴天元看了看那些还在不断的攻击的人,不由皱眉道。 If we really saved them, by their strengths, we were also not necessarily able to snatch the buried treasure!” “如果我们真的把他们救出来了,以他们的实力,我们也未必能够抢回宝藏!” What to do did you say?” Wu Tianyuan asked. “那你说怎么办?”吴天元问道。 I thought that we had a look to say again, I thought in any case cannot put them. Otherwise we not necessarily keep off is occupied by them, when the time comes they bring the buried treasure to walk, we may be unable to catch up. Senior Brother, do not forget, had/left this Shuicheng, some are outside many ominous beasts also waiting for us? “我觉得咱们还是看看再说吧,反正我觉得不能把他们放出来。要不然我们未必挡的住他们,到时候他们带着宝藏一走,我们可追不上。师兄,你可不要忘了,出了这水城,外面还有不少凶兽等着我们呢? Their strength excels, can easily avoid the ominous beast to leave, we? When the time comes we cannot catch up with them absolutely! ” Peasants earnest saying. 他们这些人实力高强,可以轻易的避开凶兽离开,我们呢?到时候我们绝对追不上他们!”庄民认真的说道。 You said is reasonable, now cannot put them!” Wu Tianyuan nods, thought that the words of peasants are very reasonable. “你说的有道理,现在不能把他们放出来!”吴天元点点头,觉得庄民的话确实很有道理。 Therefore he looks at these also toward the person of spirit crystal attack, exclaimed loudly: Stop! Everyone hurries to stop!” 于是他看着那些还在朝着灵晶攻击的人,大声吼道:“住手!大家赶紧住手!” This brother what is this? Are you with them one group of inadequate of?” Hears some people to stop them, some people are not glad, complexion bad looks at Wu Tianyuan they. “这位道兄这是什么意思?难道你跟他们是一伙的不成?”听到有人制止他们,有些人不乐意了,脸色不善的看着吴天元他们。 Your this is not threatening them, but is saving them!” Wu Tianyuan shouted loudly. “你们这样不是在威胁他们,而是在救他们!”吴天元大声喝道。 „Are we saving them? What meaning is your saying?” Everyone stares. “我们在救他们?你这话是什么意思?”所有人一愣。 They are stranded in inside now radically, they are to use us to rescue them, do you think their really fear we?” Wu Tianyuan said. “他们现在根本就是被困在里面,他们就是要利用我们将他们救出来,你以为他们真的害怕我们这些人吗?”吴天元说道。 „Were they stranded in inside? How is this possible?” Saying that some people do not believe. “他们被困在里面了?这怎么可能呢?”有些人不相信的说道。 We truly cannot go in now, but you felt they leave comes? If we ruined these barriers, you thought that these person these ominous beasts did not fear, will also be afraid us?” No matter Wu Tianyuan so many, no matter some people believe also well, does not believe. “我们现在确实进不去,可是你们觉得他们就出的来吗?要是我们将这些屏障毁掉了,你觉得这些人连那些凶兽都不怕,还会害怕我们吗?”吴天元不管那么多,不管些人信也好,不信也罢。 However, the buried treasure that in Cheng Yu their hands grasps he takes certainly one. 但是,程宇他们手上掌握的宝藏他是肯定要一份的。 He cannot, because these people stupid, but also did not to have oneself that buried treasure. 他不能因为这些人的愚蠢而把自己那份宝藏也搞没了。 Therefore, how he does not care about others to do, but they cannot affect oneself benefit, he must prevent them. 所以,他不在乎别人怎么做,但是他们不能影响到自己的利益,他必须要阻止他们。 „Were they really stranded in inside?” Such a was drunk by Wu Tianyuan, many people actually somewhat believed. “难道他们真的是被困在里面了?”被吴天元这么一喝,不少人竟然有些相信了。 Has is very right, they who a few words Wu Tianyuan said truly cannot go, but can't they come out? 有一句话吴天元说的很对,他们确实进不去,可是他们不也出不来么? If really opened this barrier, they can deal with these people? 如果真的将这屏障打开了,他们能够对付这些人吗?
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